
21 Reviews
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Trashy, cheap.
23 May 2022
The original movie was organic, classy, and was actually filmed in Egypt, on a real boat. This remake was a trashy cheap CGI knockoff. The characters at the beginning acted like trashy sluts found in a cheap bar. It totally put us off immediately. People in the 1930s weren't cheap like that. Just go watch the original. FYI the CGI scenery and birds were garbage.
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Quacks (2017–2018)
Woke modern propaganda
20 April 2022
In typical BBC mainstream fashion, it re-writes history and pushes social engineering down our throats. Some of it was good, but I couldn't stand the propaganda. No wonder it was cancelled so soon. Avoid this garbage and watch anything else.
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Scream (I) (2022)
More modern social engineering
22 February 2022
I just love the diverse cast of strong females, effeminate men, the fact that everyone is addicted to pharmakeia, and the cliche, lazy story. Besides this being just a cash grab, it's full of social engineering. We have enough of that garbage nowadays. Avoid.
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12 July 2021
Low budget, horrible acting, and cheap CGI. Better films were made decades ago. Save your electricity and avoid this garbage.
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What the hell
5 June 2021
Mark Dacascos was great as usual, but the rest of the movie was meh. The script writing was especially bad, like it was written by a 13 year old. Still worth a watch if you have the time.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
25 April 2021
The 1995 movie was way better lol, this one just didnt do anything for me. It felt like it was directed by a 9 year old.
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1944 (2015)
Russia bad! Estonia good!
22 April 2021
Man, whoever made this movie really hates Russians. The entire film, the Russian infantry act like zombies, only walking towards the enemy, not firing their weapons and only trying to use bayonets. They are also very ugly and fat as depicted in the movie, and only target children and civilians. Can we get some realism in our movies, without a director pushing his agenda?
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Loud, stupid and very annoying
15 April 2021
What the heck is going on? Everyone in the show is so stupid, loud and annoying, they all act like 12 year olds high on ecstasy. Its basically idiocracy, but in space. Avoid this garbage, shame on the people who made this monstrosity and called it 'star trek'. They should have called 'wild space cadets' or something.
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Generic US army/coca cola movie
9 March 2021
All about a bunch of american soldiers singing army songs, shooting at cgi monsters, surrounded by cans of coca cola. If you have an iq below 60, you will enjoy this movie.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
Just awful
13 February 2021
Just terrible. Everything is wrong about it, just go watch the classic, it's so much better.
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Anti Russian propaganda
5 February 2021
Russia bad, America good. Just another propaganda piece from hollywood.
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22 January 2021
Awful acting and directing. Glaring movie mistakes in the first 5 minutes made it unwatchable for me. In one scene the heroine is in a cop car, cuffed with her hands behind her back, 2 seconds later her hands are magically at the front and she smashes the cop's face, who for some reason is sitting at the back with her. Another second later her hands are magically behind her back again. What director would think that was acceptable? Good thing it was cancelled after a year. Avoid this garbage.
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Nowhere near as good as his previous shows
17 January 2021
This show from CNN is a joke. Go watch his original shows like A Cook's Tour and No Reservations.
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Peninsula (2020)
14 January 2021
Garbage cgi, garbage cast, garbage plot, and garbage directing. Avoid.
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Boring, full of sponsored content
10 January 2021
Very annoying hosts, full of sponsored content. Generally a cringy and annoying show. Skip it.
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Renegade (II) (2019)
Some people dont like the truth
20 October 2020
Excellent biography. So many things he has predicted has come to pass, like he said "If you know the destination, you can see the journey". Some people despise him, but that is simply a case of 'shoot the messenger mentality'. The truth of our reality can be dark, and some people dont like the truth, hence the trolls. David Icke is the best.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
More garbage from netflix
17 August 2020
I tried to like it, but the show is just modern pc social engineering, which is done poorly and cheaply. Stereotype angry black females is also shoved down our throats, a very bad trend. A common thene with netflix, quantity over quality. Avoid this trash if you want to keep your brain cells alive.
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Belongs in the bin
2 August 2020
Brainless and unlikable characters everywhere, stupid plot and cheap acting. This garbage should never have been made.
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The Shining (1997)
Much better than the original
10 February 2020
Its a modernized version of the original, and far better.
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Rob Roy (1995)
18 December 2019
This movie was made to make Rob Roy look bad. In the movie, he is the most inept and worthless character imaginable. He constantly makes terrible decisions, doomming himself and all around him. This hollywood movie should be deleted from human history.
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One of the greatest classics
13 October 2019
What a movie, the cast was awesome, and there was genuine action the entire movie, not just fake cgi. It holds up very well even in this day.
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