
35 Reviews
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Mad Max (1979)
Prelude to the Madness
14 June 2024
It's pretty easy to see why Mad Max put Australian cinema on the map. Despite the lower budget and the B-movie energy, Mad Max is actually a decently fun time. Although, many consider this movie an apocalyptic desert thriller, a term and identity that'd be pushed further in subsequent entries, this is really Mad Max BEFORE the apocalypse.

The story being told here is nothing special and it only really gets going in the second half of the film. But there is an interesting world being set up here, albeit in a limited fashion. Max, as a character only gets to truly shine when the story picks up, but even then he's still a pretty average protagonist. The main star is the mysterious and calmly insane antagonist, Toecutter. A decently written villain, with an even better direction and casting. Overall, the story is simple, but decently entertaining.

The presentation is where the B-movie energy really shows its presence, with overly dramatic set-pieces and a equally dramatic and sometimes wacky score/soundtrack. The art direction and cinematography is fine for an old-school apocalyptic flick, but the art direction does come off as a bit unappealing at times. There's times where it looks great, and times when it looks a bit "ugly." However, it does work in creating the atmosphere and world of the story being told.

If you're a new Mad Max fan or just getting into the franchise, look at this first entry as a prologue/backstory to a story that is yet to be told. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, is where the REAL Mad Max begins.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
Stylish & Artificial
19 May 2024
A spy thriller that's more loud and violent than it is interesting, Atomic Blonde has impressive visual direction, cinematography and mostly good fight choreography. But, the movie kind of struggles to make you care for its narrative.

Again, this movie is stylish in almost every way. The soundtrack is nostalgic, exciting and adds a "cool" aura to the fast-paced editing and sequences. The cinematography and neon/vibrant visual direction adds an interesting contrast to the cold winter of its setting. Some of the punk aesthetics and mild emphasis on tech of the time also give add an interesting flair to the presentation.

But the story is the movie's biggest shortcoming. To put it simply, it struggles to make you care for its characters and the bigger plot at hand. There's no soul or emotion. Things feel artificial and the overwhelming use of spy tropes just makes things feel bland and tad bit predictable.

Things do get a little interesting in the last quarter of the movie, where character expression is much more present and emotional, but even then I feel like there needed to be a bit more build up of these characters in order for the more emotional moments to hit a bit more.

So, while the movie fairs as a pretty good action movie, the narrative isn't quite there to make it feel like a worthy spy-thriller.
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A Promising - But Hindered - Expansion
13 April 2024
Freedom Cry is an expansion to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and a pretty promising one at that. It takes the framework of Black Flag and tosses us into an additional campaign that has a grim and emotional premise. It's a narrative about slavery, liberation and taking back your freedom. And while solid as a premise, the execution hinders the weight and potential of this personal expansion.

The reused framework immediately makes Freedom Cry great on a gameplay level. The mission design is solid, combat is still decent but unpolished and the naval gameplay is a bit more streamlined but still mostly compelling. What takes a hit is the world design. It's fine for an expansion to not have a large or similar sized space as the base game, but the map or world in Freedom Cry doesn't really leave much of an impression. It lacks interesting landmarks and just feels a bit shallow. At least the side content is pretty decent for an expansion of this size.

The story and overall campaign is good, but I feel like it needed more focus on fleshing out certain aspects. The horrific nature of slavery and the themes are there and pretty well done, but the story kind of lacks a compelling arc. The characters aren't all that fleshed out and there's not much emotional connection to them. Most of the plot also focuses a bit too much on the antagonist's escapades - but struggles to make a memorable or compelling antagonist, while also not making any interesting or worthwhile connections to the slavery aspect in this regard.

The story also tries to implement other narrative aspects to the story that really don't feel important - irrelevant plot points & weak attempts at characterization - and rob the potential that Freedom Cry's narrative could've had.

The atmosphere and soundtrack of Freedom Cry is beautiful, though. With slave ballads and hymns, mixed in with beautiful orchestral production. The atmosphere of Freedom Cry is somber, which really gives the world some sort of emotional depth.

Freedom Cry is a solid expansion that feels a bit lost. It's got some great narrative potential and could've done with some tweaks of the campaign's design. For a 3-4 hour campaign, Freedom Cry is good enough as a quick slavery tale, but not as a good fleshed out slavery tale.
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Bound (2016 Video Game)
Extremely Abstract & Emotionally Involving
1 April 2024
An abstract indie platformer, Bound is simple in gameplay and has an interesting way of parallel storytelling.

The gameplay may be simple, but the journey and what you do throughout the game is interesting lays down some compelling foundations in terms of the story to come. It's a very thematically driven story rather than a plot or character driven one.

It's a story and game that isn't for everyone, admittedly. But once you're interested in the story, it's a compelling unfolding of events that connect in the end very well.

The level and overall game design is simple, but interestingly done as the visuals and gameplay work together to make for a surreal platformer.

Bound is a game that's very avant-garde, but compelling. It's not for everyone, but those that stick with it will find something interesting.
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Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (2016 Video Game)
Very Obvious Flaws With Heavy Upsides
31 March 2024
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst is the follow up the 2008 original game, but serves as a reboot of sorts for the series. It's a promising follow up that improves on a lot of the previous games flaws, but new flaws arise.

The overall presentation, art direction and atmosphere is fantastic. The environmental design and soundtrack is a hypnotizing spectacle and is a lot more sci-fi than the previous game. The game is visually stunning in a lot of aspects, but inconsistent in others.

The gameplay is very much improved and is a lot more convenient than the previous game. The parkour is much easier to grasp and master and feels mostly polished to a tea. The combat, while not great, is easier to perform and to learn but is still a little bit janky. The mission design is good for the most and the open world design is also good, but designed in a limited way.

The story takes the biggest hit in terms of inferiority to the first game. While the first game didn't have the best story, it still had a personal and interesting story that was brimming with life and soul. While the world and lore of Catalyst is brimming with life, too, the main story isn't all too good. It's very on the nose and by the books. Most of the writing and characters are clichéd and also don't have much of an interesting set up, therefore resulting in a characters that aren't compelling.

But in the end, the gameplay and overall presentation of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst is really promising and compelling in certain aspects. The world design, although flawed, allows for some freeing gameplay. The atmosphere and soundtrack is some of the best in gaming. The story isn't all too good, but the missions are pretty fun to run through.
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Mirror's Edge (2008 Video Game)
A Flawed and Unique Game With Soul!
31 March 2024
Mirror's Edge is one of the few parkour/free run focused games out there. Not only that, but it's an action-adventure game that is ethereal, vibrant and beautiful in almost every way.

The art direction is vibrant and it works well with the overall atmosphere of the game which is relaxing, intense and grimy.

The gameplay, once you get the hang of the control scheme, is flawed but intriguing. The mechanics require a bit of time to master, but once you do it's a fluent game - for the most part. But there are rougher and unpolished elements of the game that do make it a slightly frustrating experience - especially when certain missions force you to utilize these unpolished aspects.

The story here, while not the best or most fleshed out, contains an interesting premise and plot within an interesting world of characters and organizations. It's like an original comic book story come to life - appropriate, since Mirror's Edge comic issues were released alongside the game. The tone of the story is serious, but soulful. The characterization throughout the story is brief, but relevant and the overall storytelling is compelling and well-paced.

Mirror's Edge is a game that you need to get used to in terms of its presentation, but it is a beautiful game that provides an interactive experience like no other. It's got a dreamy atmosphere, flawed yet thrilling gameplay and an interesting but very streamlined story.
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Rime (2017 Video Game)
It's a Promising Start & Finish, But a Mediocre Journey
31 March 2024
It can't be denied that Rime is a gorgeous game, with a beautiful art direction, atmosphere and soundtrack. The narrative premise and themes are also pretty interesting, but it's a bit of a chore to get to the good stuff.

I'm all for a narrative that takes its time to unfold or that is subtle in its storytelling, but as long as the journey and the moments in between are compelling enough. Which is unfortunately not the case - for me, anyways.

The gameplay is good enough to serve as an enjoyable game. The platforming, while easy, is honestly my favourite part of the gameplay just because of how smooth and consistent it is. The puzzles, however, are very inconsistent. There are times when puzzles are well made and thought out and then there are times when puzzles are little unclear and a bit tedious. For a gameplay loop that focuses on puzzles and platforming, Rime is a bit lacking.

But the story has its own issues in that its subtleties in storytelling and themes feel spacious and optional. The actual journey of getting to different story points isn't all that compelling, especially mixed with the slightly lacking gameplay.

Overall, Rime has a promising concept but a deprived and inconsistent execution that plays with your interest and disinterest a little too much.
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inFamous: First Light (2014 Video Game)
A Compelling & Personal Story-driven Expansion
21 March 2024
InFAMOUS: Second Son, the base game, wasn't really all too polished in terms of its core aspects, primarily the story. InFAMOUS: First Light, the expansion, takes advantage of fleshing out and polishing the core aspects that Second Son failed to achieve. But the main draw of this game is its story.

First Light is a character study on one of the more interesting characters of Second Son, Abigail "Fetch" Walker. It's a personal and compelling story with themes of addiction, manipulation and loss. The story covers Fetch's background, her mind and emotions, as well as the events that lead up to her status in Second Son. It's a concise story that fleshes out its core ideas very well, with great characterization and a compelling plot.

The gameplay is also a lot more fleshed out as you have a much more focused power set - compared to Second Son's multiple power sets that were fun, but some of them lacked consistency and polish. Unfortunately, the side content is still similar to Second Son in that the open world content are still these brief and repetitive side missions with not much value, except there's even less content variety in the open world compared to Second Son. But there is a particular type of side content introduced in First Light, which is a survival arena mode that challenges your skills. It's fun and challenging, sure, but once you get the hang of it and set high scores, it starts to lose its replayable flare a bit.

Overall, First Light is a lot more refined and polished in terms of gameplay, but especially in story. It's a concise story that analyses our main protagonist and fleshes her out in every way, with great writing and storytelling. The gameplay is a lot more focused, but lacks content variety.
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Missed Opportunity & Mischaracterised
3 February 2024
Black Widow & Punisher is an anime film within the Marvel Universe. It has two Marvel Heroes (the latter being more of an anti-hero) in an interesting pair up with a fairly decent premise. But the main problem this film has is its execution.

The art style and cinematography is great for the most part and does give a slightly different feel compared to other animated superhero films. It adds to the slightly mature tone and mildly gritty atmosphere. It also makes for some fairly good fight scenes, as they are well animated and punchy.

But the story and characters is this film's biggest flaw. The premise is decent, but the actual storytelling isn't all that compelling. Punisher's characterization starts off strong but ends up a little mischaracterised later on. His arc is interesting as he deals with having to hold back his need to go off the rails and kill as an anti-hero. But Black Widow's arc and characterization is just... meh. She's great in action scenes, but in the actual narrative she doesn't bring much to the table in terms of something interesting, other than a shoehorned love plot that has no compelling or impactful factors.

Overall, mediocre movie. It's visually good, but narratively lost.
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Legend (I) (2015)
Compelling Story, But Weightless Execution
20 January 2024
Legend is an entertaining movie with some interesting ideas within its presentation. It tells a story of a gangster caught between two people he loves, both of different associations. But the movie and how the story is told feels rushed.

A lot of the weightier moments of the story are narrated, but never shown. Moments that could've provided compelling characterisation are skimmed over. Characters also don't really feel fleshed out. They are entertaining, but not really interesting.

There are some great moments throughout the movie, but it does start to feel like nothing really noteworthy happens near the end of the second act until the poorly done climax. The acting is great, though.

The movie does have a nice style in terms of music and the setting, but the movie rarely takes advantage of it, which is fine but the setting feels more like a backdrop than a characteristic setting.

In conclusion, Legend is a fine crime drama with some genuinely entertaining and interesting moments. But that compelling factor starts to wear off when the storytelling rushes through potentially heavy moments and wraps up story beats in boring fashion. The characters do their parts well, but fall short of intrigue and the arcs of the main characters don't end in the most memorable way.
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Assassin's Creed II (2009 Video Game)
One Hell of a Sequel, But a Flawed One at That
4 January 2024
Assassin's Creed II is an amazing game and huge step up in quality compared to the previous game... in a way. It's a great game on its own merits, but even as an Assassin's Creed game, this is far from the best.

It improves on gameplay in many ways, but also donwgrades a few things. The parkour and traversal is sped up and feels a bit smoother. But the combat takes a step back and just makes this game terribly easy.

The story is a lot better than what came before, when it comes to characters and a dynamic plot. It's longer than the first game, but that length doesn't do any service to the overall story. Again, the story is great on its own merits and it's a phenomenal story on the surface. But the more you replay and analyse it, the more and more cracks appear.

The last four or so hours of the story just feel like filler, from a gameplay and narrative standpoint.

The story also introduces one of the most beloved characters in the franchise, Ezio Auditore. A likeable character indeed and one with depth. But his character arc feels rushed and disjointed, which sucks because the story does emphasize his arc quite a bit. Ezio is likeable and has depth, but at the same time, he doesn't truly feel challenged or bested throughout the story. He's just invincible or a perfect dude. Which took me out the experience quite a bit.

Lastly, the overall presentation. The soundtrack, atmosphere and art direction is some of the best in the series. It's a beautiful and artsy game, for sure. It really does feel like a Renaissance.

Overall, Assassin's Creed II is a great sequel with some downplayed and smoothened gameplay and an ambitious story that out stays its welcome a little too much. It provides a likeable protagonist, but one that doesn't truly feel challenged. The atmosphere and visuals of the game are also really great.
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Samurai Champloo (2004–2005)
Forget the Destination, Remember The Journey
31 December 2023
Samurai Champloo is a fun and eventful take on feudal Japanese Samurai shows and stories. It marries elements of traditional samurai components and mixes them with an artistic and avant-garde hip hop flair that makes for a colorful show with a very memorable sound.

Most episodes have our characters in a different wacky and sometimes dark scenarios, so there isn't much focus on the overarching story of the show a majority of the time. Which works in this show's favor. Because when episodes do start telling heavier stories and focus on more serious characterization, it's a lot more noticeable and a lot more punchy.

But there are some duds. Some episodes deal with certain scenarios that just aren't as interesting or as well-executed as it could've been. But even then, that's only about 2-3 episodes.

The writing, soundtrack and animations are great and brimming with soul, as well. The atmosphere and art direction feels emotional, dreamy, surreal and just borderline beautiful at times.

Samurai Champloo is about the experience and the characters we met along the way, not necessarily the story. And the way it's done here is charming and emotional. Great show.
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Great Story & World building, Boring Gameplay
30 December 2023
The Lost Archives is a weird idea and a boring execution when it comes to playable content. It's essentially a puzzle platformer, but with nothing exciting to the actual gameplay fun or compelling.

Which sucks because the story being told here is genuinely great stuff. It gives a necessary and interesting insight into this character that's been mentioned as a bit of an unfortunate legend all this time and we now get to see who this man really is.

The writing and overall storytelling is pretty stellar and the only worthy thing this additional content has going for it. It's an eerie tale surrounded by a boring slog of a game. And it's not even the fact that this is a puzzle platformer, it's the fact that there's not really much of a challenge and you're just walking around from point A to B with no sense of urgency or suspense.

The Lost Archives is something I can't recommend unless you REALLY want to experience the story of Subject 16 for yourself. It's a boring playable piece, but a gripping narrative piece. It's conflicting, really.
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Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014 Video Game)
Rough Transition
25 November 2023
Assassin's Creed: Unity is ambitious and a fresh overhaul for the series transitioning to a new era of presentation. But it's a rough transition at best.

The story, while interesting at first, kind of starts to feel cluttered and all over the place at the end. Plot threads don't have time to breathe and just go all over the place. The characters are also some of the least compelling that we've seen in a while. Our two lead characters, while decent, could've been more. And while there are some memorable characters and great performances, the story still ends up feeling messy.

The gameplay sees the biggest overhaul and is one of my biggest issues with the game. The new movement system is meant to feel fluid and polished, but it presents more troubles than it does improvements. It looks fluid, but it doesn't feel so. The parkour is great, for the most park. But the combat feels sluggish and unresponsive. In addition to the sluggish combat, the game also has a gear system of sorts, which also adds to the frustration of combat.

It might just be me, but after playing all the previous AC games, Unity just doesn't feel good to play compared to the Americas Saga.

At least the sandbox/open world that we're given is mostly fun to traverse and explore. It's a well-designed world with lots of interesting content.

Overall, Unity is decent and kind of frustrating. Easily my least favourite game in the series due to its clunkiness and messy story.
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47 Ronin (2013)
Better Than You Would Think, But Still Not Perfect
12 November 2023
47 Ronin is an odd and inconsistent retelling of the tales of the 47 Ronin in feudal Japan. It's an odd retelling because this movie's plot doesn't do a great job at making these characters feel important or legendary. A lot of the "legendary" characters here don't have much to them to make them feel like legends of a famous Japanese tale (that, mind you, I haven't really looked into. But this movie doesn't do that story justice).

The premise of the story is actually pretty good. But the execution falls flat with flat characters and some odd pacing. There's only two characters in this movie that are intriguing and have depth to them, Kai (Keanu Reeves' character) and his partner, Oishi. We get to know these two character's motivations and goals, and their eagerness can mostly be felt throughout the movie.

The acting can feel a bit incoherent, with great character moments and not so great character moments. But overall is good enough.

The cinematography and overall visuals are beautiful and the soundtrack is pretty good, too. The action scenes and the rarely suspenseful moments are mostly well executed.

In the end, 47 Ronin is a pretty good movie with a great premise, great cinematography and mostly good action set pieces, but flawed storytelling. It's still worth a watch, though.
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Hitman: Codename 47 (2000 Video Game)
A Rough Proof of Concept
18 October 2023
Codename 47 was a unique and mind-blowing take on the stealth genre and it was an ambitious showcase of what the stealth genre was capable of in the gaming industry.

But unfortunately, the game hasn't quite aged the way we'd have hoped and has only gotten worse as more HITMAN games have come out. But even for the time, Codename 47 felt more like a proof of concept rather than a polished and fully fledged - "fun" - game.

The game showcased its impressive physics engine and introduced some unique ideas that needed a bit more time for refinement - which its sequel definitely did with grand spectacle for the time.

The ideas are there and the execution is as well, although to a lesser extent. What makes this game rough around the edges is the lack of polish in a variety of aspects. The overall presentation - except the forever impressive soundtrack - is just a bit choppy and incoherent. But when the game does something right, IT DOES IT RIGHT. When things get good in this game, the true potential of the series shines through and it's a blast.

The storytelling is pretty good, although the voice acting is quite rough. The art direction still has a vibrant and memorable charm to it. The level design is pretty good - MOST of the time. The gameplay is also pretty good - MOST of the time.

Overall, HITMAN: Codename 47 is nothing but a proof of concept for an innovative take on the stealth genre which would spawn an iconic and long running series that would only get better and better with time.
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Assassin's Creed (2007 Video Game)
Laying an Ambitious Foundation
18 October 2023
Some might argue that the first Assassin's Creed feels like a proof of concept, or glorified tech demo, or something along those lines. Looking at the game in retrospect, this is almost true.

As the very first game of its kind, the first entry to one of the largest franchises in the gaming industry definitely feels like its goal was to set the foundation of what was to come. In other words, setting up an ambitious and promising skeleton, just to see how to put flesh to the bone in a more confident and clear way.

The game does feel skeletal in its ideas, it's a game filled with many concepts that feel exactly like so. Nothing but concepts.

But the basic groundwork that's being set here is honestly still some of the best Assassin's Creed content out there. The gameplay and storytelling is raw and still quite compelling, even though later games fleshed out and improved different aspects of this game EXPONENTIALLY.

The atmosphere and art direction is honestly still the best in the series. The environmental art design, the soundtrack, the lighting and color design is all on point.

Assassin's Creed, in retrospect, definitely feels like a large test run - or proof of concept, as some might say. But the foundation being set and the concepts that are introduced here are still some of the best the series has offered throughout its 15+ years of running and taking the industry by storm.

It has an enduring charm in its simplicity and the rawness of the game definitely makes it stand out compared to the franchise that would follow. Skeletal as it is, it's still an absolute treasure to play through.
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Stasy Q (2015– )
Ero Videography at It's Most Intimate
8 August 2023
StasyQ is a series of erotic, videographic showcases - along the lines of Playboy - of female Russian models. Unlike Playboy, StasyQ has a bit more of a hardcore feel to it without being excessively erotic or too "edgy."

The videography/camera work is beautiful, well handled and pure eye candy. Add the beautiful ladies to the mix and you have something a bit less erotic and a bit more artistic. It's fun just to purely watch these sexy showcases and the visuals are stunning.

Music is subjective, but the music selection here is mostly great and enhances that slightly edgier feel to the overall thing. With some slow paced dark electronica and a few occasions of slow electro-rock fusions, adding some badass sass and musical attitude to the models.

Overall, StasyQ is great and a beautiful visual showcase of some of Russia's finest adult models.
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A Fair Narrative With a Decent Direction
14 July 2023
This short film has a tight premise with an even tighter script. There's some clever moments and some well placed story beats. But things kind of fall apart near the end where the final story beat lacks the climax and punch it deserved.

The characters serve the story well, with an entertaining performance by Natsumi Fukoda as our leading lady. But there are a few flaws in the overall directing of the film. Some scenes feel too overdramatic for their own good and would add to the chilling nature of the film if it was toned down a bit.

The soundtrack is pretty good, too. Grimy, dark and suspenseful. Perfectly suiting the tone of the film.

The Nail That Sticks Out isn't a bad film by any means. The writing, the soundtrack and some of the acting are there. But with a few hiccups in the directing department, it's still a short film worth checking out.
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Strong Cinematic, Stronger Characterisation
13 July 2023
Rainbow Six: Siege and the lore behind it has always been fairly hit or miss when it's not fully taken into consideration during the multiple Siege Shorts. But this Siege Short is a step in the right direction.

It's well-shot, well-written and extremely well choreographed and animated. Narratively, this is the strongest Siege Short we've had. It's a short story about two sisters and their detachment from each other after a death in the family. And how that detachment leads to a rivalry. The characterisation of these two fan favourite Siege operators is some of the best storytelling this long running game has had, and probably some of the best the Rainbow Six franchise has seen since Tom Clancy's novels.

We even get some heartfelt interactions with a couple of other Siege characters along the way.

It's a great short, with a great narrative and an even better execution. These Siege Shorts can definitely benefit more from these more personal stories that help build the characters of these operators, instead of the weird Tournament of Champions storyline.
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Watch Dogs: Legion (2020 Video Game)
Troubled by Its Own Ambitions
8 July 2023
I'm a big fan of the WATCH_DOGS saga. I loved the storytelling and design of the first game and absolutely adored and found myself addicted to the second game. Although, the first game and second game feel very different from one another. The series did always have a bit of an identity crisis. But Watch Dogs: Legion takes it to a whole new level. Which is unfortunate.

Watch Dogs: Legion's biggest problems stem from its new additions. The recruitment system especially. The recruitment system ends up ruining the story due to the lack of a cohesive lead character and a fairly weak supporting cast. It also doesn't really spice up gameplay that much and barely does anything to add to the sandbox.

The story itself, character issues aside, is actually pretty good. Not the best in the series, but I will say it's a bit stronger than Watch Dogs 2's, despite me loving that game to death. The premise and how the story unfolds, as well as the overall narrative design is quite good and compelling enough. But, again, the main characters don't pack much of a punch. The villains that you face off against are fairly entertaining, some of them comical.

The gameplay is what you expect from a WATCH_DOGS game. If you ignore the poor recruitment system, Legion has some fun and occasionally challenging gameplay. It also might be the hardest WATCH_DOGS game in the series.

Overall, Watch Dogs: Legion is a good game, but could've been better if its ambitious additions were a bit more fleshed or at least we'll executed.
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For Fans of Devil May Cry
27 June 2023
Devil May Cry: The Animated Series is an anime focused on the day-to-day life of our loveable demon hunting protagonist, Dante. But even though the games are very action-packed, this anime is more of a drama with occasional action scenes. The sole purpose of this anime is to build the world of the Devil May Cry universe, which it does fairly well.

But due to the show's budget, some episodes feel inconsistent. Most episodes try to cram in action and character drama, which makes both elements feel a bit underdeveloped. But when an episode follows one direction and idea, such as being a solely action-packed OR character driven episode, these episodes end up feeling more fleshed out and enjoyable.

The characters, both introduced via this anime and from the game, are likeable and sometimes compelling to watch. Character development is subtle, but it still works at the end as you slowly notice it.

Overall, the Animated Series is a good addition to expanding the Devil May Cry franchise and universe. It's enjoyable mainly for those who are into the universe, but even then it's flawed. Outsiders to the series aren't going to enjoy this show, unfortunately.
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Flawed, Short & Divisive
2 June 2023
Rogue is a very divisive Assassin's Creed game. It's technically a standalone expansion or direct spinoff of Black Flag, which isn't a bad thing in my opinion. This means that a lot more focus is on the story. But even then, the story is too short and underdeveloped for its own good.

Trust me, I love this game's story and protagonist. But I can't help but feel like there's a lot to be desired. Assassin's Creed stories have always had a somewhat memorable cast of characters with some sort of depth to them. Whether through dialogue or just overall character. Rogue's supporting cast is weak, both assassin's and especially Templars. The cast isn't that memorable and don't really leave that much of a lasting impression.

The character dialogue only goes so far, but their overall development is minimal. Some narrative moments also don't feel fully fleshed out or told in the best way. The modern day storyline should've completely been scrapped from this game in order for Shay's story to actually be fleshed out, because Rogue's modern day really doesn't do anything for the game's story or the series as a whole - except connect it to Liberation.

But what's great about Rogue's story? The protagonist, the connections to Black Flag, Liberation & Assassin's Creed III, the setpieces and a few certain character/story moments. The only way to truly like the story of Rogue is by coming up with your own interpretations of the story. Coming up with your own excuses to a story that is otherwise half-baked. I like Rogue's story for that. It leaves just enough room for interpretation which is just what an unfinished game like Rogue needs.
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Hitman: Contracts (2004 Video Game)
Fever Dreams of a Silent Assassin
30 May 2023
Technically a standalone expansion/ direct spin-off to Silent Assassin, Contracts is a dark follow up to the former game and easily the darkest game in the series. But it isn't flawless.

The story is disjointed and weirdly presented. It feels abrupt but still ideologically works within the game's themes of fever Dreams. It's a chopped up narrative that takes us into the mind of Agent 47. The overall writing is pretty good. The dialogue is well written, but the underwhelming and bad voice acting from foreign characters brings down the quality and impact of the overall dialogue.

The atmosphere, sound design and soundtrack is by far the best part of this game. For a 2004 game, Contracts has some of the most impressive sound design you can find in a game. It's punchy and adds to the grim and suspenseful atmosphere. The soundtrack is grimy and haunting. Far ahead of its time for a videogame soundtrack.

The gameplay and level design is similar to Silent Assassin with a few helpful improvements. Some unpolished game mechanics from Silent Assassin feel SO much more useful this time around. The AI has been vastly improved and the overall gameplay feels authentic and feels like what Silent Assassin should've been as a game. (Although, Silent Assassin still has the much better story)
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Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (2002 Video Game)
An Artistic Stealth Masterpiece (13 Years Later)
30 May 2023
HITMAN 2: Silent Assassin is the HITMAN game that put the series on the bigger map. It's a challenging and suspenseful stealth game that feels unique, requires skill, but has some unfair obstacles.

The art direction and atmosphere is beautiful and vibrant. It's a surprisingly artsy game with diverse cultural aesthetics complimenting the slightly cartoony art style of the game. The soundtrack is phenomenal, unforgettable and ambitious.

The story is surprisingly touching. Codename 47 before it was fairly light and simplistic on its story. That game had some rough writing, which resulted in a story that was okay. Silent Assassin, however, contains a much more focused, fleshed out and unique story. Easily the most heartfelt story that a stealth game could have. The writing, dialogue and overall storytelling is great. The voice acting is still quite rough, though. It's a tragic story with a lot of questions and story moments left for the player to interpret in their own way.

The gameplay and level design still feels ahead of its time, but feels much rougher after playing the recent World of Assasination trilogy. The AI is very inconsistent and some game mechanics feel unpolished. Once you come into grips with the way the game plays and feels, it's a rewarding and compelling experience.
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