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Almost perfect combo of scifi, action & comedy
27 March 2024
Nothing is ever perfect, but this movie is about as close as you can get. Very original, fast-paced and entertaining story, covers a lot of ground, great special effects. They did an excellent job of creating a future world and alien species and technology. I have a few tiny issues with some of the more touchy feely parts, but those are truly no big deal. The Ruby Rod (Chris Tucker) character was at first time of watching pretty obnoxious, but now I truly feel like it was very prescient and accurate at how streaming personalities are trending, more and more outrageous. This is my favorite Willis movie and Jovovich and Oldman do great jobs as well. Such a great film.
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Poor Things (2023)
Certainly is different and sex obsessed
4 March 2024
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This definitely reminded me of a Wes Anderson type film with lots of bizarre characters taking place around 1900. It starts off black and white and switches to color halfway through to signify the main character discovering sex or something like that. The best part of the film for me was the sets, they were absolutely wild and detailed, floor to ceiling. I realize they are trying to make some kind of artsy statement with this film, but it was tedious to watch. We prefer films with some kind of a normal plot without so many freakish characters. A few of them is interesting, but everyone in a movie shouldn't be some kind a strange weirdo. And once the movie switches to color, there is a LOT of sex, in case you are thinking of watching this with your mom or something, don't do it! If you want to watch an off-beat comedy, we much prefer a Farrelly movie.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
It's a Statham movie alright
9 February 2024
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Do not expect any new ground here. Statham plays a retired unstoppable CIA badass who decides to take out the evil corporation who drove his neighbor over the edge. Anyone who challenges him is dismantled in a variety of tricky ways, while he gets barely a scratch. Just don't spend too much time thinking about the details of the plot, but it does have a few twists. I'm sure those who are actually in the FBI hate this movie and anyone in the Secret Service would REALLY hate it, they are all shown to be such lame nincompoops who have no clue how to protect a threat target. Probably the lamest plot line is about gang of men that look like they came directly from Burning Man armed with automatic weapons wandering around a party at the private mansion where POTUS is currently located, doing whatever they want, talk about idiotic. Watch it for the action, some great fight scenes, just don't expect any sort of realistic plot.
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Walden (2023)
Amateur hour
14 January 2024
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The entire movie is an extremely underwhelming story about a very meek court stenographer. Not really anything impressive, here is a list of SOME of the major problems, not extensive by any means. The writing seems like it was someone's first screenplay, especially the dialog, really stiff. The characters and relationships are a joke, not sure what Hirsch is going for with his portrayal. It appeared to me that several of the minor roles were played by people on their first acting job. After brain tumor surgery he still has all his hair and an ace bandage wrapped around his head twice, that's it? That is some soap opera level lameness. Every single drink in this movie is warm liquor in a glass. The oven revenge killing has a guy literally holding his own head down on the burner inside the oven, they couldn't even be bothered to make it look like he was restrained somehow. Walkden has a bunch of file boxes in his house labeled Guilty and Not Guilty that he just tosses his stenographer tapes into, what? They would be filed by case number, not just tossed in a box. This film is at the level of a high school project, don't waste your time.
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Priscilla (2023)
Mostly a yawn
21 December 2023
This is one of those movies that feels longer than it actually is, we swore it was well over two hours when it was done. The strangest thing that stuck me is that there was zero concern whatsoever for a 14 or 15 year old girl hanging out without her parents at adult parties and then alone with a man 10 years her senior. And why she stayed with him after his treatment of her is also a mystery. Although not entirely his fault, I'm sure partly because of his daily abuse of prescription drugs, Elvis is shown to be a real ass at the drop of a hat over and over. Also kind of amazing that they could make the life of Elvis at his peak so boring, albeit spiced up with constant frat boy behavior with his buddies, which they neglected to point out was named the Memphis Mafia. Since Priscilla was a producer on the movie, one would assume the stories shown are accurate, at least from her perspective. They also almost completely ignored the constant philandering by Elvis, which was probably the last straw that ended their marriage after only 5 years.

On a personal note, a friend of ours actually lived in a house behind Graceland when he was a kid in the 60s and he remembers them riding horses and shooting guns at all hours of the night. They had the guns in the movie, but not horses.
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Way too long, story rambles
15 December 2023
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I understand this is based on a true story, but this film needed a lot of tightening up. First the good stuff. Representing the early 20s was flawlessly done from sets to costumes to hairstyles. The acting is well done, as you might expect. Now for the stuff that detracted from the film. Why were people still wearing WWI uniforms in the 20s when the war had been over for 2 years? They obviously didn't just get back from the war. It wasn't clear why they kept killing all the Native Americans, jealousy? They made sure to emphasize that the tribe members were getting rich from the oil on their land, and robbing them would make basic sense, but why kill them? And the plot that they would murder 4 members of a family while being married to the last surviving member to get their money is tenuous at best. One second DeNiro is killing people, the next he is super religious, and back and forth, makes no sense.

While I appreciate them making all the effort to stage a full blown live band and actors fake radio drama to provide an epilogue for the resulting jail sentences etc. But it seems really forced and the movie is already WAY too long to drag it out, just give us a few text screens to read.. It was also kind of strange to see Jack White in that radio show scene. So technically a very well done movie, but not worth over 3 hours of my time.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Never again, Anderson
24 September 2023
Visually very original and interesting, but a movie has to actually DO SOMETHING. Man, what a total mess, the only plot is "talk to the other characters and act strange". Wow, what a complete waste of time. I did really enjoy Jojo Rabbit, so I like quirky movies, but Anderson's stuff is so off the deep end and self-indulgent and again, nothing happens. Just acting strange and talking in a strange, mechanical way is not a movie. Maybe Anderson should become a painter, paintings don't talk, but his visual style is interesting. Also this movie keeps changing between color and black and white AND different aspect ratios, so either a good chunk of the picture top and bottom was off my screen, or there is a huge black border around the screen if I align the picture for the 6x4 aspect ratio, annoying as hell. I will never waste my time on any of his movies in the future, I have no clue why so many major actors think his projects are worth doing, are they all that self-involved that they think that acting in this artsy crap is impressive? It is not.
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Decent thriller on the cheap
5 August 2023
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Nick Cage got to break out his "crazy guy" character again for this one. They did not have much of a budget for this one, about half the movie takes place in and around the car with the two main characters. The "twist" ending is not the biggest surprise. Afterwards I thought about him shooting two cops at the end it was really pointless. Most of the time you don't know what Cage is going to do next, so that is entertaining. People who know Vegas will laugh at him "in a hurry" to get to the hospital driving down The Strip, that is not the fastest was to anywhere besides The Strip hotels. And The Strip was almost empty, they must've filmed it at 4am. Not a bad watch, but comes across as an indie film. Kind of bare bones.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Devine haters need not apply
22 July 2023
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I'm blown away by all the hate spewed for Adam Devine in these reviews, wow. He plays his typical character, the lovable, but dopey guy. Don't go into this expecting a wry Woody Allen comedy. Being a Workaholics fan, I expected what I got. I would call it silly adult humor, meant to be brash and over the top. We laughed out loud at the nuttiness many times. The plot is not going to surprise you too much, but still a fun ride. And they did not cheap out on locations or stunts. I've never seen a car chase straight through a cemetery before, that was wild. There are a few running jokes that are dumb, like that Devine is super jumpy when he gets his butt slapped, not sure the point of that one. This definitely is a Happy Madison movie, if you don't like his style of comedy, skip it. But if you enjoyed Happy Gilmore or Little Nicky or Benchwarmers, you will like it. Definitely better than Billy Madison or Grown Ups or Zohan.
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Finally a decent script instead of just spending money
6 May 2023
I was expecting another generic comic book genre movie and was very pleasantly surprised. Especially by the amount of genuine laughs throughout the film, my favorite was the cemetery scene. The plot was interesting and had some twists and actually made sense from start to finish, amazing! They did spend about $150MM on this baby and you can see it on the screen in special effects, sets and costumes. The FX were seamless and very well done and ran the gamut from environment, costumes, creatures, and battles. The acting was top notch, some of the best laughs were from the actors having excellent comic timing and expressions. It is a little over two hours, but keeps moving, lots of stuff going on, highly recommended.
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Marlowe (2022)
Sooooo boring and dopey and makes no sense
29 April 2023
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I do not understand the latest trend in Hollywood to spend huge money to make a period piece about early LA and not bother to have a script that makes any sense at all. I'm looking at you, Babylon and Marlowe. What a couple of stinkers. This film has great actors, sets, costumes, cars and the plot is nonsensical garbage. It was impossible to follow, made no sense, and put us both to sleep several times during the long, dopey, pointless, drawn out dialog sessions. A statue that, it turns out, is supposedly made of drugs gets dropped into a fish tank, why? So many annoying things about this dopey movie, Marlowe goes into spy so a cop holds his hat for him outside and then immediately returns it when he comes out, what was the point of that? All of a sudden there is some kind of hidden sex club at the private club with a back room full of dead bodies and guys tied up and beaten? For what? Truly pointless, just like Babylon, don't waste your time.
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So bad it is worthy of MST3K all 10 star reviews are jokes
2 April 2023
First of all, any 10 star reviews are posted by some juvenile twit thinking it would be funny to trick someone into watching this piece of trash. This thing is so horribly and cheaply done it deserves a rating of about -25 stars. Everything is wrong with it, it is literally at a junior high school level, except the acting isn't quite up to that quality. I can't help but think that Breen inherited way too much money and gets his jollies out of wasting it making literally the most amateurish movies EVER made. There is no possible way this review could contain spoilers for this movie, as is is all completely putrid and stupid. It is like saying you could spoil a turd, you can't. It truly is difficult to quantify what a crap show this thing is, it reminds me of when SCTV or other sketch comedy shows would have a bit like Monster Chiller Horror Theater with some movie with terrible writing, acting, etc. The scary part is I think Breem is actually so crazy that he thinks he is making an actual movie worth watching, pretty pathetic to be that moronic.
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Typical entertaining Ritchie romp
24 March 2023
We enjoyed the movie, it kept moving at a good pace, some plot twists and turns to keep it from being typical spy action thriller, a good popcorn film. The personalities are fun, Plaza is a riot. They definitely spent some money on FX and locations and sets and such, I give them credit for that. Perhaps the biggest complaint I have is that every Statham fight scene is very technical and he is untouchable, but it kind of goes along with the general feeling of the movie, not a stickler for being totally realistic. I could see a possible sequel or series based on these characters, it had kind of a Bond movie feel as well and we know those movies will be coming out forever.
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Enjoyable but a bit childish, script could be better
5 March 2023
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The film does keep your interest throughout. It is kind of a cute and original idea, a kid finds a ghost in his new house and befriends him after recording video of him. Of course the video gets out and all kinds of mayhem ensues and the teenager tries to help him remember what happened to him to put him in this situation. I imagine this is meant to be a family film, so much of the plot is pretty basic "govt bad" and too much slapstick, juvenile jokes as well as really badly done car chases. I was most disappointed in them continuing to repeatedly call him the wrong name after his true identity was discovered. If I wrote this script, I would've had him change his appearance, which it was already established he can do at will, to correct his name on his shirt to be correct and have everyone refer to him using his name for the remainder of the film, just my two cents. There are other plot holes if you think about it. The family claims to be "broke", yet the high school son drives a brand new $50K+ car? A 50ish women who is supposed to be a ghost expert runs and dives out a window when she sees the ghost? That was painfully dumb.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Vile mess, no clue how it got made
18 February 2023
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Warning, I'm giving away the entire "plot", if you can call it that. This starts out as maybe a passable "foreign vacation gone wrong" type of movie, but it quickly devolves into complete nonsense. I cannot see why anyone would give this more than 2 stars, it is such a pile of trash. I do appreciate them inventing a fictitious country, complete with it's own alphabet, yet everyone speaks perfect English, that makes sense, right? And this poor backwards country has the ability to make perfect clones of people in minutes over and over? And the purpose of this is to kill the clones for the original person's crime and charge that person a bunch of money? What? Wouldn't it make more sense just to charge them a huge fine in the first place? And there are a few couples who come back to the resort every year to repeat this idiocy? Don't even try to make sense out of this thing; there is sex, then gory violence, then sex, then some trippy video, then more gore, just random whatever. Even the ending is beyond stupid, avoid at all costs.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Too long and random
3 February 2023
I'm really not sure what they were going for with this one, it is all over the place. It has some entertaining period piece scenes about Hollywood, way too much over the top crazy kinky/sick stuff, a psychedelic sequence, lots of depressing stories. Most of the characters are unlikable and they throw in a few racist sections to be woke I guess. No doubt that there was plenty of racism in the 20s and 30s, but the plot line about a black guy wearing blackface makeup was just pandering nonsense. And out of the blue a ridiculous screaming of every Jewish slur in the book at someone for sneezing was goofy. There were also a few historical inaccuracies, a color poster of Marilyn Monroe at her height of glamor supposedly appearing in 1952, jumped the gun on that one a bit. It definitely could be trimmed a bit as well, parts of it were kind of slow. It is one of those movies that is just unsatisfying, you end up feeling that after 3 hours, there should be more to it, at the end you can't wait for it to be over.
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Fun and original
30 December 2022
We weren't sure exactly what to expect from this, but were pleasantly surprised. It was a nice little popcorn flick. It has a somewhat original plot, good acting, brisk pacing, generally enjoyable. The special effects were interesting and well done. I do not want to give anything specific away, but if you enjoy a thriller combined with science fiction you should like this one. They did keep the plot moving and believable for the most part, with a few surprises along the way. It was only about 80 minutes, hopefully there will be a sequel to expand on the ending, but that would be an entirely different type of film.
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Me Time (2022)
Kid level comedy with adult level jokes
9 September 2022
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Not a great combo, dick jokes and such but delivered at a 3rd grade level. They should've decided if this was supposed to be for adults or for families and adjusted the script accordingly. Two Hollywood comedy standard actors, no real chemistry between them, even with all the hugging during the movie. Not a great premise, unbelievable situations are manufactured and there are no big surprises. There is the occasional funny moment, mostly slapstick stuff. So if you're in the mood to kill 90 minutes with a formulaic comedy and have a few laughs for free, this might work for you. This will not be on our recommended list, but it's harmless for adults and should be skipped by the kiddies.
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Keeps you interested, but don't think too hard
18 August 2022
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This movie did keep me watching, probably because the acting and characters were pretty good and the plot is decent, so long as you don't really consider how dopey it actually is overall. Morgan Freeman was great as usual. It does a bit woke preaching plus the name of the movie makes no sense to the subject matter. If you think that forcing an active OTR trucker to user her 18 wheel rig to participate in delivering ONE child out to the middle of nowhere in between regular runs makes sense, then this movie is for you. If you think a tiny 12 yr old girl can fire a slug from a sawed off shotgun and hit a guy 50 feet away on the first try, then have at it. And they take an actor who is known solely for his action movies and put him in a role where basically all he does is talk, seems like a big waste to me. All of the plot twists are very predictable as well. After it was over we both looked at each other and said "that was actually a pretty dumb plot", but we've seen a lot worse.
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Quirky gets annoying FAST
2 August 2022
I understand Anderson likes to try to be all artsy or whatever, but this thing, egads, couldn't even finish it. I know actors love to be in his films because they can show how great they are at chewing up the scenery as some wild character. The entire film is so self-indulgent and goes absolutely nowhere. Then there is the constant switching between black and white and color. And when they speak French, they show Spanish subtitles, so you have almost no clue what they're saying. Unless you think Basquiat is a genius, don't bother, this is for that crowd, who thinks they're super deep. PS, couldn't give any spoilers because nothing happens.
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The Valet (2022)
Cute and funny, but also a touch racist
30 June 2022
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I know they feature lots of latinos and other minorities in this movie and portray them as honest, hardworking people. That being said, why are all of them working hourly and only white folks have all the high paying jobs? Also the latino characters are quirky and not very bright. It is a fluffy rom-com, but I could tell that our Puerto Rican friends were a little insulted by the characters. Their comment was that is was "kind of dumb", but I knew what they really meant. It was funnier and more touching than I expected, so I gave it slightly above average rating.
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Gold (I) (2022)
Well executed, hinky plot
30 June 2022
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Pros, well done technically, you really feel uncomfortable in your seat from what they are going through on the screen. Cons, the plot makes almost no sense. They mention something about things in the world going bad, but they are super vague about everything, so write your own plot about that I guess. They find literally a ton of gold in the middle of the desert and they have to leave one of them behind to guard it? Why? Knock off a couple hundred pounds, bury it, both of you drive out together, cash it in, you can buy all the equipment you need including a big PLANE, fly out and get the rest, pretty simple. Not a fan of the ending either, it was different, but kind of ended with a twist and then a thud. Efron looked like he really suffered for his art on this one lol.
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Moonfall (2022)
Well worn formula, but still a bit original
1 April 2022
It is a fun movie, with some original aspects, but a familiar style. The FX are good, the well known actors do a good job, the unknowns not so much. I think that some parts of it would be good demo material for a Dolby Atmos home theater. Just don't think about the plot too hard lol.
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
What's the point?
25 March 2022
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This was technically well done, but the plot was dopey and pointless. A guy marries a hot younger girl, just so she can whore around, just so he can kill those guys? And then he admits it, but no one notices? Except for the one older character actor who plays a weasel in every film he makes. And he does it in the pool with a house full of people but no one notices? And the title makes no sense either, nothing is deep, especially the water he dumps a body into. Really lame. Don't bother.
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Total snore
27 February 2022
It doesn't matter how much money and skill you put into a movie where nothing happens, it will be boring as hell. Except for the very ending of this yawnfest, it would be impossible to have a spoiler since there is NO plot. A lot of top quality effort was put into this movie, no idea why it ever got made, even the title makes no sense. Unless you think a bunch of fake people acting all depressed over fake feelings with nothing else going on is entertaining, skip this nothing burger. Even when they do something slightly interesting it usually makes no sense. Someone goes from hating people who drink to instantly being drunk all day long AFTER her life gets 1000% better, just dopey. To me, I watch a movie to see something that I can't experience in real life. There are plenty of boring/jerky people in the real world that I try to avoid, why would I watch a movie about nothing but them?
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