
3 Reviews
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Fun, entertaining horror with great actors
8 February 2020
Recommendable. From the very beginning one is pulled into the story and curiosity keeps one engaged. The 2,5h are not enough!
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3 February 2020
Ohh, marvellous, I was there with you those thousands of kilometers, what a splendid odyssey....Afrika is pure Love, respect and health to you!
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Midsommar (2019)
Interesting twist of human psyche
13 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How love can hurt. The spirit suffers, she can't breathe....he too blind to see her fully worthy of all her infinite beauty, yet Jack was being Jack. But Florence does, does set her self free, full of virtue again...and eventually she deserves, what rightfully belongs to her: respect and being able to live instead of falling into peaces.
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