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House of the Dragon: Rhaenyra the Cruel (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
Last scene is again, just like in the previous, minus 1 rating...
24 June 2024
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Solid episode once again containing pure politicial, dialogue based Game of Thrones. That hour simply flies watching. A little slow considering that there are only 8 episodes this season, but I don't mind. That's what I love in GOT. I would give this a firm 8/10, but I just can't do that because of the last Cole/Alicent scene. They did it once again ! How is this so important for the storyline? From what I know, that romance didn't even exist in the books. Will this be a regular now ? Every episode ending with Alicent riding Cole? Why? Is anybody enjoying this? What's the point? This just doesn't fit, at all !
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Goodbye (2012)
Season 5, Episode 13
So unnecessary... Why ?
16 January 2024
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I can't deny the fact that this episode was beautiful and it contained the absolute best of "Chuck", but come on... They saved these characters in a million of ridiculous ways throughout the series and at the end they decided to not bring back Sarah's memory ? It was just crushing... I liked the idea of the last 2 episodes, but I was 100% sure that they would bring her back. Why do this ? It was a feel-good kind of series in which you knew that nothing bad will happen and it will wrap up with a comforting, happy ending. I simply don't understand that... It feels like I've wasted my time watching Chuck and Sarah's relationship grow. I feel like I got stabbed and it's just a B-class series. You need to seriously try to mess a series like that up. It didn't fit "Chuck" at all !
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Inconsistent and exhausting, though quite funny
20 October 2023
This is not your typical sitcom where you laugh each scene in every episode. Curb Your Enthusiasm is, most of all, a drama series written in a comedic style showing the life of Larry David in a very ridiculous way. Very often too ridiculous.

Some episodes are clearly better than the others, and the worse ones are very exhausting. There is just nothing funny nor interesting going on. It makes the show inconsistent and just difficult to binge-watch.

Larry David is a great comedian, but I feel like the best scenes are the ones with his agent. The conversations with a character we know are the best parts of this show, and they are in the minority of the screen time. He can't carry such show on his own and it shows often.

Maybe with more, familiar characters (and them appearing every episode) this show would've been funnier.

It's worth a watch, though I think it worked better on TV. Binge-watching it is not an easy experience.
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Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
There's just something unappealing about this series
31 August 2023
Everything about it looks like hitting a jackpot. Great idea, great cast and great directors. It looks like the next Sopranos on paper. It's not. Why ? I am not entirely sure, to be honest. For some reason it's just completely boring and unappealing. I had to force myself to watch the next episode, even though I kinda of enjoyed watching the previous one. I was just done after watching one, and didn't want to get to the next (if that makes sense). I feel like it would make a better movie.

Also, I don't like these characters. Besides Nucky, all of them are mediocre. To make a series based mostly on dialogues, you just have to write great and interesting characters. It's clearly an issue here. When Nucky is not in the picture, the interest in the scene is gone.

I've tried to watch this series a couple of times, but I just can't get past the 1st season (which I heard is the best one, like cmon it's not good at all). A big no from me.
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
Makes you think, but not necessarily in a good way
29 May 2023
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I don't really understand why they glorified Barry, the psychotic killer who has killed many innocent men just for money, and turned the funny, ego maniac teacher Gene into murdering psycho himself. It doesn't make any sense to me. The guy wasn't a bad person. He only wanted justice for his girlfriend's murder. Why would they make him the bad guy and Barry the hero of the story ? I simply don't get the concept behind the idea.

The ending plots of Hank and Fuches are great. I can't really say anything bad about it. Fuches' redemption and Hank's hypocricy was shown in a fantastic way. So was Sally and John's. The last two deserved peace after this whole journey, in which they were the victims.

Overall, this whole season felt very surreal even for Barry's standards. The comedy side was pretty much non-existent, which is what Barry was known for. It was much worse than brilliant 1-3 seasons. Something just didn't click.

I don't know what to think about this, to be honest. It was definitely unexpected and unique, but was did it meet the expectations ? I am not sure. Some very questionable decisions from the creators.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Just like Ellie's response. "Okay".
13 March 2023
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Maybe it's not a popular opinion, but the ending was kind of mediocre to me. Decent at best. I know that's how it ended in the game as well so I am not blaming the show. Overall, it just doesn't have that "wow" effect, doesn't stay with you, doesn't affect you in anyway. Stories like this should make you cry at the end, make you feel for the characters like they were your best friends. Here it was just like Ellie's reponse at the end, "OK".

Since it's all based on the video game, I am going to use a comparison to a video game here. Telltale's The Walking Dead season 1. It's a very similar story about two very similar people. An older guy who's a great survior and a little girl who he takes care of in the post-apo world. Maybe the story is not as great as it is in this one (it's not much worse if any tho), but the ending is so powerful that everybody remembers it as one of the best endings of any video game ever. That's all everyone refers to while talking about the game, the ending. That's the most important part of the story.

TLOU's ending was not necessarily bad in anyway, but considering how great the story was, it was simply disappointing. You expect to get blown away at the end, and this one failed at doing that.

Regardless, it didn't ruin the whole experience in any way, and the show was amazing. It was probably the best video game adaptation ever. The Frank Bill episode could be a stand-alone movie. I am looking forward to see season 2.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
I mean it was alright, but not really needed.
27 February 2023
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The episode was alright, but we just didn't need a whole episode about Ellie's bite origin. It was obviously going to end this way, with her friend dying and her getting the bite. It didn't really give Ellie's character any depth, just showed her pointless adventure with a character that we will never see again (probably).

On the good side, it was visually great as always, dialog and writing also didn't disappoint. Definitely watchable, but they could've done it differently with more Joel or overall the main story and just some quick flashbacks if they wanted to show that so bad.

This season simply doesn't have enough episodes to waste time like this.
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Friends: The One with the Vows (2001)
Season 7, Episode 21
I have mixed feelings about these flashback episodes...
7 October 2022
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After watching few of these already, I thought that these are absolutely awful. I mean, for a person who is binge-watching this series in 2022, like I am right now, it seems like a total waste of time, or waste of an episode I should say. It's bascially like watching 4/5 random scenes, from random seasons, on Youtube.

But, if you think about it, for a person who watched this show live, it must have been quite nice to re-watch some of the most hilarious, and memorable scenes of the show. People back then didn't have such things as Youtube to watch scenes, or some kinds of compilations. Besides watching full episodes on DVDs, there was no other way to do that.

So, maybe it wasn't a bad idea to make these after all.
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Another great episode, with one, huge returning flaw from the original show...
5 September 2022
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The last scene with Daemon just rushing through hundreds of soldiers, and thousands of arrows... Looks like they haven't learned from the latter seasons of the original GoT, and they are still making these ridiculous, plot-armoured action scenes. It's a shame really, and I hope that they will not continue, cuz the show has been very good so far and it just destroys the overall score, feeling of this episode for me. Besides that, it was a great episode with superb dialogue, and difficult relations between the characters. Visual effects are just magical, acting is amazing, politics are the main topic of the show. The best GoT had to offer is here. Just that one thing...
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Amazing. <3 this universe forever
16 August 2022
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Jimmy would never be able to enjoy himself/his life outside of the prison after these 7 years. He would just come back to the same place he was as Gene, and this life just didn't suit him at all. So he is happier in prison where he is this big celebrity for them. He will never change just like Chuck said. The guy we hated so much for his treatment of Jimmy was always right. Great finale, 10/10. Wasn't flashy, wasn't action-packed because it didn't need to be. The whole season was unfortunately inconsistent, but the last 2 episodes are just masterpieces of TV. <3 this universe forever. GOATed.
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Better Call Saul: Waterworks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
9 August 2022
Wow, just wow ! What an episode. Couldn't look away even for a second for the first time since episode 7. Finally, after so many disappointments this season already Vince comes with the rescue. Just amazing !
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Better Call Saul: Breaking Bad (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
That was just... disappointing ?
2 August 2022
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Nice to see some familiar places from Breaking Bad, but that was just disappointing. All we got were some filler scenes from the original show. Not even good dialogs, just nothing. That Lalo quote from Jesse was that great for you ? Damn, just stop overrating this only because it's BCS.

The plot is going nowhere. It's boring! We know everything about these characters, where their stories went. We are only curious about Gene and his plot is going nowhere ! What even is the plan behind it here ? I just don't see it.

Don't get me wrong here, this episode was decent, but that's not what I expected from the absolute ending of this show, of this whole universe. This was supposed to be a banger of a season, and it feels like they just messed it up. Some episodes were spectacular, but it was mostly just decent, nothing more than that.
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That was awful...
3 July 2022
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Absolutely ridiculous. My eyes were bleeding while watching this full of pathetic plot armor and brainless episode. No logic at all. Hopper became some kind of a Greek God and he was literally fighting the Demogoron with a sword, cutting his arms off LMAO. What the hell even was that ?

Also, this episode was way too long. Overlong conversations, which basically were the same conversations we've had this season already. Vecna's dialogs were dumb and repetitive... Terrible writing in this episode in general. That wasn't Stranger Things' standard...

And guess who they killed ? Exactly ! A new side character. Just grow a pair Duffers, because it's really annoying to see these fake tense situations. We all know that no one from the main cast will die anyway.

Such a bad way to end this incredible season. That month break between part 1 and part 2 was pointless as well, killed all my hype towards this show.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
Great episode, but plot armor is too strong in this one...
29 May 2022
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Overall, I can't really say anything bad about this episode. Well balanced and entertaining. Also nicely written. Loved the reference to, "The Silence of the Lambs".

But let's face it. There was no logic behind Max's survival here. She should've died at the end. I mean, this season is the darkest and most gruesome yet, so killing a main character for once (where it makes sense) wouldn't be a bad thing, and would just give this episode more of that, "WOW" effect. Lack of balls from the creators here, unfortunately.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
A very interesting idea wasted for non-stop, ridiculous action.
25 May 2022
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That's how I would describe "Banshee" in a single sentence. And it's a shame really, because this show had a huge potential. I wouldn't say that is it massively overrated (it is overrated a bit though), but it could've definitely been way better.

Small climatic city, great characters with amazing background stories, and intriguing plot with ex-con becoming a sheriff. They really had something there. They didn't need to make this show all about ridiculous, childlish action. This could've been something special, and unfortunately it is only a decent show.

"Banshee" is also a total no-brainer. And for me it's not a good thing, especially if you had such a story in your hands.

Maybe if these fights had some kind of sense in them, maybe it would work. But it's literally like watching some Avengers, where they can just keep fighting forever like robots. The only good thing about them were the special effects, but still the fights were too ridiculous.

Not to mention, this show's plot armor. I mean, just wow!

Also, there are those sex scenes, which were completely unnecessary. I get it that it attracts attention, but in the first season there were like 3/4 each episode. Way to much.

Obviously there are other idiotic flaws with this show, that I could mention, but to be honest the idea of "Banshee" was so good, that you could forgive them those little flaws. The fights ? No! I just can't forgive that, or enjoy something so childlish. It's boring, predictable, and simply bad.

Can I recommend this show ? Sure, but you might be disappointed if you are expecting to see the highest quality of TV here.
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Better Call Saul: Axe and Grind (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
A bit better than last week's, but still meh...
17 May 2022
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Another prove, that they had a story for 10 episodes, and making it 13 was pointless. The last two episodes could've easily been done in one. Also, that two month break after episode 7... It will be torture.

Really slow build-up again, not a lot of progress. More and more question marks on what's happening with Howard. Just like in episode 5, the characters are just wandering around. Boring!!!

More edited montages with music, and we've seen like 10 of them this season already. Yes, you can edit well, we got that. Now stop wasting our time.

Literally 2 minutes of Lalo. He had like 15 min screen time so far. Why ? I don't get it. He is the best thing that has happened to this show. Why not use him if you didn't kill him in season 5. It was supposed to be a banger Fring vs Lalo fight this season, and you give him 15 min of screen time in almost the whole of Part 1 of Season 6 ? By the way, no Fring as well...

These last episodes clearly lack Nacho. It's simply boring without him. The first 3 of the season were absolutely amazing, it felt like it was going to be the best season of all time, and now it became just bad and boring. Well done !
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Better Call Saul: Black and Blue (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
It wasn't a good episode...
10 May 2022
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What was that ?!

Maybe two scenes, that had some kind of meaning and sense in this episode. No good dialogs, just nothing. Episode 4 was slow as well, but it was done amazingly, and it was a pleasure to watch it. Today's wasn't. All the characters just wandering around, doing nothing important for the plot of the season. Could've been done with 20 more minutes in last week's episode.

And on top of that, super weird, and anti-climatic Lalo part. Felt like watching a different show. Good to have him back, but not in this strange scenario. It just didn't fit. So bad and pointless...

This episode only proved, that making this season 13 episode was a bad decision. I'm loving this season thus far, but this week's part was a total waste of time, unfortunately. Really disappointed. Ratings are way higher than they should be in this one.
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Better Call Saul: Hit and Run (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
This show is soo amazing !
3 May 2022
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Expected change of pace in this episode, since they have 13 overall, and it's still an absolute pleasure to watch this. Finally, more of Jimmy who's going full Heisenberg here, no looking back just straight forward to becoming Saul. I'd say that Jimmy is dead, and Saul is the only one left at this point. The Criminal Laywer is here !

A lot of references to Breaking Bad, nice interactions we've never seen before (like Mike and Kim's). Just top notch TV, doesn't get better than that, and it doesn't need crazy pacing to be that.

We're probably seeing one of the best, if not the best, seasons of TV ever so let's enjoy it !
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Succession (2018–2023)
Good series, but it just lacks something for me
24 January 2022
I have a constant feeling, that this show is about absolutely nothing. No plot at all, all these tense situations, chaotic relationships lead to nothing. I would like to see something like in "The Sopranos" here, when they just go "f it" and tell each other what they really think.

It's also very repetetive. Same story in all seasons, same humor and same jokes, and some of them are just disgusting after a while (even for me, and I usually dont mind anything like that)

The picture of dysfunctional, super rich family is great here, but like I said these relationships between them are just blank. It's almost like too real, feels like some documentary and I don't really like it. TV series (even super realistic like "The Wire" for example) just need some unrealistic, "wow" things to happen once a while, beacuse without them it's simply boring.

I am on like 3rd episode of season 3 and I just don't want to watch more. It's a good TV series, at some points even great, but it's not that engaging for me. I don't need to know what happens next.

I am bitterly disappointed, but I can recommend watching first 2 seasons, because as long as you don't feel that repetitivty and it's still something new for you then you will probably have a nice time.
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Dexter: New Blood: Unfair Game (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
This writing is soo lazy...
26 December 2021
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I didn't mind any of it too much so far. All these things with Batista mentioning Dex and Deb's names out of completely nowhere to a stranger, Harrison telling Audrey Jim's name is not really Jim, Molly with the greatest memory in the world etc. I just didnt mind. I thought it's meh... but whatever, atleast they are connecting the dots.

But c'mon this ketamine thing Angela connected to Dexter being the BHB is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

The story is good, and they are heading in the right direction, but seriously writing is absolutely awful in this revival. It feels like it's written by an amateur.
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Dexter: New Blood: Skin of Her Teeth (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Build-up, Build-up and Build-up
19 December 2021
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That's how this whole season feels. Build-up to the Build-up of a bigger Build-up LOL.

This whole story is like so divergent, so many things going on and I am sure it will leave us with a lot of unanswered questions at the end, mostly of not important stuff, but still.

We have 3 left and they better be bangers, because we've had enough of these slow paced, build-ups. Everytime you think the next one will explode they just give you another episode like that.

Anyway, overall it was a good episode and we have 2 clear, main storylines for the last 3. Dexter vs Kurt and Angela discovering who Dexter really is and it seems like a good direction. I am disappointed about Harrison though. I thought his role will be bigger than just being held hostage by Kurt as a revenge for Matt (that's definitely what will happen). Things like Molly having the best memory in the world or Batista mentioning Dex and Deb's names out of nowhere (in earlier episode) are meh..., but I guess We've seen worse writing than that in original Dexter in the last seasons so I don't mind that much.

It just feels good that we are at the end, because something just has to finally happen. Really looking forward to the next Sunday!
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Dexter: New Blood: H Is for Hero (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Better, but still too slow
28 November 2021
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I like how the revival kinda continues the story from the 4th season of original Dexter, the last season that was a top notch TV (Showtime did the similar thing in "Homeland" and it worked wonderfully). We have many references to Trinity Killer, to Dexter and Harrison's births in blood and it gives great vibes. They make us forget that seasons 5-8 even existed and giving us what was the best about Dexter and I love it !

We have confirmations about Kurt being the killer, Harrison having a dark passenger and although these things were pretty obvious I am actually glad that they are not trying to do some ridiculous plot twists about that and just making a story with sense.

And I am still in love with Deb in this season. It's amazing how they brought this character to life. New Blood would've been much worse without her.

I am hoping though that the next episodes will have better pacing, because these episodes thus far are just too slow for my taste and waiting a week for such slow episodes is very annonying. They should've either make less episodes in New Blood with better pacing or release two of them each week.
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Dexter: New Blood: Smoke Signals (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
The worst episode so far. Still quite good tho
21 November 2021
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First of all I think that there is just too much of this school/teenagers crap. It just kills the vibe for me.

I also hate those little plot holes. Like how the hell Dexter got to that place where he burned the body without anyone noticing/suspecting anything (especially Harrison) if people were still in the city ? 0 explanation, just somehow got to that place out of nowhere.

Furthermore everyone is suddenly gone out of his house everytime he wants to do something with the body. No one is suspecting him of anything even tho he is the only one living there (!!) and they saw another person in the woods on that footage. They are making those police officers stupid af and I mean too stupid. Way too stupid.

But regardless it's still a very interesting and entertaining episode, plot thickens, tension is great and you just want more and more. People rating this 10/10 are just lying to themselves tho. It's simply not that good.
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Dexter: New Blood: Storm of Fuck (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Good slow paced episode
14 November 2021
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Finally introduces The Main Antagonist of the season, answers some questions about Harrison (not every one of them) and overall is a pretty good episode without anything super special tho.

This episode was really slow and unfortunately I think we will have few more episodes like this one in the next weeks, because we are a long way from the main action of the season.

Dexter might not get away with everything as always seeing how the episode ended. This whole Kurt guy is a respected, rich and powerful man in town and I feel like Dexter will have a huge problem with him.

Debra is absolutely amazing in this season. Her new role in the show is just mindblowing. I think it's the best thing about New Blood as of now.

After seeing those 2 episodes I can say that New Blood has definitely a great potential and I just hope they didnt mess it up or make some cliffhangers at the end only to milk money from making another season. They have a great story here and they should end it and give this show the ending it deserves !
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Lucifer: Yabba Dabba Do Me (2021)
Season 6, Episode 3
One of the best episodes in all Lucifer (maybe some minor spoilers)
12 September 2021
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Just amazing from beginning to end. I didnt believe that Lucifer can still be that good after first two awful episodes of this season, but it can !

Funny, heartwarming with superb writing and shocking plot twist at the end. Finally without this awful Carol character and the whole attention focused on him, but with all the main characters that we love. It would definitely be in my TOP10 Lucifer episodes.

Can't wait to see more ! I will probably just binge watch the whole thing now.
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