
11 Reviews
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Truly tedious
4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It seems Amazon movies seem to be getting filled with these dreadful homemade projects, with no warning about how bad they are. A review on here (very obviously left by the main actor/director in this travesty of a film) claims 'The film moved like a bullet and was over as quickly as it started'. That would only be the case if said bullet was taped to a dying sloth which in turn was stapled to a two-legged tortoise... with a limp.

The same reviewer said there were times the film had them 'laughing out loud'. I found myself laughing out loud while I waited for what seemed like an eternity for something to happen, but it was more a laugh of exasperation, a twitchy, 'what am I doing with my life' laugh.

This laugh continued as I spent a week and a half watching the Professor sit on a train, a month passed by as I watched the Professor go for a walk. Young family members died of old age as I watched the Professor walk up the stairs.

I find it difficult to believe the budget of £7000 doesn't have about £6000 left to spend. The price of an iPhone and a free subscription to Capcut video editor can't have eaten into the budget too much.

I'm all for creativity, but this sort of amateur nonsense needs to be confined to Indie film festivals where viewers have a vague idea of what they're walking into. They should not be released onto unsuspecting members of the public who are just looking for something to watch on TV without at least some sort of warning.
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
Damn I had high hopes, that were dashed..
21 October 2022
I thought this premise would be good. 28 days in a haunted house. But no. Basically it's just focuses on so called 'psychic mediums' and 'sensitives'. People sat around talking about energy and 'what they feel', like 99 percent of the show is someone saying 'what they feel as a psychic'. Hardly 'paranormal research'. Makes ghost adventures look positively serious. Same old format, using 'technology' someone has decided works without any basis of facts. Someone has decided ghosts can 'manipulate radio waves' and now everyone uses it. Its ridiculous. 'the radio channels are skipping so quickly if you hear voices it HAS to be a ghost', forgetting that some radio stations are picked up easily on either side of their designated broadcast channel. Psuedo science at best, ridiculousness at worst.
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Eagle Wings (2021)
Money spent on a dreadful script and awful acting
17 May 2022
I honestly don't know where to begin with this. The script is beyond dreadful. Made only slightly better by the addition of absolutely horrendous acting. The military command saying such nonsense as 'we're going to do strikes and things'.

Imagine top gun, and behind enemy lines, but written by a 14 year old and acted out by friends of his family.
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Summerland (I) (2020)
An unexpeccted pleasure
9 August 2021
This is not my normal choice of film. So, I was surprised to be so captivated by it. I started watching it 'by accident' as it was already halfway through when I walked in the room. I found myself needing to start from the beginning whereas normally I would have changed channels. Beautifully made with an excellent cast.
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An enjoyable watch
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, it wasn't too bad at all. Kept me watching throughout without being distracted by something else. Always a good sign. A couple of issues I suppose (let's face it, most movies have them) but none too dreadful. A little like, how did the schools tannoy system work after all the power had been cut? How come nobody in the school heard a truck driving through the wall and huge amounts of gunfire?
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Loki (2021– )
Didn't think I'd like it, but I do.
21 July 2021
I've found this to be very enjoyable. Tom Hiddleston is basically excellent in anything he does, and this is no exception. It's decent entertainment without having to think too hard about anything. What I find annoying is having to have two sets of opening scenes at the beginning of each episode. First the Marvel one and then a couple of minutes later, a Loki one. They achieve nothing but padding episode time out.
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I'm struggling to describe just how bad this is.
21 July 2021
Good grief. There's a reason the budget for this 'film' (and I use the word very loosely) isn't shown. There wasn't one.

You and a couple of your mates down the pub could probably write, act and direct a better film than this in about ten minutes in the beer garden. (and that includes time for editing and a smoke break).
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Desperately wanted this to be better.
21 July 2021
What a shame, it had so much promise but just failed to 'get it there'. Sam Richardson basically carried the rest of the cast in this. I'm not sure if it was the choice of actors or poor script, but a lot of them were just 'annoying', with the only respite being Richardson. It took a lot of the enjoyment away from what should have been a good comic horror romp.
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Death Alley (2021)
When you have people rating this 10/10 you know somethings fishy.
21 July 2021
This is a well below average 'local drama group' attempt at a Western. Only without the charm. You only have to look at the ratings on here to know they're trying to rig it away from the genuine reviews.

You'll find that the 1/10 reviews have actually watched the film, and the 10/10 reviews are from the cast and their friends who feel obliged to help out. The fact that one guy is the writer, producer, editor and actor, kind of says it all really. It's just not worth your time.
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Masquerade (II) (2021)
Painful to watch
21 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I watched it all the way through just to see if it got any better. It didn't. Still can't understand why wearing a mesh fencing mask somehow makes you sound like a cross between Darth Vader and Lord Humongous from Mad Max 2... As for the plot, it's dreadful. Having been told he has '37 minutes' to remove all the artwork from the house before they return, we then have to watch the worlds slowest burglary. Firstly he moves the body of the babysitter he'd battered to death. For what reason? The floor is still covered in blood, now with extra drag marks!

Then we have to watch as he sets out a full tool kit, making sure each tool is lined up perfectly. Then gets out ANOTHER tool roll, only to select a file from the first one. He could have kept that in his pocket... A file?... to cut a canvas from its frame? If this wasn't bad enough we have to watch him go through the same ridiculous charade for the next painting! No rush mate, you sort your tools out.

The daughter, Casey, finds the perfect hiding place in the attic where she sits and hides, and could have stayed there unseen all night. But no, for no reason at all, she decides to do a balancing act along the rafters, predictably falling through the ceiling.

None of it makes sense. Was the plan just a burglary? In which case why didn't they get in and out as quickly as possible, or was it revenge and the intention was to kill them all anyway. If that was the case, why the charade of 'stalling' the home owners return to give the burglars more time? The whole film was ridiculous, and quite frankly painful to watch.

If you removed the pointless tool bag scenes, and the endless scenes of burglars looking for the girl under beds and in cupboards, the film would have a runtime of about ten minutes.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
8 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I actually created an IMDB account because of this film. Actually, a lot of films, but this one pushed me over the edge. I rely on IMDB for movie suggestions, usually based on reviews. A synopsis of the film... Three guys sit in a car and panic about running out of battery power. Seriously. That's it. The 'big ending' as some so called reviews mention, is a light in the sky. Really. A light. Budget wise, I'm guessing it costs however much it costs to hire a car and park it in a wood for an hour or so. Oh, and a laptop. If you use your own car, a lot cheaper I would guess... A review compared it to Close Encounters... I nearly broke my computer spraying coffee over it when I read that. I repeat my synopsis.. 'It's three men sat in a car. In a wood. Talking. Oh, with a light at the end. Yes, a light' Little tip to anyone using a car to find aliens, if you're using laptops, or other equipment that requires batteries. Buy a power inverter, plug it into the cigarette lighter, turn the engine on and you then don't have to make dreadful movies like this.
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