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Heartwarming Story But...
2 January 2024
Well done Sophie, Sophie can made a movie looked like disgusting movie (sex between young man and elder woman) into a touching heart warming movie, with a sad touching story. At first I thought it would be a gross movie with long age gap relationships, but turns out it was a beautiful story movie, with beautiful sets, with beautiful actors and acting.

Leo backstory gives us a sympathy with him, touching our heard, felt like a mother and son in every conversation, great dialogue conversations. I can say it's written well. Within one place this movie didn't made me felt bored or sleepy at all.

On the other hands, the age gap kinda made me scared, but they are already a legal and grow up person. Sometimes the story kinda feels little bit a rush. Overall it's a pretty movie, good to watch with your partner or when you feel bored.
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Saltburn (2023)
Emerald the Lady of Who You Are.
31 December 2023
Emerald Fennell the academy winner director back with a great awesome movie, that wrapped a plot twist with a very good detail in the movie. This movie felt like letter for the men directors to not objectivize women, because Emerald made one insane man and everyone already insane and felt disgusted (but they never felt disgusted with a women in nude and crazy in movie).

The storyline is written very well with a great dialogue, detail and character development. Actings are really great especially Barry Keoghan, we need give more a lot of appreciation for Barry to get into the characters so well, and improved so many scenes. Characters development in this movie written very well in each characters. Visual looks beautiful with a rare ratio. The choose of soundtracks are really catchy and fun.

Big applause for the hairstyles and make up artists, because they can made a great visual in each character, and they made Jacob Elordi so hot and f fine. Actually this movie it's just like other psycho movie with great story telling and plot twist, Emerald can made us curious what happened in this movie?, what's going on, what is the movie about. Felt so mystery. And that's why Emerald Fennell can wrap it into special wholesome mystery movie.
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Wonka (2023)
Felt the Satire...
31 December 2023
Felt like a satire movie for the government and those important rich people that already ruled the world for those poor people. The message in this movie is good enough, brilliant! Paul can made a satire movie for the governments and wrapped it to a child movie and make it feel easy to understand.

When the police gain weight it really captured the government who bribe a money. They really teaches young audiences about bribery, corruption, and government. Besides that the visual in this movie looks wholesome, the CGI looks good enough. Paul made a great story telling and great characters development. Sometimes the acting is to much especially for Timothee acting.

The soundtracks are catchy and great, the musical in this movie is not that spectacular, with a lot of back dancer and awesome choreograph, but it still good enough for musical and choreograph.

In the end, Wonka prequel is good with all the aspect they have, satire movie but wrapped it to a childish movie, great soundtrack, fine editing with PowerPoint transitions, good enough acting, and strong messages.
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Loki: Science/Fiction (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
3 November 2023
THIS EPISODE IS FIRE! Since the release of Loki Season 2, I was really interested with the series because they have some visual, story, characters and etc that are really really good. This episode it just wholesome, while watching this eps I cannot shut my mouth down, and they always make me think, not only me but maybe the "audience". Like: "what just happen", "WHAT?". I think this is the best episode yet in the season 2.

Season 2 story is quite interesting, kinda different with other marvel movie(I really cannot explained how but it is just feel different), I hope they'll make a great ending for this season.

The lack of this episode that is, this episode is too short.
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Argantara (2022)
5 January 2023
I've never give any movie 1 star and I would never give them 1 star, because there's a lot of crew behind the movie, and the acting of the actors

Argantara is so cringey movie, with weird conflict. Doesn't have any consequences of the character, even the lead female character pregnant, she didn't have any consequences, she just studying at school like normal people. Watching this movie like one of my mistake in my whole life. The wattpad fans was really like this movie, idk what y'all like about this movie. It's to cringey, unrealistic, weird, bad, worst. I can say Argantara is one of the worst Movie in 2022 or I can tell you one of the worst Movie ever exist.

Beside that the cinematography, production design it looks good. But some how the image scene it looks like they use beauty effect. And some cinematography looks terrible, and the slow mo too.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Best Holiday Trip
23 December 2022
Long time I didn't make any of these reviews. But Aftersun is such a masterpiece. The whole movie it just so relaxing, the tone, the music, cinematography, story, everything just so relaxing and make me super comfortable watching this movie. With a light drama, the director make this movie super touching our heart, with how they're relationship. Very very recommendations for family time or father and daughter movie time, but I didn't recommend for little kids cause they Mild sexual theme or maybe moderate.

I watched this like this morning but it's hard for me to forget this movie, cause their relationship it just perfect. One of the best movie this year, A24 has never failed to make any movie.
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Blonde (2022)
Ana De Armas Back Must Be Really Hurt.
1 October 2022
I don't think this is Marylin Monroe real story but I believe some of the story, cause they did her so dirty in movie, and I was waiting for happy birthday Mr president but they didn't show that in this movie. The whole movie it just like a full of Ana de Armas Boobs, her boobs was everywhere why did they really want to see Marylin nude.

What I like about this movie is, the cinematography was super good I really love it, the music too, and Ana de Armas acting spectacular super super awesome, but the just didn't like what I was expected.

What I didn't like is, the plot, like stop you making this movie like a pornography with show her boobs everywhere and show the baddest memory in her life, a lot of tragic story. I think the director was really want to see her in hub but they can't.
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Nope (2022)
"Don't Look Up"
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is sick, this movie is crazy

This movie deserve "Don't Look Up" Title. I really love the cinematography, the sound and mixing it was very good and sometimes the sound was disturbing. The idea of this movie was crazy like the plot twist that the UFO is a stranger creatures the UFO was alive and eat all who looking at him. I still kinda confuse with connections between Gordy story and the UFO but maybe there's a plausible theory on the internet. But this movie is still crazy and I really love it, especially the visual, the cinematography and OFC the sound.

I'm really curious with the man who's in the trailer but it didn't show up in the movie. Who is he? I hope Jordan peele released the deleted scene as soon as possible.
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Ms. Marvel: No Normal (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
13 July 2022
I think this was one of my favorite Eps, cause it's look super colorful I love some of the visual effects , and there's more action than the other eps. But my favorite about this Eps was the credit scene it was super make me shocked, I really can't wait for "The Marvels".
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Thor Love And Kiddo's
11 July 2022
This is not Thor Love and Thunder but Thor Love and Kiddo's, this movie was super fun and enjoyable I love the jokes in this movie, the story was good until the kidnapping kids it was kinda weird but ya it's still funny and fun. Love the CGI and the visual effects but the scene when Thor with the guardian of the galaxy it was looks very fake like it was super look like a studio. But if the movie was very fun and enjoyable doesn't mean that the movie was that good. The things I love about this movie it's because the movie was super colorful.
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1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Please the S5 release ASAP and please the plot story is still good and masterpiece, the ending of this season was super amazing super interesting and they'll together in Hawkins. For a while I feel like the last episode was to long but when I see the ending was, I can't describe it I was still surprised, and speechless. And this episode was super sad i cried 2 times when Eddie died and when max got by Vecna, thank you so much for a month waiting and it's kinda worth it but please release the S5 ASAP.
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Across The Multiverses I Chose You Because You're the Best Movie I've Ever Watched
25 June 2022
Across the multiverses i've seen thousands of movies and I chose you because you're the best movie I've ever seen, and being my number one favorite movie.

Just watch it and it was more that what I was expecting for. Super fun, super funny, super cool, gorgeous visual, I always laugh during the films cause this movie was very funny. The story is kinda weird and absurd but trust me it was so so so so good, you need to see this movie once in your lifetime.

Within only 9 people in Visual effect team they're really do a great job cause the cgi and the visual effect in this movie was super good and the visual in this movie was so gorgeous, pretty I love it. And I think this is my favorite A24 movie and my Favorite movie cause there's all in this movie like sad, funny, super enjoying action, beautiful visual. I feel like I need to see this movie again cause I can't just watch it once in my life.

Give more appreciations for the stylist, and the make up and hairstylist, they did a great jobs with all jobu tupaki lives.
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It kinda pretty bad movie
12 June 2022
Just Watch it yesterday and it was quite fun movie. I love visual effect CGI Dinosaurs they make it super gorgeous but some of the Dinosaurs looks like a robot, kinda remind me of Star Wars monster. I love the cinematography looks super great and make the visual of the movie more beautiful, the story umm.. at the beginning of the movie the plot story was kinda weird but going to ending the story was getting better and better, some of the acting was like overacting? Idk it just look like not natural, and the pace to sometimes fine sometimes no. But ya this movie is still fun to watch.
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I don't know how to say but WOW
1 June 2022
This movie was action movie that we need it was super amazing. I really really love the visual and the cinematography, and of course the music soundtrack was super catchy and super good. The effort from every each actor for this movie was super crazy this movie is a MASTERPIECE. WOW, I can't stop amaze by the shot, can't stop laughing, can't stop clapping, super super cool movie, I didn't watch the first movie but I can understand the movie and enjoy the movie. Very recommend to watch and it's kinda save for young viewer cause in my country they rated G so idk if they cut some scene or not. For the IMAX they use IMAX camera only the plane shot and the ending not fully IMAX but it was still super good.
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KKN di Desa Penari Is It Good Tho?
31 May 2022
Personally my rating is : 5.5/10

Just watch some phenomenal movie in Indonesia, I didn't expect much about this movie cause a lot people say it's not good. But it's kinda true cause I don't get it why they got attack by Dawuh like why they got dream about Dawuh, but in the twitter threat they explain much better than in the movie. The visual it's look good tho and when Ayu dance it was super cool, and the sound mixing too that was super great cause they use Dolby Atmos. The Cinematography it just basic no something woah, like there's one scene they just capture the scene like just put the camera in some higher place, but the angle it's not good. I really love the transition from night to morning, the transition was in the tree front of their house like the left side was night and the right side is morning it was super cool, and the custome design was good too.
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The origin story of Upside Down
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was super amaze when 001 was the Vecna, and I know he must be some bad guy from the episode when he appears. I love the plot twist I don't know that El was super powerful. From this season we know so far that the first who open the gate was El. And there's misunderstanding between papa and el, and I don't know if papa know that was 001 fault or no. But I can't wait till Vol2 out and the final battle it must be super epic it was gonna be like "hello old friend". And I hope Suzie and Dustin will meet and Robin and Vickie can be together. But there's one scene that not make sense when Joyce open the door for Hopper why no one go to the door control room like they're watching Hopper and friends fight with Demogorgon.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a best episode. I thought I'm gonna cry cause I thought I'll lose Max but no, they find the cure. I love the Visualisation of the upside down, the monster, the 50's story and the Visualisation too, and... I really love the soundtracks too. It was brilliant awesome great story, it was perfect. When Max run from Vecna and attack him it was super cool and epic. And I really love you robin cause your brilliant because of you, you guys can meet that scary guy and get the cure.
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Great Tika, I thought you'd bad ending
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story was not bad at first but then but the middle of the movie was kinda bad and the climax too, but then the ending was making more interesting that this movie have a lot plot twist like tika is not their kids she was a detective, and Laura child was not Arnold child but it was Andre Kids. For me it was not that bad cause I didn't expect anything abt this movie and after that tika said she was sri and seto kids, but then it was getting better.
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Multiverse of madness, Scarlet Witch Madness
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was to fast for me but it was super fun movie with a little jump scare, I was hopping like 2h 30m or more, TBH it's not much like what I was expecting, I thought there would be a lot of cameo and surprising characters, but there's only few character cause they spoil everything in the TV Spot, I don't like the promotion of MoM to much clip and spoil the character, like in a few days or week before MoM release they spoil the Captain Carter, and Professor X. The only character that they not spoil is mr fantastic. But the story of this movie was beyond my expectations, but ya the plot was to fast.

This movie was fun but the story was to fast like they not depth in every character story like Wanda, America Chavez. Wanda just want her kids, why she want that kids very much if she can control it with dreamwalk (I know cause she must use the spell, i think it's called "Darkhold") and what would she do with their real wanda, they not explaining much abt the motive just want her child, want her child.

And I don't like the Illuminati was die to fast like they don't have a lot of power, like so weak. I like the cinematography it just like other movies and the CGI was looked fake in the first scene when America Chavez arrived in 616 Universe, in some scene, but overall the CGI was so good and the horror visual in this movie too, and I love the fight between dr strange and dr strange with a music bar it sound pretty cool and I love the music it just fit so well in every scene.

Final score: 7.5/10.
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Morbius (2022)
It's Morbin Time
2 April 2022
It's not that bad tbh, maybe cause my expectation was super low and bad like I expect 1/10 and after I watch it, it was not that bad it was ok but for me it's kinda boring in the middle of the movie, but ya the movie is still bad💀, I love the VFX but I don't really like the slow mo in this movie it was like to much. The acting was good, but the story was to fast like they not explaining some scene, like how morbius can fly at first he can fly cause there's train but in the final he was flying to find martine, like how. But ya the movie Credit scene was quite surprising me.
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Ambulance (2022)
27 March 2022
One thing that make this movie is interesting is the camera they don't want to stop they're moving round and round, up and down. I like story it just like escaping from the police and being chased throughout the movie, it just like one spot the ambulance, at first I thought the title had no continuity with the film cause they robbing the bank and they have a truck or a car but then they use the ambulance, because I didn't watch the trailer of this movie yet so idk what this movie abt. The story is solid in one place maybe those who don't like movies in one place will feel bored and sleepy, I like the ending I think that what the ending how it should be.
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The Lost City (2022)
The Lost City Of D
27 March 2022
I have nothing expectations for this movie cause when I see the trailer it look like ya another adventure comedy movie, but when I finish this movie, this movie was super fun and funny, it's really entertaining adventure but Rom-com. I always laugh when they're joking or the funny scene but they have a lot of crude humour that in sexual references, ya that was making this movie funny for me.
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The Bad Guys (2022)
The Style Was So 😫😍
26 March 2022
The Animation Style was so good i really love it 2D but it's 3D if im not wrong its called 2.5D, i like The story to, not to fast and not complicated and... i like The plot twist it has a twist and a twist again. All the Best about this movie is the Animation Style i like the new Dreamworks Style i think like every production House of animation Try a new Style like Pixar did after "Soul". You should Watch this with your family now on Cinemas.
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Turning Red (2022)
Turning Age
12 March 2022
Turning Red was super fun movie to watch with your family and your younger sister or daughter. The story of this movie was as specially is about teenage drama but in animation. I really love the animation visual it was super amazing and super detail, so pretty. And I love the cringey teenage drama in here cause it was remind me of when I was in middle high school with my friends. I love the friendship between them it's so cute.

I love the moral of this movie "no one can be perfect like what people want" and how hard did you try you will never be perfect, cause no one can be perfect, everyone has their flaws. And being perfect is not that amazing like what people think so much preassure.
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The Batman (2022)
Batman Mystery Crime...
6 March 2022
Let's talk about the story it just wow, amazing I don't know again, it was very different with other heroes movie, So that's why I like this movie, it's unpredictable, not like what you think, like the other heroes movie that get super power then villain comes up and kill down the villain with super action.

This movie doesn't have much action but detective mystery, I really love the sound mixing it so cool, the acting of course, I think there's a politic issue in this movie like bribing money to politicians, and that was really happening in real life.

Ok now let's talk about the visual it so god damn good, pretty, beautiful I was like open my mouth when the beautiful visual and cinematography comes up, Cat Woman in this Batman movie was so fire, amazing, pretty, cool, and it's kinda brutal for PG-13.

I don't know what to reviews again but all I can say is, THIS MOVIE WAS AMAZING all in this movie amazing. You guys should watch this movie in the biggest screen you can.
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