
6 Reviews
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Eraserhead (1977)
18 June 2006
After watching this you will see all the other films, especially those millions-of-dollars-blockbusters from Hollywood, with different eyes. Your'e gonna hate them after have watched this... Intense, dark, drone-filled, disturbing, weird, genius! My few words can hardly describe what I think about this film, but I must say my repertoire in English vocabulary is not too big, sorry..;-)


This film has no "normal" story-line or something. This is pure nightmare, a bad trip experience. Welcome to your deepest, deepest inner thoughts! I would call ERASERHEAD an "anti-film"! See this as a big, BIG compliment! Not creating a complicated story, trying to make you laugh or cry or whatever, but catching the viewers senses, crushing and mangling them, and leaving you back very very disturbed! Leaving you being brainfucked, thinking about it, and you know that you have seen a very very special and unique piece of art. I would call this a minimalistic, nihilistic statement.

For sure, without those all-disturbing sound walls the film would not function in his intensity. I think this sound (...perhaps the whole film) is a big inspiration for drone groups like EARTH and sunno))), who I love and who I highly recommend to those who like and love the mechanical, disturbing and annoying sounds of ERASERHEAD.

I DON'T think that you've got to be a crazy freak or a underground horror fanatic or some weird folk to love ERASERHEAD. Though I think that ERASERHEAD is not for everybody. You gotta be some kind of open-minded and you have to have the will of getting disturbed, you gotta have to have the ability to let yourself fall and be taken on a journey through darkest pictures, thoughts and sounds; some kind of masochism wouldn't be wrong;-) Maybe this IS for weird folks only..?! I don't know... I think I'm no strange guy and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this film! Yeah, I'm very into those movies who are leaving you disturbed. Some examples? The Evil Dead, Man Bites Dog, The Ring, The Blair Witch Project, Brasil, Kafka, some of my all time favorites, highly recommended to those who like ERASERHEAD.

Enough said..

This is an all-inspiring masterpiece! Highly recommended to a big minority of mankind! 10 out of 10!
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Helge at his best!
3 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film is Helge in his purest form! The first time he managed everything he was able to do, script, directing, acting. His own work, from the beginning to the end. And, as I already mentioned, his best up to date!

I love "Texas", and I pray to "00 Schneider", but this one is unique! It only sets in a street with a few little shops, a home for children without parents, a cinema, a doctor and a tunnel, which is very realistically painted on a wall! And this is where all the little stories happen! And it is a lot what's going on there, I can tell you! So many funny, strange, sad and ridiculous things, amazing and unbelievable! Helge also sings his "Fitzefatze-song" and even a war is set into the story! But look for yourself! Kind of surreal, very atmospheric and pittoresc.

My top 5 of characters in this Helge-movie:

1. Perterchen - soooo cute! 2. Helge himself - always brilliant! 3. Tante Uschi - what a wo-man! 4. Carlos, one of the parentless kids 5. Metulski, also one of the kids Not to forget all the other brilliant characters in the film who I didn't mention! Sorry about that.

Helges films are those which I watched the most in my life, and "Praxis Dr. Hasenbein" I think roundabout 20-30 times! This film never gets boring in my opinion! And I could watch it again and again, when I'm sad (uuuhuuuhh) I watch a Helge movie and he always gets me laughing, even when my hamster died.. *****BEWARE: THIS WAS A SPOILER;-))*****

I know that Helge films are not for the majority, most people I know find him ridiculous, ugly and boring. But that's also what I like about this fact, he always was and still is the underdog in German comedy und das ist auch gut so meine Damen und Herren!

Not 10, but 9 points, because I miss Helmut Körschgen in this movie. Rest in peace Lieutendant!
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Dei Mudder sei Gesicht (1997 Video)
" Inulmumulmunumulmherum!!! "
2 June 2006
Cult! Cult! Cult!

Everybody heard about this film, a lot of people saw it, and I think this film was and still is an influence for a whole generation, especially in German spoken countries! In fact, it is a trash movie with nearly no budget, with horribly bad effects and only filmed with a video cam. But that reeeeally doesn't matter. It's the weird dialogues, this sort of taken-from-real-life-humour, the cool soundtrack who make the film a real masterpiece! A real masterpiece! I could spontaneously mention so many scenes from this film which are so over the top funny, it's unbelievable! As I already said it influenced so many people I know in the way they are talking to each other, amazing.. I don't know any other film which had or has this effect to so many people.

Really, it's a great honour for the film crew to be mentioned at the IMDb! Nobody did ever think about that! Respect folks! One of the best comedies ever! Clearly 10 out of 10!

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disturbing, annoying, excellent!
2 June 2006
Schlingensief, love him or hate him. I love him. He's something like the skin cancer on a body named society. So are his films.

Terror 2000 is this kind of film where you haven't the chance to relax, because you are confronted the whole time with loudness, chaos, violence, sex, dirty language and Nazis! But in such a grotesque, humoristic way that you can't do something other than look and laugh! See Udo Kier as maniac preacher, see Schlingensief himself as a gay Nazi, see all the other strange characters and be inspired!

Schlingensiefs real intentions what he wants to tell us by this film I can't interpretate, because it's always difficult to understand him. I think like in most cases of his work it's only a story about the weirdness of our society. That's it.

(Christoph, if you read this, please take me for your next film project, I would be for example a fantastic Hitler parody!)

It's clearly 9 points, because this film is highly entertaining, and that's what a film has to do in my opinion!
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Indeed the scariest movie I've ever seen!
2 June 2006
History: I saw this film the first time on TV when I was about 16. I had never heard about this film before, so I had no certain expectations.

But uuuuaaaahhh what happened to me? This movie pushed the teardrops of fear out of me!!! No film before it and after it had this real body felt effect to me! Not even for example "The Ring" or the classic "Don't look now" which also are superb, excellent and very, very scary.

For months "The Changeling" was on my mind, and I wanted to see it again, so I even made a call to the TV station to show it again. But they showed the film just some years later.. I was about 20. And I watched it again. And although I knew the whole plot, I was scared to death a second time! And, as you can guess, my "teardrops of fear" ran over my face a second time! (Does anyone have the same experience with some other movie? I want to know) I won't bore you, but the film was shown some days ago again on TV, and it was like the two times before! Frightening, disturbing, scary.....

There is no real violence in this film, but there is this certain thrilling atmosphere which chills up my spine (and the teardrops, you know..)! Again and again, from the very sad beginning until the dramatic ending.

I don't have to tell the whole story, I don't have to mention the good acting, I only want you to know that this film was really the only one that made me feel my fear.. And I have seen a lot of similar films in my life.. You gotta watch it! It's a hidden treasure in film-making! Of course 10 out of 10!
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superb trash, respect!
2 June 2006
Those who watched the excellent Part One and found it pretty entertaining had some high expectations towards Part Two, this one. Also me, and as I saw it I made myself wet into the trouser, heehaw! Wonderful people making an excellent sequel I thought while seeing this film!

As in Part One, this movie is full of trashy nonsenses, drug use/abuse, violence and strange and offending characters - just watch "Cannstadter-Karle", what a man! What a beard! There is something like a plot, but it doesn't have to be mentioned, that's not the deal with this film. As I said it's the weirdness of all those creepy people, their horrifying dialogs using explicit language what makes this film an excellent entertaining thing! Also some martial arts-action is in it, so be prepared! To be mentioned is that this movie was presented in a German lifestyle-TV-show (polylux) as a high state of art! So not only the brain-damaged people amongst us find this film a wonderful piece of celluloid, also the entertaining "upper class"! Whatever this will mean..

I give this film an eight, because Part One couldn't be topped by this (and also not by Part Three which is also a fine piece of trash), but it's way better than for example films like "White Chicks" or "So High", which have some similar contents (drugs and offending language). Check it out folks!
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