
30 Reviews
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Doesn't deserve the low ratings
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who didn't know anything about this story I think this Netflix documentary is well made, doesn't deserve all of the 1 star ratings. 3 parts went by so fast with this unbelievable story. Could have some other choices been made by the kids? Of course. Unfortunately with the death of Mallory Beach all of the other secrets, deaths, lies and cover ups started to unravel. The only dissapointment is that the deaths of Stephen Smith and the death of the housekeeper weren't explored enough and that the trial of Alex Murdaugh for the murder of his son Paul and his wife has only began so there is no closure. I guess we will have to wait years for it. I hope all of the victims receive some kind of justice.
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From Scratch (2022)
26 October 2022
I don't know how much of this story is true and although I'm a sucker for drama and romance, this series didn't move me much... I don't know why... It has so many clichés, I would dare to say the acting isn't very good and the Amy character is totally unlikable for me. In the beginnig, her whole family is unlikable, especially the mother. I don't like how Amy treats Lino's family but never says anything to her unbearable mother and I especially don't like how she treats her sister Zora, never appreciating everything she does for her. I think the hair ( wigs ) aren't very good, the first time Lino goes through chemotheraphy he doesn't even look sick. In the second part maybe a little more but someone who looses all their hair,goes through chemotheraphy and someone who is so sick doesn't have eyebrows either... maybe it doesn't matter to anyone else but details like that bother me.... Overall I recommend you watch it if there is nothing else for you too watch... other then that you are not missing out.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Loved it!
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely enjoyed this series! Me and my husband binge watched it in 2 days. Bobby Cannavale carried the series with his briliant performance, I am glad he is finally getting the recognition he deserves. The series kept us on the edge of our seats the whole time, we kept guessing who the watcher was the whole time, we were wrong every time. I guess Ryan Murphy wanted it that way. I didn't know it was inspired by a true, unbelieveable story and after reading about it and watching some videos and documentaries I thing Ryan made the right decision ending it the way he did. No matter how he ended it and whomever he made the watcher it wouldn't be satisfying. It's better to leave us wondering like with the real life story which I think will never be resolved. The identity of the watcher will forever remain a mistery.
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Do Revenge (2022)
Worst movie I have seen in a while...
22 September 2022
I have been searching for a no brainer movie to watch and relax not having to think much about it, saw Camila Mendes and Maya Hawke and thought why not.. Where to start? A 28 year old Camila playing a 17-year old, that just doesn't work, I like Maya but honestly if her parents weren't Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke ( one of the best and most famous actor of our time) would she really have a shot? To be in Stranger Things? To get any roles? I think not... Lets be honest: she is not a good actress.. Austin Abrams as the hottest and most popular boy in the school? I think not.... Couldn't remember where I saw him before, then googled and realised he plays the looser kid in Euphoria, seriously? A really small role for Sophie Turner, why did she accept this? I find it hard to believe that after Game of Thrones she isn't being offered better roles, it's just sad... the plot is all over the place, 10 times worse then Riverdale, the girls are really evil then good then evil then good again, the makeover for Eleonor (Maya Hawke) just isn't working... overall, a really bad movie. Netflix please do better,this is getting ridiculous ....
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Fun watch
19 July 2022
I don't understand all the bad reviews and low ratings, I really liked it. It was funny, I liked Natalie coming back as Jane. I actually don't like Tess Thompson as an actress (that's just me ) so I was happy her role wasn't big. Rusell Crowe was hilarious as Zeus. Maybe people shouldn't take everything so serious and chill, enjoy the movie and don't overthing everything...
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So much unanwsered....
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to "Sharon's" first child? Who was Michael's real father? Did Warren Hughes kill Sharon, they didn't anwser that... So many weird people in this documentary, Sharon's biological mother, Michael's adoptive parents (they were really giving off bad vibes) the author of the book who clearly just wanted to write the book,the friend who says she was really shocked to find out Sharon and Warren were married but then saying she witnessed him raping Sharon when they were young and not telling anyone? And mostly how Sharon wasn't able to tell anyone or run away but was allowed to have sex with other man? It's an interesting and sad story but I don't like documentarys where I am left more confused then I was before watching it...
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Worst Roommate Ever (2022–2024)
Loved it!
20 March 2022
As a true crime documentary lover I binge watched this in one day. Real stories and real people, too bad there were only 4 episodes. Looking forward to season 2.
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Enough Netflix....
16 March 2022
I'm getting tired of these Netflix documentaries. Tindler Swindler,the Puppet master and now this one, only this one is the worst of them all. Frustrating to watch, first I thought that Sarma was just naive and maybe stupid but now I think she was clearly in on it. She sent the guy 2 million dollars, she lied to everyone around her, her employees, her investors, when asked about certain sitations like why someone was fired she "doesn't" remember when in fact she fired everyone who suspected she was stealing money...all that traveling, gambling,staying in nice hotels and in the end she escapes without paying her employess and she doesn't know? Yea right... She would still borrow money for him if she wasn't caught..They were even using her parents to send them money... And she didn't know that either? He was gambling all that money away and she doesn't think something is off? No one is that stupid. They are both con artists! She even tells the story of how her first boyfriend and co-owner of her restaurant wasn't good with finances and how she got rid of him by calling the investor and making him choose between the 2 of them with her ending up owning the restaurant at the end but she didn't do anything in regards with Shane,ending up 6 million in debth? Yea right... This story is pretty unclear, stupid and doesn't make sence. One thing is clear for me, Sarma is no victim. I think that Sarma and Shane still keep in touch.
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Loved it!
17 February 2022
I dont understand why so many low rates, can't please everyone I guess, the movie was awesome, usualy I can't keep focus with such long movies but this one didn't feel that way, loved the actors and the acting, the plot and even the "bad" guys... Loved Rasputin!
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Don't trust the bad reviews...
10 January 2022
I have wanted to see this movie a long time ago but saw the low rating and thought it wasn't worth my time, finally gave it a chance and I was surprised,the movie wasn't bad at all.. Don't mind the bad reviews,people nowadays want everything to have some complicated,weird plot with some unbelieveable ending,can't a movie just be light,simple and fun? Give it a chance.
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CODA (2021)
What a beautiful movie!
5 January 2022
I laughed, I cried. This movie is just beautiful...I rarely give a 10 star rating but this movie deserves it and I highly recommend it. People who give it a 1 star rating don't have a soul...
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4 January 2022
Just horrible.. Kim made a smart decision not be involved in this series.... They gave a stupid explanation why she is not here... the other 3 are overdressed in every situation, Carrie is weird, cold, selfish... she just talks about her own problems and has to be reminded that other friends also have problems, they ruined Mirandas charakter, she is a drunk who is unhappy, hates her life, her husband and her son and acts like a horny teenager, Charlotte is worse then ever and can barely talk from all of the face fillers... many people didn't like the movies but I liked them,wish they left it at that, happy as they were and us thinking as they were... They ruined everything.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Hated it..
30 December 2021
The only thing I liked about this movie was the ending. What a waste of 2.5 hours of my life.

Too bad the ending wasn't the beginning so we didn't have to watch this movie.
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Tiger King: The Lyin' King (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
Put them all in jail!
19 November 2021
I really wish Netflix stops making documentaries about these evil people and making them more famous! Joe belongs in jail but all of the others belong there too, Carole Baskin,Bhagavan Antle,Jeff Lowe,Howard Baskin,Tim Stark... They all belong in jail for murders, for abusing tigers,for being cult leaders and so many other illegal things and crimes.. How is it that since the first season of Tiger King nothing has changed, everybody is still free, Jeff Lowe is obviously mocking us, tigers are still being abused and exploited... It makes me sick! Why does America allow just any white hillbilly trash to own 100 tigers and more? Disqusting! Peta also obviously does nothing...
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You (2018–2024)
I am the only one who hates this?
24 October 2021
Ok so the first season was good but they had to make more... second season was ok but the third one? OMG... cringe worthy, unbelieveble... why? Just end it please... How many more seasons are you going to make?
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Musical again? Really?
30 September 2021
OMG just cancel the show already...Please.... I really don't understand how people hate musical episodes and they just keep making more and more... This season started ok but turned bad real quick...There isn't any good story any more and the writers are all out of ideas... Just cancel it please.
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4 September 2021
This was one of the worst movies I have seen in my life... I don't understand the high rating and the positive comments... It was just weird,it was not funny,the plot was weird,even the A list casting was weird in their roles... Thank God I watched it at home and didn't pay to watch it at the cinema... what a waste of money that would be... Liked the first part a lot more...
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Really fun!
13 July 2021
I really liked part 2 more then part 1, it was really fun and while everybody is writing how they liked Sadies acting Emily was the one who stole the show for me! Can't wait for part 3.
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Lucifer: Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
3 July 2021
Cringe worthy! Just horrible. I really don't understand people who like this... it's Riverdale cringe worthy.
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18 February 2021
Boring,no plot... They should really stop making all these movies and draging the plot when there is only enough material for 1 movie... and the first movie was the only that was good...
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1 February 2021
Well done Netflix! An unbelievable story, in my opinion Henry only killed 3 women, everything after was a big lie, a hoax ... Sad to see all the idiotic detectives that didn't do their jobs the right way... sad for the families of the victimes... They should make this into a tv show..
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Selena: The Series (2020–2021)
13 December 2020
I watched a couple of episodes and then had to rewatch the Selena movie from 1997... Jennifer did an amazing job, her dancing, her voice,her look... sometimes it's just shocking how she looks so much like Selena... everyone always says Jennifer can't act but boy did she did a good job with the Selena movie... the Selena series 2020 is to me about the brother and the father and OMG the father is horrible ...I don't know if he was that way in real life but in the series he only cares about the money... Christian does not resemble Selena at all,can't dance,the wigs are just awful, I think Netflix didn't do a good job with this one...sorry
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Tenet (2020)
29 November 2020
I don't care it's Christopher Nolan, the movie for me was boring,weird,didn't understand and then I stoped trying to understand, I really tried for an hour and then turned it off... I gave it 2 stars just because of Robert Pattison...
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Unsolved Mysteries: A Death in Oslo (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
Interesting and mysterious indeed..
22 October 2020
I really liked this episode, this story really is mysterious, they still don't know the girls identity or what happened to her... It wasn't suicide for sure... I really like the volume 2 of this show, I don't understand why people are rating it so low... It's a lot more mysterious than the first part because you really have no idea what happened to these people... I only didn't like the Tsunami episode,doesn't fit in...
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Loved it!
19 July 2020
When I first saw the trailer and Zac I was like oh no but when I started watching it I loved the show,it's interesting,informative and relaxing! Zac seems like a really nice,kind and down to Earth kind of guy!
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