
6 Reviews
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A dull plot sandwiched between two masterfully completed scenes
16 October 2022
The movies opens up with a classic plot that is still gripping. I was genuinely scared by this opening, but wish the rest of the movie could match the quality of it. For the next 45 minutes or so, there isn't a whole lot to get excited about. The killer himself doesn't seem like he was very frightening until the last act. Nothing really happens during this time, and we don't even see the MAIN CHARACTER during this time. Once Carol Kane comes back into the movie, it gets a lot better again. Kane really stands out in this movie and is a great fit in her role. The final jump scare still has my heart beating 30 minutes later.

I'm still frustrated that the movie could've been a lot better if the middle wasn't so boring and they didn't take out the main character for over half of the movie.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
Best B-Roll out of any show
28 March 2021
This show is great, and there is so many good moments in the show's history. I am actually writing this because I just want to say that this show has the best B-Roll out of any show. They are short 5 second clips that work so well and are almost always funny. I don't know how they managed to fill 6 seasons full of these, but they are great.
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Very Interesting Even For People Who Don't Watch Baseball
18 March 2021
When I originally saw the first episode out of six for this, I was not inspired to go watch "This is Not an Endorsement of Arson", but when I finally watched it, I was amazed at how good it was. I kept watching the other five episodes right as they came out, and I enjoyed all of it.

I like this more than "The Last Dance", and I'm a Bulls fan. You don't even have to be a baseball fan to like it. There are so many interesting stories about the Mariners history that are so randomly hilarious that it's impossible not to go to the next episode.

Everything from the direction to the soundtrack of smooth jazz is amazing. Secret Base's 'Dorktown' also has such a great design that works perfectly for this. Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein flow so effortlessly between each other, and they make it sound very pleasing. I'm not a real movie reviewer or anything, but I don't remember any flaw in this.

They also released the super cut edition, and I was glad to watch 3 hours and 40 minutes straight of this documentary. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
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Madden NFL 21 (2020 Video Game)
If trash was recycled
17 February 2021
How is Colin Kaepernick an 80, when he was benched for Blaine Gabbert a while ago? Madden is unoriginal and should stop recycling the same game every year. I didn't even buy Madden 21 because I knew it would be the same game, and I was right.
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Point Break (1991)
A Surfing Movie With a Side Plot of Action
23 August 2020
The whole time I watched it, it seemed like it was made for people who were really into surfing. I felt that there was just too much surfing involved. I also didn't understand why Keanu Reeves' character got so close to those guys. Would've been better if the movie didn't feature surfing as much. I wanted to like this more, but I just couldn't.
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Clueless (1995)
The Most Average Movie I Have Ever Seen
28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the movie thinking that it was mainly about a girl finding out that she has it really great, and she is not an average teenager as she thought, but 20 minutes into the movie showed me that's not what I was watching. The movie wasn't great or anything, and I wouldn't want to watch this again soon, or ever, but it wasn't bad.

My main problem is that I saw everything that was going to happen before it happened. It was obvious that one guy was gay, I knew that the step-siblings were going to get together, and many other details were too obviously going to happen.

The movie ended abruptly, not answering some things that I was looking to know. Wouldn't that also be weird? Being in a relationship with your step-siblings when your parents are together. Average. Very Average.
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