
5 Reviews
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Well done
12 April 2024
Rarely if ever do you see a film that gets psychology right but they nailed it. That alone was refreshing, but the film itself I found to be quite nice. Wasnt expecting much out of this but it has an impact, one that isnt smack you in your face but reminds you that things are messy and tend to stay messy for longer than anyone wants.

Plus the main characters were great, especially the young man who plays Henry. I've seen him before but was impressed with how he played this role. He was so real with it, so raw. Good job! She was talented too but I think this film meant something to the male actor. I started this review before I checked their names lol anyways I wanted people to know this one is worth checking out, even if you're not the biggest fan of these types of movies.

Reminds me of a film called Super Dark Times I recommend watching that next if you're itchin for something similar after watching this.
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Inspired the Death Note and Monogatari series?
24 February 2024
As I watched this show I couldn't stop thinking about Monogatari. The music, the way they take their time solving problems in a high pressure situation, the way the main character acts and how he thinks he's not very smart but is the smartest character. Its like Monogatari started off as a copycat of this Spiral show but with deeper meaning, longer conversations, and more jokes.

I searched it and yes Monogatari came after the manga for Suiri no kizuna ended and also the light novels started around the time this show was airing (2005). I cant be the only one to think of Monogatari. Google produced no results for my searching their comparisons though.

I also found it to be a bit similar to Death Note as well, the way they guess eachothers moves and whatnot. Death Note manga started in 2003, so Spiral could have also influenced that one too! Is this some classic anime in Japan and I've only just heard of it in Canada? Why does the internet not show this anime as being inspiration for both of those... maybe I'm missing something.

My point is, this show is good lol and watching it randomly ended up being a nice treat. Truth is I'm only halfway through the series as I write this but I've seen enough to feel strongly about this. This isnt some incredible anime but I find it fun and the characters are interesting.
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Hamatora (2014– )
9 May 2023
I've been watching a lot of anime recently, some great some just alright but this one! Wow. I am genuinely missing the characters and cant start another anime yet because I wish there was more of this one. I am seriously impressed for this anime, which I expected very little from. Excellent animation, great music, some genuinely funny moments that dont drag, good pace throughout (you dont need to wait x amount of episodes for the actual plot to kick in, its all combined well), and the storyline is definitely entertaining. If you watch this and hate it, I'll be honestly confused as to how you could. 100% recommend!
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Shifter (2020)
Kept me wanting more
7 January 2023
Gotta say this is a hidden little gem, and it kept me wondering. I thought they did a great job with time travel unlike some I've seen. One scene differs from that but I let it go cuz whatever its just one scene. I guess I dont have high standards because I thought this was an imaginative and well done one!

Dont watch B movies if you want Hollywood action. This isnt the type of movie that will make you say WOW its more one that will make you go... yeah. I will never try to time travel. Not to give spoilers but this isnt back to the future lol its definitely a darker take on time travel. I thought it was a clever and well thought our execution and I'm glad to have seen this film tbh, its one I'll wonder about.
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Could have been worse!
19 January 2022
Is this actually 10/10? Maybe not but it's no 3.3!

Why do people watch low budget B rated movies if they expect it to be Hollywood? Manage your expectations if you want this to be extravagant. It's not lol but for some random little movie from nowhere I enjoyed it enough to say I may even own it someday. But I love nature so that helps!

It was not really a horror, I'd say more of a thriller but I found it unique and easy to chill and watch. Main actress was very good!

My real rating is still a 10 because I have no complaints but I am just a movie fan, not a critic.
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