
242 Reviews
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Life of the Party (I) (2018)
pretty ok
14 January 2024
As often with these kind of the movies it depends, where you are watching and what expectation you have.

I was watching Life of the Party on a flight, so I was also not paying full attention, which is not that necessary. You won't laugh hilariously, but it is also not going to bore you.

The movie is pretty average, you can most of the time pretty much predict what is going to happen, yet it will still create a giggle on your face.

In summary it is this kind of teenage high school comedy. In particularly there is a mum, who joins the school with her daugther. So if you are just looking for something to relax, you will be fine.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
meets average expectations
14 January 2024
The movie is just about what you can expect. I did not expect anything awesome, maybe I was expecting something even worse. I was watching in the plane just half attention and for that it was perfect I think

The movie does find it's audience for sure. I would recomend it to rather younger girls, or those who are nostalgic about the Barbie cult. It is a little funny, if you want, you can think about the Barbie cult, but the movie is not phylosophical drama..

If you are just bored and need something in the backgroud, but the movie can not please every viewer. It is just entertainment not a serious piece of movie art.
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Out of Africa (1985)
12 June 2023
The movie is very lyrical, poetic, gloryfying things.. but this is not my favorite type of movies. To me it was just long movie about nothing.

The story of the baroness is pretty strong. The successes, failures, toughness.. her character was described, what she wants, needs, misses.. i think all was there...

The problem is that to me these good parts were hidden in too much fluff, that bored me anyway. Meryl Streep is perfect as always.. but they're ready es not that great.

I have not really understood what the movie wanted to say. I enjoyed watching how Africa was back then, how people thought and behaved, but there could have been more to that..
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Hustle (2022)
Rocky, this time baseketball?
19 March 2023
2 hours were too much for the movie, while there is sooooo many other movies like that... It´s kind of rocky from Philadelphia.. To me it was boring, predictable and cliche. I was not paying full attention most of the time do to the predictability... I am not a fan of Basketball nor I never knew this story.. Maybe I am just not a target audience who would enjoy this movie. I can not really appreciate the basketball scenes. For me, I like some Sandler´s comedy movies... I think he is a really good in that genre. Not saying that he sucks in other type of movies, but I just prefer and expect something else from him..
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I liked the movie
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has a relatively bad overall review here on IMDB. But I pretty much liked it. Yes, there were some pitfalls. I didn´t understand what was the meaning of the dance in the movie. I didn´t understand fully the background of the terrorist (and their motives), on the side of Israel it was also a bit unclear who is who... but I found it really crazy, that basically, the Israeli government had to decide upon the actions alone, while everybody else turned their back (US, France.. Russia and the arab world was of course on the other side... what was the position of Germany?.. Even the people of Israel was pressing on the government..).

I would actually like to know more.. The movie was dramatic and thrilling, but not totally exaggerated as is often the case with similar movies. I also found it funny how the Ida Amin Dada was played (after spending several months in Uganda, I found his role hilarious :D..)..

Overall, I enjoyed the movie. If there would be a second part, I would consider watching it... But they covered the whole topic, so I guess that is not possible..
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
Still great movie
14 October 2022
I have rewatched the movie after a long time and it is still really great! Baby plays her role perfectly! This time I focused even more on the differences between the worlds. The poor and the rich are in the same place, but leading different lives, having different struggles, plans, and futures. I have never noticed how much important this aspect is. The fact that Baby stood up for Johnny is what made them fall in love and started their relationship. I perceived the movie from a different perspective as something similar just happened to me, and we actually watched the movie together!

We really loved how Baby always looked confused about what is going on, yet she was confident. We liked to think about the changes. How people spend holidays these days, how the rich (or upper middle class) are much closer to the poor (lower middle class). The world has changed a lot, yet the Dirty Dancing movie remains to be a masterpiece.
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White Chicks (2004)
one of my favorite
12 October 2022
The white chicks is one of my favourite movies of all times! When I was in Africa, I even watched it with some people here and everyone loved it! This movie doesn´t die even after one and half decade. We laughed at so many scene, we had to replay many scenes, because they are simply hillarious :D..

In my friends circle, the movie became a cult. We all know the jokes, the scenes and first I didn´t know whether I love the movie just because of that. But now , I know it is simply a great movie. I have also watched the movie Someone like it hot, which is a very similar movie. The white chicks is kind of a parody of the previous, but both movies are great.
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Boat Trip (2002)
12 October 2022
I love the Boat trip. The movie is hilarious! There are so many great and funny scenes! I am considering giving 10 or 9 star. But the only reason to give 9 would be that I watched The White Chicks around the same time. Boat trip is slightly less better, but still it is amazing, so I keep the 10 stars.

I wish the wife of Jerry would get even more room in the movie, because she is super funny :D. The plot is great, the final scene is kind of a cliche, I feel sorry for the wife, but the movie is just a comedy. I think there is nothing missing in the movie. I have seen it many times and sometimes even with younger people who are used to different "netflix style", but they still love the boat trip.
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rewatching after years
12 October 2022
I remember this movie from years ago, when it came out. But I have decided to rewatch it with my friend. Yes, it is strong, love story... I remembered it was kind of slow drama, but actually this time we didn´t even manage to watch it all at once... we took several days.

It is still great movie, with strong topic. Back in the days (yes a decade anf half ago), the homosexuality was still quiet a shocking topic... But somehow now, it is much more common, much more discussed... less shocking.. taking the biggest aspect of the movie away...

If you have time and patience, I can recommend you watching the movie.
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Milada (2017)
a story about a great lady
12 October 2022
Milada is a dramatic story of an exceptional czech lady. A hero, who was so strong to resist not only the german nazi occupation during the second world war, but as she is very famous during the raise of communist power in Czechoslovakia!

I have watched the movie with a friend from abroad, who wants to visit Czech, so I was teaching them about the culture and important events. I am not giving full 10 stars, because sometimes the movie is not really clear for people who dont know much about communism. Yet they realised a lot. Even about they own country and the misdoings of their government they have not seen before.

The english dabbing was a bit disturbing and the characters had strong Czech accent. I don´t know whether is it good, or bad...
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The Bodyguard (1992)
I remembered it differently
12 October 2022
We rewatched Bodyguard with my love in 2022.. I remembered it slightly different... But it is a good movie. A bit funny, a lot romantic... even after years, it is still good. Especially I love the main song and the storyline. The interracial love. Whitney has an amazing voice and she can also act very well.

Now After a year in Africa, I can actually see the movie a bit different, but it is very good. I like the interracial aspect, where she is the black and rich. Arrogant, yet there is a good love story. I actually wich to see even more movies like this. Mostly the modern romantic movies are much more boring.
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Funny, but too long
16 December 2021
The movie has some funny scenes, but it could have been shorter and have less storylines.. there were too many of them that it became so slow and boring. And especially towards the end of the movie the storylines started to become ridiculous.
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Spoiled Brats (2021)
Interesting plot, some funny moments
14 December 2021
The plot is interesting. It was fun to watch when the kids had to start working, there could have been much to that though. Some funny moments, but there are better comedy movies.
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Not bad but nothing special
5 December 2021
Kind of a romantic christmas comedy.. some parts were weird, in general the movie was ok, but nothing special. Though it's comedy it's not that kind of laughing all time type of comedy.
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All right
22 August 2021
Some parts are funny, some interesting... I'm general it's not bad, neither super cool.
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all right
25 June 2021
I like documents. Sometimes the narration was odd and I was missing something... although I like climbing, it wasn't that appealing to me...
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beautiful shot
15 June 2021
The sceneries are unique and amazing. One gets to see Antarctica very scarcely. One thing I didn't understand were the radio new that very often completely irrelevant..
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14 June 2021
Very unique shots. One doesn't get to see how the Arctics looks like very often. Interesting expedition.
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nice documentary
9 June 2021
The documentaries from Pavol Barabas are getting always better. Really nice shots from a beautiful country.
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nice sceneries
8 June 2021
I also saw many other "Tatry" movies from Barabas and this was the best... I liked the animal stories... had more of National Geographic style...
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all right
8 June 2021
It's all right. The story is a little slow and nothing really happens.. the scenes are nice, but there is room to improve.
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nice shoots, but
3 June 2021
Nice shoots, but there is not much else... a narrator is missing... or at least a description..
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Pururambo (2005)
30 May 2021
Interesting expedition into the infamous community on Papua New Guinea.
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the search of happiness
30 May 2021
Nice journey into the happiest country in the world.
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why so low rating?
30 May 2021
I am not really sure, why the rating is so low and why many people found it offensive... I really enjoyed it. I like learning about these distinct and different cultures.. Maybe many found offensive that the author said the word primitive... I do not think it was in order to look down, or laugh at pygmies... He also says, that most likely Pygmies would find us primitive as we would not be able to do important things such as catching a prey, or knowing the forest's plants.. I watched it in original and maybe some messages were lost in translation.. Slovakia is a country with no colonial legacy neither significant minorities, so there were no pressure on "clearing the country from racism" (racist prejudice respectively) as is in the US, UK, or other countries..
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