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Another in name only sequel!
6 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning may contain spoilers! You know it's amazing how many franchises are on the shelf, these day's. But what's even more amazing, is that producer's are allowed to get away with putting a certin title on there film, that they claim is related to the original movie. One of those film's just happen's to be "Excessive Force 2". This film is only connected with the original through title only. The story is utterly pathetic, and only offers cliches to the genre. Stacie Randall play's Harley Cordell, a cop who's hunting down one of her old enemy's, who left her for dead. But Harley is back, and seeking revenge. Filled with bad fight scenes, and gratorious nudity involving stripper's at a bar, "Excessive force 2" is one of those film's that belong's on the roster of such film's as "Sometime's They Come Back For More". Film's that only exist to fill the producer's pocket. on a once great franchise.
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6 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning this may contain spoilers. You know out of all the crap I've heard from today's so called "horror buffs", the argument that "Jason Goes To Hell" ruined the series, by not continuing the original storyline, make's me sick! I'm a horror buff and critic. And for years you people whined and complained that the producer's Don't give you anything "new" to watch. Then when a film like "Jason Goes To Hell" comes along giving you a change of storyline.You complain that they didn't continue the regular story do you guys ever think before you speak! I thought the story was great. And just what the friday series needed to get a boost and new thrill's. So with that Im going to close-up with saying, If youre stuck in the "Scream" world where horror is really playing up to the likes of Neve Campbell and Sarah Michelle Gellar than you are in serious need of some real horror movies!
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Pieces (1982)
Not worth a look.
4 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers. A sleazy thriller with a great cast. Now that I cannot beleave! this film looks grainy and is badly dubbed in places, and utterly the most disturbing film you're ever likley to see. Overly bloody and gross. the films editing and storyline looks like it was cut up with the chainsaw! do yourself a favour and leave this one on the shelf!
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Dream a Little Dream 2 (1995 Video)
I loved it!
3 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning may contain spoilers! Although this sequel to the 1989 hit has really no comparasin(I think i spelled that right!)to the original. Which was a body switch comedy(very popular storyline in the late 80's)this sequel is faithful enough I suppose. The story has a sexy con artist after a pair of spec's, one pair has the ability to make the wearer of the second pair, do his or her bidding. Of course they land in the hands of bobby and dinger which sets them in yet another adventure. Although the film box would have you beleave that this was loaded with nudity, it's not. which is good. mainly because there are so many "sequels" nowaday's that take that territory out of desperation, to get money, and fan recognition. defanintly worth a look.
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Demons (1985)
Now this is a horror movie!
3 February 2001
Watching "Demons" I came to the conclusion that, no matter how many of the "Scream" films they make, nothing compares to this horror flick!. I'm not saying it's the greatest horror flick of all time. But it certanly entertains, and scares the hell out of you. Even after several viewings. The setting for the film is just right.The music terrific too! honestly I've seen this flick like 1000 times. And it still freaks me out. I've not seen parts 3 or 4 yet but from the reviews I've heard, they sound pretty interesting, so I'm certanly going to track them both down. For those of you who think that the 90's versions of horror films are the only saving grace to this genre, do yourself a favour catch a few of the 80's horror flicks like "Demons" they are what horror movies should be!
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Ghoulies IV (1994 Video)
Not a bad entry in the series
30 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning may contain spoilers.

Although the film isn't as scary or funny as the original. Ghoulies 4 is still very good entertainment. While others may complain that the original ghoulies are not in this film.they are there just not the same looking basically because John Buechler isn't involved with this one. but the producers were wiser when they decided to connect this sequel with the original (the best chapter in my opinion) the cast is great and the characters interesting. Peter Liapis, Barbra Alyn Woods, Bobby DiCicco, and Stacie Randall(my favorite actress) although unwisely rated R, since there is no nudity or coarse language and as alway's this sequel is not for all tastes. The Ghoulies sense of humor still works.

I would give it ***stars
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