
65 Reviews
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Heaven (I) (2002)
Very strange, but also very good movie.
12 May 2008
This movie is a really strange one. It has a strange sort of atmosphere around it. The acting is very good, the cinematography is really special with some amazing, beautiful scenes that leave you in awe. Also the music is well chosen. It's not original music, but by Arvo Pärt. I'm not going to explain why this film is so strange. Watch it, and you'll see for yourself. It starts already with the strange, but really well done opening scene. Also the end is so strange. I liked this film, because the story stays interesting, but especially because of the strange atmosphere and cinematography that this film has. Watch it, it's nothing like you've ever seen before. This film is from director Tom Tykwer, director of Lola Rennt, Perfume, ...
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Happy Tree Friends (2000–2016)
Awful, sick, disgusting cartoon series!
28 March 2008
I don't understand why so many like "Happy Tree Friends". I watched 4 episodes of it, and I had more than enough. It's simply a sick series. And it's supposed to be funny. Do the makers really expect that people would laugh at this? Well, unfortunately the makers were right, because there are a lot of people that like it. A lot of my friends even like it, but I simply found it awful. I really can't understand what is funny about this series. Apparently there are many people that dó like it... what I would like to know, is whý these people like it. I'm gonna ask some of my friends why they like it so much. Because I really don't understand why anyone would enjoy this crap.
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Transformers (2007)
Very good and entertaining film by Michael Bay!!
4 January 2008
Again, Michael Bay gives us a very good entertaining film from beginning to end. Transformers is a real blockbuster. It has everything necessary in it to entertain you from beginning to end: good acting, special effects, excellent cinematography, good story, excellent music,... Michael Bay knows how to make a movie, that's for sure! Shia LeBoeuf is very well cast as the lead actor, and also Megan Fox is well chosen because she acts pretty good and she looks nice too! The transformers are really well done. That surprised me,because I thought the robots would just be stupid fighting machines, but here the Autobots have actual emotions and that I really liked. I loved the interaction between the robots and the humans. The things Optimus Prime said about the human race were nothing less than beautiful and was one of the best parts of the movie. The film was also pretty funny sometimes. Now some critics apparently hated this movie, but I don't care at all. Almost everyone whom I talked with about Transformers liked it. And that is what really counts. Transformers is an excellent combination of action, romance, humor, emotions and CGI-effects. With all these things I still add the excellent cinematography and music and simply excellent direction in general. I've seen all the films by Michael Bay now and I'm really looking forward to Transformers 2 and 2012: The War For Souls!

Go and watch Transformers! It's really good!
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A masterpiece!
4 January 2008
Black Hawk Down is a really intense, intelligent, violent, moving film. I can't think of anything bad to say about it. Or perhaps that there is maybe a little too much violence for some people. But this violence makes this movie very powerful. The score by Hans Zimmer is a masterpiece en really haunts you. Of course, I expected it would be good because of the director Ridley Scott. But still, I wondered what the result would be if Ridley Scott worked together with producer Jerry Bruckheimer. I can only say 1 thing about that: the result was amazing. This is a very very powerful film, which is well acted, has amazing, beautiful cinematography and has an amazing haunting score by Hans Zimmer. It's a very violent movie, but also very realistic! A true masterpiece!
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Excellent, emotional film!
2 December 2007
A Walk To Remember has a special meaning to me, it is my girlfriend's favourite film and I saw it the first time with her! And, I must say, I was very surprised! I think this is an excellent film! The further the film goes, the more serious it gets. In the beginning, it's not that memorable, but the film gets better! The acting is very good by Shane West and Mandy Moore, Mandy Moore who also sang the songs in the movie. This film will really touch you, I can guarantee that! A Walk To Remember is an excellent film by Adam Shankman. Everyone should check this movie out! It's amazing! Don't be mistaken, this is not a romantic comedy, it's a romantic drama.
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The Island (2005)
Beautiful, amazing film! A masterpiece!
2 December 2007
The Island is a sort of special film for me. I don't know exactly why, but it is one of my favourite movies. Well, actually I dó know why: everything in this movie is very good! The story, the acting, the music, the cinematography, the direction in general! The story is really intriguing and interesting; the acting is very good by Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor, but Djimon Hounsou and Sean Bean are even slightly more amazing. The music composed by Steve Jablonsky is amazing and fits very well with the movie. The cinematography is also brilliant. It's amazing how much beauty can be found in this film. Respect for the director Michael Bay! I liked all his previous films too, but this one is even better! I heard that it didn't do so well at the box office, and I think that's a shame, because I haven't seen many films that are as good and that had such an impact on me. There are many beautiful scenes and the end scene is really excellent. There are 2 véry small negative points: at some moment in the film, the action is a little bit too much and there are a few silly scenes. But these are only very small things that actually do not matter, because, like I said, this is a masterpiece! If you haven't seen it yet, go and see it as soon as possible! You won't be disappointed! Objectively speaking,this film doesn't have a bad rating (6.9/10) but it's still very underrated! If you watch it, try to watch it on an as big screen as possible. This movie is the best when you watch it in the cinema.
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The Rock (1996)
Very good, entertaining and a bit over the top (not meant negatively) film by Michael Bay
11 November 2007
The Rock is, like most other Michael Bay films excellent entertainment! Michael Bay succeeds again in making a very good film. I don't understand why there are people that hate all his films. Anyway, this film has everything that is necessary to be entertained: good acting, excellent score by Hans Zimmer, Nick Glennie-Smith and Harry Gregson-Williams; excellent action scenes and a beautifully done cinematography. In many films the action scenes can be a bit boring, but in a film directed by Michael Bay, the action is mostly pretty good. Some shots in The Rock are really beautiful. But I'm not going to go in detail. Just watch The Rock, you won't be disappointed!

There's still 1 thing I want to say: I don't care what many other people say, I like Michael Bay. He's a good director!
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300 (2006)
Nothing like you've ever seen before.
9 November 2007
300 is really a special film. It really looks spectacular. The visuals are amazing. The movie is (except for the actors) almost completely computer-generated, so of course visually, this is amazing. But this didn't come as a surprise to me, because I had heard a lot of things about the film. But what díd surprise me, is that the acting and the screenplay were also good. Gerard Butler is really excellent and the dialogs are actually quite intelligent. The music by Tyler Bates is also good, sometimes even excellent. The story itself is not that good, but it's enough to keep you entertained. Sometimes the battle/fight scenes are a bit too much, but they were really well done. Zack Snyder did a good job directing this film. Good entertainment, but not more than that. It's not a masterpiece.
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Some parts are good, but it's not a completely convincing movie
9 November 2007
I don't really know very well what to say about this film. The acting was good, the music by Air generally too and the cinematography sometimes too. But one way or another, this film didn't completely appeal to me. Director Sofia Coppola has talent I think, because some scenes in her movie were beautiful. But this is her first film, so it's quite normal that this film isn't entirely convincing. The main problem with this movie -I think- is that the story wasn't developed well enough. The basic story seems interesting, but it simply should have been developed more. In general the acting was OK, especially Kirsten Dunst (from whom I think is a very good actress) did a good job. If you don't have too high expectations, you could perhaps enjoy it, but for me, it's a bit disappointing.
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Good film! absolutely underrated!
9 November 2007
I don't really understand why this film has such a low rating. Most of the movie is very good. The story, the acting and the cinematography are very good. The story also has a lot of plot twists and the acting is very good. The screenplay is quite intelligent. Only the end is a bit less good, and that's a pity, because this could have been a masterpiece. The end is a bit stupid. Phil Joanou did a good job directing this film. It's a pity this film doesn't get a higher rating on IMDb. Richard Gere, Kim Basinger and Uma Thurman do a good job too. I recommend this film. It's not a masterpiece, but it's certainly not bad.
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Collateral (2004)
Very good film! Excellent acting and amazing direction!
12 September 2007
"Collateral" is directed by Michael Mann, the director of "The Last Of The Mohicans", which was a very good film. Collateral is also a very good film! The acting by Tom Cruise and James Foxx is amazing! Michael Mann is an excellent director, Collateral is beautifully directed! The first part of the film is better than the second. If the second part would have been as good as the first this would have been a masterpiece. But the second part was certainly not bad, it was good, but not as excellent as the first part. The music by James Newton Howard and the screenplay are also good! I can really recommend this film to everyone!
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Scarface (1983)
Very good and entertaining film, but no masterpiece!
12 September 2007
Many people I know liked this film a lot, but I also know people who didn't like it at all and said it was stupid. So I wasn't sure if I would like Scarface. But I did like it! The acting was very good and the screenplay by Oliver Stone was interesting. The film looks dated, but that doesn't really bother. The good acting and the music make this film pretty good. It's not a masterpiece like some people say, but it's certainly enjoyable and entertaining. Brian De Palma did a good job directing this, but I wonder why this film looks so dated. Not that that disturbed me, but I just wonder. Very good film, certainly worth watching!
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Hard Candy (2005)
Very good cinematography and direction in general and very good acting, but the story doesn't seem right.
27 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In the beginning, this film was very interesting but as soon as Hayley had tied Jeff up, the film deteriorated. Hayley wants to take revenge for all the bad things Jeff had done before. The problem with this film is, that you have lost your sympathy for Hayley halfway the film. After that she is just as bad as Jeff. Jeff did awful things, absolutely! but that doesn't mean that Hayley has the right to do horrible things to him! I know it's just a film, but I hate it if in films, the "victims" become just as bad as the criminal. The acting is very good, and also the cinematography is very good! David Slade has quite a bit of potential, but in the future he should make a film with a better story. All together, this is a disappointment. The acting and cinematography and music are very good, but cannot save the film.
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Troy (2004)
Very good, spectacular, epic film!
1 July 2007
The story about the Trojan War always interested me, so I certainly wanted to see this movie. With "Troy" I didn't get exactly what I expected. But nevertheless I thought it was a great film. The actors are all well chosen, except for Brad Pitt, who I thought was a bit miscast as Achilles. But Brad Pitt ís a good actor! The massive battle scenes are very well done and the special effects are also excellent! The music by James Horner is also very good! There are some historical inaccuracies, but they are (for most people) not disturbing. The only thing I didn't like about "Troy" is that the Trojan Horse appeared too sudden.

So if you're looking for a spectacular epic movie, you should certainly watch this!
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King Arthur (2004)
Good film, but it looks a bit artificial sometimes.
1 July 2007
When I saw that "King Arthur" was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, I knew what to expect: a bombastic, beautifully directed film! And that's also what I got. The cinematography was very good, some scenes were absolutely beautiful! But sometimes the special effects looked a bit artificial. But actually I didn't really mind. The story itself O.K. and also the acting is O.K.. Keira Knightley looked pretty good :p The music by Hans Zimmer is also (naturally) very good! It's certainly not a masterpiece, but this film is good entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. I mean, you can't compare it to Gladiator or to Braveheart, but it's a nice, spectacular film!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Much better than most critics say!
1 July 2007
I had seen this film already a few years, but then I didn't really pay attention, because probably I had some other things to do :) But yesterday I saw "Pearl Harbor" again. And I really liked this film! Until now I liked all the Michael Bay (the director) films I've seen. So I hoped that "Pearl Harbor" would be good! And it was! I must admit, some scenes were a bit silly and , but in general this was a good film, with beautiful cinematography. Also the music by Hans Zimmer was very good! The acting is fairly good. This film is maybe not completely historically correct, but for people who don't know much about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, this film is interesting! Michael Bay also made a very emotional film and also the battle scenes were excellent. But when Pearl Harbor got attacked, the action took a bit too long! But nevertheless, I really thought this was a good film. Nice, patriotic film that has a few silly scenes, but that has beautiful, sometimes lyrical cinematography, amazing special effects, very good music and good acting.
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The Lift (1983)
Not a bad film! Better than expected!
1 July 2007
When I was going to see "De Lift", I feared that it would be quite bad, because it's a Dutch film, and in general I don't like Dutch films that much. But here, I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. The story is quite simple: a demonic elevator that kills people. It seems a bit stupid, but it's more interesting than one would expect! The production values are pretty low because of the small budget, but nevertheless, sometimes this film is very exciting. Something else worth mentioning, is the music by Dick Maas(who is also the director!), that is quite haunting and creates a tense atmosphere! Only the end is a bit disappointing, but nevertheless, this is a good film, better than one would expect, so if you would get the chance to see it, don't hesitate!
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The Terminal (2004)
Very nice, feel good movie by Steven Spielberg.
7 March 2007
However this is a film that is quite unusual for Steven Spielberg, I did have (like I have with all Steven Spielberg-films) high expectations. And, again, I got what I expected! Steven Spielberg is one of the best directors I know. With The Terminal he delivers another very good film. The story is quite interesting, the acting very good:Tom Hanks does an excellent job and Catherine Zeta-Jones is also very good! The music by John Williams is of course very good. The cinematography is also excellent: you can see that this film was made by an excellent director. I recommend this heartwarming film to everyone!
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The Edukators (2004)
Technically not bad. But the story is awful, with every cliché you can imagine about rich people.
2 March 2007
Like I said, technically there was nothing wrong, and the acting and music etc. were good, but the story ... This story is full of terrible clichés, it's as if all the rich people are dishonest and bad, that they all obtained their money illegally. 3 young people who are against the rich break into their houses and make a huge mess, and damage things. For example they scratch a Mercedes S-Class with a key. I mean, what the f*ck ...! Especially the first half is bad, with all the clichés you can imagine about rich people. A large part of the second half is a bit better, and has some good scenes. But that's not enough. It's especially the message that the makers of this film try to give us, that bothers me. In the film it's as if rich people only get there money illegally, and thát, is certainly not true. Sometimes this film really disgusted me.
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Purgatory (1999 TV Movie)
Excellent, beautiful, emotional film! Brilliant!
2 March 2007
When I was going to see this film, I feared a little bit that this would have too much of a western atmosphere. I decided to watch this because the story seemed very interesting. Director Uli Edel did a very good job directing this. Although this is a TV-movie, and I assume the budget wasn't that big, Uli Edel made a very impressive film. I enjoyed this film a lot. Also the acting was very good. The music is excellent. I recommend this film to everyone. Also to people who generally don't like westerns. This is an amazing film, with excellent acting, beautiful cinematography, beautiful music and a great, touching story! Don't miss this film, it's beautiful!
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Good film, excellent direction by Tom Tykwer. Excellent editing and fitting music.
2 March 2007
If "Lola Rennt" would have been directed by another director, it probably wouldn't have been so good. After 20 minutes, the film tells the same story 3 times. The problem with this, is the risk that he film becomes repetitious. And I must say, the third time the story was told, I felt it became a bit repetitious. But there are much more positive things to say: the direction by Tom Tykwer was excellent, the music, also partly made by Tom Tykwer was very good and very suitable for this film. Also the editing and cinematography were excellent. Also the story was interesting and the acting was very good. I don't think everyone will enjoy this film, but everyone should give it a try. I think Tom Tykwer will become a famous director later.
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Good film by Steven Spielberg. Excellent cinematography.
12 February 2007
Steven Spielberg made a remake of the old film "War Of The Worlds". I've never seen that old film, and I've never read the book, so I can't compare. But I thought this was a good film. The acting was good, the whole cast did a very good job. You could identify yourself with the characters. Of course the cinematography and special effects were amazing! There are some excellent and memorable scenes in it. This is not the same kind of movie as for example "Independance Day" by Roland Emmerich. "War Of The Worlds" is much more intelligent than "Independance Day". All in all, "War Of The Worlds" doesn't only focus on the aliens and the Tripods, but also on the disorder of civilization, when a great disaster occurs. That is shown very well! Only one thing I still want to say, I thought this film was a little bit too short. If it would have taken a little bit longer, it would have been even better!
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Mystic River (2003)
Sober, but good film with excellent acting.
12 February 2007
I thought this was a good but sober film without many colour. I don't mean anything negative by that, because that sober, grayish atmosphere certainly doesn't work negative. You could also notice that it was directed by Clint Eastwood, however for once, he doesn't act in a film that he directed. The films grabs your attention from the first minute until the end. Mystic River is good, especially because of the excellent acting by Sean Penn and Tim Robbins. Also Kevin Bacon and the rest of the cast did a good job. The music (also written by Clint Eastwood) is quite good, but as I said, this is a sober film, so there's also not so much music in it. This is a good film, especially because of the excellent acting and because it grabs your attention from the beginning.
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Gladiator (2000)
A brilliant epic movie! Beautiful film!
12 February 2007
Gladiator is really an excellent film. In every aspect this film is very good! This film is visually stunning, but also the story and the dialogs are good and interesting. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix and the rest of the cast do a very good job! Director Ridley Scott made an excellent film! Also the music is beautiful, the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard is amazing. Also the cinematography is excellent. This is an epic film that is excellent from beginning to end! Everyone must see this masterpiece! I've heard there are some historical mistakes in it, but I certainly didn't notice them, and even if there would be inaccuracies, they don't harm the film! A beautiful film!
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Very good film with an excellent Al Pacino!
4 January 2007
The story of this movie seemed very interesting to me, so I decided to watch it! And, it turned out to be very good!

The film was exciting from the beginning almost until the end. I must say that the end is (however it's an unexpected end) might be disappointing!

The acting is by Keanu Reeves and by Charlize Theron is very good, but it's Al Pacino that steals the show with an outstanding performance! The cinematography is also very good!

I recommend this film to everyone! You will certainly enjoy it! Director Taylor Hackford, who is not really a famous director, did a real good job making this film!
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