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AlRawabi School for Girls: New Beginnings (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Terrible Season
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Alrawabi School for Girls is all about tiktok, getting "likes" on videos and being an influencer. It's ridiculous that they've cast such strange and unattractive looking women to play the part of popular 16 year old high school girls. Hilba must be in her 40's playing a 16 year old. Writing is bad and acting is terrible for the most part. This show makes Jordanian girls look stupid, needy and clueless to the real world. Are Jordanians really uneducated silly people? It would have been nice to see young women striving to do well in school and wanting to make something of themselves rather than shallow "jobs." Very boring show. Is it drama, comedy, coming of age, what? Why do they speak English in the middle of Arabic sentences? Is it to be assumed that Arabic and English are learned simultaneously and the language of the land?

Don't waste your time with nonsense. There are much better Netflix shows.
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Send Them to School
8 August 2023
Home schooling is not a good education. Religious wackos intentionally leave out important history and science. These kids need to associate with their peers and learn and get out of the house.

Indoctrinating kids to believe crazy religious crap just harms them in life.

The mother would have time to herself if the kids were at school.

There's no need to have so many children. It's impossible to give each child enough time with that many kids. It's like they're intentionally making life difficult for themselves.

All that being said, the kids seem very kind and everyone gets along well, which is nice to see.
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Can they not say brothers and sisters?
4 August 2023
What's with the word "siblings"? All the children always refer to their brothers and sisters as siblings. They never refer to them as their brothers and sisters or the other kids, only "my siblings." I find it odd and weird.

The parents should not be allowed to raise kids. Why was the child, James, I think, by himself on the grounds at 17 months old, while the mother was behind the wheel of her car and moving? That's negligence. Surely she knows kids move fast and get around fast, yet she still drove around and then killed him. Where is childre s protective services? The kids are essentially enslaved. They cook and clean while the mother relaxes. They can't do anything without the mothers literally looking over their shoulder. It's creepy. The father is creepy too.
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Father is Kind of Racist
4 January 2023
I find it sad that whatever Kathy makes that has ingredients not Chinese, her father makes nasty faces. Kathy has to beg him to try and he'll always say he hates the dish. It seems he only wants to eat Chinese food and is resistant to open up to other cuisines. Odd. Living in America, we are fortunate to be able to taste food from all over the world. Does he not eat American food? How about Italian, Vietnamese, Mexican, Indian and so forth. I would think most people enjoy food from all cultures, not just their own. Personally, American food is not my favorite; Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, Japanese, Sole food and Spanish food are my favorites.

Kathy's dishes look incredibly unique and delicious and I wish I lived close by. I wouldn't however classify them as Chinese. Perhaps a fusion with various other cuisines. Regardless, she's a GREAT cook with great ideas. My mouth was watering with each creation. I find her father to be disrespectful of her and luckily, she seems to take it with a grain of salt. She also seems like a genuinely nice human.

The show is rather boring and I really don't care about how the restaurant is growing. Would much rather just see the cooking.

Kathy's food looks so good and I've love to see her open a restaurant in my neck of the woods. But the show, in my opinion, is a waste of time.
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