
19 Reviews
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Spycies (2019)
Zootopia rip-off - NO! In the same world as - YES!!
2 January 2021
I can understand WHY it gets compared to Zootopia - it's in the same world, definitely. But why can't there be more than one bunny and more than one 'cool' lead character - the joke with the cat is he's not as good as he thinks he is in the beginning, but he sure redeems himself by the end!

The animal animation was a LEETLE clunky but the backgrounds are gorgeous. They're worth watching the movie for. I loved the city, the machinery, the cars and the spheres in the Ecodome towards the end of the film, the details of the plants and flowers, whoever did the backgrounds put every bit of him/herself into it and the results really show. They're lovely!

The characters are a LEETLE 2-D but hey - it's a kid's movie. It's not trying to be sophisticated like Zootopia, it's trying to be fun and it really succeeds. The flow of the plot could have been pulled together somewhat but all the parts were there. I loved the snake/dragon, but I wish they'd used him more. Maybe as an ongoing character with the blue cat and Hector the Rat? But that's a sorta minor thing - I could've happily watched everyday life in the city and in the world for 90 minutes and not had any other plot at all, if it had been an openworld video game I'd just happily live within it all. THAT'S where this film scores - its world is gorgeous.

Y'know - if there was a choice between making a Zootopia sequel or a Spycies sequel, I'd make a Spycies 2 movie like an old-fashioned, hard-boiled-detective movie starring the cat and the rabbit, with Hector doing the Q-from-James-Bond thing with all the gadgets. Just to give the background team free rein to let the cat explore every inch of that lovely city, and the ecospheres. Did I enjoy it? Plot clunkinesses aside, yes, every moment of it and I was just watching it by myself.

Don't compare it to anything. Take it for what it is, its own movie, as much a 'rip off' of Zootopia as The Mandalorian is a 'rip off' of Star Wars. They're both set in pre-created worlds, yet they're both their own beings. You'll be glad you saw this world, I know I was.

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Night Cries (2015)
Take the message from this movie to heart, it's one you'll never forget.
3 November 2018
Of course it's not TOTALLY original, nothing can be, everything's been done before, but the meanings change.

So it's basically Clint Eastwood in Pilgrim's Progress. It's a great, dark, metaphysical journey through a vision of the Afterlife that really shook me, I've never cried so much over the last 20 minutes of a damn movie in my life. And the very ending's superb - I won't spoil it for you but for sure you'll not see the twist coming but you'll love it when it does, it's absolutely perfect. And there's one character who proves her love in a way that had me reaching for the screen trying to tell her not to do it.

Sod the other reviewers, dumbed out on action thrillers. This isn't in its heart an action flick. It's a thought flick. It's full of ideas for you to savour afterwards, dressed up in action's clothes. I've never seen anything like it before and it would have been a far bigger hit than it was if only the audience had brain enough to understand what it was saying.

8 stars only for a couple of SLIGHT logic flaws which I won't go into cos I don't want to spoil the whole thing - this isn't a movie about utter logic, it's a movie about a Message. From a new director who I hope doesn't vanish after this one.

I hope you see it and understand.

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Thing IS, unfortunately, the film makers know their market.
22 August 2018
I totally agree with everyone here, the First Purge is awful, biased, racist, everything they say about it. The sad thing IS, that judging by the amounts of money mentioned on IMDB it's done very well. $13,000,000 to make, over $40,000,000 domestically and much, much more than that worldwide (he says, not being able to remember the exact figure!) Can't see it from this review page but I think it was over $100,000,000!!! So they knew their market and made a lot of money out of it.

Which is sad. And says a lot more about those who went to see it than about the film makers who, after all, just made the movie FOR them to see. It shows how many racist, supremacist idiots there are around, willing to pay many bucks a ticket for something that fits their own twisted thinking.

As long as there's people like that around, there'll be movies made to milk them. Did I go to see it? Nope - I saw enough clips online to know it wasn't a movie I'd ever be interested in seeing and I love a good horror flick.

If I'd been on that island, I'd've just taken a sack of food and a pile of books, holed up underground somewheres for the night and come out when all was over to get my 5 grand! (Maybe a smart phone as well to let me know what was going on, if that wasn't allowed or something remember I've not seen the whole movie.)

Nasty little movie dressed up as a horror. And that's from someone who doesn't think ANY of the Saw movies went downhill, loved 'em all!! (Guilty pleasure? Human Centipede 2!!)

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Occupation (2018)
It's a movie like the roar of a lion...
22 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The following may contain a FEW 'spoilers' but I think it's a general description of the movie, not spoiling the story of the movie itself.

OK, so the plot's basically 'Alien Nation' meets 'Saving Private Ryan!' (if you're not old enough to remember the first, it's basically a bunch of aliens who lose their planet and come down to share ours and the prejudice that causes.) But the pacing's great, I was gripped for all two hours of it, I didn't want it one bit shorter. I loved the seamless transition between small-town life and full-on war movie, that was handled excellently. I loved how the characters were developed so fast without it feeling rushed or implausible - I could really see that situation bringing out those traits in people. And I felt I was getting a close-up of one arena of a whole, vast conflict, not just a 'war' happening in microcosm that should have been easily squashed by groups from outside the area. It felt like it was part of an Earth-wide conflict!

But where this movie roared was in the heart and belief everyone put into it. The whole cast were totally behind the director on this one, it's his second movie, the work of all lifted it into something that should have been released internationally. OK, 200 million dollar Hollywood movie it was not, but it had more heart than many of those I've seen. It totally deserved to be out there, to show what this guy can do given a sniff of a chance.

Me, if I won several lotteries(!), I'd give him double the budget to take the follow-up Out There, humans and aliens in space together, using alien technology to see other worlds for the first time. See what the other races make of Humans, the new kids on the block, what we learn from them and what, if anything, they learn from us. Most alien invasion movies lead full circle with Earth killing all the aliens and going back to exactly how we always are afterwards. I've a feeling this movie could lead to a franchise/TV series (as did Alien Nation) and show what co-operation between species can achieve.

I loved it (And the sound-track, which others gripe about, but then I love New Age music which it basically was!) And I'm looking forwards very much to the next one.

Thanks, Luke, for a lovely 2 hours.

Chris. (This MAYBE contained spoilers, I'm going to tick 'Yes', you're welcome to change it, moderators!)
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Tentacles (1977)
Just wanted to add the one thing all the others missed....
7 May 2018
And that is it might have been a cheesy rip-off of Jaws - but then there's any number of those around, without Jaws we wouldn't have Sharknado, or Sharktopus, or Sandsharks, or........!! - but it was a very successful cheesy rip off of Jaws. Look at the IMDB figures. Less than a million to make, made 3 mil. worldwide. So it made nearly 4 times its money. That's not a bad return.

I've seen lots of better reviewed films here that didn't make 4 times their investment. I wonder if anyone could do a list of the most profitable films in terms of money received over money they cost to make, rather than just how many millions they made, forgetting the millions they COST to make? I think a well-researched list would be very interesting, would have a LOT of Oriental movies in it (because there's a LOT of Orientals who watch films - Mandarin is, after all, the most widely spoken language in the world -) and would highlight a lot of movies people otherwise wouldn't have heard of.

In a list of money-received-over-money-spent movies, I wonder what the top 10/number 1 would be?? I'd be fascinated to find that out (even though it could well be Blair Witch.... or not!?!)

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Bright (I) (2017)
Nasty, spiteful, disturbing little movie (SPOILERS ALERT!)
26 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, this film's a Far Right fanboy's dream, it's about as racist and nasty as a movie can get.

First off, you watch a poor fairy being splatted. OK it's attacking a light like a moth, but why's that a reason to kill it (heck, why's that a reason to kill a moth?) There's no other reason for the fairy being there than to show how 'badass' Will Smith is by killing the poor thing. The first time I watched this movie, I turned it off at that point.

Then my online g/f made me watch it with her. Boy! Everyone hated the orcs - why? Because they were Orcs, of course, and that's what you do with Orcs, you shove them in a ghetto and hate on them (they were thinly disguised coloured people anyway, so that made it OK to hate on coloured people just because they're not white.) Then the human (Will, but I'm gonna call him The Human!) was DEFINITELY the slave owner, the orc was DEFINITELY the slave, don't let Will being coloured confuse you, he was as much a white slaver as you can get. And the Orc was as much of a subservient caricature of a coloured guy as you can get. Great writing. Not.

So this movie was about 2 cops who were forced together by circumstances but really hated eachother's guts, spent the movie trying to find excuses to betray eachother so each could get the other off his back. If the orc betrayed the human he'd prove himself to his own kind. If the human killed the orc he'd be a hero to the other cops. The only reason the human didn't kill the orc was because the orc understood a bit about magic and when the wand turned up, the human needed the orc alive, even though he hated him.

Then you get the huge plot hole of the Wand Itself. Three cops want it to give themselves power. A 'hood guy in a wheelchair wants it to magic himself able to walk again BUT.... only a Bright can handle it without blowing themselves up. That's hammered home to you. And none of the people who wanted it had any idea if they were Brights or not, prob. not, Brights are pretty rare creatures. So why not chuck'em the wand, let them blow themselves up by touching it, pick the wand back up out of the ashes (you can obviously touch it because you're not blown up!) and carry onto the next scene?

When the escaped Bright turned up, the human tried to kill the Orc for not turning her in, but needed her alive because she could use the Wand. The Human and the Orc spent the entire time arguing with eachother, mostly she was just a chattel, being tossed unceremoniously and totally chauvenistically into various vehicles. Yet when the plotwriters painted themselves into corners, she became Superwoman! Why was she letting those two push her around so much?

Even at the end, The Human was telling the Orc he hated him and wsn't his friend. When the Orc was accepted by his own kind, the human was glad he hadn't killed him because now he could use the Orc as a Quisling to find out what other Orcs were up to.

Altogether, a thoroughly nasty, racist, overly violent waste of time. BUT.... if it had had a ton less violence and a ton more magic in, like the series Once Upon A Time, so it felt more mystical , and if the creatures of magic had been given more personality and more of a part t o play in the film (rather than just being there to be racist about) it would have been a much better movie.

Enjoy the world it creates, but think of how much more they could have done with the idea if they'd had the courge to use more magic and less hatred and guns. As it stands, this movie's a hymn to the virtues of racism. It COULD have been a really good fantasy. What a waste.

Chris Burke.
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Amethyst (I) (2016)
Beautiful, lyrical, dream of a film.
8 March 2017
What makes this film special is the music, it's superb. The whole film's like watching a 70-minute New Age video - beautiful countryside, a couple like a visual ballet, the great, old house and the music enveloping all. I don't know why they call it a 'horror', it's not. It's not even mildly scary, nor does it want to be. It's just a lovely tour of an old estate with a couple showing us what learning to be in love together feels like. There's no dialogue because there doesn't need to be any. I don't even think there's any metaphors. Just the beauty of the music, the two lovers, the surroundings, all evoking memories of places you may never even have been to. To me, it's a dream I'll revisit whenever real life squashes me. Thanks, Jared, for giving me such a beautiful thing. I hope others see it the way I do, for they're the ones you've made it for.
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A great adult movie that SOUNDS much ruder than it WATCHES!
14 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
O.K. Everyone. For starters - this film is nothing to do with Ralph Bakshi (or 'Bashki' as the guy above put!) It's made by Pichu Animation, I think it's about their only film, can't find out anything else about them. And yes - spoiler alert - it's got bouncing genitals, O.T.T. imagery and a queen with more boobs than a squadron of can-can girls - but the point is, weirdly, when you watch it all in context it's not rude, it's not even that sexual (because none of it's used in sexual ways.) It's just very, very funny. And very, very inventive, in a way I've never seen before or since.

MAYBE another spoiler alert - All the genitals have their own little personalities - you're laughing with them more than at them. The queen's intentionally ridiculous, not at all 'sexy' - which I'm pretty sure is intentional - just O.T.T. and hilarious because of the ridiculousness. You feel for Shane - he's a well-meaning dork but everything's out of his control all the way through. And Jayne's full-on blowup-doll fun! If you're expecting a French Hentai, wrong movie. BUT - if you're after an extremely CLEVER flick that takes all the elements that SHOULD be a hentai and makes a great slapstick and oddly non-sexual comedy out of them that will have you howling with laughter, you've found your Promised Land. It's not a cartoon porno, it's not meant to be. It's just a full-on, great fun, raunchy comedy with a belly-laugh every couple of scenes and images that are so crazy you won't forget them for a long time. I loved it when I schneaked into the cinema when it first came out (I was WAAY underage!) and it's lost none of its humour for me still. Vive le Jungleburger!! Chris.
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It's got problems, it's also got spirit and heart.
26 May 2016
OK, before I get laughed outta court having read the other reviews here - here's what this thing's main problem is - background/foreground interaction. Whoever did the backgrounds, INCLUDING the water, REALLY knew that animation package - they were superb. The problem IS - he should have been given control of ALL the animation including the foregrounds, the creatures were a leetle ropey. Their perspective was dodgy front-end on and you DID glimpse the waves THROUGH the baddie's mouth sometimes. And the mouth movements didn't quite keep up with the words but don't forget the English version's a redub. (That's not budget - they had the software - that's just sloppiness in using it.) So for sure it had techie issues. BUT.... I loved its song (honest!) I think there was room for a Group Sing at the end too. I loved its message - was at a low point when I watched it and the 'Follow Your Dream' message sure gave me a much-needed kick in the pants! Its audience was little kids and it wasn't QUITE engaging enough - again true - but techie issues aside I loved all the characters. I wish Daniel had kept his g/f, I'd've loved to see them surf that wave together even if they did part afterwards. But it's well worth its 6/10 for the guy who did the backgrounds. I felt every bit of heart he put into them, kudos to him, I hope he gets much more work outta it. I felt a lot - not all - of people put a lot of work/heart into that thing, if the WHOLE team had done - money men included - it would've been a winner. Remember the message. Remember the lovely water and gorgeous backgrounds. And it should've been called DANIEL - Story of a Dreamer (The Dolphin's too generic.) Missed opportunity - if you're being harsh, yes. I prefer to call it a slightly flawed pearl. But it's NOT the waste of space others are calling it, go along with it for the ride and you'll come out on the crest of Daniel's wave.

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One of the best feminist kick-ass action films I've seen.
23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I don't do many reviews, but I had to put the other two guys here to rights. First of all, it's a totally feminist film All the main parts - good and bad - are women with really well-developed characters. You see, feel and sympathise with all the suffering that men have put them through, turning them into cyborgs, even into artificial zombies, forcing them to fight and kill against their will. The men in the movie are stereotyped cyphers, the characters you feel and root for are all women. It may be called sci-fi, but I saw many ways men treat women this badly in real life and cheered as the men got all they deserved - MAYBE SLIGHT SPOILER COMING UP...!! - all the bloodiest kills were on men and I thought every one deserved all he got!

There's also a LOT of feminine sensuality throughout the movie but it's VERY tastefully handled, hardly any flesh, all implied and the better for that. The storyline's superb in a Manga way - each mission leaves the character learning more about herself until she has the power to regain control of her own life from the exploitation of Men - how historically accurate is THAT! If you're up for a full-on, feminist action flick where you'll cheer as every man gets what he deserves, this is the best movie you'll see in ages. I really think women will identify with the heroine, long, as I did, to kill the men who warped and twisted the women she meets along the way - and cheer as those men meet their bloody but beautifully done demises. Even - MAYBE ANOTHER SLIGHT SPOILER....!! - the 'baddie' woman is only the way she is because of what men did to her, I found myself sympathising with her, too.

It's got depth, it's got great character development (in the women, the men are intentional stereotypes) it's got a TON of Manga action, it's been made with huge heart and feeling for its source material, it hides its lack of budget with great stylishness and verve. If you love Manga, you'll feel you're an actual part of its world. If you're a woman, please watch it, you'll feel rejuvenated, like you've got revenge on every idiot male who's ever crossed your path. And Men - if you come across a lady who's seen this flick - beware!! Films like this deserve more faith from their backers and a far wider cinema audience. Eight out of ten stars, easy.

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Almost Human (2013)
Atmosphere so strong you really think you could be next.....
12 April 2015
What stunned me when watching this film was the sheer, unstoppable, intensity of atmosphere all the way through. All down to the director. The film's tone was partially reality movie (like Blair Witch/Paranormal et al) and partially real movie (great chilling music) and the fact the actors didn't look like they were acting, but were just saying/doing their parts gave an edge of reality to the movie that sucked me in and held me there. I'm not too sure WHAT was making the atmosphere so intense but I was a rabbit in the movie's headlights the whole way through. The killings were good. There were hardly any special effects, and you didn't think there were going to be any, so the first time you see them (I'm NOT saying what happens so no spoilers here!) you're surprised/shocked. Yet even then you feel, somehow, you're there, that he could turn round and you'd be next. It's like one of those nightmares where you're witnessing terrors happening to everyone else in the dream bar you, yet you know your turn is coming and you're trying to wake up before it does.

Brilliantly directed movie making excellent use of what little it has. Ignore the idiots calling it 'boring' 'badly acted', if you want a movie that hooks you like a silent scream in your mind and never lets you go till the end, that's the one. I loved it. Best low-budget movie I've seen in a very long time. Don't know if the TV series is based on it but, if it is, that should be great too. (If it's not, ignore that sentence. Never seen the series. Wrong country here!)

Ignore the moaning idiots. For intensity of atmosphere, this one's a winner and well worthy of an 8. WOuld've been a 9 if the acting was a bit better! Watch it. Chris.
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The problem with you lot is - you're ADULTS!
10 April 2014
Right. For starters - the animation's INTENTIONALLY the way it is. Colourful, and FUN! It's not pretending to be Pixar or anything else, it's just a swirling, ego-boosting, uplifting, bubbling Saturday Matinée champagne fun movie. The songs are great and work as an integral part of the movie - it would have been nothing without them. Someone here said the first song comes in for no apparent reason - watch that bit again, it's perfectly timed and placed. The adventure's wonderfully fun and silly in just the right mix and places. And I loved all the little creatures.

BUT - you've gotta go into it the way its creators went into it - with the mind of a child. Go into it as an adult and you just won't get it, same as all the other adults here. Go into it as a child and it'll blow you away. Leave your adultness at the ticket barrier, open your mind to pure enjoyment and this movie'll absolutely get you.

I went to see it because I loved the trailers. I don't know anything about Moshi Monsters. I'm 49. And I don't have any children. I just went to it by myself and had the best time I've had in a cinema for ages. Cinema going isn't about being scared/shocked/startled or nauseated. It should be about having a good time. And if you leave your adulthood behind, this movie will give you the best time you've had in years.

And the Bollywood song? I'm wondering if Mind Candy is owned by Indians, they got the Bollywood number perfect. Both times they used it in the movie. I wished I'd had a child to watch it with at the end and if they do a sequel I'll be there for it! It's a Very Good Movie. It's just not for adults. Let your inner child love it as much as did mine.

Moshi Eggs Forever!! ulrichburke
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Supercollider (2013)
Rock-solid sci-fi, could do with SFX remake (in places!)
6 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off LOOKING like it's gonna be a genre flick - accident happens, hero knows how to cancel out accident, there's 90 minutes of headless-chickenry from the other characters getting in hero's way, hero finally gets past them all and saves the day.... But then it changes into a VERY neat alternate-reality movie which - MAYBE SPOILER ALERT,DIDN'T KNOW IF IT WOULD BE OR NOT - and this is the bit that impressed me - USES its low budget to great effect by having the whole 'city' filled with broken buildings, country living in fear of the weather. The atmosphere's great.

SFX - now I think they could have done better with those, budget or no, I've seen no-budget movies (Humanity's End, Project London) with awesome SFX. But they're TV-passable. Also, there's a cellphone they could have used far better (NOT a spoiler, I hope!) But overall the story's great. The acting's NOT as bad as people are saying. The story's a lovely sci-fi story (roll with the science, it's not TOO bad) and sod the above guys, it kept me gripped the whole time. In fact I've watched it 3 times now and enjoyed it. If they redid the SFX using the Project London/Asylum/Humanity's End guys, they could have a minor cinematic hit on their hands (and used the cellphone better!) But overall a very respectable piece of sci-fi. You lot've been spoiled by Hollywood blockbusters. Asylum? Which I know this movie ISN'T - give them a chance. I've seen a bunch of pretty darned good Asylum movies in various genres (OK, a few clunkers, but all studios have those.)2 REALLY GOOD Asylum movies? 7th Voyage of Sinbad (cinema hit should've-been) and The Haunting (lovingly crafted atmosphere.) Those guys've got tons better since they started, don't knock 'em! (I own 30 legit. DVDs) ulrichburke
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2010: Moby Dick (2010 Video)
A really respectable historical movie - what's the fuss about?
13 December 2013
Oh yeah, I forgot, it's by Asylum. And actually LIKING an Asylum movie isn't cool, is it. OK, I'm not cool, I think this was a very well done ensemble historical movie. The costumes - good. The feeling of camaraderie on board ship - good. The sets - small, but they hid their size by making the cast seem more numerous. Atmosphere - great, I thought. I loved Qui-qui, if I've gotten his name right, and I thought the historical atmosphere matched many of the old-time Hollywood movies this was clearly an homage to.

Asylum's scripts/dialogue have always been good and this was no exception. The cast entered into the spirit of things and, though nobody was running any risk of winning an Oscar, they did a very good job. It dragged a LITTLE bit on the ship when they were getting to know each other, but that's my only real gripe.

I wasn't expecting a historical film when I sat down to watch this, I thought they'd have updated it like they updated their Titanic or Sinbad movies - but no, they kept it creditably in period. Overall - a fun movie, very atmospheric, great costumes, feel-good in style, not great acting, true, but everyone entered into the spirit of the thing with gusto. Well worth watching, like so many other Asylum movies.

Don't knock the Asylum just cos they're the Asylum. Watch the films first. The old ones were bad. The modern ones could pleasantly surprise you. I give this one a seven, going on 8, out of ten. Good movie.

Christopher Burke
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Hypothermia (2010)
MAYBE contains minor spoiler
4 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'd say ignore most of the other reviews and take this movie on its own merits. Here's the MAYBE minor spoiler, I go along with the others and say they should've stuck to CGI for when you see the monster. But to me, that's a minor thing. Because despite a slightly draggy first 10 mins (considering the whole thing's only 70 mins!) when this thing gets going, it's one of the scariest films I've seen in ages.

Why? The characters are excellently acted. They're not melodramatic movie characters, they're real, visceral, people you could imagine living next door to. So when the monster gets one of them, you really feel like a neighbour's just been murdered. The coloured effect used when the monster's seeing things (I don't think that's a spoiler) is lovely. There's great lighting effects used on the snowflakes. And that director knows how to build a terrifying atmosphere.

Are the effects the best? No, the film had no dough which wasn't its fault. But effects don't make a movie, atmosphere, caring for the characters and, in this type of film, FEELING for them when they die is what matters. Not just 'Oops - add that one to the body-count!' But caring like they were your friends getting murdered. I felt I'd lost people I'd loved to have been friends with by the time that movie was over and I applauded the mother's courage at the end.

That director took something that had not much money, no sets, just a terrific bunch of actors, and pulled it all together into a minor terror masterpiece, in my reckoning. I haven't felt so much sorrow for people dying in a monster movie for a very long time, if ever, and I've watched a ton of the things.

This is a very good film. If you're willing to go along with it for its ride, it will deliver. If you let yourself become the characters' friend you will grieve, like I did, when they die. I've given it almost full marks, less a star for the creature itself, but as a film I have only respect for it.

I joined up to say this, after reading the other reviews. It didn't deserve them.

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So why are they treating this as a new movie?
27 October 2011
First of all, this thing's well over a year old - it came out in Miyasaki-country at least a year ago. Secondly, it's been available for download for ages - I've got it! But it IS a very, very good movie - most Miyasaki movies are (he bit off more than he could chew with Andre Norton, but we all make mistakes sometimes!) Sure, see it in the cinema if Walt Disney ever decide to fully release it over here - usually they just put his movies on in London for some odd reason. Even 'Spirited Away' had to win an Oscar before getting any kind of release in England. I'm surprised to see this getting the new movie treatment! To finish - why change the name from Arrietty to The Secret Life of Arrietty? To her, it's an ordinary life. It's only to humans it's a secret life - and the boy knows all about the Borrowers from the start anyway. Great movie - but it's NOT new!!
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An absolutely, rock-solid 9 out of 10
12 August 2011
I don't know what all the other reviewers here saw or were expecting. I saw a movie absolutely BEGGING to be watched in full-on 3D, with a rock-solid storyline, Pixar-quality animation, great characterization and, above all, a true sense of FUN. It never took itself too seriously, that was its huge strength. It laughed at itself, so you could laugh with it more.

I don't want to spoil one moment of this for anyone who's going to see it - so I'm not going to say what actually happens. I'm going to let you feel the magic for yourselves. Watch it with a heart full of popcorn and a child in your eyes. Watch it when you've had a bad day and it will fill you with champagne and carnival. Watch it when you want to see all the games of make-believe you played as a kid made real, somehow, and fitted into ninety minutes of roller-coaster dreams.

I don't work for the company, but I beg to differ from a lot of the reviewers here. If certain sequences - you'll know them when you see them, trust me - had had the funds for full-on 3D - maybe they did, what do I know? - if it had been given the chance by a distributor NOT blinded by the word Hollywood, this film would have been a Pixar-style smash. But there is a key to it you must remember.

Go into it WITH a child, and you'll come out of it AS a child, laughing like you might not have laughed for years.

See it. Impey's Wonderland - innocence sugared with starlight.
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I'm with Jessica Elder on this one - it's brilliantly warped!
26 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, 8, but you have to take it the right way.

For starters - it IS excellently crafted. Beautiful shots of sunsets mixed in with the violence mixed in with the drugs give the whole thing a sense of surreal nightmare. That alone takes it out of the realms of trash into those of 'cult classic'. Secondly, it's not a porn film even though there's a lot of nudity in it. It wasn't meant to be a porn flick. POSSIBLE MILD SPOILER ALERT - What the men do to the girls is meant to make you feel a little dirty, a little ashamed, it's done to put you on the girls' side, so when the nun gets vengeance, you're cheering her on. I sure was! - END OF POSSIBLE MILD SPOILER The music starts off as one-guitar dodginess but gets better and better until it's almost Ennio Morricone standard. True, the Catholic Church isn't portrayed well but we know what the priests do to choirboys, we've yet to learn what they do to nuns so maybe, just maybe...

And surrounding the whole movie is the ghosts of Clint Eastwood movies like a Fistful of Dollars. Somehow, it's got the same atmosphere. Except you've got a nun in the Clint Eastwood part. She's seeking revenge, just as Clint always did. And I found myself cheering her on all the way.

Thing about the other reviewers here is they went into this movie with preconceptions and you can't do that with this one. Tons of nudity but is it a porno? Is any of it titillating? No - it isn't meant to be. POSSIBLE SPOILER COMING UP - Brutal sex scenes, for sure, but are they meant to turn you on? No, they're meant to make you feel sorry for the woman and hate the man who's doing it to her, so you're glad when the nun finds him. Priests selling drugs? That's clever - the cops would have to go through a lot of channels before they could strip-search a priest or gatecrash a Church! - END OF POSSIBLE SPOILER.

Overall impression? IF you go into this movie with no preconceptions, with an open mind, you'll find a beautifully made film that everyone concerned absolutely put their hearts and souls into. Are they great actors? No - but they're all genuinely trying their hearts out and the director got the best possible performances out of all of them. Is the story good? It's a VERY twisted Spaghetti Western for the 21st Century. You'll not have seen anything else quite like it - which, for nowadays, is saying something. Did I enjoy it? I've watched it twice and I got more out of the second viewing than the first. It's honestly got subtle depths, if you open your mind enough to find them.

If you're expecting a ton of titillating nudity and sex scenes to turn you on, go watch a different movie. If you want to see a film that makes you feel angry and sad at how men humiliate women, and glad when some of the men get what's coming to them, and has a beautiful, dark heart within it, give Nude Nuns with Big Guns an open-minded try. Jessica's right. It's a cult classic waiting to happen.

Now if only I could find where to buy the soundtrack...

(Just found it - it's a legit. free download on Dan Gross, the composer's, website. If you're into GOOD Spaghetti Western style film music, add this to your collection.)

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The Club (1994)
A great movie on a tight budget.
4 December 2007
I wish I could see it online so I could remember more about it. I loved the clever philosophy all the way through. If there was a big-budget remake - and there deserves to be one - the baddie would be a gimme for Jack Nicholson. The atmosphere was good, the special effects were great and very cleverly used to create shocks. Every plot twist was well thought out and all the way through you're wondering what 'The Club' actually is.

And then, slowly, you realise......!! Find the film and realise for yourself - I'm not going to spoil it for you. Forget the first comment about it, that guy didn't 'get' it. I've seen it about 4 times, it's worth it.
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