
4 Reviews
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Surprised this was funny.
24 May 2020
Okay a movie with a lot of "Second hand embarrassment" gags. Most of them sexual. I dont like this movies 90% of time. But this one remind me of "You Don't Mess with the Zohan" in some parts. In some times the gags fire BAM BAM and you cant help laughing. Give it a try.
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Logan (2017)
(Spoiler) Logan is not a superhero/action movie
2 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Logan is drunk. Logan don't wanna live anymore. Logan don't wanna fight anymore. Logan only cares for Charles. He is the rest of his family. And...SPOILER ON...Logan is becoming a dad, but he cant be a dad... Logan cant even be wolverine anymore. Maybe that's why this movie is called "Logan" and not Wolverine... And that's the problem with this whole movie. Its no superhero/action movie. Its about adults who decide to die and make place for the younger ones. It has no real story. There are no real twists. You only watch an old man dying. The villains (Dr. Rice and Pierce) are not really deep characters and are boring. Not really enemys. The whole movie is a drama with a over-painted wolverine and with a crazy and stupid story. It is not a classic superhero/action movie with no cool lines and fun.

POSITIVE: + The movie has dark, brutal and very gory scenes (most brutal wolverine movie so far). Who likes blood will love this and i think thats the reason why its hyped. + Good performance of Hugh Jackman as Logan. Its his last appearance and he did great (Patrick Stewart too). So I think this is the second reason why its hyped.

NEGATIVE: - No Wolverine - The movie is a goodbye drama/western BUT no superhero movies (dont know why many people call it a superhero movie. It isn't.) - No funny lines and popcorn action - Many plot holes and no twists, this is very predictable
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22 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers

First: I am glad that George and Steven try to make a IV. th Indy. But....I am disappointed.


Comparing other Chapters of Indiana there was only a few (little) laughs in this movie. (Beat in Macs Face, stupid Russians giving Indy munition, "loveszene" with the Russian general, "halftime"...) The whole cinema didn't laugh enough.

--> 4 of 10 Stars.


First: The warehouse scene --> cool ^^ (++) Old Indy rocks. The motorcycle race...okay (0). Other Scenes: mostly overdrawn or boring.

All in all...Comparing to other Indy movies --> not very exiting.

--> 4 of 10 Stars.


Too much "sidekicks" at one time: - Mutt (besides him, Indy looks old) - - Mac (Indy has the wrong friends again) + - Marion(only cutting in beginning) 0 - Prof. Ox (jabbering Idiot...) -

A lot of Actions scenes are to fast and showing at the same time less emotions from the Characters (Less good close shots in Action scenes --> damn effects). Okay, the actors seem to have a lot of fun in the movie (they laugh a lot) but you never get really close to the characters and you cant take them serious. (I cant believe i say this to a fantastic Indiana Jones movie).

The bad ones - Irina Spalko - are you frightened ? - - Dovchenko - Brawling Scene - guy. -

Brawling-scenes in other Indy-movies are much better.

--> 3 of 10 Stars.


...not really groundbreaking...

for example: A lot of native Indians --> SOLUTION: crystal scull A lot of ants --> SOLUTION: crystal scull A closed big door --> SOLUTION: crystal scull

text-riddles like "crazy Ox jabbering (follow the crazy man), letter of Marion, jail graffito" we know from "Last Crusade"...

and...i only say: Freezer...

--> 1 of 10 Stars.


ANT SCENE: Stupid. Remains me of "The Mummy" the Scarabaes. Damn CGI-animated, not scaring enough. Better (and funnier) scene --> "The scorpion king". APE SCENE: Stupid. Tarzan. SNAKE SCENE: far fetched SCORPION SCENE: nice...remains me at the spiders in Riders. But not groundbreaking.

--> 2 of 10 Stars.

6. Sentimentality's (LOVESCENES...):

Markus dead, Dad Jones dead, Prof. Ox is crazy, Indy realizes he is dad himself, The marriage in the end.

Too much !!! This slow down the movie.

Comparing to Raiders --> there are 20 sec. for sentimentality's. Marions death (Indy drink)...and in the love scene Indy begins to sleep fast ^^

It fits to the movie if you wanna see it as a "homage" to old times. (I think a lot of people will like it...i not)

--> 2 of 10 Stars.

7. PLOT:

Stupid. Better books or Computer games (f.e. Fate of Atlantis) on the market...

--> 1 of 10 Stars.
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I accuse (1941)
Masterwork of NS - Propaganda
15 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie tonight for study. I am going to become a teacher for handicapped children in Germany. We watched the movie, cause he is indeed a evil master-work, and his message (under the surface) is, that all people who are not "worth to live" (like "Blinds", "Deaf", "The crazy ones...") should have a chance to get death --> therefore the movie proposes in the end a gremium of justice to decide for the people who cant decide for themselves (like little babies...)...

The main-story is about a nice wife who is full of live and happiness. As she become death-ill, her husband (a doctor) kills her with poison (cause he love her so much, he cant see her in pain)

The movie is very dangerous and evil, but it is also a master work of "propaganda" and acting. So it is difficult to vote for me. A lot of other movies are dangerous too: Like Rambo (who glorifies violence in the name of yourself or in the name of your nation --> very evil US propaganda in the cold war). But no one sees it...Therefore I give this movie 5 of 10 Stars: Cause he his a example for the political power of movies. Wake up people...

The movie describes a modern question, too: "Have yourself the right to choose your death?" The movie discuss this problem (priests (arguments with god), hunter (arguments with nature --> helpless creatures die in nature, why do human help?)...) and the end of the movie is open (The question seems to have no answer...but the bad seed is in your heart if you don't know about the evil origin of the movie....) It is a movie who's up to date: Think about us now: Genetics? (Only perfect children in future?) Health-Care? (Health-checks in Job --> if you are not healthy you don't become a job) Perfect Models? ...Open your eyes !!!

Be careful what you watch!!!!! Cause this movie is a example for very great evil in angel clothes ! If they don't know about his origin the most people will agree to its statements!!!
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