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Night Court: Caught Red Handed (1987)
Season 4, Episode 18
Mixed messages of the 80s
26 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm actually baffled as to how this show was able to write an episode like this and see it get decent results. Now my score of 7 is really based more on how I felt about it from the 80s and 90s, but honestly if it was new today, it would get a 3.

Why? Well, it's the mixed message from the show as a whole, and specifically from a point in the episode.

So for a big portion of the last half of the show, we see Judge Stone, Christine, and Bull plot to get Christine's new boss, Arthur Thursby to incriminate himself for sensually harassing Christine. Tje key involves a powder that will leave his hand prints all over her. Before the powder turns red showing his hand print, he quits and leaves, but no print shows up.

Then we cut to Dan cleaning his red hands and a bunch of hand prints on 4 women getting off the elevator with him. Cue laugh track and fade to black.

So why is Dan funny and Arthur creepy? Yes, I'm looking at this from 2024 eyes, but even in the 80s, how did they justify the joke?

Hey Thirsby is a creep because he hit on innocent sweet Christine, but Dan is OK because he touched nameless women who obviously dressed wrong and deserve what they got. It just makes no sense. Overall, I'm glad they haven't really kept Dan the same in the reboot, it works better for him. In the 80s, he was no different than many other tv characters of the day, and he was fun to watch back then, but his character was not a role model at all.

Just make this mixed message make sense.
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One of the weaker entries in an excellent series
10 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you are new to Monk, this is definitely not the episode to start your binge watch. It has possibly the weakest writing of the series, with more plot holes in this one episode, than you'd find in any full season of the show.

Already on a case, they get pulled off for a possible serial killer case, only to find that they are second fiddle to the FBI. Agent Thorpe arrives on the scene and immediately comes off as condescending to the Captain, Randy, and most of all Mr. Monk. In fact, the FBI with all their technology, which they rely on to a fault, looking down at Monk as yesterday's news with his old fashioned detective work. While they know of his reputation, they see him as a dinosaur in the field of crime solving.

They berate Monk so much, for wanting to look at the original murder victim, and for ruining one of their hi-tech monitors. When Monk tries to get tech savvy, in a scene that lacked any realism, but still led to a highlight scene, he accidentally sets in motion an FBI raid of a slumber party!

At this point even Mr. Monk believes he is out-dated and believes Thorpe is right when he is kicked off the case.

Now, free of the FBI, he can think again, and solves the case, both cases actually. In fact, the FBI blows the case, using Randy as a decoy, they detain the wrong suspect, in what we later learn is a bad suspect profile by the FBI.

Once the FBI learns Monk is right, and DID solve the case, they feel lost having Monk beat all their technology. After the arrest of the actual suspect, with the assistance of one of their pieces of tech, well in an unusual kind of way, Monk has to apologize to all the kids at the slumber party.

Lots of plot holes, lots of aggression from the FBI towards Monk and the team (why have them on the case at all If they don't want their assistance?). Way to many tropes (FBI vs cops fight for control of case). Lots of potential, Monk vs Machines, missed. Just not the best written episode.
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Night Court: Wheelers of Fortune (2024)
Season 2, Episode 11
And the wheelers keep turning
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So we meet again! The Wheelers are back and the writing has improved since season 1 enough to see this through. Could it have been better, not without sacrifices to the main cast, but thats how the classic show ran as well. They typically appeared in multiple part episodes in the 80s, so this may have felt rushed to some, but was full of laughs and honestly, Brent Spiner and Annie O'Donnell stepped into those old worn out shoes like they had kept them on since 1988.

Since we've seen Roz and the Wheelers so far, what other characters should return (assuming they still work)?

My list would include: 1) BUDDY. Seeing if John Astin is feeling much better seeing grandchild Abby would be fun.

2) LEON. Giving Abby a "brother figure" to bond with 3) WILl. Is he still at the Phil Foundation?

4) YAKOV: Our favorite Ruskie 5) SHIELA: Dan needs a paternity claim from someone of his past 6) LISETTE: Would be a fun return to court 7) JACK (Christine's son): a new Abby romance?

8) MARGARET (Harry's Ex in Witness Relocation), returns to see if Harry is still around... 9) VINCENT: To see if he can ruin Dan's day again 10) WANDA: To settle Bulls affairs.
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Night Court: Wrath of Comic-Con (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
Worthy of the classic show
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For the first time I can recall, the reboot Night Court (2023) has finally reached levels worthy of the original Night Court (1984). This felt like the classic in everyday.

From defendants in crazy, unique situations in front of the judge, to the Dan vs the women of the week, this episode was written just as well as the best of the 1980s.

While this 2020s Dan Fielding isn't quite the same ladies man he was in the 1980s, his love life definitely felt correct for a man who has matured over the years.

Since much of the episode revolved around comic-con, and Dan needing to disguise himself as a Klingon, this brought up some of the best laughs for the night. For those unaware, he played a Klingon in the movie Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984), named Maltz. How this plays out in his love life brings out some great laughs, and some what just happened moments that look to be revisited one day again.

The other main story has to do with Abby and her long-time best friend Heather and the fact that Abby can't admit that she actually doesn't like someone. Once Heather is arrested, the relationship comes to a head.

Welcome back Night Court!
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Brooklyn Bridge (1991–1993)
Marion Ross is amazing!
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Brooklyn Bridge is a show that I missed in 1st run, just now catching it on a binge watch, apparently most people missed its first run. What was a personal project of creator Gary David Goldberg of Family Ties fame, this was based on Goldbergs family and stories.

With the 30 minute format, not quite the Comedy one would expect, but more family Drama, it was a well crafted show, with great actors and characters that really brought you into the stories. While I've seen a review critical of the lack of Italian American characters, I would say this isn't as much a show not being true to the time as much as how life was in the eyes of the creator as HE HIMSELF grew up in 1956 Brooklyn.

Many of the characters are so well written, that many viewers say they felt they could see themselves in this family. One never needed to be Jewish or from New York to feel the stories speak to them. How many of us had grandparents who wanted to spoil us. Parents who worked hard, yet still could come home and build the children's confidence with late night talks.

Marion Ross deserves a special shout out. After 11 years as Mrs Cunningham on Happy Days, as America's mom of the 50s, she shows up here about 6 years later on a role as different as Mrs C as possible. She actually looks 20 years older than when on Happy Days, and with her extreme Jewish centric views, she played grandma Sophie, a far different character.

I honestly found her character hard to be empathetic towards during the 1 hour pilot, who softened, a bit, later. Her skills as an actress shined here as you never once remembered her previous characters. This was the sign of an incredible actress who deserved an Emmy or 2 for her role. As time went on, most viewers could easily see their own mothers or grandmother's in her character.

A weak point of the show was actually the.main character of Alan. Danny Gerard as an actor was probably perfect for the role, the issue was how he was written. Alan was way too wise for his age. Always able to fix any problem with wisdom that came up. There were a few times where Alan needed his father or grandmother to show him the way, but way too often he played Yoda and just willed the solutions to work. Great examples were when he got his family to meet his girlfriends family to get them all to back his relationship. Even as it fell apart, his words suddenly got the dinner back on track to eventually work out. Another story was when he had to mend his relationship with his best friend Benny after a misunderstanding over who was dating who. His solution in the end was one a wise OLD man would get too, not a 14 year old child. Alan would of made Richie Cunningham (or even Opie Taylor) look like 50s rebels to his nice guy, boy next door persona.

This clearly isn't your Happy Days, but just a show about life back in the day, back home with friends and family.
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Brooklyn Bridge: On the Line (1992)
Season 1, Episode 20
Watching for 1st time
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm watching this for the 1st time, I recall the show when it aired, but don't recall watching it ever back then. Certainly this show has become a lost gem, Marion Ross is golden in this so soon after leaving Happy Days and even a year on the Love Boat.

This episode mostly takes place at the free throw line. It spends way too much time at the line, as Alan needs to make 1 shot to tie, 2 to win the big basketball game. Before the 1st shot, he imagines life a winner. Before the 2nd shot, he imagines missing and being a loser. In the end, Grandma reminds him of what's really important, and either outcome will be just fine.

By this point you've lost all interest in the story as it's dragged out extremely long.

After 27 minutes at the foul line, he shots and.........
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Extended Family: Pilot (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Tries too hard to force the jokes.
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
1st episode only and so much to unpack.

This show has potential based on cast, but clearly needs some better writing. The who Video-Log "talk to the camera" angle feels like they have to talk down to the viewer, missing out on enhancing the jokes. In this episode alone, it felt like they just couldn't write enough to fill the time slot, so it was "hey, throw in video log scenes." The story never felt like it was a satisfying arc conclusion.

As for the cast. Jon Cryer most recently off the Arrow-verse shows as Lex Luther (a role he surprisinglyplayed well), or most famously as Alan on Two and a Half men. Here he plays a combination of the two. Here he acts like Alan, while looking like Lex. It's a horrible combination.

The other male lead, Donald Faison, best known as Turk in Scrubs also feels like he is playing the same character here. It helps when you know your character, but as an actor, It's like they wrote it for Turk, and brought Faison in to play it. The female lead, Abigail Spencer seems oddly cast between the two men. It just never felt she would have ever been romantically linked to Cryer. The age difference alone, plus the lack of chemistry. At least she feels better paired with Faison.

The kids were one dimensional, with a son who was never "present" in the moment and a daughter who at first is upset about the divorce (but took years to lash out) and suddenly is ok with life, along with a dead fish or two.

Lenny Clarke is nice comic relief, but is mismatched with Cryer, only 12 years older than his on screen son.

Hopefully the stories and writing improve before they pull the plug on another high potential, low result show.
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The Flash: Partners in Time (2023)
Season 9, Episode 8
Wait for it.....
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As I expect the complaints for what FEELS like the third straight filler episode in a row, and third "trapped" episode this season after the premier and last week's dream episode. Interesting that all have to do with the future all being planned out and how it's their destiny. While these feel like filler episodes, somehow I expect this may be a huge setup for the upcoming series finale.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if the pregnancy, which came early, is NOT Nora at all. I expect us to learn how the future isn't set, and we all control our own destiny, sounding like Doc Brown here.

I think Barry trying to run to the future and failing is a huge clue to this grand finale. If there is no payoff, I will lower the rating as it won't be right, and raise it with a huge payoff.
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What was the writing drinking?
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As mentioned in most other reviews, this is just a weird or bizarre entry into the Stoogea history. An episode which centers around one of the Stooges being drunk, with hallucinations of a large carry.... er .... Canary was just ... bad.

Had it been a part of the plot... maybe, but it centered on his behavior. And why did the woman insist on marrying him? Would money really make you look past his obvious faults?

This entry would unfortunately become average for the Curly-Joe years, but even a Shemp remake could do better than this.

All the drinking jokes fall flat, and maybe the best was the razor kissing scene. Even Moe has nothing to contribute to this film. Larry calls this a favorite, maybe because of his character not being the punching bag to Moe in this. Larry actually is a highlight of the episode, but it's wasted on a poor script.
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3 Times the fun?
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Amongst the worst of the Shemp era shorts in my opinion. Just a mess with the triple roles for the boys (the boys, the girls, and the kids, plus a 4th role for Moe as the unhappy father of the brides.

With the success of the Stooges shorts through the years, it's a shame that they never received the budget they deserved. In this case the lack of budget showed in the lack of a cast (an early "bottle show"?), and the lack of a workable script.

The chase scene through the house was probably two or three times too long (that was when I knew a review was in order). The scene with the children also went on too long. A better script may have helped save this disaster.

Moe as the father was uninteresting and one dimensional. Way too often just against the marriage, even before he met the boys in one of the better scenes in the lobby. The other highlights included the portraits being created as the girls had some difficulties sitting still, as well as the scene where they convince the father to allow the marriages.

Of note: obvious stand-in for Moe when playing the father and himself in some scenes, yet genius how they transitioned to Moe, looking like the stand-in still, until he turns around and shows his face in one scene.(During the tickle scene, it looked like Shemp may have played the father) This was as they entered the elevator after meeting the father.

This was my lowest reviewed Stooges short as of today.
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You ain't heard nothing yet
4 October 2020
Thomas A Edison brings sound to the movies in 1913! What appears to be a single stage setting to show off the way sound could be used in movies, unfortunately this experiment while historic (and forgotten) wasn't practical to utilize at that time in Hollywood.
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3 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting take to begin the Charlie Chan series of films (at least as the oldest surviving film). With Bela Lugusi as the obvious choice to play the villain, his portrayal here just months after his Dracula debut was clearly well received. While there isna long list of suspects, the guilty party of the main murder of the actress in her room was actually an obvious choice. Less so was the one guilty of the shooting, but afterwards it made all the sense in the world. The 3rd victim (actually the first) was a surprise when you figure it out. All the parts were well played, except for Chans assistant yelling "Clue Clue" as he would be a little too over eager to solve the crimes. Unfortunately this got old quickly and was over used for a comedy break in the mystery. The use of a Swedish (European) actor as Chan was probably not seen in 1931 as it would in 2020, and its sad they couldn't find a decent Asian Actor for the part, but that was Hollywood back then. (Not making it right, but stating a fact). Interestingly the Chan movie franchise was received well in China as it was the first positive portrayal of an Asian in a Hollywood film, even if it still played on stereotypes. Loved the location shootings, and today wonder how many Americans even knew of Hawaii back then (I've heard many Americans had to look up on a map where Hawaii was after Pearl Harbor). Good mystery and well told. Would recommend this to anyone interested in the Chan films.
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Jerks of All Trades (1949 TV Short)
TV pilot that never aired
15 September 2020
This is a TV pilot from 1949 with Shemp in the 3rd role that ABC filmed and was considering for broadcast, until the Columbia Shorts Division took legal action. In the end, they settled by allowing ABC to air their old shorts instead. Today this pilot is in public domain and available on YouTube as well as DVD.

Oddities noticed would include the audience laughter, something missing in their shorts. While not normal for the Stooges, when looked at through the lens of television, its a normal thing to hear. It seems many of the lower rated reviews don't appreciate the audience and would prefer the pilot without it. I would agree that after nearly 200 shorts without it, the show might have been more appreciated without an audience. Another oddity was the sets, and lack of detail. This reminded me of old Honeymooners episodes with the plain sets. I'm sure this was cost cutting, as they boys dealt with that in their movies often as well, just not to this extreme. These "oddities" brought to mind the trios days in Vaudeville, as this lineup would of been more likely to have the live stage work experience. As such, Larry stands out a bit more as his reactions seem a little bolder than in the shorts. Moe is seen as trying to say too much, al.ost as if he was worried about dead air. In the shorts the trio would use more sight gags, and a lol in dialog often allowed for a scene to build visually. Here that doesn't happen in the same manner. Using Emil Sitka as the main foil was brilliant. The familiarity of working with the boys likely helped in the pilot, as well as having Symona Boniface in one of her last filmed roles, another Stooges regular. Most of the jokes have been seen in many other shorts, such as the painting of the table. A highlight (dare I say scene stealer) was the salesman who stopped by. While not at the top of the game in this pilot, it clearly set up a premise that likely would run well as a TV show in the 50s. Not the place to be introduced to the Three Stooges, but a nice peek into how they were back in their Vaudeville days. Real fans of the boys will find it interesting.
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End of an era
13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The finale was awesome! Wrapped up most of the stories in a satisfactory manor. Just would of liked more Fitz this season, but they found the way to make it make sense. Knowing that certain story beats were expected, I loved how they brought everything back to a point that was not just pulled out of a hat, but written in a way that actually was the ending they wanted from the end of last season. Unfortunately one member of the team was left behind in 1983, but even that bittersweet moment led to their dreams coming true. (Trying not to spoil). The sudden promotion would be interesting to follow up on one day.

Fun points:
  • The duct tape missiles
  • Aurora
  • The kiss
  • The self promotion
  • Family
  • The Epilogue (1 year later)
  • The gift
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Punch Drunks (1934)
That start of something special
27 June 2020
One of their best, written by Moe, but credited to all three, this was the first filmed piece where they could finally show off their talents properly. This would set the foundation for all the shorts that followed.

Having gotten out from under Ted Healy, this was their second Columbia short, but after a musical, tnis was pure comedy gold. As if they believed, "if you want something done right, do it yourself," thus they wrote this masterpiece, which laid the blueprint for all that followed. Even a few Curly gags and sayings were used in this, and many more shorts. Larry had a rare opportunity to really show off and not just be Moe's punching bag. Odd was the opening musical titles which obviously pre-dated the Stooges regular theme.
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All Rise: Dancing at Los Angeles (2020)
Season 1, Episode 21
Covid 19 comes to Hollywood
5 May 2020
Loved this episode! Well crafted using the technology we have all been getting used to for the past two months ourselves. The timing to get this episode produced and the quality of the production, its hard to believe they got this put together as fast as they did. The storyline in the trial really didn't break new ground, but using technology in the courtroom, and the pros and cons that go with it were very well displayed. The loneliness of this time was obvious when all our characters were on display trying to get through this most unusual time in history. As the first scripted show to go to air, and with backgrounds that made you feel you were inside the characters homes and not the actors homes was beautiful. The establishing shots of LA made it even more relevant, and made you think of those in prisons, or the homeless, and the helplessness you can feel trying to keep them safe. The ending with what I assume was the cast and crew was a nice touch as well as the dedication to Frontline workers. For this moment in history, and the speed and quality for which they got it done, I say bravo. Job well done. Especially for a show that is currently on the bubble, and this unfortunately could be its final episode. Hopefully there will be a season 2.
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The Lawbreakers (1963– )
1960s Reality TV
7 February 2020
Lee Marvin hosted this weekly reality television show (the 1st reality TV show?). It would highlight the crime of the week, and using recreation and at times actual footage of the police work to capture the bad guys. I watched the Pittsburgh bank robbery episode and was amazed at how to the point it was. I thought it was a cross between Rescue 911, Dragnet (just the facts), and Adam-12. Lee Marvin guides you through the crime and eventual capture of the criminals, showing you shootouts and more. Using the actual participants when possible other than the criminals, it made sure to give names to these heroes faces. In this case, Mr. Marvin wanted to make sure you knew the names of the wounded criminals. Interesting note of interest. The 1st episode was written by Gene "Star Trek" Roddenberry, who actually wrote 2 episodes. Not surprisingly since his past life was that with the LA police.

Not sure why, maybe it was before it's time, but the show seems to have run for only 1 season. Quality production, worth watching. I wanted to know what happened to the people in the show since this incident. Maybe it will he put to DVD some day with bonus features "where are they now" or "what happened to...."
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You remind me of the Three Stooges
1 February 2020
Actually not one of their best, but certainly not their worst either. Curly in his last role pre-strokes (all but one scene anyway), and the last short with the "4th Stooge" Bud Jameson. While never a Stooge, Jameson, along with Christine McIntyre, Vernon Dent, and Emil Sitka were just as vital to the Stooges success over the years as the 6 Three Stooges themselves. One of the few shorts where they actually are heroes and not running away. A common theme for the boys is to get into trouble via a case of mistaken identity, cause trouble for high society, and anytime the bird in a bird gag is on screen, you're bound to laugh out loud. Definitely worth the time to watch.
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Hoi Polloi (1935)
Classic all the way
1 February 2020
How does one not laugh at this short? The one bad review I've seen must be judging it on 21st century thinking. While the comedy stands up the test of time, it's still a social commentary on the haves vs the have nots. Better than even Trading Places half a century later. The dance scene is hilarious, so much so that many aspects became trademarks in many other shorts, and copied in many other comedies over the years. Surprised that this is actually an early short, and considered the one that put them on the (film) map!
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Bob Hearts Abishola (2019–2024)
Love this show
28 January 2020
To begin, I am not a fan of Chuck Lorre shows in general. It took Big Bamg reruns for me to tune in, and other shows have been shows meant for those with 6th grade attention spans. This show actually breaks from that low ball humor. Having been in several interracial relationships over the years, I can relate to many of the situations shown. The states at restaurants and even the issues with how family reacts to the relationship have all felt familiar and authentic. Perhaps its having costar Gina Yashere as a creator and writer that is helping to keep them on track, maybe it's the chemistry between Billy Gardell and Folake Olowofoyeku that has been amazing. I love how this relationship has been a slow build as they slowly fall in love, and we fall in love with them.

The fact that I'm in Detroit and it's set in Detroit is an added bonus. The busses feel like their actually in the city, and even the fictional hospital named after the main. City street feels authentic as well. Even the fact that this show makes it feel like there is a huge Nigerian population in Detroit, which I have never seen like this, it doesn't matter as she doesn't have to be Nigerian specifically for the show to work. I love the extended cast with Bayo Akinfemi and Anthony Okungbowa as Bob's employees two of the standouts of this cast, with Shola Adewusi and Barry Shabaka Henley as Abishola's Aunt and Uncle always good for a laugh or two. Abishola's best friends Gina Yashere and Vernee Watson bring a balance to Abishola and advise her in her love life with the sock man. The rest of Bob's family, just feel like typical Lorre writings and creations. They are lost on me, and annoying. This show is golden, and only racists won't heart it as well.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Meet the Legends (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
Post Crossover letdown
22 January 2020
Having watched the legends since day 1, this entire mockumentary was ridiculous. The whole point that they were all assembled was because they were nobodies, but now they are superstars and it was an annoying episode. The only thing more annoying was the 500th crossover joke (funny the 1st 200 times maybe, but now just a groan). This is just lazy writing. Rasputin wasn't even interesting as a story, especially the expected screw up by the Legends. The only reason this wasn't a 1 or 2 star episode was the last 10 minutes. The final fight with the way they won was funny, and gross all at once, but a highlight. Also, once Nate realizes someone is missing became interesting also. Finally, for a team that is supposed to "fix" time, they sure dont seem worried to cause the problems themselves. How is time supposed to explain the actions of the heroes in 1917 Russia or even a TV crew? They were witnessed in full Hero mode, powers and suits, etc. Plus, how to explain how Rasputin finally died? Just a huge letdown airing right after a great episode of Arrow. (And please... no more crossover jokes).
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Arrow: Green Arrow & the Canaries (2020)
Season 8, Episode 9
The future of the Arrowverse
22 January 2020
So, to start, I am not a fan of Arrow as I've always felt it was too dark, but as I watch the rest of the Arrowverse shows, and as this was post-Crisis, i was curious as to how they would handle the death of Oliver. While this episode takes place 20 years in the future, it kinda glosses over his death as an event that occured many years ago, but shaped Star City of the day. What really got my attention was how much fun this episode was. As a back door pilot, it made me want to see what would happen next.
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One of their best ever
11 January 2020
What to say, the trio at some of their best ever, as typically happens, they get mistaken for someone else, and they just go with it. Only in Hollywood could you get away with such stuff. Here they are janitors painting a building and after a series of errors, they are mistaken for interior decorators, and a high class one at that. Two interesting notes for me were Bud Jameson acting like a 4th Stooge in this short and not a direct foil of the trio, plus the director Charly Chase and his take on the Stooges created some their best work
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Its Godzilla, its Kong... who needs more than that?
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the Gorilla in the room... even by 1960s standards this was lacking. The costume was sub-par at best. At least they had Godzilla looking decent. Another fault (but apparently a plot device needed) was giving Kong extra power from electricity. This felt like how 60s Batman would suddenly have Bat-shark repellent on his utility belt for that out of nowhere need. Lazy, but needed I guess. Since the original idea being shopped was Kong vs Frankenstein, I'm not sure that option would of worked better, thus Godzilla being the biggest monster in movies seemed like a natural choice. The fights were definitely WWF level, kinda a masked singer of the wrestling world. Looking back, I'm surprised that a 30 year old Kong was still considered more popular than a decade old Godzilla. Making him the hero was fun as he shouldn't have had a chance. Bottom line, if you like the big monster universe then yes, see this film, but dont expect a Oscar worthy script or acting.
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Classic comedy at its best
4 January 2020
From start to end, you'll find yourself laughing as the funny just keeps coming. The best moment is the Niagra Falls scene, with the magic boxes a close second. There was also the bathroom scene with Curly that even goes far enough to show him having issues with his stomach in his way. Inwas loving it.

The only reason I gave it a 9, was the scenes in the kitchen with the African American actor who was used as is normal for Hollywood at the time, but in ways that in 2020 are often cringeworthy. Specifically this role wasn't as bad as most, but it was still typecast. I won't rate it lower as it's hard to be critical of older films by 2020 vision.
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