
6 Reviews
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Gosford Park (2001)
English by excellence
8 November 2002
For one who loves English and old police stories, "Agatha Christie" like.., this one should be quite a delight to the eye. Starting with the extraordinary performances of the actors and ending with the very tiny English Manor details, this is what I call a movie to remember.
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A true story
19 May 2002
This movie was made after a novel written by Doina Jela. In the opening of the premiere night in Romania, Doina Jela told the viewers a short but painful story. "German kids were made to see the horrors of the jewish camps from Auschwitz, to remember and learn, she said. This is why they are where they are, and we (the Romanians) are where we are. You should leave this room remembering that the man, Franz Tandara, is filled with true remorse and pain. It would be the biggest mistake to condemn him just for beign courageous enough to confess..."

I left the room with the exact these thoughts and the wish to see the movie again. It hurts, but then again truth hurts.
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A beautiful story
3 December 2001
For one expecting to see action, action and more action, this is definitely NOT the movie to see. But for one dreaming of true life, with it's bad and it's good things, all wrapped up in a realistic cover, than it is sure you've found the place, when going to Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Seeing almost all of this year's love movies (what came into our theaters) I can say this is second best after Moulin Rouge. The story is simpler but it's not a fairy tale. One could easily think this really happened, almost 65 years ago. I felt every moment of the Italian soldiers murder..and I did regret as much the fact that the german captain did not commit suicide. It was the only thing honorable to do. But he didn't do it.. as it was war..and no honor came before glory. Again a very good movie coming from the director of Shakespeare in love. He won a true fan...
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Asphalt Tango (1996)
a romanian must
13 November 2001
I've seen a comment on this movie.. and the only thing I can add is "It's a must to be a native Romanian, to fully understand and appreciate this movie, to its true quality".

The film reflects the real life of a romanian. It's all about the wanting and wishing for a better life.

And if you want to see a real tango than see "Asphalt tango".
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
above all this story is about love.. at the Moulin Rouge
12 November 2001
Who would have expected for this movie to be a musical? I was among those who thought not.. I only wanted to see it knowing and loving the previous movie, Shakespeare in Love. Ad I went to see it in the first day of the premiere.. It made me laugh, wonder, cry, be sad and happy all at the same time. I never understood why some of the viewers left the cinema hall before the end of the movie. I loved the actors and felt every bit of the story. I cried and I would cry again If i saw it. Oh, I can bet that I will see it again. But take a girl's advice and DON'T GO ALONE to see this movie. Take a friend or your lover...and see how he or she reacts. The feelings will be twice stronger. I am glad to have seen it.. and it's been worth waiting for it.
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was it good?
17 October 2001
Not only it was good, but it was my movie of the year. One boy..and the world around. And people are people, and despite that we can say that love still exists. Engineering and robotics, two subjects so far from feelings. And yet they meet under this strangely human face.. One boy who makes us realize that feelings are the ones that matter. As they've always been. An excellent movie, that reminded me again of E.T. And at last, one of a kind for I had never been to a movie where nobody made any comment while watching it. The silence said it all. It was all.
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