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A Muppet Christmas Classic
19 December 2023
For over ten years, (I don't know why) every year when Christmas comes along. I always watch a different version of A Christmas Carol. Out of all the versions I have seen, my personal favourites are Scrooge (1951) staring Alastair Sims and Muppet Christmas Carol (1992).

But the version staring the Muppets is brilliant, accurate but thanks to the muppets also keeps it funny. What I like about this version is that is that it's not as "dark, moody and scary" as the other versions. It's the humour that keeps that in check.

Don't misunderstand, when it comes to the scenes of Christmas yet to come. That part would scare kids, but there is a message behind that. Because the future hasn't been written yet, people can make changes to the future to make not only there future bright, but other people as well, especially during the festive season.

Although I don't know much about Charles Dickens, this is one story i can relate to. For those who are unaware, there is a museum dedicated to him in London, UK. Trust me, its worth visiting it, especially at this time of year.
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I think even deadites would be turning in there graves if they saw this rubbish
26 April 2023
Well that is two hours of my life I won't get back anytime soon. Even the Deadites would get bored to death of this film. I know I certainly did.

I love good horror movies but this was nothing like a good movie. I was so bored that I almost fell asleep.

If your looking for a film which is following on from the Evil Dead franchise, believe it or not this isn't it because despite the name of the film, it doesn't have the same panache as the previous movies including the remake and TV series.

It has very impressive gory scenes and for that I would give it eight out of ten, but when it came to the story I'd have to give it two out of ten. The only reason why I give it three out of ten is because of the gore in it. But that's just about it, the story really let this movie down and it also had very little to do with the original movie except the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis (Book of the Dead). That is the only spoiler I would put on this review.

If you like the Evil Dead movies then stick to the previous movies including the remake, but give this one a wide birth. It is absolute rubbish.
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A cult classic British horror movie with a very clever twist at the end, I kept my appointment with The Wicker Man. This year marks it's 50th anniversary, now it's your turn.
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I ever came across this movie was thanks to a TV program called Moviedrome presented by Alex Cox.

I didn't know what to expect from it or even what the movie was about. But while I was watching it, not only was I able to understand the story. I'm also able to relate to it. The main reason I can do that is because I have been studying the paranormal and I'm very familiar with British Folklore, Myths and Legends for many years. However after seeing it, I was left with more questions than answers and there was one question which even to this day, I'm still wondering.

I know this is only a movie, but was the ending based on "real events" in history? According to some sources, the answer if your looking at it from a folklore (if you believe in this) point of view is YES. But if you try to look at this movie from a realistic point of view, the answer is NO.

The main story centers on police Sergeant Howie (played brilliantly by Edward Woodward) with very strong christian beliefs who goes to a remote island in Scotland to investigate the disappearance of a young girl called Rowan Morrison.

But to his dismay, he discovers that the people on the island are Pagans, they are having orgies and the children on the island are being bought up in the same way. (this completely disgusts Howie) The main person leading those people is Lord Summerisle. (played brilliantly by Sir Christopher Lee) Their beliefs completely conflict with Howie's beliefs.

But to make his job more difficult, the people on the island deny having any knowledge of Rowan, which leads him to suspect that she was murdered or become a victim of a pagan sacrifice. But later on in the movie the actual victim of that sacrifice is revealed. If you want to know who it is, you will need to see this movie.

Earlier on in my review I did say that I have been studying various aspects of the paranormal and I'm very familiar with British Folklore, Myths and Legends. Many years ago, I came across a book called "Folklore, Myths and Legends of Britain by Readers Digest", when I saw the movie there were.scenes which also appeared in that book.

Some examples include: 1) A picture of people being burned alive in a.wooden statue 2) Men carrying the swords assemble them in the shape of a pentagram with someone head in the center of it, before they decapitate a dummy.

3) Boys are dancing with ribbons attached to a may pole.

The ironic thing about that book was that it was published in January 1973 and the movie was released in November 1973, if Readers Digest had waited a year later. It would've given this movie a bit more publicity along with that book. Even included it in the book.

I believe Readers Digest missed a trick with that one.

I personally think from a movie watcher and with someone who has knowledge of the paranormal/Folklore, Myths and Legends of Britain, it's brilliant and in some scenes beautifully put together and that's the same for the soundtrack and songs that accompany this movie. There are two songs which are worth listening to, the first one is "Gently Johnny". (which you will only hear on the Directors/final cut of this movie, but not the theatrical cut) The second one and the most well known is "Willow's Song".

If you haven't seen it before, don't try to "over think" it. Although you may find it slow to start off with and is slightly boring, all the pieces will fall into place eventually, just be patient with it.

I also urge caution, because if you have strong christian beliefs. You could find yourself being very offended by what you see and also with most of the scenes in this movie, like Sergeant Howie.

I also have a very strong recommendation to the cinema chains in the UK. I would strongly advise that you re-release this movie at the end of this year. Because it marks the 50th anniversary of "THE WICKER MAN".

I have often heard some people rate this movie as the Citizen Kane of horror movies, trust me it is. But also bare one thing in mind, it's not a gory movie, but its more of a suspense and physiological horror film, which plays with your head and questions your personal belief system when you see it.

Don't let yourself be fooled that because it is an old movie, that it isn't worth watching even now, regardless of your age, (obviously, you wouldn't show this movie to your kids if they are too young) it's far better than most of the crap that we get nowadays which also includes The Wicker Man remake in 2006 staring Nicolas Cage. Do yourself a favor stick to the original version, it's much better.

Don't also forget that there are four (maybe even more) main versions of this movie. I would suggest that you if you can, try to see all of them.

1) The Theatrical Cut (this was the one shown at the cinemas) is 88 minutes long.

2) The Director's Cut (this one had some missing scenes from the theatrical cut) is 99 minutes long.

3) The Final Cut (this one has part of the mainland prologue removed except for Sergeant Howie in the church and has some deleted footage restored) is 93 minutes long. (This version is the preferred version if you've never seen this movie before)

4) There is supposed to be an uncut version of this movie, which was released on VHS in the USA, but for some reason was never released in the UK.

I've kept my personal appointment with THE WICKER MAN for many years, now it's your turn.
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Moviedrome: The Wicker Man (1988)
Season 1, Episode 1
Thanks to this program, I kept my appointment with The Wicker Man
23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this episode, I never even heard of the movie The Wicker Man. Now I've been studying the paranormal for over 35 years and there was one book that I came across called "Folklore Myths and Legends of Britain by Readers Digest."

I found that some of the images that were in that book also appeared in some of the scenes of The Wicker Man. Some examples of this include a photo of people inside a burning wooden statue, the scene in where the men carrying the swords assemble them in the shape of a pentagram with someone head in the center of it and the scene where the boys are dancing with ribbons attached to a may pole.

But Ironically enough, the book was published in January 1973 and the actual movie came out in November 1973, if Readers Digest had waited a year or so. The movie could've have been included in the book therefore giving the movie and the book more publicity, sadly Readers Digest missed a trick because of it.

All in all, thank you Moviedrome and Alex Cox, you guys are legends.
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What a way to end the series. Brilliantly done by the fans.
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is such a shame that the series ended the way it did without having this episode being aired officially because it would've have answered a lot of questions, for example did the children ever make it back home?

Even though the episode itself was made by fans, don't let that fool you. Because they helped end the series on a high note.

One of the main questions that gets asked is Did the children make it back home? Well the short answer is yes, except one decided to remain in the realm and didn't go back home. I won't tell you who this person was but If you take the time to watch the entire series, it will make perfect sense as to why this person decided to remain.

You will also discover the reason why the children were transported to the realm in the first place, which has quite a lot to do with Venger and why Dungeon Master needed there help.

A superb ending to a great series. All I can say is well done to the fans who put this episode together, you did a fantastic job.
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Dungeons & Dragons (1983–1985)
Although it's quite underated, this is one of the best cartoon series of the 80s
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
During the 80s, there were two cartoon series I have fond memories of.

The first was "Spiderman and His Amazing Friends" and the second was "Dungeons and Dragons".

The main story centered on six children who take a ride on an enchanted fairground ride, but end up being transported to the realm of Dungeons and Dragons. The good thing about this TV series is that you don't have to be a fan of the board game and to be honest, the board game doesn't interest me at all.

To help them in there adventures and quests in the realm is Dungeon Master, who most of the time speaks to them in Riddles. (except in the episode "The Dragons Graveyard", because the children have lost their patience being in the realm)

Then you have Venger, who according to Dungeon Master is the force of evil, but there is a very interesting twist in the fan made episode called "Requiem". You can see it on YouTube and it's worth watching.

Then you have Tiamat, who is Venger's arch rival. However the children and Venger do there best to stay out of her way, because she is very dangerous and very bad tempered, as seen in "The Dragons Graveyard". However having said that, she is the only dragon that prevents Venger having full mastery of the realm.

As for the children, you have Hank the Ranger, who has a magical bow.

Diana the Acrobat, who has a magical pole.

Eric the Cavalier, who has a magical shield.

Shelia the Thief, who has a special cape that makes her invisible.

Bobby the Barbarian, who has a magic club (he also happens to be Shelia's little brother).

Presto the Magician, who has a magical hat.

You also have a baby unicorn called Uni. She is like a pet to Bobby.

Even if you didn't grow up in the 80s, I think you will love the animation and the stories of this series and I strongly recommend that you take the time to watch this series (even on YouTube). It was brilliant then and it's still brilliant now.
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Certainly better than NOPE, but not by much
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you have recently seen the movie NOPE and were disappointed by it, this movie isn't much of an improvement. It uses a documentary style similar to the Blair Witch Project.

Don't get me wrong, if your looking for a film which was inspired by the Real Skinwalker Ranch and the paranormal and UFO activity that surrounds it, then your in luck. Because this will give you an idea of what is allegedly going on out there.

However if your looking at this movie as a horror film, just like NOPE. You won't find it here. There are a few scenes that will make you jump, but they are too and far between, they are also not that impressive so don't expect much.

You will see the odd alien now and again. Also at the end of the movie, you will see quite a big UFO.

To sum this movie, just imagine The Blair Witch Project meets The X Files and as I said in the title, it's better than NOPE, but not by much.

It's really a waste of time and if your interested in the Real Skinwalker Ranch, the opportunity to gave an explanation of the activity going on out there has been wasted on this movie. Check out the official website instead.

I would advise you to avoid The Blair Witch Project, NOPE and this movie Skinwalker Ranch. Because all three movie are complete garbage.
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Nope (2022)
Don't expect too much from this movie, you'll be very disappointed. I would advise that you give NOPE a wide birth.
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Because I have a very strong interest in the paranormal and UFOs, I decided to look at this movie a try. In order to see this movie, you would really need to see it from two points of view.

The first point would be that if you have a interest in the paranormal and UFOs, this part will interest you and I firmly believe that the inspiration for this movie comes from the alleged paranormal and UFO activity of Skinwalker Ranch. (that was really the way I was looking at this movie from, but as a ordinary movie. Forget it) There is a flying saucer and other strange activity that occurs in the film, but are there aliens and an alien invasion? NOPE, sorry to disappoint you.

The second point would be that if your looking for a good science fiction horror movie, this ain't it. In fact it's extremely boring. Don't get me wrong, there are some scenes which are gory. But it's nothing particularly gruesome. Just don't expect too much out of NOPE.

So my take on this movie is. For a film based on UFOs, the paranormal and the events going on at Skinwalker Ranch, I would say it's OK. I would've given it 4 stars.

But looking at it from the other side of the coin. This movie is rubbish and extremely boring. If I was able to have given it 0 stars. I would've done.

Even if your a fan of this director, I have a feeling you will be gravely disappointed. If I was asked to go and see it. I would have no problem in saying NOPE.
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Brilliant mini series and there is a very important lesson to learn from it
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this program when it came out in the UK and I didn't get a chance to see first time round. But I did hear that this was based on a true story, so I eventually saw it to see what it was about.

The main part of the story surrounds Kat (Nicole Kidman) and her search for her father Hal (Denholm Elliot) who she was told didn't exist, but while in London, finds out that he is living in Thailand. But before going to Thailand she meets up with a freelance photographer called Arkie Ragan (Jerome Ehlers). What she doesn't know is that Arkie has a hidden agenda which has devastating consequences for Kat and also changes the rest of the series and her life.

When she gets to Thailand, she contacts her father's lawyer Richard Carlisle (Hugo Weaving) to see if he will meet her. He chooses not to, but later on Kat gets caught by Thai customs for drug smuggling and is arrested and informed that the law concerning drug smuggling in Thailand is very severe. A mandatory death sentence.

Because of that situation, it means that Hal has to meet her and convince Richard to take on this case (even though it's not his area of expertise in Thai law) and get Kat out and all of them are running out of time, before Kat get executed.

One of the most harrowing aspects about this series is what happens to a fellow inmate and her brother when they both get executed. This is the fate that awaits Kat if she doesn't escape.

This mini series should be essential viewing for anyone going to visit or go on holiday to a country with very strict laws about drug smuggling. Because Kat found out the hard way, some countries can issue you a life sentence, however there are countries like Thailand where you risk getting the DEATH penalty.

I know this is just a mini series but as I said in my review, there is a very important lesson to learn from this and should be used as an educational tool to deter anybody from smuggling drugs into countries like Thailand. NEVER EVER let anyone put anything in your luggage or allowing you to carry anything for them. Kat made that mistake which almost cost her life.

I recommend watching this series and although you might think that it's just a TV series. Stop and think "Would you be able to survive the real Bangkok Hilton, if I was unfortunate to end up there?"
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30 years on, this is still a thought provoking movie by Janet which is still relevant now.
23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At the end of 1989, beginning of 1990. Janet released Rhythm Nation. What amazed me was the choreography for the title track of this album, however the issues and messages about the state of the world raised by this album were just as important. Nowadays I'm more of an old school heavy rock/metal fan, but Rhythm Nation has a very special place in my heart which has never left.

The basic story is about two boys who are trying to gain a record deal with their music, although the odds are NOT stacked in their favor. One of the boys called Kickdrum decides to give up on that dream and chooses an alternative route to hitting the big time, by dealing drugs. However this cause of action comes at a very high price. Because his friend B.J. gets killed in a drive by shooting which then causes Kickdrum to get back on the correct path and NOT get involved in Drugs and crime.

On the run with nowhere to go, he comes across Janet and her friends dressed up in a military style uniform and is so inspired by them, that he joins them instead.

Although it's been 30 years since the release of Rhythm Nation, the issues raised by it are just as important now as they were back then. The main songs you should really listen to are "The knowledge"and "Rhythm Nation". The Album itself has some songs with messages worth listening to "State of the World" and "Living in a world (They didn't make)". To be totally honest with you, it's worth getting the Album, The video with this mini film and Janet Jackson: The Rhythm Nation Compilation video because it has some extra footage, which includes an example of how two girls were affected by the lyrics of "The Knowledge" who almost chose the wrong path by not staying at school. and then realized their mistake. (Be warned, this is a very emotional scene, which could leave you in tears)

As it's been 30 years since Rhythm Nation came out, I think would be a good time for it to be released on DVD/Blu-ray which includes the concert promoting this album. I can also speak from experience by talking to people on YouTube, some people are still affected by the issues and messages from Rhythm Nation, I happen to be one of them.

One of the most important messages that Janet says at the end of the Album and this video is.

"In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us. Don't let your eyes deceive you..."

It was true back in 1989/1990 and it's true 30 years later.
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A brilliant compilation to the Rhythm Nation album and video. But be aware of the ending, it's quite emotional.
23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a compilation of the videos which make up the Rhythm Nation album. They include the songs, Miss you Much, Rhythm Nation, Escapade, Alright (extended version with Cab Calloway and Heavy D), Come back to me, Black cat and Love will never do (without you with Djimon Hounsou and Antonio Sabato Jr.)

There is also extra footage at the end where Janet speaks about how some people have responded to the video and have been affected by the issues raised by it. A good example of that includes two girls were affected by the lyrics of "The Knowledge" who almost chose the wrong path by not staying at school. and then realized their mistake. (Be warned, this is a very emotional scene, which could leave you in tears)

Although it's been 30 years since the release of Rhythm Nation, the issues raised by it are just as important now as they were back then. The main songs you should really listen to are "The knowledge"and "Rhythm Nation". The Album itself has some songs with messages worth listening to "State of the World" and "Living in a world (They didn't make)". To be totally honest with you, it's worth getting the Album, The Rhythm Nation 1814 mini film and this compilation.

As it's been 30 years since Rhythm Nation came out, I think would be a good time for it to be released on DVD/Blu-ray which includes the concert promoting this album. I can also speak from experience by talking to people on YouTube, some people are still affected by the issues and messages from Rhythm Nation, I happen to be one of them. Nowadays I'm more of an old school heavy rock/metal fan, but Rhythm Nation has a very special place in my heart which has never left.

Janet came out with a very strong message at the end of the album and the Rhythm Nation 1814 mini film.

"In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us. Don't let your eyes deceive you...".

It was true back in 1989/1990 and it's true 30 years later.
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What an emotional but great way to end this trilogy. Brilliant story and animation at it's best.
1 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If there is anyway to bring an animated trilogy to an end, this is the way to do it.

Out of the trilogy this is the most visually stunning and also the most emotional of the three and if you've seen the trailer to the movie, you will understand why. In fact when you do see the movie, the title "The Hidden World" will give you a subtle clue as to what happens to the dragons at the end of the movie. (Don't worry, it's nothing bad)

This time the story centers on Hiccup who is now the chief of his village, one year after the events of the previous movie and the defeat of Drago. Hiccup has succeeded in his quest to have a viking/dragon utopia. But his greatest test is yet to come.

There is a new, more deadly and a smarter enemy called Grimmel. Erit who was a reformed dragon trapper in the previous movie is fully aware of not underestimating Grimmel and tries to advise Hiccup of not doing so, in fact he proves to be a worthy ally for Hiccup. Unfortunately for Hiccup, he does meet his match in some scenes.

Toothless on the other hand discovers a female version of his species and is called by Astrid a Light Fury. So Toothless ends up having a girlfriend. (Yes dragons can fall in love too)

Later on Hiccup and Astrid manage to find a hidden world full of Dragons (which in flashbacks to Hiccups childhood, is described by his father Stoick). They realize they don't belong there and you will find at the end of the movie, that it causes Hiccup to make a heartbreaking choice. Which is why it has an emotional ending.

Later on in the movie, Grimmel succeeds in capturing Toothless, the Light Fury and other dragons which causes Hiccup and his tribe to go on a rescue mission and epic battle to defeat Grimmel once and for all.

After the battle, Hiccup realizes that with people like Grimmel and Drago in the human world, the dragons will never be safe, so he encourages Toothless to take them to a world where they will be safe.

Years later Hiccup and Astrid get married, they and their children reunite with Toothless, the Light Fury and their children. (I'll let you work out where they reunite) I believe that with the way it ended, it could leave it open for a new generation to experience the "Magic" of this series for years to come.

The How To Train Your Dragon trilogy, Spin off movies and TV series are BRILLIANT both for children and adults alike and I think you will defiantly enjoy this one. But beware, because this is the last in the series, it's a lot more emotional.

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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
This has got to be the worse Trek series yet.
5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Being a Star Trek The Next Generation/Voyager fan. I gave this one a try, I wasn't impressed with Enterprise and after seven episodes of Discovery. I said, I am done, this is total garbage.

For any self respecting Trekkie, avoid this one at all costs. Not impressed at all, if there was such a thing as a zero rating. This program would've been it.

What these morons have tried to do is to create a series that uses the same style from the recent Star Trek movies by making the franchise a lot darker than TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager. In the case of the movies, that worked.

But in the case of a using the same concept as a series. It's has effectively killed the franchise, there is no going back now. Thanks to this rubbish and Enterprise, Star Trek is DEAD.
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What the hell is Disney thinking. Converting this movie into a series doesn't work.
1 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There are times that making a TV series out of a animated movie is a good idea. Provided that the actors who originally voiced the characters are also in the series and that the animation is the same as in the movie.

A good example of that working was "How To Train Your Dragon", when it was converted into two TV series.

However in this case, this shows a classic example of Disney trying to do the same thing and screwing it up. What were you guys thinking? I only saw ten minutes of the first episode and thought, are you guys f??king kidding me? the animation is terrible, no where near as good as the movies.

It doesn't even have the same actors voice the characters in the movies.

Avoid this series like the plague guys and gals. This is one example where it doesn't work, trust me.
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Howard, a funny breed of hero.
26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care what anyone says about this movie. Because when it came out, a lot of critics hated it.

However some people who reviewed Howard the Duck, also gave it a bad rating. Well I'm gonna set the record straight, you guys need to have an IQ test by the Janitor in this movie. Because it is one of the funniest movies that came out in the 80s, even though back then it was regarded as a flop.

I'm not gonna get into the story of this movie, because most of the reviews on IMDb have already done that. The main part of this story is an experiment that went wrong and transported Howard from his world to ours.

The end result was a cigar chomping duck with a very sarcastic sense of humour, he isn't a happy duck after landing on our planet. (But then again, would you be if you ended up getting transported to his planet and getting the same treatment he went through in this movie) One person who took pity on him was Beverly played by Lea Thompson. In the end Howard does come to her rescue when an accident causes a scientist to get possessed by a dark overlord.

What I find very interesting now is that with the cameos of him appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy one and two, now would be a good time for the critics and the people who gave it bad reviews, give this movie another glance.

I also believe that anyone who has seen Guardians of the Galaxy one and two, should also consider watching Howard the Duck. As it would give them an idea of what his character is like.

All in all, where the special effects and story line are concerned, That's the only area which lets it down. But if your looking for fun and a lots of laughs, this movie would fit the bill. (bad choice of words I know, sue me) Just ignore the critics and the bad reviews, give Howard the Duck a chance. It's extremely funny and it's worth watching.
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Who your NOT gonna call? These girls. Busting in this one, doesn't make you feel good.
12 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the original and the sequel back in the 80's. Both of them were good. If your a fan of the original, don't waste your time or your money on this one.

But whoever thought of creating a reboot of Ghostbusters needs to be sent to a lunatic Asylum or Exorcised. Because it was crap.

Apart from the special effects and cheap rate gags in it. It doesn't have a great deal going for it. Some of the original cast are in it, but they only play cameos along with other celebrities.

A couple of things I did find funny was having Mr and Mrs Slimer driving Ecto 1 as well as the Marshmallow Man in the shape of a balloon.

Don't get me wrong, I think having a female cast as the Ghostbusters isn't a bad idea. I felt as though it focus far too much on the comedy (asuming there was any) and far too much CGI. There was hardly any story, in fact it was just boring.

My advice would be stick to the original Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters 2 (1989) and avoid this one like the plague.

Harold Ramis must be turning in his grave and would properly rise from it as well, if he ever knew just how crap this one is.
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Impressive sequel, Not all paranormal cases are from the USA
13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the original movie the Conjuring I was extremely impressed.

I have studied many cases dealing with the paranormal and I'm very familiar with Ed and Lorraine Warren, also the cases they were involved in, or so I thought.

When I heard that there was going to be a sequel, I had a pretty good idea what the second one would be about, as a clue was left in the first movie when Lorraine said that a priest needed help for a case in Long Island, New York. That case turned out to be Amityville.

When I found out that this movie would be about the Enfield Poltergeist case in London, England. I spent a great deal of time scratching my head thinking The Warrens never investigated or were involved in that case.

It turned out that they were involved in the Enfield case, but not to the extent that you would see in Conjuring 2. They did visit the house, but were only there briefly. One of the original investigators (who strangely enough wasn't even in this movie) said that Warrens showed up uninvited.

Because I know about the Enfield case, I noticed there was some bits in the movie which is not correct.

1) One of the investigators who wrote the book which talks about the Enfield Poltergeist case isn't even in the movie Guy Lyon Playfair. He should've been. (If your interested, the name of the book is called "This house is haunted" and it's worth reading, believe me)

2) In the movie, Ed Warren filled Janet Hodgson mouth with water to see if the voice could still speak. That did happen, but it was Maurice Grosse that did that and put tape on Janet's mouth so she couldn't spit out the water, but the voice still spoke.

3) There is a scene where Janet was floating about in midair, Now this did happen. However what wasn't shown in the movie is that two independent witnesses also saw this happen outside the house. It's a shame this wasn't added because it would have added more credibility to the movie sticking to the facts of what actually happened during that incident.

To give you a more accurate idea of what was happening during this case is to watch The Enfield Haunting or some of the YouTube videos of what was going on around the 1970s and even some of the documentaries about it,because it would give you a better idea of what actually happened.

Apart from the errors, it was a brilliant sequel which had a lot more jump moments than in the original and also a lot longer than the original. I personally have a lot of respect for the witnesses and the investigators which include Ed and Loraine in the actual case.

If your looking for a great horror sequel this year, look no further. But if your interested in watching a movie adaption of the actual Enfield Poltergeist case. This isn't it, but still makes for great viewing anyway.

James Wan and the cast did a fantastic job to bring one of the most well documented cases which happened in the UK and not the USA to the big screen. As I said in my Summary, Not all paranormal cases are from the US. This one came from the UK and there are a few more others as well also from the UK.

Happy viewing folks, try not to get scared.
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School of Rock (2016–2018)
School of Crap more like
1 May 2016
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Why did Nickelodeon try to make a TV series out of the classic movie School Of Rock, it doesn't work. (This is the first time I have ever rated anything on IMDb a 1 out of 10 and believe me this series deserves it) I suspect that it would appeal to some kids out there, but I believe that that they would love the movie a lot more than this rubbish.

I only had to see the first episode of this program and after it ended. The only thing that was going through my mind was. What the hell was I thinking, that's twenty minutes of my life I won't ever get back.

as a heavy rock/metal fan, I'd would consider watching either the movie or Beavis and Butthead.

Please Nickelodeon cancel this series because you have really screwed up trying to convert the movie into a kids show, the least these idiots at Nickelodeon could have done is include classic rock/metal songs in it. Because by not doing so, they have missed a trick there.
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Quincy M.E.: No Way to Treat a Patient (1980)
Season 5, Episode 22
Just an observation about this episode
8 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if anyone will agree with me with this.

It seems that Dr Quincy really did MEET HIS MATCH with Nurse Russell, especially with some of the sarcastic comments she was coming out with during this episode towards him.

What a great married couple these two would have made. Just imagine the comedy if she was his assistant instead of Sam (this could have become the second Odd Couple).

As for Nurse Nancy Berger, WOW. If every nurse looked like that, I don't think anyone would be in too greater hurry to recover from any injury, would you.

I would however feel sorry for anyone having Nurse Russell looking after you, my advise in this case recover very quickly, so you can get away from this Dragon Lady.

Not one of the best episodes from the series though, but certainly one of the funniest.
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Harry Price: Ghost Hunter (2015 TV Movie)
Complete rubbish, avoid at all costs
27 December 2015
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If your looking for a dramatic story about the real Harry Price and any of the actual cases he investigated, then you are in the wrong place.

Because all this is, is about a fictional case of a politician's wife who is experiencing paranormal activity at her house. to the best of my knowledge the real Harry Price never investigated such a case. (I've studied many subjects of the paranormal including some of Prices actual cases to know that this program was fabricated to make it look like a real Harry Price case) If it showed dramatic stories of some of his actual cases like The Brocken Experiment, Gef the talking mongoose and Borley Rectory. Then I would have rated it a lot more. (depending of wither the facts were correct) I was left extremely disappointed.

Even the "Ghost" depicted in this program looked crap.

If you ever wanted to see a dramatic version of an actual case which took place Then go and see The Enfield Haunting, because they got most of the facts correct.

On other hand if your looking for a ghost story about a famous ghost hunter, again your in the wrong place.

However if your looking for a program which will bore you to tears, with a rubbish ghostly effects. Trust me this program is it.

I'll leave it up to you, which one you like to do with this program. My advise. don't even bother wasting your time. Complete rubbish, avoid at all costs
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Hangar 10 (2014)
Close encounters of the worse kind, Avoid this film at all costs.
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What do you get when you cross The Blair Witch Project with one of the most famous UFO sightings in history. Answer this pile of rubbish, which I nickname Close encounters of the worse kind.

Having studied the paranormal and in particular UFO cases. I would have thought that this film would give respect to one of the most famous and heavily documented UFO cases in history. Namely The Rendlesham Forest Incident. (I know this movie was supposed to be a work of fiction and not to be taken seriously) Trust me, it didn't.

The CGI effects for the UFOs especially at the end of the film would give the ones on YouTube an inferiority complex, if you take a look at the trailer, you will understand what I mean and then take a look at the ones on YouTube.

The only thing which this film got right was the tape recording that Colonel Charles Halt (the base commander) was doing at the time of the encounter. But to add human and animal mutilations in this film, is taking things a bit far. I would say that the cast did the best they could for this low budget movie and at least did their research on this case, which is the main reason why I was kind enough not to give it a one star rating.

But if your are serious about the study of UFOs, don't even waste your time watching this, like me you may feel very insulted and disgusted as to how this movie reflects The Rendlesham Forest Incident.
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A worthy sequel, slightly darker than the original. But still brilliant
16 June 2014
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When I first saw the original How To Train Your Dragon, I was impressed. I have to admit that I'm not a fan of animated movies at the best of times and even now I wasn't sure if the second one would be as good as the first one. I saw this new one as a preview in England, I'm so glad I did.

The first one focused on a young viking called Hiccup trying to change the attitudes of his tribe, who at the time was attacking dragons instead of living with them in peace side by side. He managed to succeed, but it came at a price by losing part of his leg. The 3D animation effects where amazing (but not over the top) and the story behind the first movie was great.

Now the second movie takes place five years after the first one. There has been a lot of changes, Hiccup has to step up to take over as chief of his tribe and he is afraid to take that responsibility on. So he and his dragon Toothless,explore other lands and discovers a land full of new dragons and their is a mysterious person who looks after and protects them.

Now How To train Your Dragon 2, has a few "back" stories which you need to be aware of. For one, the mysterious person who looks after and protects the dragons also happens to be Hiccup's mother, who went missing twenty years ago.

Secondly, the bad guy in this one called Drago is a major enemy of Hiccup's father Stoick and with good reason, which if you watch the movie you will find out why.

I did however say that this movie is slightly darker than the original and sadly due to a terrible twist of fate, the choice for hiccup taking over as chief of his tribe (wither he's ready for the responsibility or not) is made for him. Again if you see the movie you will find out why. The price for him becoming chief comes at a much bigger price than losing his leg in the first film. He loses something else (or should I say, without giving too much away) someone close to him.

How To Train Your Dragon 2, is a massive improvement to the first one. Because it has better 3D animation effects (which again are not over the top) and the story in this one is not just for kids and teenagers. It's also geared towards adults as well. Both 3D Animated effects and story go well together in the correct proportions, the director Dean DeBlois got it absolutely right and has done Cressida Cowell books a lot of justice.

If you go and see a movie this year, make sure this one is on your list. As Hiccup says in the trailer when he is flying "This is amazing", well he should have been saying that this movie, not his flying. IT IS AMAZING and it's well worth seeing which is the reason why I've rated it and it's predecessor as highly as I have.

Don't just take my word for it, if you see any film this year, Make sure you add this one to your list. Brilliant.
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The Return (1980)
A lovely little UFO and SiFi flick, just don't expect too much from it.
9 January 2014
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Many years ago during the early 80s, my dad hired this movie from a local video store. All I remembered about this film was a little girl and boy encountering a UFO flying above there heads encasing them in a strange light. But oddly enough, that was all I could remember of it.

It wasn't until five years ago that I heard about this film and was wondering if this was the same movie that I saw years before in the 80s. It turned out that it was and wanted to see it again.

I've recently managed to get hold of a copy and I'm glad I did. Because although special effects wise it's not brilliant. But it does have a good story which is why I gave it a 4 out of 10 rating. If I was basing this movie just on special effects alone, I would have given it a 2 out of 10.

The basic story centres on two young children who as I said earlier encounter a UFO. But 25 years later the girl played by Cybill Shepherd who is a scientist comes to a small town doing some research and meets up with a deputy sheriff of the town played by Jan-Michael Vincent. But later on discover that they have a lot more in common than they realised.

In truth when Cybill's character Jennifer discovers that this was the same town where she had her encounter, she then tells Jan-Michael Vincent's character Wayne about her encounter and that nobody would believe her. Wayne then says that no one believed him either and she then realises that he was the little boy she met that night.

I did feel that the story got ruined when it introduced cattle mutilations, then later on human murders and mutilations as this made the movie extremely far fetched. The writers should have stuck to the original idea of Jennifer and Wayne trying to solve the puzzle of there UFO encounter.

So for a movie in general, don't expect too much. With it being made during the early 80s it is very dated and doesn't hold up to the test of time. Where special effects is concerned, I give it a thumbs down. (I suspect that was due to the budget constraints they had while making it, it's not a Close Encounters of the Third Kind or Star Wars Clone)

But where the story is concerned, It's OK. I would have given it a thumbs up if it wasn't for the introduction of cattle mutilations and human murders and mutilations.

I must say that I admire Wayne's literature in this film, because just like him I also have a strong interest in the paranormal and UFOs, I've been studying this subject ever since I was a little kid and I still do to this day.
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Carrie (2013)
A brilliant remake of a Steven King Classic
8 December 2013
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When I first heard about a remake of Carrie. I gotta admit to me red flags went up in the air. Because I though no one could possibly top Brian De Palma version.

Not true, because this new version takes this classic to a new generation of horror fans and another surprising twist at the end of the film which no one in the original came up with.

The only thing which I wasn't too pleased about was the scene in the first five minutes where Carrie's mum gave birth to her and then was about to stab the baby with a pair of scissors. Where I'm from that scene could have pushed that movie from being 15 rated to 18 and you can imagine that a lot of people would have lodge a lot of complaints because of it. I know I would.

I also thought that Chloë Grace Moretz who played Carrie seemed like a strange choice to play her. Most of her previous roles have been like heroines. So this was a polar opposite to what she normally does. But credit is where credits due. She did a brilliant job, well done Chloë.

One person I felt really carried the role of Margaret White (Julianne Moore) really did Piper Laurie original role. A great deal of justice, well done Julianne.

The rest of the cast also excelled themselves including Gabriella Wilde who played Sue and Portia Doubleday who played Chris. The original stars of the original movie would have been very pleased with the result.

So which version do I think is better the 1976 version or this one. Tough choice, because both have merits. But the main difference which I think sets this one apart is the scene where Carrie gets angry after pigs blood gets tipped on her. That scene in this movie, I feel was better than the original and it landed a few surprises because the gym teacher is saved by Carrie and is "transported" out of harms way. In the original she gets killed.

Chris's and Billy's death scene is a lot more graphic than the original and with all honesty both these two idiots had that coming.

The fight scene where her mother tries to kill Carrie. I felt was better in the original, that's not to say that this version didn't do it justice. I just felt that the 1976 version is slightly better.

The biggest surprise was almost at the end where Sue tries to save Carrie and in the end Carrie saves her because Sue was pregnant with a baby girl. If I didn't know any better, I think Carrie passed on a gift to Sue's baby. That being the gift of Telekinesis.

There was a TV version in 2002, but it didn't quite do it for me.

But to say which version was better. I couldn't say because I believe there as good as each other. All in all, congratulations to this remake, for once they got it right. The cast from both the 1976 and 2013 version did a fantastic job.

Whatever you do, don't ever slate this remake. It's (excuse the pun) "Bloody" good.
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A good film with a great story. Well worth it's fan base and I'm not even a fan. Even I was impressed.
21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Over the past four years, I've been working at a cinema and I kept hearing the trailers to this movie and at first it didn't take my interest at all, in fact it was annoying me quite a bit.

In the end I decided to go and see it, expecting it to be another Twilight or Harry Potter clone and expecting it to be a load of rubbish.

Now I'm not a fan, I've never read the books (nor do I wish to). I'm a complete outsider to this franchise and I knew next to nothing about The Hunger Games. So I'm looking at this film from an independent point of view compared to most people who did review this film and are fans. I hope this review will show that.

When I was watching the film for the first time, although I felt it started of very slow. Throughout the film and towards the end, my feelings, expectations towards it and its franchise as a whole completely changed. I thought it was a brilliant film.

Although this film is based mostly towards teens and young adults, even I was impressed and I'm a lot older than most teens or young adults and that's saying something.

One thing I hate about Teeny films like Twilight. Is all this boy meets girl, boy loves girl, boy marries girl and live happily ever after, that is such a lot of crap. What impressed me about The Hunger Games, is that there isn't too much of that in there. There is a good story attached to it which isn't ruined by too much CGI and special effects. Which sadly most movies nowadays are.

I'm not gonna say anything about what the story is about in this review, what would be the point. Most of you will properly know about it already. It's funny, it's sad, it's emotional, got a great deal of action. Even the actress who played Katniss Everdeen was brilliant, I can only imagine that's a tough role for a young actress to play and Jennifer Lawrence did it well. So did the rest of the cast with their roles. Well done guys and gals.

All I can say is The Hunger Games has now become one of my favourite films of all time and I don't say that easily or often.

All in all. A great film, great story, great cast, great actors and actresses. Suzanne Collins I believe these people and the film itself have done your Hunger Games stories justice. Congratulations.
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