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My new Favriote Movie!
3 September 2006
I just saw it yesterday and I have to say that I love Snakes on a Plane. It begins on a upbeat note with reggae music playing and nice shots of a Hawiian island. When the snakes are released later on, the fun begins! there is hardly a time when you are not grinning ear to ear! The thing that works about SOaP is that it balances thrills with tongue and cheek lines! Samueal L. Jackson is great as the tough, snake killing FBI agent Neville Flynn! He manages to seem hard and determined, but likable. The attacks by the snakes are truly fun to watch! they pop out of the most unexpected times and are generally gory! The only downside is that there are so much product placement. I don't want to say anymore lest I ruin some of the fun! But I urge you to go see Snakes on a Plane!
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Luigi's Mansion (2001 Video Game)
I had nightmares after playing this game!
21 June 2006
This is by far the scariest horror survival game ever! And there is no end to the amount of gore in this game. It begins with Lugi going to an uber creepy mansion and having to survive the terrors that await inside. These include hideous spirits of the cronies of the notorious murder Bloody Jack. these things will pop out of walls and try to eat you by making you explode. Also, nothing is as it seems! Piano's come to life and try to disembowel you, books try to decapitate and beat you to death, and giant eyeballs stalk and shoot at you! The boss is the creepiest part of the game! He is so scary, it's too horrible ti describe! So if you are faint of heart or scare easily, I urge you not to play this and instead play a nice, kiddie game like Silent Hill. This is truly one hell of a horror game!
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Silent Hill (1999 Video Game)
A great kids game
6 June 2006
This is an excellent game for children 5 and under much in the same vein as Super Mario Brothers and Kirby! The plot revolves around a little boy Tim who goes out on a quest to find the magical ball of Sanarunka! Along the way he meets such interesting characters such as Pyramid head, cute little girls with two heads! This game has many educational properties to it! It teaches kids how to do multiplication, to read, and to divide! Many other things can be attributed to this game as well, such as curing down syndrome! Down syndrome or trisomy 21 is a genetic condition resulting from the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. Down syndrome is characterized by a combination of major and minor abnormalities of body structure and function. Among features present in nearly all cases are impairment of learning and physical growth, and a recognizable facial appearance usually identified at birth. Many other organ systems may be affected as well. It is named after John Langdon Down, the British doctor who first described it in 1866.

While most children with Down syndrome have a lower than average cognitive function, some have earned college degrees with accommodations, and nearly all will learn to read, write and do simple mathematics. The common clinical features of Down syndrome include any of a number of features that also appear in people with a standard set of chromosomes. They include a simian crease (a single crease across one or both palms), almond shaped eyes, shorter limbs, heart and/or gastroesophageal defects, speech impairment, and perhaps a higher than average risk of incidence of Hirschsprung's disease. Young children with Down syndrome are also more prone to recurrent ear infections and obstructive sleep apnea.

Early childhood intervention, screening for common problems, such as thyroid functioning, medical treatment where indicated, a conducive family environment, vocational training, etc., can improve the overall development of children with Down syndrome. On the one hand, Down syndrome shows that some genetic limitations cannot be overcome. On the other, it shows that education can produce excellent progress whatever the starting point. The commitment of parents, teachers, and therapists to individual children has produced previously unexpected positive results. So i urge all of you to buy this game for your kids!
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19 May 2006
This film, if anything, shows how some adults are unable to tell the difference between real life and make believe. I have a feeling that most people who would say that this is true have never seen or read any of the books. If these people did, they would see that it is teaching the values that they say America is lacking. Jack Chick loves this movie!I also think these so called "Christans" should focus less on children's books and more on what Jesus ACTULLAY SAID! I saw this movie more as a attack against Wiccans! This can be seen in there portrayal of pagans as Satanic baby eaters! Ask any Wiccan and they will tell you that they believe in White Magik which is used for healing! so my advice to the person who made this film, READ THE FREAKING BOOK!
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Strange class room film
18 May 2006
I first saw this weird, some what disturbing film on Something Weird and right there and then I knew that it was going to be a long strange journey! The story revolves around marionette puppet named Sneaky who according to the song, "dosn't care about you and me" and goes around writing (or more to the point kinda scribbling) on walls, apparently smearing paint on desks, breaking windows and pushing over and rolling trash cans with other mean, creepy puppets. The sound track consist of one, what sounds like, ex-hippy playing guitar and singing. Trust me, when this was made, kids would have been better off with scrubby the street cleaner or what ever!
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