
6 Reviews
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Love, Victor: Stoplight Party (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Getting to know yourself isn't lineal
9 December 2021
I love the whole concept of the episode and how it ended up being. The journey of knowing yourself and your sexual orientation isn't lineal for everyone and that's okay, that's why life is complex.
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Love, Victor: Welcome to Creekwood (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Decent first episode
9 December 2021
Was it a great first episode? I don't think so. Did it make me want to jump right to the next episode at the end? Mmm, meh. Did it make me want to keep watching? YES! And I think that's more important. It sets fascinating things and plots to see throughout the season and has a nice yet not cheesy nostalgia touch to the OG story.
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Love, Simon (2018)
It takes two...
9 December 2021
When I first watched back in 2018 I hated it. I thought it was really boring and couldn't, for the life of me, understand all the hype around it. Well, I just rewatched it, and it went from a 4 to a solid 7 and a half, let's say 8. I still think it was a bit overhyped, but at the same time... I get it. It's a light-hearted film about something so important! I think it takes watching it twice to actually like it, but we got there.
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Fear street or Awake?
7 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think what set it for failure was the idea that the curse would end by dying when they released a film that solved things that exact way less than two months before (Awake)
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Maybe if you don't wanna be scared AT ALL...
5 October 2020
Honestly, I think they tried to build up the tension but failed misserably. Only the las 15 minutes are worth watching. Anyways, I reccomend it for beginners.
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The best version of a very underrated play
3 October 2020
The Merchant of Venice definetly is underrated and it's my favourite play ever so I had reallyt big expectations. The movie didn't dissapoint me. It's crazy how truthfull to Shakespeare it is, so much that I was able to use the play as a script of the movie. Just AMAZING
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