
3 Reviews
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Will not talk or you will see her braces
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK so a man is traipsing around the mountain, living off the land trying to get the courage to kill himself after causing the death of his daughter due to bad parenting. Comes across a younger girl who is escaping her father who killed her mother and his 3 helpers. He wants her back which is strange since she witnessed him killing her mother. You would assume since he did not even consider her worthy of a name and just called her maggot that he would be quick to kill her so there were no witnesses. But no he keeps trying to take her home except when he threatens to toss her off a cliff. Makes no sense. Girl can talk but uses sign all through the movie as supposedly her mother was deaf. Amazing the musician / woodsman also can sign. So we get their conversations with subtitles. Hero gets to kill all 4 rednecks even after he was chocked to death and stabbed once and they ride off in the redneck's pickup which has been left with it's headlights on for at least 24 hours. I want that battery. Also if the father did not bother to give his daughter a name then who paid the orthodontist for her braces? Some nice images of nature.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Let's Hope for Season 3
30 March 2020
Nicely managed series with some great twists and surprises. Hope it makes it to Season 3.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
College Harry Potter meets Nania at Xanth
11 February 2020
At this point have not read the books as did not know they existed but currently binge watching through season 2. So this show is College Kids at a Hogwarts College clone playing Harry Potter whilst traveling to Nania and Xanth. Throw in a lot of swearing, unprotected sex with alcohol and drug use. Add some gore for shock value and that's about it.

With that said the acting is good, the story is fast paced. Some very good special effects as can be expected from Canadian Fantasy / Sci-Fi. So all up I think it is great viewing. Not suitable for "younger" viewers under 15 and definitely not a show you would introduce your elderly relatives to. Some of the subjects touched upon in the story may offend people and if not make them very uncomfortable.

The "teenagers" in the show appear a bit too old to be immature college kids but using younger actors would cause a lot of different problems due to the subject material. So all up I am enjoying the adventure. It has enough twists and turns to not be predictable.
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