
14 Reviews
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Barons (2022– )
Just bad
28 June 2024
Again a rare fail from the ABC. This was not enjoyable at all and would be good to watch if you had insomnia. I lasted about 3 episodes before turning the show off to watch something else, it was like someone had thrown a script on the floor that said "surf show" and then proceeded to not actually go surfing or know anything about surfing or its history, such a shame too, had high hopes for this show, guess those hopes were misplaced..cast were flat, writing was poor and but the cinematography was stunning and it made up for lack of inspiring anything in this show. So yeah, you can pass on this one too.
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Warnie (2023– )
28 June 2024
This belongs in the bin it is such an awful and rushed mini series and it truly shows. There was so much more to Warnie in his life then his scandals, his cricket career should've been forefront in this drama and his life after cricket would've been better to see.

I feel sorry for the family who had to also watch this, they deserved better in my opinion.

It was way too soon and hard to enjoy knowing that we lost Warnie just months earlier, this was a misstep from channel 9 and I could not enjoy it. I got halfway through the first episode and turned off. I loved most of those actors but after that I lost all respect.

Skip it you didn't miss much.
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Austin (2024– )
Need another season
28 June 2024
Don't often say it but this show is one that deserves to have another season because of how good Michael Theo is as Austin. Theo plays the character with heart and integrity of someone in a lived experience and he nails all this scenes alongside those who have been around the industry longer then he has. His comedic timing is perfect and his dry wit was so good. This is a brilliant show and deserves to be renewed so fingers are crossed that abc does so because it would be so wrong if they didn't

Canberra serves as a wonderful backdrop especially after total control and it is great to see our country on full display.
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Ladies in Black (2024– )
What was that?!
28 June 2024
How does a network get it so wrong? Absolutely want my time back after watching this. The movie had more heart, believable story telling and characters then this mess.

So instead go watch the movie because that was more enjoyable then what the network gave the cast to work with like a script and a better cast.

IMO this cured by insomnia and made me get up off the lounge to turn off by episode 2. Such a shame this is as slow paced as it is because it had so much potential to be great but really let down. And In my opinion let down by the script, pacing and actors looking like they'd rather be anywhere else.

Feel free to skip! You won't miss much. A rare FAIL from abc.
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Somehow worse then informer 3838
19 April 2024
Now this is what you call a cash grab and it was such an awful portrayal of what? No wonder Kate Atkinson hasn't appeared on tv since she's embarrassed she might get another Vanishing Act, the one actor I feel sorry for is Frankie J Holden, HOW? Frankie I'm sorry someone gave you money to appear in this.. This was awful and was NOT up to the Underbelly name. You could honestly just skip this and you'd be stuck with... oh right informer 3838. Caddick hadn't even been missing for like 2 weeks before channel 9 grabbed on to the story, it was rushed, it was awful and i hope kate atkinson never watched what they produced. The girl who played Phoebe was so wooden she was a tree.
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Informer 3838 (2020)
Just not underbelly
19 April 2024
The next time someone asks you to describe an underbelly failure, give them this and vanishing act. Absolute trash. It was one of the weakest in the underbelly universe and that is saying something as the other one with Melissa Caddick was just a laugh. The two actors playing the Hodsons both sound like the accents they were going for got lost and were confused, and normally i love Rhys Muldoon but here? Nah, and Jacquie? Jacquie of all people should've just passed on this, was the director trying to traumatise the poor woman? Ella Scott Lynch deserved a much better script a less bland real life person.
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Dexter's cheap cousin
18 April 2024
I see dexter called, it wants its premise back. While the story is good and the pacing is even better, just could not enjoy it, it kept me watching and waiting for more and more to happen and when it did happen i wasn't actually surprised. Was good to see robbie magasiva actually in something else that was away from the prison drama of wentworth. Watching the incompetent cops try to solve the murders while letting a cleaner hear everything was pretty stupid that would not fly anywhere at any station. If there is more, make his next opponent more interesting and we see his life in prison that would be good!
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Pass the torch it's too dark!
18 April 2024
Finally got the chance to sit down and watch this on netflix and at first during all the night scenes I thought there was something wrong with my tv! But no it's way too dark to see anything during those scenes and all I could make out was evil man laughing and "MY CHILDREN", there's a drinking game for you take a shot everytime Molly says children, oh please don't do that. The movie was pretty dull and I expected so much more from someone like Leah I was disappointed. I just can't give something so dull a glowing review because I think we all knew the plot twist within the first 10 minutes of the klintoffs stepping onto the farm. The one thing it did have going for it was the soundtrack, banger.
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High Country (2024– )
The Team behind wentworth gave us.... this?
18 April 2024
While I am not disappointed by the notion that the team who made wentworth were behind the making of High Country and advertised it as the 'big murder mystery.. OoOoooh..' i'm just disappointed after seeing 5 episodes so far and it just not keeping me engaged. Leah Purcell is wonderful as always and she does a lot of hard work in this, but it relies to much on the outsiders like Brett character being lazy and overall too annoying to listen to or going from a big jump to Helen's story and whatever else is happening.

I expected really.... so much more from the last commission of the late foxtel head brian walsh and I feel like they have let him down a little bit, sorry brian, maybe the next one?
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Safe Home (2023)
Eye of relevance
18 April 2024
Growing up in a household where domestic violence had been present and watching this series there is a whole new understand on why "people don't run" because they can't they are stuck in a system that has let them down and will keep letting them down. This series was even more of an eye opener for me and I grew up with it and sometimes friends did as well. Phoebe is the optimistic one and all the other characters at the law firm are all that, but to a different degree, the stories told at the centre and the lives of everyone who walks through those doors are changed in an instant. I suggest if you do watch this go gently, you are going to be ok and help is available.
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Deadloch (2023– )
Where's season two?
18 April 2024
Oh come on.. I thought at first i was going to hate this but I ended up enjoying so much so I am one of the many people wanting to shout "Just renew deadloch already! Do it for Bushy!!" Even so if they did do season two how could it match up to the likes of season one? Season one was just fast paced out there wanting to slap mostly every characters, wanting to know about Dulcie and Kath or Eddie and her partner. Season one was great and definitely a swearathon but a great one to have to listen to that all day in the booth! So come on renew deadloch for season 2 please having serious deadloch withdrawals here.
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Fisk (2021– )
Great viewing
18 April 2024
As someone who loves dry humour, sarcasm and kitty flanagan was i glad when this show got picked up for a third season! I love good legal comedies and it is so good to that we can produce the dry wit from actual seasoned comedians and well known names without it being mean spirited or wanting to turn the tv off. I go back all the time and watch this on iview because it is one of my favourite comedies, it has deserved its dual logie wins and deserves a hell of a lot more. Here's to season three for whenever that comes and enjoying great comedy from a great team! Fingers crossed when we get season 3 we get a 4th!
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Windcatcher (2024)
Just running into the fray
18 April 2024
Was one of the very few childrens movies I watched with the family over easter because you know when you can't watch bluey? Put this on and we were laughing, crying and cheering on the characters in the span of a few minutes, and it was such an inspiring story that I feel the movie could've been a little bit longer and told just a little bit more. How good was it seeing Pia Miranda and Jess Mauboy in something different? The two were funny, and well meaning. Percy? Was such a little larrikin taking his lessons learned to everywhere he went. Recommend watching this with family and friends, grab some popcorn and watch!
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White Fever (2024– )
Just bad
18 April 2024
Idk if it just me or I watched the entire show in ABC Iview cause I had nothing better to, and I would like my time back please. The positive review thats here criticizing the people who didn't like it because they're not used to women being on screen? No it's just the show being really really bad. Women on screen in comedies aren't the problem, it was a show that was trying way to hard to be funny that it comes across as rude and mean spirited for one.

The other? It's just not that work is decent, and some of the characters are great, I just don't want to waste my time on this again. Watch something else. Fisk is funnier.
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