
24 Reviews
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Infested (2023)
A tangled web
27 April 2024
This is what a horror movie about spiders should be like. For the first hour or so everything works, it feels well put together, and the soundtrack only compliments this.

The spiders are well done, and there is some genuinely frightening jump scares.

It entire production takes place in a apartment block in Paris. It feels isolated, dark, grim, and poverty stricken. At times, it felt like the same isolation one would get watching the the first Alien movie.

However, whilst the movie is well made, the third act is difficult to take seriously. Sometimes less is more in this context. People in an apartment block fighting for their very lives was interesting, until it became silly and cartoonist.

That being said, the first hour is the best bit of horror you're likely to see this year.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Average at best
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie starts well but is sound degenerates into mediocre survival horror which we've all seen before.

The start is something which is remeisant of this type of genre, with six friends embarking on a trip to a wooded mountain range in Virginia. However, he's where the stupidity becomes remarkable, with all six characters demonstrating little intelligence. For example: They journey to find a remote civil war fort with no map There mobile phones are useless despite losing one of their best friend's They attack before asking questions They allow one of their friend's to have his eyes burnt out before suggesting they can be helpful- obviously sucks to be you mate.

The antagonists have a trial for murder, but seemingly break their own rules by executing one of the interesting characters Typically, two characters remain and one decides to give up his life outside...what no toilet paper, running water, and to top it off the tribal leader has just stolen your girlfriend?

Guys, how about we sit and think a little before we write a script?
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Bite (I) (2015)
Poor man's Fly
6 January 2024
Regrettably this film clearly didn't see 1986's The Fly or they'd never have made this movie. It has little to say of any consequence and has a ridiculous plot.

The movie starts with three young lady's on holiday in some exotic resort. Needless to say this is where my distaste began for all of the characters. They're not real people, and clearly we're meant to believe that they support their lifestyle through the work of their parents. More than that, the whole film is set in an apartment block where the smell would have been overpowering due to the state of the apartment and rotten corpses that stagnant in the bath like this film's script. Should we really think that not one of the tenants would ring the police?

The lady who is bitten clearly is not the sharpest tool in the draw because she rings the emergency services to address her bite. But that's it, surely someone who is so self obsessed with her looks would go and see a doctor?

We're left with a empty husk of a film, a dreadful narrative of no consequence or message. Other than don't get bitten when you're on holdiay- well, thanks for that.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
3 December 2023
Art the Clown returns and causes havoc on two unsuspecting teens and their family. Enjoyable whilst it remains interesting, and benefits from a bigger budget than the original. Expect to see Terrifier 3, 4, 5...and so on.

The gore is taken to a new level but I am undecided whether this is a horror movie or more of a black comedy. It's certainly dark, and retains a lot of jump scares, but there's points where I laughed and other scenes which are downright disgusting.

One aspect which helps the movie is the introduction of the 'Pale Little Girl,' who is only seen by Art and the two protagonists. She adds to the creepy nature of Art and adds to his character. He's a supernatural being and destroys those that he targets.

I enjoyed the two heroes of the story, Sienna more so than Jonathan. They vulnerable young adults being chases by a demonic creature.

I hope the producers of the movie decide to leave it at Terrifier 3 but somehow I very much doubt it.

If you watch the movie till the end you'll catch a quick cameo from AEW's Chris Jericho. Apparently he was sick after shooting his scenes. Didn't you read the entire script Chris?
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What do people expect? Exploring teddy bearss
10 November 2023
A good reality TV show, but you really need to know your Bond to find the links with the movies. For example, Drax is mentioned in one episode, and the iconic cable cars are shown from Moonraker. Also referenced is Live and Let Die, Octopussy, Dr No, and On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

The contestants are interesting and in no way appear shallow or spolit. They're ordinary people trying to make money on a very difficult game show.

Brain Cox does a great job at playing the 'villian,' and he keeps the show going. However, the challenges often appear harsh for some, and a little easier for others.

I enjoyed this show, but you've got to know your Bond. The contestants don't really know there Bond so as viewers you're almost left to infer the links.
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The Reckoning (2023)
21 October 2023
Coogan is amazing as Savile, and I often thought I was watching the show on Netflix. He steals the show from start to finish with his portrayal and offers no excuses for JS's predatory behaviour.

The supporting cast is brilliant, with Gemma Jones playing his mother. She clearly knows that her son is different and in one scene states that 'he's old enough to be their father.'. However, she is dragged into JS's web of deceit and lies.

Hiding in plain sight is an excuse. People knew, particularly at the BBC. In one scene we are shown a picture of JS with his hand on the bottom of a young lady who he later abuses. People knew what was going and did nothing to stop the abuse.

Why is it horrific? The abuse scenes are never shown, and this is implied. However, it is the eye witness accounts which are so painful to watch. These poor people were never heard and will never get the justice they deserve. It is sickening to think that this man has an OBE and was allowed to get away with the most heinous of crimes. In fact, organisations like the BBC allowed a steady stream of young ladies to be groomed, abused, and have their lives ruined by a sadistic, vile, and truly devil of a man.

Coogan nails his interpretation of this man, but it is certainly not an easy watch.
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Knock at the average cabin
25 August 2023
Bang average, with some good performances from Bautista, Geoff and Aldridge.

However, the film's struggles with the content from start to finish. There's no plot other than the apocalypse is coming and you're the only people who can say the world. But why? Why now?

The two central characters are both homosexual and the film goes to great lengths to show the discrimination that they face. However, this is never really explored in any sort of depth, nor is there any sort of satisfying conclusion. We know that society is still struggles with homophobia, and a lack of inclusivity, but these issues are only glanced over.

If you want to do a film about the end of the world at least do it justice. Or at the very least show the prejudice and discrimination faced by the LGBTQ plus in a meaningful way.
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The Lost Boys (1987)
I still believe
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A great movie horror/ adventure movie which I think has got better with age.

The film needs no introduction and puts later teen vamp flicks to shame ( Twilight- we're talking about you). There's some great performances, and even though it's tad predictable, I still prefer this over some of the ridiculous horror we have today.

I like the idea of 'Lost Boys ' who need a mother, and the idea of parenting is explored throughout, particularly with Michael ( mum is divorced) and David's gang of vamps who desperately need a mother.

In the end, we're left with the ash's of Max, and a grandpa that knows far too much but never lets on.
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Sets a new bar for horror movies
25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't speak highly enough of this movie. Let's be honest, the horror genre is so saturated, but this stands heads and tails above other films and is so unique.

I love the setting, the idea of hopelessness in a desperate situation, and the sheer amount of gore and blood is on another scale. It's tremendously fun, horrific and haunting at the same time.

There's several nods to other horror movies, such as The Shining, The Thing, and Brain-dead.

The movie is shot in four locations, a corridor, apartment, car park, and lake. There's not much in the way of plot, other than 'don't read from the book,' but the sign of a good horror movie is making use of less so you can produce a better movie. That's definitely the case here, with an errie setting, a stupid teen, and his less than understanding siblings we get a well crafted gorefest. It has its faults, but these can be overlooked because when it starts it never lets up.

Be warned, there's more gore, guts, and brains than your usual horror movie.
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Skull Island (2023– )
26 June 2023
Skull Island, an animated adventure with annoying characters and repetitive episodes. The story is very basic with our protagonists landing on Skull Island after their ship is destroyed by a giant sea monster. Cue the large monsters, which on the whole, look amazing. However, the whole thing is let down by silly characters, who are annoying to the point you want them to get eaten by one of these giant beasts.

Granted there's some good battle sequences, but the overal story is so tedious many will never make it to episode 8.

King Kong (1933) did this 90 years ago, and it's still better than this.
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Rollerball (1975)
Stick it to the man
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rollerball is set in a dystopian future, where corperations who rule the world, and everything is provided by them, and everyone works towards a common goal.

Jonathan E is a record breaking Rollerball player who is asked to retire after ten years on the Houston Team. He's becoming to big, and is a role model for those who aspire to be all that they are without the help of the corporations.

I love the performance of James Caan as he is superb in the role. However, it is John Houseman who steals the show everytime he appears. He has a quiet and undeniable charm, but is also exceedingly ruthless when trying to protect his political ideology.

There are a number of scenes which stick in the memory. One criticism I have is that the Tokyo match could have been switched with New York as it is far better in it's delivery.

A great movie, and arguably the best dystopian film in the 70's or 80's for that matter.
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Critters 2 (1988)
How unlucky can one town be?
8 May 2023
A good sequel that benefits from a increased budget over the original. It has more comedic elements, and gore than Critters. You don't watch films like this for plotlines. It is entertaining from start to finish, with scenes which are highly enjoyable, such as the diner where two bounty hunters blast the hell out of a gang of critters. The whole thing isn't meant to be taken seriously, and if you want a horror which makes sense then this is not for you.

Switch of your brain, grab some crisps, and a beer and enjoy critters munching on some innocent town folk, cows, hamburgers, and a bounty hunter.
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Critters (1986)
8 May 2023
I saw this movie when I was 12, both me and my friend were watching it for the first time after renting it from our local video store. It's fun, entertaining, and a typical 80's horror. They churned out the sequels faster than the Critters could eat their way through the screenwriters and directors, but this remains the best.

There's a number of screens I particularly enjoy, from the bowling alley, to the initial bounty hunter transformation. I almost wanted a certain Mandalorian to make a guest appearance shouting 'this is the way,' before being eaten alive by 8 critters.

Switch your brain off, grab some crisps, and a beer and enjoy.
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A truly terrifying movie
30 October 2022
A movie that delves into paranoia, control, regret, grief, and loss. A well thought out plot that keeps you thinking from start to finish. It's atmospheric, dark, and he as a great antagonist in Cheryl Roberts who plays Billy's aunt.

Roberts is amazing in the role, twisted, dark, demented and charming all at the same time. She makes the movie, as I felt anyone could have played Billy, his girlfriend, and the police officers. She is truly nightmarish and possibly one of the best 80's on screen female villains.

The rest of the movie is a tad predictable, but does have some very tense moments. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for something a bit different. There are no aliens, freaks, vampires, or mutants. The only monster here is a lonely auntie trying to her son.

It's reminiscent of psycho and definitely worth a watch.
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Dead good
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a zombie movie, it is brilliant. Doesn't take itself too seriously, and plays every scene for laughs. Definitely a black comedy, and has gore by the bucket load. Also, a tank, driven by Nazi zombies , which is used superbly in every sequence it appears in.

Switch off your brain, and enjoy this for what it is, a complete and utter gorefest. If that's not your thing, or you've got a weak stomach I would steer well clear of this. Expect the merciless slaughter of women, child, and a lady in a wheel chair.

This is one of those occasions where the sequence is better than the original in every way. My favourite sequence: a man's intestines being used to siphon fuel from a bus to a tank.

This raises the bar for all zombie movies.
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Good analysis of sensitive issues
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was interesting take on a very sensitive topic that happens all too often. The film shows the impact of traumatic events and the decisions people take as a result of what happens to them. Whether that is negative or positive, or when we simply do not listen.

I enjoyed elements of this film enormously, and felt it tackled difficult subjects very well. It certainly encourages you to think about actions, and how we can support those around us. The ending is very predictable, and i wasn't particularly endeared by it.

One aspect I loved was how those with privilege seek to wash over difficult events with money, never really addressing the key problems. For me, they represent society as a whole, events can and will have a life long impact and it's time we acknowledge that.

It has some fine acting, and good story telling. My criticism is the ending which is very predictable, and lacks originality.

We need to talk more about trauma, how it impacts on us, and how we can support those that have gone through difficult events. Well played Netflix.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Hell on earth
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A good movie, and something to build upon. It's not perfect, and overly long, there's a lack of explanation at times, and often it feels disjointed. However, Hellraiser is back, and Clayton does an amazing job as portraying Pinhead. To say it is a woman is a bit of a stretch, the Cenobite is almost genderless.

Clayton is a strength of the film,but also a weakness as she does not show up until the second half of the movie, I really wanted to see more, and learn more about the lore. This part of the film was rushed, and spent too much time on the issues surrounding the central characters. We've seen this all before, drug addict recovering, troublesome boyfriend, supportive get the picture. There will be a sequel, and this is a decent foundation, but they need more gore,and definitely more of the Cenobites.

The supporting cast, and the antagonist do little to elevate the story. In fact, the villian's motive is so convoluted, and there was a definite need for more screen time.

I enjoyed the ending, Riley has to act with the consequences of her actions, and experience remorse. I thought this was novel way to end the movie, it made sense, particularly for that character.

Give this a go, if I could award a 6+ or 7- that would be more fitting. This is a decent movie, and I expect them to build upon it. But please we don't need lots of or two will do.
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Haunted (2018– )
6 October 2022
The show is just plain ridiculous, people describing dark visitations after hugely traumatic events in their personal lives. Some stories just beggar belief, they simply aren't real and lack an absolute modicum of evidence. Why would you not call the police? Leave the house? Report it to social care? Or even call a priest?

If you're going to make a show like this, don't base it on true stories, because they simply aren't anywhere near that. I surprised their noses don't grow! They're trying to make a fast dollar and call it entertainment. However, when you analyse what the stories they just do not make any sense.
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The Last Rite (2021)
Amateur hour
4 October 2022
The setting, and plot are OK. The acting is a wooden as a tree, it's simply terrible. It felt like an A-level screenplay, poorly written, and a lack of quality with the acting.

There's a few decent points, and the atmosphere is OK. However, it is hugely let down by dreadful acting, poor quality narrative, and a complete lack of logical reasoning. Why is this happening? Who is doing this? It's never really answered , which adds to the overall frustration.

There are a couple of decent nods to films like the Exorcist, but I'd only recommend this if you're really desperate, and have run out of stuff to watch.
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The Canal (2014)
Scary, errie, and unsettling
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good horror, and suspense movie, which is well shot, and has a truly good acting. This is about trauma, grief, and betrayal, mixed with a ghost story.

The location feel cold, isolated, dark, and unhinged as a man seeks to come to terms with the death of his wife under suspicious circumstances. There are no heroes here, just a man, and his son trying to come to terms with the devastating events that surround his family.

One criticism I have is the pace of the film. At times it feels weighed down by the content and story.

That being said, this is a must watch if you enjoy errie, and unsettling movies.
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Feast (2005)
Did somebody say gore?
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Set in one filming location, a set of characters are attacked by gruesome creatures. It's Assault on Precinct 13 with monsters, but definitely darker, and is very tongue in cheek. If you like black comedies, you will enjoy this movie.

The film is very short on plot points, but makes up for it with thrilling set pieces, and ridiculous deaths ( one characters has his face ripped off). I enjoyed it for what it was, if you're looking for reasons why, or what then probably don't bother. Instead just watch this for pure entertainment, and disengage your brain.

The special effects are OK, and lighting is used really well to disguise the low budget aspects of the film.

Give it a watch if you enjoy black comedy.
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Isolation (2005)
The a farm
1 October 2022
It's a cross between The Thing, and Alien. Well made, good ideas, and reasonable effects. I enjoyed how errie, and dark it was throughout. A bit more story telling and this could have been great.

I liked how isolated, cold, and unsettling the movie felt. The setting made this movie. It has one filming location, and they use it so well. Coupled with a wonderful soundtrack they could have had an exceptional movie.

The one criticism is the narrative is thin, waffer thin to be exact. There's a lack of explanation as to why this is happening, or what the end goal is. The film makers should have explored this more, and developed an interesting and relevant movie. The ending is predictable, and felt like they'd run out of ideas.

I recommend this film of you've got 90 minutes to spare.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Satanic panic ( or how bad this show is)
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you like your drama woke then you'll love this. It's perfectly watchable, but lacks the horror you'd normally associate with this sort of material.

Essentially, a white middle class family becomes guardians to the daughter of a cult leader, and find there world slowly tipped upside down...yawn. Is this current climate of high bills, low wages, and poverty why would anyone care about this?

It doesn't know what it wants to be, a teen drama? A serious take on the impact of damaging ideology? Or something else entirely. I found this frustrating at times because it's so predictable, and lacking in character development and depth.

Little mention is given to the antagonists of the show, and it lacks any sort of threat, other that the ridiculous decisions the characters make themselves. I mean you encounter a girl with a pentagram carved onto her back, so why not invite her to stay with you? Would any caring parent actually do this???
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Decent but not great
23 August 2019
This is a film about alligators, very predictable, but still good in parts with some jump scares. The plot is very thin and you just need to disengage your brain before watching and ignore the lack of realism. It is not the 80s b-movie, Alligator if that is what you are looking for.
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