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Great character study with solid performances
24 January 2020
The acting in this film really sells it. Joslyn Jensen, as music student Malorie, creates a unique portrayal of an artist that must grapple with how she sells herself and her music, and what creates inspiration. The film is beautiful, well shot and edited. It is a subtle character study that is firmly rooted in meaningful topics that are being debated today.
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A good trio of slow burn short psychological thrillers
4 January 2020
Great anthology that ties together three sinister tales dealing with three young women (each played by the director) whose fears manifest into the titular creepy-crawlies. The direction overall is very stylish, with an almost Burton-esque feel, and all three stories build their tension with aplomb. A good trio of slow burn short psychological thrillers.
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Long Lost (2018)
Great acting seals the deal on a unique thriller
3 January 2020
The camera work and directing are quite effective as well. The story is a thriller that starts with a child-like game between house-guests that builds the tension by having one participant become unhinged, leading to twisted results. Great acting seals the deal on a unique thriller.
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Found footage film brings blow build tension and terror
6 December 2019
She Walks the Woods is a found-footage film that wrings terror from the fact that hundreds of people disappear in our national parks each year. A small group set out from a cabin to camp, forage, and snare their food while hiking deep into the forest. They soon figure out something sinister is stalking them. The acting is natural, lending itself well to the feeling that we are immersed in the real world and these events are happening. The creature effects are quite good given the indie budget.
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An essential look into what drives crime and those that enforce the law
3 December 2019
This was an interesting ride through the day-to-day life of a financially struggling police officer and a poverty-stricken teenager. Their disparate paths collide with consequences that change the both of their lives forever. The film, very well crafted with what appears to be a meager budget, conveys much drama and pathos from everyday urban life, as well as shedding some light on the crushing bureaucracy of the police force. A quite capable cast delivers all around solid performances. I think this is a cop drama that really sets itself apart from the pack.
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Fun throwback horror film with strong F/X and nice look
26 November 2019
I like the look of this film, with the lighting in lurid primary colors (like the good ole Italian horror films of the 70's) and the well-done practical gore effects. The interplay between the brothers is fun, and the premise reminds me of cross between Frailty and Castle Freak. I mean, who can't get behind the tale of a killer priest that murders the parishioners of their mobile camper church during confessions and then feeds the remains to whatever is bumping around in the basement of the family home. Lurid, gory, and unexpected--Purgatory Road is just what you need for a fun fright flick.
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Good indie drama about facing personal demons and the struggle of addiction
26 November 2019
Good indie drama about a man facing his demons and trying to turn things around for his family. Tyler Bruhn and Karenssa Legear really shine as Mitch and Lauren, a couple that must uncover the trauma in Mitch's life in order to help him overcome his alcohol dependency. The crisp direction helps the narrative unfold through several seasons, and the outcome of the story really pulls at the heart strings.
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Informative and entertaining documentary on horse racing
23 November 2019
Quite interesting doc on horse racing. There is a narrative that flows involving a novice trainer joining forces with an owner that suddenly jump-starts a lucrative partnership. I enjoy going to horse races, though I did not have a very thorough understanding of the sport. This doc was informative and entertaining, like a Moneyball for horse racing. Highly recommend it.
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Dark Forest (2015)
Great throwback to the good old 80's slasher heydays
19 November 2019
Fun little independent horror import from Canada. It tells the tale of a group of girls who decide to have a camp out, only to find out that one of the girl's abusive boyfriend is ready to go full wack-job and wreak vengeance on everyone out in the forest. The look and feel of the film does well to match the experience of cracking open an old VHS tape rental. The cast is game, the kills are just bloody enough, and the music has that fun "Carpenter" electronic feel. You really can't do wrong giving this a spin on a weekend when you just feel the need of a throwback to those old killer in the woods flicks.
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Well done indie about the messiness of coupling
18 November 2019
The well-written independent film that is funny and thoughtful and has two lead actors that shine throughout. David (Ricky Mabe) is an aspiring filmmaker that takes his romantic ques from oddball film romances, hoping to find "the one" and seemingly finds her in the hell-raising--and homeless--Kat (Jordan Monaghan). She soon moves in, acting as his ward, and they bicker and fight until somewhere along the line it seems like they may have been made for each other. Directed and shot with a sure hand, the story unfolds in its own offbeat way, twisting and turning to a messy resolution that fits the story superbly. Really well-done indie effort across the board.
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The Boys (2019– )
Great, subversive entry into the superhero sagas
9 November 2019
Quick-witted show for adults that tracks one man's vengeance against the superhero that killed the love of his life and how it sheds light on the dark underbelly of more human than human. Light on its feet, but hardcore with its violence, there is a message underneath all of the fun, though it is a bit muddled in places. Well worth a watch.
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One of the best zombie movies and possibly best horror comedy ever--Period
9 November 2019
ROTLD is just a solid film--one of the greatest snapshots of the mid-80's; an interesting mesh of horror and punk music; so funny or scary or both in every scene. The acting is hammy fun, especially western star Clu Gulager, and the ending is just as nihilistic as a hardcore punk lyric. Fast zombies that talk! Tombstone stripping! Tommy from Jason Lives! Just great, spatter-y 80's fun.
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Perfect Feet (2019)
Pitch perfect documentary about a part of us we all keep hidden
9 November 2019
This documentary is an informative and fun way to scrutinize a body part that is severely taken for granted (and that many of us want to keep hidden) ... the feet. The host goes on a cross-country journey in which he interviews athletes, scientists, dancers, doctors, models, and a host of others to inquire how their various professions are impacted by their feet and/or the feet of others. There are some startling facts (a quarter of the bones in the human body are in the feet!) and interesting anecdotes-the nail salon owner who deeply detests feet is a highlight. All-in-all, a pretty perfect doc on an imperfect part of all us.
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Above average entry in Found Footage Horror
4 November 2019
The found-footage conceit has been done to death, but this was a well-executed entry into the sub-genre of (mostly) horror films. There were more than a few jump scares that worked quite well, and I consider myself a seasoned scary movie viewer. The acting is unusually well-done for this type of picture, and this fact helps carry the movie onward to a satisfying conclusion.
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In Fabric (2018)
They wove a lackluster killer dress yarn
3 November 2019
The question: How can one make a film about a killer dress that is confounding and dull? Let's add up the steps: 1.) Dress it up with pretension. 2.) Draw out the suspense until it snaps back in the story's face. 3.) Change gears entirely half-way through. 4.) Weave shallow characters throughout 5.) Confuse the window-dressing of clever shots and quick cuts as good storytelling.

Sew all that together and what do you got? Not much interesting material. Biggest disappointment of the year.
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Parasite (2019)
Ineffably great, hard to classify film focused on class warfare
3 November 2019
It is hard to talk about this film without spoiling it surprises, so I will basically write a love letter to Bong Joon Ho's brilliant new movie. He effortlessly builds tension, while bringing so many other elements (Slapstick! Horror!) in telling the story a poverty-stricken family climbing for higher ground on the backs of the elite. It is a moving, funny, and above all else enlightening take on how the war of the classes leaves many, many casualties. Best film of 2019.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
A heady, blustery ride to blinding insanity
3 November 2019
Sound and vision dominates this picture. A simple story told with some of the most striking imagery I have seen recently in film. The sound design is dynamic, acting as a third actor (or greek chorus) throughout, setting up action, red-herrings and the like with aplomb. Willem Dafoe staggers, farts, and screams with all the fury of a typhoon. Pattinson is at his best, disappearing in his role completely. Great, confounding stuff here.
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Meandering drive through the close of the 60s
3 November 2019
QT knows how to make a film feel lived in, both through what he brings out in his actors, and of course his clever dialogue. Once Upon a Time... feels like a leisurely drive, hanging out with old friends, listening to tunes with the top down, shooting the breeze and soaking in the rays. The movie charts and alternate course with what historically happened in that summer of 69, yet takes that ruse and runs it to cathartic heights. I can't remember Brad Pitt being better than this--he is the icing on the cake. Good flick, a bit meandering, but worth the ride.
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An action film that entertains as well as enlightens the viewer
3 November 2019
This film has a lot on its mind, and the fact that it entertains as well as build awareness to meaningful matters that are plaguing our society is something extraordinary. This is a film that uses its genre to build a solid foundation of social subtext, to bring the viewer to the table to discuss what the toll of poverty leaves in its wake, and what great cost must be paid by those who try to move to higher ground. The film posits a coming of age drama inside the underworld of LA, and it is this personal story of a man trying to save his family (and his soul) that truly captured me. Emonjay Brown's acting gave the story its heart, and he was utterly convincing throughout. The film moves to a crescendo of redemption, and the conclusion of this story rattled me.
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