
10 Reviews
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A Satisfying Follow-Up
18 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Prince Caspian is the first movie I've ever been able to sit all the way through.

In terms of bladder, of course. I hate getting up in the middle of a film I've paid good money to see just because I decided to order a large Coke with my popcorn. But, I'm happy to report that I managed to hold it just so I wouldn't miss a minute of this film.

While the script got a little cornball at times (the family dynamics between the Pevensies are a little wacko), the plot was engaging and suspenseful, the special effects were wow-ing, and the characters were definite crowd-pleasers, and I was only a little dissatisfied at some of the sap that always comes with a PG rating.

But on that... I have no idea how they managed to get away with PG! There's so much battle, and death, and even the fight between Peter and his antagonists at the beginning in the subway station is graphic enough for PG-13. Younger viewers and parents beware.

Regardless, if you loved its predecessor, Prince Caspian should not be missed.
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Shutter (I) (2008)
Reminiscent of the Grudge?
23 March 2008
...Yes. In fact, so many of the scenarios seemed taken right out of the Grudge. Ghost in bed. Ghost under table. Ghost crawls around, scaring people. Even in the photos, I could help but think of the "Shutter" ghost's counterpart. They had the cute young American couple, complete with the blonde bimbo of a wife (ahem: Sarah Michelle Gellar's replacement). Also, the horror was so overdone! I wanted to laugh at each jumpy scene, because it was not scary or nerve-racking in the slightest, but the moronic junior high kids next to me kept on shrieking. Basically, the movie's over-rated. Try something else. Something original, maybe.
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Eragon (2006)
Don't Bother
17 March 2008
This movie was horrid. I don't know why I bothered. The dialogue was laughable, the scenes of mystery and suspense accomplished neither goal, and the best acting throughout the film was Rachel Weisz's Saphira. The only character who wasn't one dimensional was Arya, the elf. Sad that even the main character was cast into her shadow. And, while I don't think Ed Speelers was bad in the movie, the casting director should hang himself for hiring a boy stuck in the maze of puberty. Throughout the film, Eragon's voice constantly cracked, I think due to his still-developing vocal cords. He also had a really confused, deer-in-headlights expression most of the time, and he had weird mood swings. I don't really know why. Skip it. Read the book instead. It's actually worth your time and money.
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Troy (2004)
17 March 2008
When Troy first came out, I wasn't old enough to see, but really wanted to. As the movie came in and out theatres, I begged my parents to let me get it off PPV (no), or rent it (another no). Even after I came of age they wouldn't let me see it. One day, when they both left, I discovered my chance when it was playing on AMC. It started out okay. Brad Pitt was hot and quite built as warrior Achilles, but I didn't really feel he put a lot of effort into his character. He seemed bored throughout, and more intimidating in a hunky lifeguard way then in a dangerous soldier way. And I was so disappointed with the women they cast! Diane Kruger as Helen wore so much eye-liner, in some scenes her left eye looked drastically larger than her right (also, eye-liner wasn't supposed to have been invented yet). The love that Brad Pitt and the skeezy Priestess share is cheesy, and so unrealistic (who falls that passionately in love in two days?). Orlando Bloom gave a valiant effort as Paris, but I couldn't help but feel that his character came off a little spoiled and wussy. I suppose the only actor I felt fulfilled his role was Eric Bana, who played Paris's older brother. Despite the hot actors, the intense battle scenes and the amazing sets, I felt bored, because a) I knew what the outcome would be--who didn't? and b) the acting quality was more like rent-an-actor then lets-pay-millions-of-dollars-for-an actor.

Skip it. See "Spartacus" instead.
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26 February 2008
Normally, Cate Blanchett leaves me thoroughly stunned with her amazing acting talent. Every movie she's played in I've enjoyed to watch. However, this was the exception.

As Elizabeth, Blanchett tries unsuccessfully to portray a pensive, religious, and strong-willed woman. However, the I've-just-seen-something-I-strongly-disprove-of look she has throughout the film just didn't cut it for me. That, and the mysterious persona she conveys makes her look more like she's craving attention then trying to withstand from it. Also, all of the extra female characters looked the same, which got incredibly confusing. The men did, as well: each had brown eyes, brown hair, and brown stubble.

I'll admit the costume design, for which the film won the Oscar, was thorough and beautiful...on the women. However, men strutting around in pantaloons made me laugh each and every time.

Overall, I though Blanchett could've done way better. 3 out of 10.
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19 February 2008
I went to see this movie with high expectations. All my friends said it was terrific. The songs were really amazingly sung (I got the soundtrack before seeing the movie). But after viewing it I was sorely disappointed. The only character that was focused on at all was Jude. Not even Lucy--his lover--had that much development, other than her past tragedy. I thought the transitions from dialogue to song were horrible, and totally random. Additionally, it was hard to take the entire movie seriously. I wanted to like it, but found I couldn't. It started out okay, but everything just got more confusing as the movie progressed.

The acting was good. The script was mediocre. The execution left much to be desired, as did the plot.
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Bratz (2007)
Horrific--I really do wish I'd watched "License to Wed" instead
24 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I saw this. It sucked. It was terrible, and so stereotypical I wanted to run into a bathroom and shove my fingers down my throat, to avoid barfing on the rug later. The BFF!!! cheer the Bratz do at the beginning is bad. No one uses that term. Only little wannabe sluts. I don't know what any of these actors were thinking; I literally cried at the end, because, like another poster said, I couldn't connect any other emotion with the film. It was just so terrible. And the ending? Well, the four "girlfriends" sing a song correctly titled "Brattitude," to the joy of their classmates and parents, who sing and dance along. I honestly don't know what any of these kids were thinking...I though teenagers were a little smarter than that, but come on...brattitude? Passion for fashion? Did any cast-members think that this movie would propel them to instant stardom, or that they'd win a high-achievement award for acting? If they did, then I seriously doubt their competence levels. As for the ending? A spokesperson from MTV walks up to the "Bratz" and says, "You girls are beautiful! Want to be famous?" This is the very positive message the kids of America are receiving nowadays: be beautiful, and...that's it.

And to the mother who bought this DVD for her child: what were you thinking? Are you trying to turn your kid into a child prostitute? Because if this is what you're encouraging your kid to watch, someone seriously needs to call CPS on your household. I'm not kidding.
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Bold New Western
14 October 2007
This really was a great film that portrays Crowe's acting versatility perfectly. How many actors can you think of that can go from playing a British sea captain to a notorious Western outlaw? Not many. And to credit Christian Bale with the most incredible acting I think I've ever seen out of him. His face managed to capture a multitude of expressions at once, and he successfully acted as a desperate rancher and a hard-ass soldier, both at once.

If you'd like to see a movie with superb acting, great sets, and wonderful screenplay, I strongly recommend 3:10 to Yuma. It made my day.
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Please--pretend the idea stayed a novel
13 October 2007
This turned out the same way "Eragon" did--just with worse acting. Sure, Eragon wasn't great, but in the grand scheme of things you've got to admit that the acting wasn't all that terrible. However, in this terrible adaptation, the only actor even worth commemorating is the boy who plays Will Stanton. Everyone else just wanted to get paid. Don't even think about seeing this movie. If you aren't convinced already, here's something that will hopefully do the job: the flock of ravens constantly following Will around had more talent than most of the cast members. When it comes down to it, I think I'd have rather stuck a fork in my eye than spent money on a ticket.
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Bratz Rock Angelz (2005 Video Game)
airheads attempt to make a magazine, a band, and unfortunately, end up succeeding. stupid, unrealistic, airhead-ish.
17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, well, this is the kind of movie that turns little kids into teenage playboy wannabes. This movie was offensive, stereotypical, and flat out stupid and unrealistic. In the beginning, the "Bratz" airheads are washing their car. OK, well, if they're famous and rich, then wouldn't it be a bit more realistic if they were paying someone else to wash their car? Second, they randomly pull out guitars and start playing a song. First of all, you need speakers and acoustics in order to play a song and make it sound good and professional, which they don't have. Second, where the heck did the guitars come from?! Their pockets?!! Third is when they're at the mall and the guys show up. Since when do guys where lipstick? And also, none of them are wearing helmets. Of course, that's not a bad thing, but it shows little kids that to be cool and to look good, don't listen to safety precautions!!! And the twins gig is even dumber. OK, so one of them has a nose job. What kind of kid even knows what that is? Also, what message is it sending out? Then there's Jade working at a magazine place. OK. Well, if the boss hated her so much in the beginning, wouldn't it have been a bit more realistic if she just fired her right then and there? And so what if a hamburger has carbs and makes you fat? There's another negative message being sent out to little kids! Finally, is when the "Bratz" are making an office. Last I checked, teenagers weren't that rich. In fact, making their own magazine would be a lot harder than just saying, "Oh, girlfriends, let's make our own magazine!" Also, the paint job is professional looking and there are no paint drips on the carpeting. And, even more unrealistic, they make a nice preppy office in like, two hours. In real life, it usually takes a couple months. Then there's when they're flying to London. OK, well 1) Parents would never let a bunch of teens fly that distance unchaperoned and 2) One of the "Bratz" starts saying that flying to London for a concert is loads funner than sitting around a campfire singing songs on a camping trip. Well, I don't know about you, but camping is awesome. In fact, it's loads funner than flying on a plane with a bunch of brainless, stupid, idiotic, brainless, stupid teenagers. Then is when they have to make a band in order to get into the concert. Well, first of all, no teen would be able to afford a bunch of instruments. Second of all, they put shopping for band clothes before getting the instruments and writing a song. Third, they write a song in, like, half an hour, and also play like a professional band in that time as well. Fourth, at the concert, the guards just let them in, no questions asked. Fifth, the logo for their band (also named, coincidentally, "Bratz") is already up and made when they arrive. Sixth, the only instruments in the band are electric guitars, but when the airheads start playing, you can hear other instruments, such as drums and accordion. Pretty moronic, eh? Also, some miscellaneous goofs: All of the brats are shaped the same. They have a two inch torso, gargantuan boobs, big butt, longish legs, hair that reaches their knees, fish lips, big eyes with makeup, the same eyebrows and eyelashes. Also, all are stick thin. Another bad message. This movie was bad, and more of a how-to-turn-your-kid-into-a- slut than something for entertainment. It fails on all levels there are on the topic of movies.
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