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Invincible: I'm Not Going Anywhere (2024)
Season 2, Episode 7
Oh yeah, it's all coming together
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Anissa's first appearance and Mark and Amber's breakup marks a whole new chapter. This is where Mark's story truly begins, next episode will be a milestone in Mark's journey. Next episode we will see what sets him apart from most of the other superheroes from DC and Marvel. Knowing what's about to happen, next episode is gonna be crazy and you guys aren't ready for it, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun knowing.

These past 2 episodes were all about character development, left and right. Mark, Amber, Rex, Rick, Donald....and this character development will play a huge role in the events to come.
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Invincible: It's Not That Simple (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
It just keeps getting better and better
22 March 2024
I'd like to start by saying that while I understand the frustration felt by people for the 4 month break. But I still don't take it out on the ratings I give the episodes and neither should you. I'm sure Amazon realised their mistake, and I'm sure they won't do it again cause they know that if they might as well just cancel the show cause people will give up on it and so will I.

That being said,I usually don't like when comic adaptations change things from the source material, but this is one of those very rare instances where I'm actually fine with it. I won't mention the changes in question in case anyone reading this is planning on reading the comics ( as they definitely should) but I'll just say that most of the changes were good changes.
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House of the Dragon: The Black Queen (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
An amazing first season and an amazing finale!
24 October 2022
Among the cesspool of lazy, rushed and awfully written shows like She-Hulk and The Rings of Power that have been airing during the same time, emerged a wonderful story. This is easily one of the best first seasons of a TV show ever! Even the greatest shows out there like The Sopranos and Breaking Bad didn't start on such a strong note imo, this season has 3 out of 10 episodes with a 9 rating, that isn't something that should be ignored. Cause if you're off on such a great start then sky's the limit!

After the way Game of Thrones detailed and crash into a wall to turn into a dumpster fire, House of The Dragon has definitely restored hope among the fans of A Song of Ice and Fire, including myself.

Now my watch has ended, and I will be impatiently waiting for the second season, hoping it'll be out by next year.
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Oh yeah, it's all coming together
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...or completely falling apart,I guess we'll see. Kimiko got what she wanted, for her powers to be gone. Her and Frenchie's relationship finally becoming of the romantic nature. Soldier Boy is now on our side, hoping that he doesn't turn on The Boys, cause a Homelander and Soldier Boy team up that would be terrifying. And I think we're building up to a redemption arc from A-Train, all it took was his brother becoming paralyzed but oh well...I'm curious to see what role he'll play from now on.
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The Boys: Glorious Five Year Plan (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
Truly Diabolical, totally awesome!
10 June 2022
I was really not ready for this one, I mean, wow!!!! Jesus christ that was crazy! The stakes are higher than ever, everyone is on edge, everything is on the line. We are reaching the peak of this series, what it's all been leading up to, and my god! Am I happy to be living in this time period right about now!
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Leave it to Disney to ruin everything you've built
8 June 2022
I can only imagine what George must be feeling right now. This is an embarrassment, not only it's a total piece of garbage but they make you wait a whole week for 30min of more character butchering, awful writing and more plot holes. George really left his creation in the hands of the most incompetent clowns in the business. The only 2 persons who have yet to disappoint us are Dave Filloni and John Favreau, who have given us hope with The Mandalorian, only for Disney to snatch that little bit of light with the best way they could find, to bring the most beloved Star Wars character player by the most beloved Star Wars actor and completely demolish his story.
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Guaranteed Nerdgasm
2 February 2022
Honestly, the best episode of live action Star Wars! My heart was pounding so hard throughout all of it itching still is right nothing,this whole episode was so surreal...

PS: cool cameo by Boba Fett.
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Invincible: Where I Really Come From (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode got me angry, sad, got me clenching my fists, crying and smiling, I kind of lowered my expectations a little bit considering how last episode set the bar so high up, little did I know that the next episode would be even better SMH, the news came out today that the series has been renewed for a 2nd and 3rd season, things have been rough in my life lately...let's just say that I haven't felt this happy in a long, long time, Thank You Robert Kirkman.
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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
One of the best backstories I've ever seen
4 April 2021
It's been a while that a Walking Dead episode made me feel this way, the feeling is just have to go through it to know it.
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The Boys: The Bloody Doors Off (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Best episode so far
25 September 2020
Every time I tell myself that this show couldn't get any better...they prove me wrong. This episode had everything: intensity, humor, drama, character development, gore...the writers just keep finding more creative ways to kill someone, more weird superpowers, all thank's to the writer's insane imagination, and this episode is officially my new favorite far.
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The Boys: We Gotta Go Now (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Just keeps getting better and better
18 September 2020
As well as the soundtrack ,whoever is in charge of the soundtrack knows what's up.
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