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Not my cup of chai but some people prefer coffee!!
5 June 2024
It's a light hearted dramedy that's going to keep your socks on. I found it weaker than the first two entries but it has it's moments. The same old characters, doing the same old things in the same old environment. The "comedy" and "drama" here is very subjective, unfortunately I never found either. As with all "local" movies, there are hardcore fans who will run to the bioscope and pay money to watch their favourite characters reappearing in questionable subplots. The storyline is predictable and gets boring real quick. I scored it way lower than my current rating but decided to give it two extra stars after looking at it's humble budget. Watch it while ironing or doing some other chores.
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Has a specific target audience.
2 April 2024
To call "The curse of Highway Sheila" a great film would be like calling Tommy Wiseau's, "The Room" a masterpiece. To some I guess it is, so I assume you just need to target the right type of audience if you want to hit those box office numbers. I seriously doubt this film managed to do that. Unlike Wiseau though, who gives an overly dramatic performance in a charming and funny manner, the characters here are all one dimensional and very flat. Leticia was one such character that was grating my nerves. The fake accent, droning and monotonous dialogue was simply too much for me. She broke accent on so many occasions and her character seemed to lack any brain cells, hence the slowed down speech or so I gathered! Her acting sucked...Big time. Saying that however would be an unfair criticism to the actors that really tried, one being the character of Gordon. Gordon is a funny and charming womanizer who plays the part awesomely. He is sadistic, lacks any morals or boundaries and will basically sleep with anything with two legs and a skirt or in one case ill fitted jeans. I like him. The lighting and sound are decent enough for a local production. The special effects however, is just another short coming. It is comedic and laughable at times. I guess you have to work within your budget and this was obviously a low budget film. However, a modest budget does not have to necessarily mean low quality. The story was all over the place, lacked any coherency, too many storylines that were simply not connecting. Maybe get a better team of writers next time around? There are some shameless sponsor plugs during the course of the movie, some subtly done, others not so much. Alex Seth being one of them. The Alex Seth guy was funny however, funny looking I mean. Who wears shades indoors or at the club? Alex Seth does. He made me laugh. I like him. Look, it's a decent enough film if you go in without any expectations. It does tell the story of Highway Sheila, kinda, but lacks any coherency with its subplots. It is too long and could easily be shortened by 30 minutes. Oh yeah could someone in the cast be brave enough to teach the spirit/entity clutch control? It was so funny seeing that bit, switching on the headlights, wtf would a spirit need to switch on the headlights for? It has a few unintentional comedic moments like that. If you manage to keep awake, you'll find them too.
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Anuvahood (2011)
Highly entertaining but it's not for everyone.
30 October 2023
As a fan of Noel Clarke and his Kidulthood, Adulthood and Brotherhood Trilogy, I found this to be a light hearted attempt to spin off the success of that franchise. While the original trilogy was darker and more dramatic, Adam Deacon decides to do comedy here and it works well! While Jay should have been in Brotherhood, I understand why he declined the role, the relationship dynamics between Noel and himself had a lot to do with that. Adam does a good job here. Comedy is subjective and if you're looking for some dark, intellectual or stimulating punch lines or jokes, look elsewhere. The humor is childish and is something a 12 year old would find funny. I find it hilarious! A good movie to watch if you're chilling with friends and if you're a fan of Noel Clarke's original Trilogy. You will see a lot of familiar faces. I like Adam Deacon and hopefully we get to see more of him in comedic roles.
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Shameful attempt at money grab
24 October 2023
The Kandasamy movies are geared towards a specific audience and I'm sure that this market will defend it's brand fighting tooth and nail. It's not for everyone though. The shameless attempt to money grab following it's previous three releases is quite evident here. The storyline makes no sense, plenty of missed opportunities to tackle relevant social issues are apparent. The cinematography was well done, with some stunning visuals being the movie's only saving grace. The granny was the only character that I found interesting. Interesting being me sugar coating it. It's predictable and boring, if you've seen any of the previous movies then you would know what to expect here. Same formula that's been cut and pasted over and over, time and time again. No originality and I think they should have stopped after the first movie and held their heads up high. Unfortunately dignity does not pay the bills and they decided to release part 2,3 and now 4. I would not be surprised by these shameless producers if they released part 10. There would still be an audience for these type of movies and you would not need to be a very technical, competent or half decent director to fulfill their needs. Don't be fooled by anything above 5, it's probably the cast or crew members amping this up. Simply awful.
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Die Swart Kat (1986– )
Classic South African Kids Television Show.
9 October 2023
I remember back in the early nineties when this used to air on TV2 at around 3 or 4pm on Tuesday's if I recall correctly. I always used to associate the program with the Black Cat Peanut Butter brand for some reason other than the obvious logo on the packaging, just fail to remember why that was so as well. Maybe it's old age catching up with me now that I forget. Very simplistic but well thought of show made for kids and teens. Our protagonist is a ten year old boy with great analytical and detective skills, who goes around solving simple crimes around his neighborhood. Armed with his trusty slingshot, mask with matching cape and ingenuity, he tries to make his neighborhood a little safer for everyone. The show was in Afrikaans but I'm sure it touched a lot of kids in the 90's who were non-Afrikaans speakers just as much. As the previous reviewer had mentioned, I just wish that there was an official release of all the episodes that was showed on tv. Does Michelle Botes not age?
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The Good Bad Mother (2023– )
What show are these people watching?
25 May 2023
The Good Bad Mother happens to be the first Korean Drama that I've watched. It may be low budget but it doesn't mean it's low on quality. The main actors do an awesome job and keep the story going at a good pace. You feel much sorrow for Young Soon and the cards that she is dealt with throughout the show. Most people in her position would have given up on life but not her, she's got pluck boy and she's got a lot of it! The story can get depressing at times but I think therein lies it's beauty. It has the guts to show you that life more often than not knocks you down but you can choose to get up and keep going just as Kang Ho and Young soon show us. The comedy here is subjective and brought to the audience by the supporting cast, I like it though. It's a simplistic show that will win your heart if you give it a chance.
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On par with the initial release
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The original introduced the audience to the Chetty and Singh family, primarily focusing on the protagonists, Tiki and Baboo. With this one there are more local comedians that share the stage but unfortunately they are scripted so badly they appear one dimensional and the jokes fall flat. The first movie took its time to get the settings and ambiance just right to capture that feel of the late 80's, this one however doesn't. It's supposed to have been set 1993/4 but you have television sets that would not be released up until much later.

You can clearly see that vehicle number plates in the background were white and the vehicles used in the forefront had yellow registration plates. The telephone set that appeared in the beginning was a black modern push button dial but fast forward it is later replaced with a very yellowed and visibly old Venus handset. There are lot's of discrepancies from the clothing and labels worn to the building architecture given away by the drone shots.

The original movie had a lovely cartoonish villain played by the late and talented Neville Pillay. The villain here however was like a flush in the pan, forgettable, you even forget that he is in the movie. It's a very basic, rudimentary script that is so thin you can see from miles over whats going to transpire. Terrible attempt at a cash grab. The original wasn't that much better either but it was better than this.

My favorite character was Monty played by Vaneshran Arumugam, the not so subtle brown noser. Kimberly Arthur also shows off her talent, playing the snotty love interest of Baboo, she's got some moves on her. It's a shame Senzo Mthethwa didn't get a bigger role, he is seriously underrated. Sagren however is going places. It was nice to see Bertha La Roux again, I didn't know she was so short, still as beautiful as ever though.

The movie has it's moments, a moment. A solid 3.5 from me.
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Yizo yizo (1999– )
Yizo Yizo. Raw and uncut
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved watching this show during my formative years. It was raw and uncut. The show had a great cast of amateur and veteran actors that gave you a taste of what "ekasi" township life was about whilst dealing with some hard hitting topics such as rape, drugs and poverty.

It was a highly controversial show at the time of release and rightly so. A student being caned in the courtyard by the school's Principal for having dreadlocks, openly smoking of narcotics through broken beer bottles, teacher - student love affairs, vengeful and sadistic thugs preying on high school students? Yeah I guess this would qualify as controversial.

Apart from it's controversy, it was also a very uplifting show. You see smart, bright and creative youth who want more from life. Parents who are in their kid's lives and those who are not. You get to experience both realities. Sadly, it's day and night differences. Those with parents received guidance and show hope that they would break free from the chains of poverty through education and determination. The orphans, unfortunately choose a life of drugs and they are not as lucky.

Great music throughout the show and it's sad that music doesn't get promoted in this manner anymore. Mandoza, Skwattakamp, Boomshaka and Zola were just a few of the awesome artists that produced banging tracks to this series. The background music is spot-on! At time's even haunting.

A must see!!

***** out of *****
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Stereotypical South African-Indian dramedy that falls short.
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sequel to Keeping up with the Kandasamys. It is everybit as unoriginal and droll as it's predecessor. Stereotypical South Africans of Indian descent trying to be funny but clearly falling short. Acting is wooden, script yawn-fully predictable and don't expect any high end production values either (Akira Kurosawa the director is not). Walk in having no expectations and you will not be dissappointed.
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Switch off your brain for this one!!
3 July 2021
Overly cliched and acted, weak predictable storyline, terrible casting, it's cringe at it's finest! But not the overly "so bad that it's good" kind. Typical of producers who want to milk the cash cow while the Kandasamy's name is still "hot". Watch it drunk or whilst doing some chore like ironing or doing the dishes. It won't really matter if you miss parts of the movie as it is very unoriginal and predictable, your brain will figure out what's coming next. One star for the movie and another for Jailoshnie's legs, she has really nice stems.
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Karate Kallie (2009)
Kallie will win your heart!
9 May 2021
A quirky South African film about a chubby 17 year old named Kallie who has a huge heart, his entertaining older brother Mike "spanner", his non-stop talking friend, aptly named "Airhole" and the local suburban bullies who try to make his daily life hell! He doesn't seem to fit in and things seem to have gone downhill since the passing of his father but all is not lost as "Pokkels" sees Annetjie and is immediately smitten. The problem is that she is the sister of the head bully and it's not going to be easy for our hero to win her over. Souped up cars, Ninjas and a talent show finale, what more could you ask for? It is a simple albeit entertaining plot with it's flaws but well worth 97 minutes of your life.
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Not American Pie!
25 December 2020
Cringe fest! Don't waste your time or money watching this one. It's awful. I doubt any of these "actresses" will find paid work in the industry anytime soon.
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La Bamba (1987)
Great film with an under rated performance from Esai Morales.
9 December 2020
Great film about family and living out your dreams. It is a movie filled with emotion and guaranteed to make even the toughest guy in the audience cry. Outstanding performance from Esai Morales as the black sheep of the family who is just misunderstood. I really feel for him, always coming out short and never good enough.Good music and charm. A must watch for 50's Rocker/Greaser fans.
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Even Stevens (2000–2003)
Hilarious! Show for the young and mature.
18 May 2020
This was the epitome of Disney's preteen/teen shows of the 2000s. Christy and Shia shine brightly here. Very well scripted and acted throughout. Excellent casting of extras, there are kookie and weird characters from time to time like Beans and Tom, but they all mesh perfectly together. Apart from Louis and Ren, my favorites were Larry Beale, the perfect nemesis for Ren. I think they'd make a great romantic match. Donny, the self absorbed, at times effeminate but butch older brother, Twitty and Tawny loyal "sidekicks" and of course the Stevens' parents. The show is hilarious a must watch for everyone. Shia steals the show!
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My Hometown (1996–1998)
This brings back memories
11 January 2020
I used to watch this as a kid in South Africa, it aired weekdays from 15.30 till 16.00. I never missed an episode and remember how I wished that I had friends like these three. Looking at the show with nostaglic glasses now, 23 years later, its still a wholesome, feel good show. We need more shows like this for today's youth. Yeah its corny, badly acted and predictable but its also very much lovable. Give it chance, you wont be disappointed.
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Can't believe the hate this film is getting.
5 January 2020
Yes there are flaws, the acting is wooden, the actors are below average looking and some may look at this film as being racist(which it is not) but if you look past its nuances, its actually what adds charm to this little gem. It all just works well together. A must watch for Shane Meadows fans.
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Jaime Pressly in all her glory!
1 January 2020
If you liked the first two movies in the Poison Ivy series, you're gonna love this one. Watch it for what it is, a movie glorifying Jaime! One of the better B Movies out there. A must watch if you're a fan of Jaime's or erotic thrillers.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Hollywood take notes!! This is how you do a reboot!
27 December 2019
I wasn't expecting much from this "reboot" and was almost put off from seeing it altogether for a sense of ruining the nostalgia attached to the original Karate Kid movies and as a kid growing up in the eighties. I'm glad that I did. Boy am I glad. It's way better than it has any right to be. A must watch!
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BraveStarr (1987–1989)
Great cartoon, way ahead for its time.
23 December 2019
The 80's were a great (and not so great) time for cartoons. Bravestarr was among the greats. It had everything a kid could want, a space western setting, a kick ass Marshall and his unorthodox sidekick,an anthromorphic biped named Thirty Thirty and a band of weird antagonists all having "shoot outs"(rarely) on a planet called New Texas. It always had a moral at the end of each episode and as a kid, it made you empathise with the affected characters. Its a pity that Filmation did not continue this awesome series. A reboot would be phenomenal.
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Terribly under-rated Epic
29 September 2019
It's an awesome epic worth your time and patience. Some viewers complain that this an American Me rip off and its way too long, yes there are similarities but it is told in a different manner, I thought the 190 minutes(Directors cut) flew by. There are numerous cheesy lines, racial stereotypes and the acting can be over the top, sometimes wooden but its what makes this epic work and enjoyable. A must watch for those who enjoy hood/barrio movies.
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