
14 Reviews
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Loki (2021– )
Marvel is dead
19 June 2021
This is the third Marvel show I've watched from Disney and I won't be watching any more of them. Disney has taken interesting, vital characters and ruined them. Loki is the worst sin. He's fascinating and amusing in the Marvel movies, a true God of Mischief. In this series, he's pathetic. No powers, no wit, no boldness. His clothing is appalling; that bland outfit he's wearing makes him look like an accountant. He's not Loki. I don't know what Tom Hiddleston was thinking when he took this part, but he made a mistake. And WHY, WHY, WHY in God's name did anyone think Owen Wilson was a good choice for ANY Marvel show? Wilson has a very limited category of shows his shallow, two-dimensional characters work in and a classic franchise like Marvel used to be is NOT one of them. He's a one-trick pony with limited skills as an actor. He's out of his depth in a Marvel show. Well, at least a Marvel show as it used to be. Now, I guess he's the epitome of a Marvel character and that's a truly sad thing.

Disney needs to just stop. They ruin everything they touch. They ruined Star Wars and now they're ruining Marvel. They used to put out great stuff. What happened to them?
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Moonbase 8 (2020)
What is this supposed to be?
13 November 2020
This is NOT a comedy. Not one funny thing was said or done in the first episode. All four of the characters are unlikeable, especially the football player guy. Who wrote this? And why did anyone sign on for this? Did they not read the script beforehand? Because if they had, surely they could have seen that not a single word or action even approached humor. Couldn't the actors tell while they were saying their lines that they weren't being funny? Couldn't the people producing it? As anyone could tell, I'm very confused by this show. Slightly off topic, I'm seriously wondering what has happened to writing in general, especially for television and even more especially for humor. It's as if all the good writers have died off and only some odd not-quite-human creatures have taken over and this dreck is what they're producing. And they don't even know it's dreck. What tf happened?
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Dull and pretentious
20 September 2020
I'm not going to repeat all the things wrong with this show that other posters have written. All of them are correct. I'm just going to say that I can tell whether I'm going to like a show by how I feel about moving on to the second episode if I make it through the first one. Well, I managed to suffer through first episode, hoping it would improve as it went. It didn't. And I feel a sense of dread about trying to watch the second episode, so I'm not going to watch it. Some people might like this, but I don't.
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Dunkirk (2017)
A dry documentary about Dunkirk would have been more entertaining
24 June 2020
I love British history and have read a lot about both the world wars, but this movie left me cold and uninvolved. I felt no emotional connection to anyone in this film. I was so very bored I couldn't finish it. I don't tend to pay attention to directors or who's producing what, but when I saw that Chris Nolan had also done that snoozer Interstellar, I realized that I just don't like Chris Nolan or any movie he makes. Intellectual is one thing, but coma-inducing boring is another. How he could take a true event, perilous and heroic, that gripped the imagination of the world and turn it into something duller than the driest PBS documentary is incomprehensible. I will avoid any movie with his name attached to it from now on.
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Grabbers (2012)
Where are the kids?
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a cross between Tremors, Aliens and several low-budget killer octopus/squid movies. It's not bad. However, I was struck by the fact that there are no children in the town. None. In the church scene, where the lead character calls for a "lock-in" at the local pub to save themselves from the creatures, I didn't see any kids. And I certainly didn't see any kids in the pub scenes. Did the parents just leave the kids at home to take their chances? Maybe I missed it, but did anyone in the movie offer an explanation for an entire town with no children?
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Code 404 (2020–2022)
5 May 2020
Well, they tried. I guess I have to give them credit for that. But they failed. There are a few funny lines, but that's strung out over several episodes and is not enough to keep watching. I usually love British humor, but this generation of writers seems to have gone the way of America's latest crop of writers. They don't have a real grasp on what's funny versus what's juvenile and crass. As for any real wit, no, that's not in evidence anywhere these days, either here in America or across the pond. If you have a lot of patience and free time, go ahead, watch it. You might chuckle a few times. Maybe.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
21 April 2020
What is God's name has happened to the people who write for TV? Are they all frozen in some kind of sad, vulgar adolescent state? Do they have no idea of actual humor? Do they have no means of coming up with something original? This show is utter dreck, a mish-mash of genres and famous movies that were actually watchable for their time, and smeared thoroughly with crotch humor and vulgarity. It's so terrible that it's hard to describe it accurately. It's nonsensical. It's nasty and not in a good way. It's puerile and incompetently derivative. The voiceovers try so very hard to be profound and fail miserably. There isn't a single likeable character in this show. I'm GLAD it's been cancelled. Netflix, if you can't do better than this, STOP making shows. You cancelled a very funny show, Santa Clarita Diet, and put out this piece of excrement? Who's making your decisions these days?
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Utopia Falls (2020)
Ridiculous show
23 February 2020
We couldn't make it through the first episode. My God, what a terrible show. Who watches garbage like this? I suspect the high reviews of some posters have been bought and paid for, because this show needs to be cancelled right now. Hulu, what in God's name were you thinking?
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Just not funny
1 February 2020
I love Hugh Laurie, but this show is simply not funny. Oh, they're trying. Really hard. But its shows and it doesn't work. And I absolutely HATE the fat, bleached-blond character. He's just annoying. I don't know if I can make it through the second episode or if it's worth the effort.
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Should not have been made
12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe my standards are a bit unrealistic, but if you can't do at least was well as the first movie, don't make the second. Zombieland 2 is one of those movies that makes me wish someone had invented a way to unmake a movie--as if it had never happened, erased from the universal consciousness. Like the third "The Mummy" movie or that last Indiana Jones with that nutcase Shia Labeouf. Or any of the Terminator movies after the second one. Yes, this movie was that disappointing. Nothing fresh, nothing new, just a pale imitation of the first one. Everyone seemed like they were phoning it in. And how believable is it that the group dynamic hadn't changed at all in TEN YEARS? The two lovebirds hadn't progressed at all. The kid had obviously grown up, but not into someone likeable, rather into a fat, sulky, slightly stupid woman. Her sister looked like she was in her forties, so tired and creased. And why do these sisters not have the same name? Did they grow up and live in different cities before the zombie apocalypse? If not, then they should both have the same city name. Columbus has lost his quirk and Tallahassee just screams profanities and breaks stuff a lot. No funny here. No quirky here. Not even the classification of different zombie types was particularly funny. One of the more unlikeable plot points was the inclusion of the Tallahassee and Columbus clones. What was their point? They could have been removed from the movie altogether and it wouldn't have mattered. Did Luke Wilson just beg to be in the movie and they said "Okay, we'll make up this stupid, pointless character who only lasts about fifteen minutes. Ham it up and make the most of your time. There, you happy?" Don't waste your money going to a theater to see this. If you must torture yourself, just wait until lit hits one of the streaming channels.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
The ending ruined the entire series
29 September 2019
What a complete waste of time watching this series. The first season was interesting, if a little slow. Second season slightly less interesting. Then, the third season fiasco. What happened? Did the show's creators find out at the last second they were being cancelled and scrambled to wrap this thing up with some kind of cohesive explanation? Well, they failed dismally. I could write quite a bit on all the unexplained things, all the plot points left hanging and all the utter gobbled-gook main characters began spouting, but I'm not going to give this show any more of my time or energy. Don't waste your time on it if you haven't watched it yet. I gave it a thumbs-down on Netflix, but I don't think they pay any attention. Not sure if they're worth the money any more.
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The Rook (2019)
I'm bored already
19 September 2019
I've watched the first two episodes. I tried keeping an open mind during the first episode, like you do, but during the second, my mind began wandering. I started thinking of my to-do list for that day and what I should make for dinner. This show is boring. The main character is so stiff and awkward that I can't stand watching her. And for God's sake, some get that woman a cheeseburger. She's built and moves like a stick person. The other characters are as boring and unlikeable. I've read a few reviews that mention a book this is based on that is supposed to be much better. I'm going to go look for it and see. As for the third episode, I don't know. I don't think I have the patience to slog through another episode to see if it's going to improve.
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My God, what an appalling movie
7 September 2019
The only explanation for a movie this bad is that the writer did this on purpose. He meant to write a movie that is basically an act of torture. He must really hate people in general and zombie movie fans in specific. On top of that, this Jarmusch wienie who wrote this must have had something on each and every famous actor who agreed to be in this movie, because if any of them had bothered to read the script, surely they wouldn't have participated in this agonizing movie without being blackmailed into it. There simply is no other excuse for judgment that bad. Except for Bill Murray, of course. I have never found him to be even remotely funny. He's a terrible actor, coming off as wooden, emotionless and lackluster, while at the same time oozing undeserved self-satisfaction and contempt for others. He has quite the reputation as an ass and in my opinion based on what I've read, it's fully deserved. There is no humor in this movie. The failed attempts at humor are so heavy-handed and contrived that they're irritating, not amusing. The attempt at running "jokes" was equally heavy-handed and contrived, being so unfunny that having to hear them more than once was actively painful. And why so much character narration instead of plot? That's just bad writing, period. And lazy. I read somewhere that this is supposed to be a movie with a social message. Really? What social message? I saw some sad little jabs at the Right that lacked any wit or originality, but nothing else unless the message was meant to be "see how bad a movie can be if you're really trying." Trust me, we all got that message. Anyone who paid to see this horrible thing should not only have their money refunded, they should be paid extra for their pain and suffering. As for how many stars I rate it, I wish I could figure out a way to go into the negative numbers for this. Zero stars isn't nearly accurate enough to reflect my feelings for this movie. Jim Jarmusch owes everyone who suffered through this an apology and a promise that he'll never write another script or direct another movie. Not ever. No one should ever have to go through this again. I just want to add that that song that keeps being played is so very bad that it's torture. The music, the words, the singer--Jesus, the movie was bad enough, why in God's name would Jarmusch ramp up the torture with that godawful noise? This man is a monster. That's the only explanation for this movie and that song.
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Obviously a scam
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like watching documentaries about aliens, because a part of me truly wants aliens to be real, visitations to be real, and even abductions to be real, as scary as they sound. But this "documentary" is so obviously a self-indulgent, amateurish scam that I'm scratching my head over Netflix presenting it as a serious documentary. Most of this movie features Stan Romanek talking and talking and talking about himself. A lot more of it consists of his family and friends also talking, about him, of course. Romanek presents himself as someone who's basically being stalked by aliens who view him as a threat, other aliens who see him as the savior of the world, and shadowy human agents out to prevent by him by any means necessary from revealing the truth to the world. He vociferously denies believing in aliens until all is revealed to him. This epiphany as artificial as everything else in this sideshow. Of course, this "documentary" has the obligatory home videos. The "aliens" peeking into his window are clearly fake. They look like puppets or masks worn by some colluding human. He also receives multiple telephone calls featuring an artificial-sounding "British" woman that reminded me of one of those YouTube videos with the computerized voice overs instead of an actual narrator. The recorded calls of his supposed alien hybrid children were pure camp. The unmitigated conceit of having these voices call him "Starseed" is so ludicrous, it's more contemptuous than amusing. He isn't a good actor, so his videos of himself catching an alien peeping tom are so badly acted, they're not even funny in a "so bad, it's good" kind of way. I had such a negative reaction to this sad little show that I went to my computer and Googled "Stan Romanek scam." Imagine my surprise when a screen chock full of stories about his pending child pornography charges and then imagine my complete lack of surprise about his claim that nefarious forces planted it all on his computers to keep the truth from coming out. Yeah, right. Netflix, get this POS off your network. It's an embarrassment.
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