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Good action, but this movie is an insulting film catered to stupid people
19 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying I was not expecting an Oscar worthy movie. I wanted to watch a run of the mill action popcorn flick. Nothing special, but enjoyable. The action is fantastic in this film. Cool shooting scenes and everything you want in that kind of movie. That was awesome. Even the acting wasn't bad. They had good people in there. There were a lot of cheesy Gerard Butler lines, but whatever, that's fine. Good stuff with that all-around.

Now let's get into the movie. And yes, I know it's "just" a movie. However, I found this movie beyond insulting to the people watching it. I know the average movie goer, like the average person, is not the smartest person in the world. The problem with this movie is that it doesn't even try. There are so many "what the heck" or "Are you serious?" moments. The characters do things that make zero sense whatsoever. Basically, there is so much wrong it's completely ridiculous. This movie is insulting to those watching it and especially those in the Secret Service and Armed Forces of this country. The decisions of the characters and the entire setup makes no sense. How easy they make it look to infiltrate the White House with like 40 Korean combatants versus the entire Secret Service (realistic), how simplistic they make it look to bury our country in a nuclear holocaust, UGH! Seriously? They try to do a few lines about the importance of Patriotism, but then the characters (even the President for God's sake!) are giving up national security secrets and protection because of what? The fear they'll kill the President? Cause we would EVER negotiate with terrorists? Come on!

Okay, I know it's a popcorn flick, but it was just too much to bear. At the end of the film, all I got from it was all we need to keep this country safe is ONE angry Scotsman with a gun. Meanwhile the rest of our military and highly trained personnel are worthless and too cowardly to sacrifice their lives to save millions. I cannot believe it's averaging a 7 out of 10 currently. But that's the thing... movies are made for the masses. Too bad.

One last thing to whoever watched it: That part where they're asking about Rick Yune's (the bad guy) character and how they were trying to do a facial recognition but couldn't get a match. Then SUDDENLY when they found out his name, they opened up like a thousand photos and an entire TERRORIST PROFILE on him and how he's this really bad dude that they all SHOULD HAVE KNOWN to begin with? But for whatever reason they gave him White House clearance? That's what I mean. How do people not find that kind of storytelling lazy and insulting? Whatever. I guess I don't understand the world.

What a piece of garbage this was. Why Morgan Freeman, why?!
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Silent Hill (2006)
Best video game adaptation yet, but still has its flaws...
22 April 2006
Following a viewing of "Silent Hill" with some friends, many of them were quite perplexed at the film. Needless to say, the film was a tad bit confusing to those who were not familiar and had not played the video game franchise. Being a person who had played the games, I was very satisfied with the film. Not only did the film provide an interesting way to bring the game into the movie-world, but also stayed extremely close to many elements of the game and included various things from the first three video games. "Silent Hill" is by far the best video game adaptation yet, but it still has its share of flaws. For one thing, based on discussions with friends and reading reviews online, it seems quite clear who will surely enjoy this film: fans of the video game. Those who aren't familiar with the game will be left in the dark, confused by an incomplete cinematic explanation that will isolate them from the rest. My friends who hated the film had every reason not to like it. The story is confusing, the character development lacks, and the ending seems almost incomplete (to those not familiar with the game). To me, the film was excellent, following parts of the game's storyline. However, I don't think Christophe Gans or the screenwriters did a good job at making this film for the unfamiliar viewer. Another problem with the film is that it's really not scary at all. The film is visually stunning and gross, perfect to the atmosphere, but lacks the general creepiness that the game brought to its players. Not once did I jump or get concerned about what was going to happen, as it didn't set-up like a horror film. Regardless, I do believe that on its own, "Silent Hill" is a good movie that deserves multiple viewings to fully understand its complexities. In summation, "Silent Hill" is a good movie that will surely attract the curious and satisfy its fans. However, it didn't come to its full potential due to the fact that it seems to have been made for such a small, fan-based audience.
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Teen Wolf Too (1987)
I'll admit it, I like it
5 October 2005
This is by far the worst rated movie on IMDb that I admittedly like. Maybe it's because I loved this movie and its former when I was a young kid, but I still watch this movie with joy. Now that I'm older, I do see the reason why it is such a poor film. It lacks originality and top notch acting. It is just a college version of the original "Teen Wolf" that deems it unnecessary and unworthy of a sequel. However, I really like Jason Bateman and I think he's good in even this film. The only justifiable means that I can use to compare this movie as being better than its former is that it always made more sense to me that a werewolf participate in a combative sport (such as boxing) over basketball. But yeah, I know this movie is crap. But we all have our guilty pleasures.
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Just about what you'd expect...
28 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing spectacular about the film itself as we've heard this all before. Great performances and cinematography though. I'm not to much of a fan of reading movies, but the performances were so captivating that I didn't even notice it. A lot of people are trying to convince me that this is a super awesome movie (obviously because of the content involved). And I guess a lot of people are rating this film with a perfect score without taking into the context of what really makes a movie a movie compared to what makes a story a story. The story is well known and quite a depressing one too. People were literally leaving the theatre mid-movie crying. The story is good and so is the film, but by no means perfect as it's been done before. It's really just another story about Jesus Christ that's been overhyped for no apparent reason.

Kind of a spoiler: My only real complaint with the movie was the ending where they showed Jesus resurrected with the holes in his hand. It's quite effective for the entire resurrection story, but I felt when they had Mary staring at the audience (breaking the fourth wall), it was far more dramatic and a better way to end the film.

Score: 6 out of 10 (okay)
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S1m0ne (2002)
Pretty good film
30 June 2003
This film was pretty interesting to watch and a pretty good idea. It kind of reminded me of the Whoopi Goldberg movie "The Associate" (which is a remake itself). Regardless of the fact that it is actually very similar to that film, "S1M0NE" is still a good movie to watch on a weekend. Al Pacino is great, as always and it's fun to watch.
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Keen Eddie (2003–2004)
I'm very keen on the show...
10 June 2003
Keen Eddie is a very promising show combining a good mix of comedy, action, and drama all into one. It has interesting cuts that keep you engrossed throughout the show. The cast is also top notch. Mark Valley is great as Eddie Arlette, full of great wit and charm. I also am glad to see Colin Salmon on the show, playing the no-nonsense Scotland Yard Superintendent Johnson.

Hopefully this show will win over audiences and not be replaced by another dreadful reality show.
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Roger Dodger (2002)
Could've also been called "The Ultimate Guide to Picking Up Women".
6 April 2003
I picked up this movie while wondering the video store for a second flick to watch. A few days earlier I friend mentioned to a movie called "Roger Dodger" and said it was pretty good. So when I noticed it, I decided to pick it up.

When I got home and watched it, I was never bored. It's one of those movies that relies on dialogue, constant back and forth, realistic conversation, like how it is in real life. I haven't seen such great conversation in a film since the movie "Tape". It's a good movie that never has a dull moment. However many people would disagree since this movie isn't full of explosions and one-liners. Not that I don't enjoy the occasional one-liners, but I just enjoyed the realism of the movie.

Campbell Scott is great as the leading man, Roger. He's constantly in motion and with the character. Hell, this could be him just acting out real life.

I really liked the film and would recommend it to anyone who wants to see a hilarious view from the thoughts of a casa nova like Roger. Good film.

SCORE: 8 out of 10 (very good)
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A Man Apart (2003)
Diesel's last good film isn't anything new, but then again nothing is.
6 April 2003
I like Vin Diesel. He has the capability of being a huge action star and a good actor. Unfortunately he's chosen to be action star first and put his acting second. He started out with independent films which lead him to his role in "Saving Private Ryan". He then did "Boiler Room" which is the movie that caught my attention of the actor. I thought he was a pretty cool character. Then he did "Pitch Black" which was a so-so movie, but Riddick was a very interesting character. But then he teamed with Rob Cohen and quite honestly, everything went to hell. While "The Fast and the Furious" was an okay quick popcorn flick, it was apparent that he didn't really need to act in it. Then he did "XXX" which is the biggest embarrassment to secret agent movies since Timothy Dalton took on the role of James Bond. But after he did "TF&TF" and before he did "XXX" he did two movies. Two movies which seem like they'll be the last of Vin Diesel's acting ability, for at least some time. The first was "Knockaround Guys" which was finally released in 2002 after being delayed more than a year. While the movie was just okay, it wasn't full of ridiculous CGI work with poor written lines to go with it. Then there was another movie "El Diablo" which was also delayed for some time. That eventually became "A Man Apart" and we're left with a predictable, yet fun movie proving to be Diesel's last good movie before he gets ready to go back X-Style in "XXX2".

"A Man Apart" is obviously something you've seen a million times, but hell... these days in Hollywood, everything is something you've seen a million times. He's a man hell bent on revenge for the death of his wife. Granted the movie is a cliché and predictable, but ignore that. It's still a good movie and very nice to see Diesel using his acting ability more than using his gun. It's the best of both worlds with this flick and I left the theatre much more satisfied than when I saw "XXX".

Overall, if you ignore the fact that it's been done, it's a good flick.

SCORE: 6 out of 10 (okay)
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Watch it for Colin Salmon's performance
21 January 2003
I was flipping through channels and came across this second installment of the Prime Suspect mini-series which star Helen Mirren. However I'm not really a fan of the series, but was very impressed with the performance of Colin Salmon, who plays Sgt. Robert Oswalde. Salmon since then has worked on films such as the Bond films, Resident Evil, and the mini-series Dinotopia, however didn't ever have such a big part as he does in Prime Suspect 2. Salmon is very good in this role and his performance alone is a reason to watch it. Pretty decent mini-series.

SCORE: 7 out of 10 (good)
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25th Hour (2002)
Absolute perfection. It's as great as the book.
11 January 2003
I read the novel 'The 25th Hour' before I even knew it was going to be adapted into a movie and I absolutely loved it. I thought it was one of the best books written in the last ten years. Being a huge fan of Spike Lee and Edward Norton, I was extremely excited when I found they were making it into a film.

However I will admit I was a bit skeptical to whether Spike Lee could pull the film off, but when I saw the trailer I had a new found faith in it and I'm sorry to of doubted him. I saw the film yesterday and was just amazed. It's nearly flawless and is almost exactly like the novel which was written by David Benioff (who also wrote the screenplay).

The characters in the film are great. You got Monty Brogan (Norton) who's looking at seven years for drug dealing charges. It's his last day of freedom and he's just trying to tie up any loose ends before he goes. Then you got his two friends, Frank Slaughtery (Barry Pepper) and Jakob Elinsky (Philip Seymour Hoffman) who each have to deal with the fact that their best friend is going away for seven years, but also have their own demons to deal with. You also have his girlfriend, Naturelle Rivera (Rosario Dawson) who must deal with it as well and must also deal with the fact that she's suspect on who could have sold Monty out to the DEA. And finally you have James Brogan (Brian Cox), Monty's father. He's a hard working guy who obviously wished that things didn't turn out the way they did. One last night for Monty to set things straight and also make decisions.

The film sticks almost exactly to the novel, but there are slight differences. Since the novel was written in 2000 and the movie was filmed during 2002, Spike Lee and David Benioff included the mentioning of the attacks on New York and the aftermath, which I applaud Lee for. He didn't cop out and try to ignore it like others. It was necessary to capture the emotion of what New Yorkers are facing and among that, what the characters have to face with Monty going to prison. There are also slight differences and cut outs from the book to make the film flow easier, but I was disappointed with only one thing that the film didn't include. In the novel, Monty constantly thinks of how he always wanted to be a fireman. While firemen references and his father was a fireman are all mentioned in the film, it didn't really tackle Monty's regret of never becoming a fireman, like it did in the book. But the film makes up for that one thing by being terrific all around.

There are some stellar performances here. Edward Norton is always great in everything he plays, but in this film he is just excellent. The 'F**k You' scene he has when he's staring in the mirror is just excellent and I hope he gets an Oscar nomination for this role (he was robbed from one for American History X). Barry Pepper is in his greatest performance yet as the tough guy stockbroker. Philip Seymour Hoffman was great as Jakob, the high school teacher. Dealing with his attraction to his student, Mary (Anna Paquin). Rosario Dawson really made me feel for her and it was great to see more of her in a film. Brian Cox doesn't have a huge role, but he's great as Monty's father. I would also like to give praise to Tony Siragusa for his performance as Kostya. He was dead on with the accent.

So without going on any further, I just have to say that '25th Hour' was really great and is now one of my favorite films of all time.

SCORE: 9 out of 10 (excellent)
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xXx (2002)
It's got nothing on Bond
28 December 2002
Vin Diesel. I thought he was great in BOILER ROOM. I remember thinking, he's gonna be a huge star, a great actor. But then he goes on and does THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS and this film, XXX. Neither films which really required acting talent on its part. So we're presented with XXX, a supposed new breed of secret agent. Is it as good as the JAMES BOND franchise? Of course not. Is the story interesting? Not really. Are there plenty of action scenes to keep one entertained? Well, yeah. But aren't there a hundred movies just like it? Of course.

This film is pretty bad, even for an action film. It has absolutely nothing on James Bond. Quite honestly, it's one of the worst Bond knock-offs created. Now I like Vin Diesel and think he can still do good movies, but with movies like this and the inevitable XXX sequel... dear no. Go see any JAMES BOND movie or THE BOURNE IDENTITY rather than this recycled garbage.

SCORE: 5 out of 10 (average)
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What the? A spy movie with a good plot and acting?
28 December 2002
THE BOURNE IDENTITY is probably one of the greatest spy movies to be created. This isn't something you should compare to JAMES BOND since they're completely different kinds of movies. While I love Bond films, they really don't include the reality of spy life as this film does. Matt Damon is excellent in this film, doing his best performance since GOOD WILL HUNTING and ROUNDERS. Not only is the acting top notch, the story superb, but there are enough fight scenes and car chases to keep the casual movie goer entertained. This is based on the novel by Robert Ludlum who also wrote THE BOURNE SUPREMACY and THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM. I really hope they make the other two novels into movies as well. A very great piece of work.

SCORE: 9 out of 10 (excellent)
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Not a movie you have to think about
28 December 2002
In an earlier review when the film came out, I commented on how awesome the movie was. But really, it's not. It's just okay to watch if you want a cheap pop corn flick with fast cars. It's not a movie you gotta think about, but if you're going to rate the movie, it definitely isn't good. This movie really made Vin Diesel HUGE among teenage audiences, but it wasn't the film that made me like Diesel. If you want to see Diesel actually.... acting, try the movie BOILER ROOM. This film doesn't have much of a plot, not a lot of acting, but it's fun to watch for the cars. So those are my comments after viewing it several more times...

SCORE: 6 out of 10 (okay)
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Solaris (2002)
Makes you think, but here's the thing...
24 December 2002
I was eagerly waiting for Solaris when I first heard it was announced. I really enjoy Steven Soderbergh's films and thought this would be a really great film... but it wasn't.

Critics seemed to absolutely love this movie, but most the audience seemed to think exactly what I thought about it. It was BORING. It moved so damn slow that it made a meager one hour and thirty minutes feel like a three hour movie. Sure it did make you think about life and all what is waiting for one after we die, but you're bored stiff to get this message. So I cannot give this movie a high score like Soderbergh's other films since it didn't hold my interest as well as, let's say "The Limey".

And on a personal level, I know we all deal with the death of loved ones differently. But I think Chris Kelvin (George Clooney) really, really needed to get over it. When people die, they die. There's no bringing them back.

SCORE: 5 out of 10 (average)
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Boiler Room (2000)
One of my favorite movies.
20 December 2002
This is another film that ranks on my top ten favorites. I don't know what about this movie that is just so... damn good. It's just a refreshing movie to watch as you see Seth Davis (Giovanni Ribisi) slip into this different world of Wall Street and how far he goes. I saw this film being a fan of Ribisi and was very impressed by his work in the film. The writing is great. I really liked the way Seth and his dad (Ron Rifkin) didn't have the perfect father-son relationship as one might expect. This is also the movie that made me like Vin Diesel (who plays Chris). Many people really got hooked on Diesel after 'The Fast and the Furious' and 'XXX' but this was the film that made me enjoy him. Diesel does a really good job in the film and it made me believe Diesel would go on to be a pretty good actor. Unfortunately the roles he selects now make all his actual acting talents lay dormant and unnecessary (such as with 'XXX'). But to get back with the movie, it's probably one of the best films of 2000 and Ben Younger (writer/director) should have got some sort of nomination for his screenplay. This ranks under one of the very few tens I give.

*I would also recommend watching Wall Street and Glengarry Glen Ross.
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Rounders (1998)
The best movie ever made about cards...
18 December 2002
This is definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. As I write this quick comment, I am watching the movie again. It is such an excellent film. Matt Damon shows his best performance in this other than his role in "Good Will Hunting". Edward Norton does great as Damon's shady best friend (and strangely reminds me of Sean Penn in this film). John Dahl directed a great movie. The script is very well written. David Levien and Brian Koppelman really know their s*** as far as the poker world goes (but really failed with their directorial debut of "Knockaround Guys").

This movie isn't for your modern day movie watcher, since it's all about acting and story. But for the people who really enjoy great films, this is one of the greatest movies to be made in the last ten years.

SCORE: 10 out of 10 (a perfection of its kind)
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Analyze That (2002)
Who would've thought?
7 December 2002
Who would've thought the movie could actually be that bad? Going into the movie I knew it wouldn't be good, but I was expecting some cheap laughs. There weren't many laughs and the movie just... sucked. I mean it was bad. I don't like to bash a movie, but this was just awful. I can see that Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal didn't do the movie because the script was good... I'm sure the $20 million actually made 'em feel better about making this piece of s***. It's sad how bad this is really since the first one was pretty good. This is one of the worse sequels to a decent movie I've ever seen. However, if you liked the first one, rent it on video.

OVERALL: 4 out of 10 (bad)
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Resident Evil (2002)
Has a good idea, but wasn't nearly as good as it could've been.
30 November 2002
I had been anticipating the movie Resident Evil since I heard to was to be released back in 1998. At the time there were various directors and writers attached to the project, even George A. Romero -- The Master of Zombie Flicks. However, if you read Romero's script which appeared online, most would agree it was a quite corny script that had no real development.

So finally I heard in 2001 that Paul Anderson, who directed Mortal Kombat (and did a good job at that) would write/direct the project. And it was finally released March 2002. So here are my thoughts on the flick. His ideas for cutting away from the game by introducing a new story was a good idea... to leave some surprises for the gamers and non-gamers. However there were many problems in his script. The story is good because it keeps close to the idea of the corrupt Umbrella Corporation. However, character development and dialogue are the two biggest things wrong with the movie. Though the cast is minimal, there are only two interesting characters in the entire film. Milla Jovovich plays the mysterious "Alice in Wonderland" character who can't remember her identity. As the movie progresses, we learn more about her character, but never the entire thing (I'm sure it'll be answered in the sequel). However the problem with Jovovich's character is though she's mysterious, she's not very interesting. The only other character in the film that was interesting was One (played by Colin Salmon). Colin Salmon kicks ass as the elite group's leader. His dialogue is very well written, too. He basically explains the entire situation of what has happened, which is good because Salmon has a great, bold voice. It's very unfortunate that this movie follows all the other roots of 'horror' flicks and kills off the token black character early. So before we can even embrace Salmon's character, he is dead (an incidentally, dies in the sickest & coolest way possible).

So with only one really interesting character who doesn't last long and another who isn't quite as interesting, this movie drags. However there is enough action-packed sequences in it to keep one entertained.

OVERALL: 6 out of 10 (okay)
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Red Dragon (2002)
Not as good as 'Silence' but much better than 'Hannibal'
6 October 2002
Just got back from seeing 'Red Dragon'. It was exactly as I thought it would be. Entertaining with terrific performances, however not as good as 'The Silence of the Lambs'. While it's not as good as 'Silence', the movie is much, much better than last year's disappointing 'Hannibal'. I've noticed that many people have compared 'Red Dragon' to 'Manhunter', but I don't see why--they're not the same movie. Both are good in their own ways. 'Red Dragon' is a worthy film to see, especially if you're a fan of the Hannibal Lecter series.

My score: 7.5 out of 10 (More than just a good movie)
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I give it an 8... or did I say 9? *Spoilers included.
6 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailer for the movie many months back I awaited patiently to see it since it was one of my most anticipated movies for 2002. However, unlucky for me, it didn't play in my area so I didn't get to see it in the theatres. So after waiting more months I see that it finally would be released on DVD September 10th. Good for that, I picked it up, watched it, and enjoyed it. The movie lived up to all my expectations and couldn't be better.

Many people have concentrated on the fact that its content of drug use and cinematography is that of 'Pulp Fiction' or 'Requiem for a Dream' but I didn't see that really at all. What got me on it was the story in general, which consisted of a guy trying to avenge the woman he loves, by whatever means necessary. I liked the way that Val Kilmer's character really couldn't decide who he was anymore, in the end. It was a very good movie that I have enjoyed watching many times now. Highly recommended.

My score: 8 out of 10 (very good)
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This one will warm your heart...
1 October 2002
I heard about the movie when searching this site for more films with Jake Gyllenhaal (Donnie Darko, October Sky). I don't really fancy to romance movies (chick flicks), but after viewing the trailer I couldn't wait for the film to be released and was lucky enough to be in an area where it was playing. MOONLIGHT MILE is a very touching, original piece of work from writer/director Brad Silberling (City of Angels) and what makes it more emotional is the fact that it's based around his own feelings of dealing with the death of Rebecca Schaeffer. Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarando are, of course excellent in their performances. Jake Gyllenhaal shines again in his role as the grieving fiancée. I highly recommend this touching tale to everyone.

I give it a 7 out of 10 (good).

And while I'm not one to really bash other people's thoughts on the movie, I was very disappointed to read a quick review by "genius-15" who stated the movie as a "useless tearjerker" and that Hollywood shouldn't make this kind of crap because of the grieving families of America. The thing that upset me about this review is the fact that it was completely obvious that "genius-15" only saw the theatrical trailer and not the film. The person probably has issues with the tragedy that happened on Sept. 11, but should one take it out on a movie trailer? Well, just thought I'd bring that point out there.
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Xyzfear (2000)
Waste of 15 minutes...
8 July 2002
I only saw Xyzfear on the basis that one of the people in the film has the same name as me (Justin Harris, playing Second Couple Man). The film is a short, 15 minute horror flick in which a several people are running an overpriced scam of a scary house that ends up turning into murder. Low budget, unbelievable story, bad acting, and not really interesting. Watch it if you're bored and don't care what you're watching, otherwise there are plenty of good short films on AtomFilms.

SCORE: 3/10 (BAD)
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A good movie to sit down and watch...
10 December 2001
When I first saw the trailer for Ocean's Eleven, I wanted to see it. It had a different tone than other movies usually do. I have been a fan of Steven Soderbergh's work since seeing OUT OF SIGHT. Then upon seeing THE LIMEY, TRAFFIC, and ERIN BROCKOVICH, he's become one of my favorite directors with just marvelous films, and this one is no exception.

I don't like to spoil films, but I'll say what's great about the movie. It has an simple, but interesting plot: George Clooney (Danny Ocean) is released from prison and meets up with Bernie Mac who works at a casino. Then he conspires with Brad Pitt to pull off a job to rob three casinos. They then get eight other guys to pull off the job.

Other than the plot, the movie is well directed. The acting from all people in the film is superb. The movie is very funny which is a plus because audiences should laugh.

Ocean's Eleven is just one of those movies with a classic film atmosphere that's just a good movie to sit down and watch.

SCORE: 8 out of 10
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Sports Night (1998–2000)
One of the Best Shows Ever
4 December 2001
I have seen a lot of sitcoms, and this is one of the best.

Offering a level of realism and intelligence rarely seen in a sitcom, Sports Night should have been destined for greatness. Alas, it wasn't. ABC pulled the plug on this amazing piece of work much to early. (ABC, by the way, should be flushed down a toilet after THAT blunder.) Rarely does any show on television, dramas included, engage the viewer in such a way as this one did.

The show is filled with great characters, dialogue, and plots. Further more, much like the Simpsons and Seinfeld, you really get to know and like just about every character on the show, rather than merely the main characters. The people whose names you may be hard pressed to remember offer up as many enjoyable moments as the 'stars' of the show.

I would wish that this show would be picked up again by some other network looking to continue this amazing show, but that is something out of fantasy. In the real world, it just can't happen like that. Which is a real shame.

For all of you who missed it's original airing on ABC (who could've done a MUCH better job promoting this show), I advise you to catch it in reruns on Comedy Central. You'll be glad you did.
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Excuse for guns, sex, and explosions...
24 September 2001
I wasn't expecting this to be a truly good action film, but at least enjoyable. However I was wrong. 3000 MILES TO GRACELAND was just a lousy movie with a lot of cool gun fights, a few sex scenes, and a bunch of explosions. I have enjoyed most movies from the principle cast (Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner, Courtney Cox, Kevin Pollak) but this was just bad. It truly made me think that THE CABLE GUY is a somewhat decent film.

However, without being completely cynical, I'm going to give credit on what is truly beautiful cinematography from David Franco (The Whole Nine Yards) and film editing from Michael J. Duthie (Stargate, Stigmata) and Miklos Wright (debut film). These guys truly did a great job regardless of the film's overall quality.
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