
35 Reviews
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Svidetel (2023)
What a shame
4 February 2024
What a shame for all actors to be involved to a film whose main goal is to hide the real Russian war crimes in Bucha. Who will really believe that "Ukrainians killed themselves," while the Russian paratroopers in Bucha were simply playing with kittens during the invasion and doing good deeds? Come on, this is obvious nonsense...

It's not strange that Russia was in such a hurry to produce this film, and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation gave money for it.

It is also not strange that this film failed in Russian cinemas (even taking into account the fact that there are no Hollywood films there now, and the population is "warmed up" by pro-war rhetoric).

Even from an artistic point of view, this is a failed film with a lot of mistakes and an illogical plot.

Shame on everyone involved.
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1670 (2023– )
Historical mockumentary
23 December 2023
Just wonderful! A mockumentary set in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages (more precisely, the Modern era). Reminded me of The Office in both versions. Watched only the first episode so far. But I'm sure I'll watch the entire series. Especially enjoyed the jokes about bad neighbors such as Prussia and Russia. And in general, there are a lot of ironic references both to Polish contemporary life and in the broader global context. I think most of the jokes will be understood by anyone who has a basic knowledge of history. And the protagonist's desire for status is a straight reference to Michael Scott. So, highly recommend it to everyone, a cool product from the Polish movie industry.
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65 (2023)
More expectations than results
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am sure that all fans of paleontology were expecting much for the film with such a plot. And trailer was also intriguing for fans of "Jurassic park", or simply lovers of dinosaurs. But I am pretty sure that almost all them are or will be disappointed.

Poor script, poor film dynamics (sometimes I was just bored), expected events. And what is the worst - just bad dinosaurs. Komodo dragon-like ones with long legs were the most weird )

Of course, the main enemies were supposed to be tyrannosaurs. On the other hand, such a film simply could not be without tyrannosaurs. And It have to be admitted that tyrannosaurs really existed somewhere in that period.

What I really like are the very picturesque and well-made landscapes of the late Cretaceous period. Good!

To sum it up: very good idea, very mediocre implementation. This movie will not become classical, but I am glad it appeared anyway.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
11 March 2023
Iconic series, definitely in one row with "The Office". The only thing is that the level of its absurdist humor declines from season to season. So the last season looks like more like a melodrama than a comedy.

But of course it's worth watching, protagonists are as good as in "The Office" (especially Ron Swanson, "the brother" of Dwight Schrute, but with his own features).

Also it is good as a comedy about politics, stupid bureaucracy and manipulative elections.

So in general, it is a good and rather kind comedy to watch for relax and laugh after work. And it looks quite nostalgic from the present perspective.
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Medieval (2022)
Goog anyway
9 January 2023
Not perfect. Even far from perfect. But it is is a good movie.

What I like:

1. Hussite Wars is one of the most interesting period of the Medieval history. It is very charismatic and, let's say, heroic. Peasant infantry could defeat the most luxury cavalry of that period. So it has so much potential for movies and books. I can recommend the Hussite Trilogy of Sapkowski (the author of "The Witcher"): The Tower of Fools, Warriors of God (this motto was also in this film) and Light Perpetual. So I like that we have new movie about this period. A high-quality historical movie.

2. Details. We can see a Wegenburg here, more or less historical helmets, war scythes and hammers, even the pernach (mace) of Jan Zizka. Not bad.

3. General atmosphere and casting of the movie. The film is quite gloomy (as it should be for the Late Middle Ages), Ben Foster and Roland Moller are so good for such a disposition.

What I don't like:

1. The plot. I really expected the long biopic of Jan Zizka and his victories and raids during the Hussite wars. Instead we got detailed story about the episode that is quite hard to be understood for non-Czechs. There were so much more events to depict.

2. The second part is sooo long, sometimes boring, with the strange decisions of the characters.

3. Why the Hell Jan is not wearing helmet during battles?

4. Jan Hus. He is one of the key figures of that period. But we can see just few moments of him and then just mentioning.

5. The stupid episode with a lion. Come on(

Anyway, I want to thank all the staff for this movie, you did a great job. 10 from me. Ben Foster is perfect as usual.
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Old Henry (2021)
15 May 2022
Wow. Just didn't expect this movie goes this direction and goes so deep. It is like Train to Yuma, but more slowly departing. Perfect modern (or even postmodern) western.
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Moonfall (2022)
Russian advertising
9 April 2022
A stereotypical film with all possible clichés (although with a good action squad).

But the advertising of the russian Kaspersky brand makes this film even worse.
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22 January 2022
Depressive movie, especially in the present looming conditions of the possible Russian aggression in Ukraine. But it is a clear proof that pacification of the aggressor is never efficient and only makes things worse.

The only strange moments are statements at the very end that Munich agreement allowed Britain to prepare better for the future war etc. That looks like as an attempt to justify Chamberlain. But in fact the Munich Betrayal was one of the principal reasons of the WWII along with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
2 December 2021
Why the hell they put the best song ever "Mortal Kombat!!!" at the very end of the film? This track was the main reason to watch this movie and recall my childhood.
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Finch (2021)
"The Road" with the dog and the robot
1 December 2021
So this is a melancholic mixture of "The Road" with Viggo Mortensen and the old story "A Boy and his Dog". The only new element is the robot with AI who has replaced the son from the outstanding Cormac McCarthy novel.

"Finch" is definitely not an post-apocalyptic masterpiece with the Pulitzer winning story.

But it is a good film for everyone who love post-apocalypse and disaster movies. The fist half even can be characterized as very good. And of course Tom Hanks is

Worth watching anyway.
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Red Notice (2021)
Funny one-time thing
14 November 2021
The funniest moment is the episode when the Russian prison guard pushing likes for naked Putin's photos on Instagram. Actually, this is the most realistic scene in this movie.

At the rest it is more or less funny and easy going one-time film. Why not?
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Superstore (2015–2021)
For all "The Office" fans
9 November 2021
So now we have a new "The Office". And that is perfect. You can even recognize Dwight Schrute in Dina's character.

Nevertheless "Superstore" has its own atmosphere and what is very important - logical development of the plot and relationship between protagonists.

So that is very good to get a new, simple (at the first glance) and funny "The Office"-tradition series ten years after the original.
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Ukrainian movie
2 November 2021
This is actually a Ukrainian film with some Russian support. And the main character was a Ukrainian girl in Soviet Army. Just another reminder about the role of Ukrainians in WWII and defeat of the Nazis.

This movie is not brilliant, with a lot of cliches. But it is good and sincere. With a strong human story.

Worth watching to know about such a unique person.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
24 October 2021
Such a wonderful piece in its political incorrectness. Surprised to see such series in "holy" 2021 when you can be canceled for the one "improper" word.
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Dune (2021)
So promising
24 September 2021
I really hope the filmmakers of the Silmarillion movie (if it ever gonna appear) will do such a nice adaptation as did Villeneuve with this outstanding Dune.

And for those who think Dune is very long I can only recommend TikTok.
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The Chair (2021)
23 September 2021
A strange ode for canceling someone because of misinterpretation.
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Tragic irony
8 September 2021
What a tragic irony to see now a Taliban story (along with al-Qaeda) in this prominent documentary.

That gives a good understanding of how everything is tightly connected in the world's history: Soviet war in Afghanistan, 9/11, USA 20 years in Kabul and present Taliban rule that happens just when this film was produced.
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Next Terror
17 August 2021
After watching and reading "The Terror" of Dan Simmons I saw a lot of requests on the same story "but without all that mysticism".

So now we have "The Terror" without the demonic bear - it is calling "The North Water".

The strong story about British sailors from XIX century catched in the northern ice without a vessel and with a minimal chance to survive.

Instead of the fantastical bear we have here Colin Farrel whose acting is brilliant.

Another strong feature of this series is an attention to details on how should the life on the old whaler looks like.

So this is a really good piece for all who were waiting for the appropriate sequel of "The Terror".
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Archipelago (2021)
Russian propaganda but not so bad
5 July 2021
We should understand that this picture is an element of Russian propaganda and its expansion campaign in the Arctic (along with military drills). And you can notice that in several phrases in the film about "Shpitsbergen is a part of Russian history and science" etc.

But if we are talking about this film alone it is not so bad. If you like stories about polar expeditions with some detective line "Archipelago" may be your choice. BTW from this film I learned about the baloon expedition of Salomon Andree to the Northern Pole. Nice story.

To sum it up: it is not "The Thing" or "Terror" masterpiece but still worth watching.
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Why are they doing this?
29 June 2021
I don't know why the hell they are still doing this. It is like exploit a corpse.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Breaking Bad with Russian mafia
28 June 2021
A nice and easy mix of Breaking Bad with Russian mafia atmosphere that is called in post-soviet countries "bezpredel". Serebyakov is a brilliant mafia's boss - crazy, dancing but obliged to revenge.

The other strong feature of this film is that it is not pretending to be realistic or deep or teachable. Just easygoing cruelty.

A good one-time movie, no more, no less.

P. S. Special thanks for the song "Bukhhalter" from the Russian club - it's a cult song from the tough 1990-s.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
No frustration
31 May 2021
I am surprised of some reviews that are saying about frustration from this movie. What did you expect from the Ritchie's film with Statham in 2021? Sophisticated drama with Oscar winning plot?

In fact I got from "Wrath of Man" exactly what I expected - charismatic and not very complicated action movie of a good quality. The only surprising moment for me is a gloomy atmosphere of the whole story. But Jason 100% fits this dark drama.
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Horizon Line (2020)
Not so bad
8 March 2021
Not as bad as its rate. A solid thriller in quite unusual circumstances of a small plane. Of course it is not very realistic, but for realism you should try "Sully".
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4 February 2021
It is a highly underestimated film. And I can understand why - when you see Clooney as a leading actor and director naturally you are expecting a masterpiece. And of course "Midnight Sky" is not an outstanding brilliant Oscar-winning blockbuster of the century.


It is a good and deep enough film for the audience that likes space, catastrophes and postapocalyptic aesthetics. So I would not say it is a complete disaster, it deserves watching anyway.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Fun and simple
10 January 2021
One of few series that really makes me laugh in almost every episode. Simple and fun 20 minutes - everything you need in modern culture.
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