
27 Reviews
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Only Boo! (2024– )
Moo is the cutest character I've ever seen
23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay... For some reason I didn't want to watch this. No idea why, I haven't seen the trailer, I didn't know anything about the actors, I just wasn't interested. WRONG! Know what convinces me to give it a chance? Comment where someone said it's similar to My school president. I'm a huge fan of MSP and when I heard this, I just had to watch it.

And I got hooked after a few minutes. I can't believe Keen and Sea are that young. Their chemistry is amazing and they are so cute together! Their scenes were amazing and great.

Moo is definitely the cutest character I've ever seen. Have you seen his smile? Damn, if I was a girl in that universe, I'd be head over heels in love with him. Kang as well. Damn, those two really match together.

The thing is, both of them are newbies in the entertainment industry, but it's really hard to believe. Well, the same thing I thought about Gemini and Fourth and look at them now. I see KeenSea can be the same as they are and I hope they will be. I want to see them again.

Side couple? They were cute as well. I totally love them both. I mean, all four of them. Kang, Moo, Yos and Tae. It's really hard to choose which couple I liked more. It's impossible. For me at least. I just wish YosTae would get more screentime because I feel like there was much more they could show us. I feel like their story lacked something and I'll explain it later.

In the synopsis, there is something written about the no-dating rule in idol agency, so I thought they would date secretly and drama would come. Nope, nothing like that, only by the end. Moo is so cute while flirting with Kang. I love how he fell in love at first sight and then did whatever to pursue him! Aww that was so cute!

When the no-dating rule came, Many people were complaining and saying that it was totally unnecessary, but I feel like this part was actually needed. In my opinion both couples needed it.

Now I'm going to say something about Shone - Moo's cousin who also had a crush on Kang. So many people hated him and said he should disappear and let them be. But he did. When he found out Kang was Moo's crush, he let them be together. He flirted with Kang again only six months after he and Moo had broken up. I see nothing wrong here. His feelings for Kang were real and there was nothing wrong with them.

I understand why people don't like it, but I personally did.

Now I'd like to say something about the end. I feel like it was too rushed. When I saw the preview of the 12th ep, the first thing I thought of was: I feel like this is gonna be too much drama for one ep. Too many things are unsolved and I think Yos and Tae deserve much more than one ep to complete their storyline. And I think that even now after finishing. It was too rushed.
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Two Worlds (2024)
Could be really good
11 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When my pen pal sent me some edits, I thought I wanted to see it. It interested me right from the start, maybe also because I saw 1000stars only recently and the set with the characters reminded me a lot of this series in combination with Manner of death or The sign. Sounds great, doesn't it? At first it was.

The rules of the two worlds and traveling between them were simple, we had someone to explain what and how it worked, all the characters had their own personality and their actions made sense. Mysterious, tension, feelings and confusion in them... It made sense.

The dynamic of the main characters was amazing, but it's no wonder since Max and Nat have been through something. The side couple also starred, although they only stole my attention at the end. I think they could have been incorporated into the plot a bit more, because somewhere in between the teasing of each other, they certainly had something to offer. Anyway, in the last three episodes, they were the best that was shown on the screen and not just because of THAT scene.

And then came the second half, where some disease appeared that only a possibly non-existent miracle flower could cure, and everything revolved around him. For me, 2W ended with the ninth episode, and I consider the tenth one just a cover that was meant to gag those who wanted a happy ending.
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Kinda agree with low rating, but...
23 May 2024
In the beginning, let me tell you this one could be really good and I feel like one episode more would be enough for this to be really perfect. By really, I mean really.

The chemistry was good. I totally loves both main characters. But I would like to know the meaning of that third one. Of curse, he was there to make love triagle, it was obvious he had crush on Min Jae, everybody knew except him and that's good. There is nothing wrong with that. But I feel like it could be made in a better way. Something was odd and I can't tell what exactly, but there was something about him that really bothered me. And it was't the fact he was there to make love triangle.

Next. Title. Blossom campus. What campus, exactly? It was set in school, but I would rather call it Blossom library, if you really need "blossom" word there. Or Blossom friendship. So many options and you chose this one? Really?

The story... It wasn't far from perfect actually. As I mentioned before, the chemistry was great, but that's not enough. There were some holes and things that didn't make sense but it would't take much to cover all of those.

You may ask, why did I give so high rating? Well, let me explain.

It's very possible I'll repreat myself. It was not bad. Actors were perfect and I love not just their chemistry but also their interactions and parts from bts where we could see they are good friends and comfortable with each other. They are good match for BL couple. The thing which wasn't thought through was the scenario. Sorry not sorry, but there were stupid plotholes which could fi filed and cover just with one episode. Once they were acting like couple, touching each other, even holding hands... And then one of them was surprised that people assumed they are dating? Really?

Overall, I enjoyed this and I'm not going to lower my rating. I feel like 9 is ok even tho my review might seems much worse. I can see the potentional and I feel like it wouln't be fair to rate this lower just because of not perfect script.

You know, Sount Korean BL with chemistry like this? I'm sorry, but it deserves high rating even tho it's not enough to make good storyline.
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The Sign (2023–2024)
Mix of variable genres with really good outcome
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm writing this review really late, because there was no time when I finished watching the series, and then I completely forgot about it. At first I initially avoided The Sign because I wasn't in the mood for anything action-packed with a police setting, but the internet was full of edits with the main characters, so I thought I'd give it a chance. The high rating just confirmed that I should check it out.

I found out very quickly that it is not just a police story, but that it is full of fantasy elements that are very unusual for BLs (at least the ones I have seen up to that point). Overall, I haven't come across anything like this in Thai art so far, but that's probably only because I watch only a fraction of what they create.

We can meet fantasy elements in several series, but mostly it's about ghosts, time travel, and then there are a few exceptions like soul mates or a talking teddy bear, and in the new ones, the creators like to play with parallel worlds. The sign brought something completely new (for me). Not only with the story, but also with visual effects, which are not necessary for the mentioned types of fantasy.

A little research confirmed that the fantasy part was a part of Thai mythology, which really interested me. The combination of action, mystery plot, love and urban fantasy is very dangerous. It can burn really well, but also end up being very, very bad. Here, unfortunately, it was the first option.

The amazing story was made even better by the actors and their characters. Billy and Babe starred in the main roles, and sometimes Khem stole my attention. All the actors did a great job, they put exactly what was needed into their characters, enriched each scene exactly what it required and I'm not even talking about the chemistry. Billy and Babe went their separate ways, but so did the others. Friendship, devotion and on the one hand psychopathic obsession were shown as they should have been.

I liked how it all fit together. Everything was connected and together formed one big puzzle. When combining as many elements as were mixed here, it can turn out differently, but it can be seen that the creators paid attention to every detail.

However, I have some reservations about the ending. The following text may contain spoilers, so I warn you to read at your own risk. Despite what I will say now, I find the story really perfectly thought out. I didn't like Chalothon just letting Tharn go, though. Tharn appeared out of nowhere and said that someone who was downright obsessed with him and just wanted to be with him the whole time just said he was going to heal him and let him go? It does not make sense. Chalothorn would never behave like this. I have a theory (unconfirmed yet, but I hope the special won't disprove it) that Tharn killed him and told Phaya something completely different. It's the only explanation for the ending that comes to mind in my eyes.

As I said before, regardless of this small detail, for which there is an explanation, it is just doubtful whether the explanation will be part of the plot, it is really well done. The first trailers for the new projects have already been published, so I'm very excited because I saw something similar between them and I'm glad that BL production decided to work with such a type. I hope that they will not overdo it and that they will choose only good projects.
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Unknown (2024)
Best BL of 2024 so far
20 April 2024
Wow. So this was something amazing. A while ago I sent a friend this message: "It's amazing, amazing amazing amazing perfect great wonderful and I've run out of synonyms for the word amazing." And I stand by my words. The interesting thing is that the series is filmed in Taiwan, but according to a Chinese book by a very famous author called Priest, One Chinese series based on a book by this author has already been banned in China, so I'm glad that Taiwan took the initiative to create such a wonderful work. It will be very difficult for me to say goodbye to this couple. I think this is the first time I'm sorry that it's not common outside of Thailand for couples to stay together and star in multiple series because Chris and Kurt are the stars. They played the roles of Qian and Yuan perfectly and put their best into both characters. Chemistry begets chemistry, tension builds, and sparks fly exactly when they're supposed to. AWESOME.
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The Spirealm (2024)
I'm not surprised it was banned in China
16 February 2024
Ok... Now, few hours after finishing, I think I'm ready to write this review. When I heard it was banned but Chinese fans were smart enough to download all episodes, I was really excited to watch this. In the end, not dissapointed.

I totally loved all main characters, even tho I was kinda lost in their names, but that is fault of not official subtitles, which I truly hope will get better. LJS and RZM were amazing and their chemistry really did spark. To be honest, I'm not surprised Chinese government had to ban this drama, but it's pitty, because the story was just perfect. In the first place, this is drama about dangoerous deadly game and few people trying to survive. BL aspect was just part of it. I'm about to read novel, so I 'm looking forward the scenes which didn't make it up the drama.

I don't really like horrors so I was asking myself: "Am I really watch this just bcs is censored BL?" The answer was clear, to be honest... But I really loved the story. Sometimes it was really scary, sometimes not. Sometimes I felt butterflies in my belly, sometimes I fet like I'm about cry the whole night.

Every single doors containes different story and characters have to find clues and find our what's goin on. It's not easy, but when they work together, it's not even hard. The story is full of tension which made me watch whole drama in few days and I really recommend this one.

But I have some reservations towards the ending. I mean, I can't say I didn't like, but neither that I did. The last scene just doesn't make sense to me. Overall. I really enjoy this. If you are afraid it's just bromance and you want BL, don't care. Yes, it is bromance, but as I said before, I'm not surprised China bannes it.

SPOILER ALERT >>> I haven't read novel yet, so maybe I just didn't get it correctly, but why did he have to make whole new world? Why not just new NPC? I mean, it was possible for his friend to create NPC which is able to come out of game, so why not do it again? I know it's not easy, but this is supernatural or rather kind of scifi show and it was possible one time. Why not again? And I would like to know who was that friend from high school.
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Vedma (2023– )
Could be really good, but wasn't
24 July 2023
I was really looking forward to this series, and although the first episode didn't grab my attention, until the very end I believed that everything would change at the last minute and I would see an epic ending. However, the first minutes of the last episode revealed to me that my waiting was useless. The series really had huge potential and I convinced everyone around me that it would get better and that the end would get us all... I had never been so wrong before.

What would have suited a faster pace was slowed down, and where, on the contrary, a slower tempo would have suited it, it was too rushed. What do the mentioned technologies represent? What is the true power of the golem? Why did the original Klara have to go to another reality? Why did she have those dreams? What was Adam? After watching it, I have a lot of questions that I will probably never get an answer to.

The final scene kind of hinted that we might get a second season, but to be honest, I'm not sure I want one. All the good scenes like the death in the last episode were ruined by the next ones like the reaction of the closest person.

I saw some behind-the-scenes videos and they convinced me that the final fight was going to be really epic, but in the end, nothing happened. I know that we are in Slovakia and our production does not work miracles, but Vedma really could have been that miracle. The relationship between Tom and Klara was obvious from the very beginning, but I still didn't like that it just came out of blue. Frantisek's character was completely useless and all he did was drag out the plot unnecessarily because his scenes were nothing substantial anyway.

Klara's grandfather knew about everything, but her grandmother learned things only gradually, and that's why I expected anything other than a simple acceptance of the new fact. The fantasy elements weren't bad though. The portal to the other world was beautiful, as well as the connection of the dark ones with the alchemists, or the weapons that the dark ones used.

Vedma and conscious people made perfect sense, but I would still like to know more about them. A lot of things were not explained, which is a real shame. I regret everything that I wrote, because ever since the first mention and the first fantastic Czechoslovak series reached me, I was looking forward to how I would evaluate the masterpiece.
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Love Mate (2023)
Not bad, not good
7 June 2023
It started off not the most engaging for me, then the plot picked up a bit, just before the end it all fell apart again, but the last scenes were really beautiful and heartwarming. The five stars might not be enough, but up to ten would be a lot, so it has to be seven. Over the course of one evening, the characters grew close enormously quickly, which bothered me a bit, but in the end it turned out that Lee Joon was primarily happy to finally meet someone he could be honest with and whom he could trust. It was once again confirmed that opposites really attract each other so that they can complement each other.
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Luca (2021)
Great, but...
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I was expecting something completely different (maybe because I saw the trailer last time when it was released), but I still enjoyed it immensely. The friendship between two sea monsters and one human girl was portrayed really beautifully. The scene where one of them was faking something (who saw it know) really hit me, but in my opinion the whole problem was solved too quickly. On the other hand, I take into account that both boys were probably really just kids and not nearly-adult teenagers, so it actually makes sense in a way. The environment of the small Italian town was really beautiful. Albert's "I'm an expert" rant got on my nerves at times, but later I grew to like him. Another thing that bothered me was the ending itself, because the other people's reactions feel a little out of tune. But again, I admit the fact that children can look at it completely differently and consider it the best ending they have ever seen. On the contrary, the separation didn't bother me at all, because that's how it works in life.
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Triage (2022)
BL as a secondary aspect, but still amazing
22 April 2023
Nothing for those who are looking for romance first, as this is more of a time loop situation and deeper themes than love. It was necessary to sit through the first two episodes, but then the plot really got going and gained momentum with each new episode. Tin got closer and closer to Tol and together they figured out how to fix everything, which they finally succeeded in doing. Some scenes were really emotional, others literally took my breath away or forced me to stop the series and simply recover from what was happening. Everything was connected to the illegal business, about which we learned more and more. I liked that the situations that the characters experienced in the previous loop were not repeated, unless the situation explicitly required it. For example, we only understood the conversation between Tin and Tol in the hospital later, as well as other things that only fit together over time. But I have to say that the ending was a little disappointing because everything was great until the unnamed character appeared with the injection. I did not understand the meaning of this scene, nor its consequences. The last meeting at the clock tower was... Well, I don't know, but it felt strange considering the circumstances leading up to it all. By that I mean primarily the result of the injection. Well, the very last scene with the doctor, who we could see somewhere in the beginning in a small cameo, made me want to see the second series. I learned that Triage was originally supposed to be a sequel to Manner of death, where this actor played the main character, also a doctor, so it could be connected in some way. The last scene really alludes to it, so I hope the creators aren't just misleading us with it.
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Never Let Me Go (2022–2023)
Never let it go out of my mind
13 April 2023
This is exactly how the romantic story of the son of some influential people and his bodyguard should look like. About a year ago, Kinnporsche was broadcast, which was said to be the ceiling of the BL genre. Since then, however, the producers have worked on other works that are not equal, but even much better than the already mentioned Kinnporsche. Never let me go represents pure love that really ignited from mutual knowledge. The relationship between the boys is not toxic, nor are the personalities of the two main characters. Nueng and Palm complemented each other beautifully throughout and made each other better. The background circumstances that took place between the secondary characters were well thought out and everything fit together beautifully. I suspected bad things about everyone who was in any way close to Nueng, but I'm glad that some of my crazy theories were not confirmed. The supporting couple deserves more screentime in my opinion, because the character of Ben, for example, is still surrounded by questions. However, the curse of the eleventh episode did not come true for NVLMG, as the eleventh was far from the most painful.
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Missing episode
4 April 2023
It started off great, but the ending can't be said the same. At least one more episode is missing between the sixth and seventh ones, which spoils the impression of the conclusion. Otherwise, I can't say anything bad, because enemies to lovers made sense, the chemistry between the actors as well, but they still didn't explain a few little things. I did not really understand, what Tae Hyun ment by his action in the middle of the story, but that may be just me oversign it. The ending could be great, but as I said before, there is one episode mising. Like they did not know what to do next, so they just put the end and thought no one will notice. Well, we clearly did.
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Great sim of characters chemistry
31 March 2023
Our dating sim is officially the best BL k-drama I've ever seen. The short story, which can be watched as one longer film, brought a subject that I personally have not yet encountered. High school graduation didn't go as planned, but Shin Ki Tae and Lee Wan met again after seven years and explained everything to each other after a long time. I am not fan of mobile games of this type, that's why I was a little hesitant to start this at all, but luckily I quickly realized that it's not a game, but a series. The chemistry between the actors is amazing and the supporting characters also prove themselves. The always tired Sunny was definitely the best of the group of colleagues we could meet.
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Tokyo Revengers: Last order (2023)
Season 2, Episode 12
Glad there is one more ep left
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a manga reader, I knew what was going to happen, but still the atmosphere of the whole episode hit me at the bottom... When the word Takemitchi came out of Mikey's mouth for the first time, I got chills all over my body... And the ending... It was really beautiful and sad at the same time. It's a shame they didn't put another arc in the second season, but on the other hand, I'm thankful for thirteenth episode because I do not want to imagine what would have happened if they ended it here. I remember how I felt when the shot was last scene at the end of first season and now I am glad it is not here.
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Sweet Curse (2021)
Don´t do it... leave while you can
21 March 2023
I don't have a lot on my "Never Again" list, but this one went there without hesitation. The combination of BL and horror doesn't sound good, but the subject itself doesn't sound that bad. After all, what could go wrong with a ghost who is supposed to scare someone, but instead falls in love with them? Um, I hate to say that, but absolutely everything. Whoever gave this a high rating was only because of one scene, which is really progressive for South Korea, but somehow I missed the point. I'm not saying that ghosts in BL are an outright bad idea, because for example He's coming to me or He She it proved that it doesn't have to be true. Perhaps if the story had been more developed, it would have had much more potential, but this way it lost what little it had to offer.
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He She It (2019–2020)
BL and horror in one drama doesn´t sound very well, but actually is
21 March 2023
Three short episodes, which together certainly do not last more than 45 minutes, were able to offer a really strong and emotional story. The order of the episodes can seem confusing, because if we were to go chronologically, the second episode should be the first and vice versa, but the first has something mysterious about it, which I personally think is better to learn later. The combination of BL and horror might seem not as a great idea, but I think the creators made the most of it. I'm honestly a bit sad that the story isn't longer. Nevertheless, the already mentioned three short episodes contain enough emotions, but also tension. This is not a typical BL drama where you basically know from the beginning that the two main characters will end up together. He She It offers something completely different that focuses more on everything else, while the BL aspect itself is just a thing happening somewhere in the background. At the same time, it couldn't have worked without her, because otherwise what happened wouldn't have happened. As a bonus, Jeff Satur in the main role from a time when the whole world didn't know him.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Just a GrishaVerse fanfiction
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The second book was much better than the first one. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the second series compared to the first one. I admit that I had high expectations, since I knew about new characters - Wylan, Nikolai, Tamar, Tolya - but it was not enough. A big mistake was that the creators combined two storylines and they are Alina´s and Crows´, which are absolutely unrelated, since the story of Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Nina and Matthias takes place two years later. It could be great, I can't say it is not true, but the creators chose the worst possible way there was. The Crows are rumored to be getting their own series, which I was really looking forward to, but now that's not the case because I can't imagine what they want to make it out of, since all the important moments have already been shown during these eight episodes or messed everything up and now it's impossible to show them because they completely preempted the plot and just skipped over them. The first thing that struck me was Wylan and Jesper's relationship. Book lovers know that it was really slow between them and that it was mostly about getting to know each other. They also had a lot of great tidbits and interviews that the cast even performed in some behind-the-scenes videos, but they won't be able to put them in season three because it just wouldn't make sense. The second series was a combination of the second and third books from the first Grisha trilogy, but in reality it was an ordinary mish-mash. Army of the Sun? Jealous Mal? Alienation? Alina's collar? White hair? Blind Baghra? Nothing? And I'm not even talking about the ending... This way, for a person who hasn't read the books, it could be good, but for such people, everything is not explained enough. The books have great worldbuilding, but they didn't portray it enough in the series. But in order not to be only negative, there were also a few positive things. The first of them is definitely Nikolai. I was worried about how they would portray this character, but the actor really did his best to play him believably. And yet... After mentioning his name, I can't help but mention how much I missed the red-haired, crooked-nosed Strumhorn who defied Temnan to save Sun Summoner. Another plus is the flashbacks from Kaz's past, which were gradually revealed to us. They really fleshed out his character and we could better understand why he behaves the way he does. Honestly? That's all for the positives, but if I were to go back to the negatives, there would be quite a few... Jesper's secret was revealed really late in the books, and even he took a long time to come to terms with it and tell himself that things they are as they are and otherwise they will not be. It bothered me that they left this out completely. Actually, a lot of things got in the way, but I already mentioned the most important... This is not a series based on a book, but a kind of fan fiction created by the screenwriters themselves.
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My School President (2022–2023)
BL masterpiece
25 February 2023
If someone asked me to describe MSP in one word, without the slightest hesitation it would be: "Wow." GMMTV really outdid themselves this time and I already consider their work as masterpiece for a long time. Gemini and Fourth have officially become my favorite acting duo and I believe that I will meet them in many other projects besides Moonlight chincken. The supporting couples were also great and the chemistry was not lacking in either case. The soundtrack is just perfect and I fell in love with the opening song from the first episodes when I first heard it. It would be I'd like Fourth to sing it in English, just like Jeff Satur did his Why don't you stay, because the sound, the lyrics and the dynamics create a perfect combination. And finally, the plot itself... I don't even know where to start, because it would I wanted to highlight almost everything. Anyone who saw Bad Buddy will definitely love MSP as well. Personally, I liked the story of Tinn and Gun much more, which is also due to the already mentioned music, the cast and, last but not least, the wonderfully crafted scene yr. It wasn't too fast, not too slow. Everything fit together beautifully, and what I liked the most, the creators didn't pull any sudden revelation about a common childhood or something like that into the plot.
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One Big Dissapointment
28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Teen Wolf series is a favourite of about 95% of those who watched this film, and I am no exception. I remember that about two years ago, all social networks were infested with the hashtag #bringteenwolfback, which actually gave rise to this film. I was looking forward to it, but when it was officially announced that Dylan O'brien will not be part of the project, although his character was so symbolic of the show, I knew something was going to be wrong. Unfortunately, I was right. I hoped that his absence would kick the creators to make the best of themselves, which did not happen. The chemistry between the characters was really lacking, as were any conversations that could have clarified quite a bit. It is true that the actors have not been together for quite a long time, but I still think that with the help of some team building it could be beautifully renewed. I'm one of the few people who didn't like Allison, but considering everything else that happened in the movie, I think her return was one of the good things here. But I have to say that I would be much more pleased with the return of Kira, because just like Stiles, she also simply belongs to the Nogitsune. Eli and Hikari (two new characters) are obvious replacements for the already mentioned Stiles and Kira. Jeep and the kitsune made it quite clear. Eli's character was even uncannily similar to Stiles, which made me basically dislike him until the end. I also didn't like that everyone took Hikari's arrival without any notice. A new character arrived and no one even bothered to address why she was there in the first place and if she happened to have something to do with the Nogitsune. The death of one character, who I'm not going to name, didn't get me at all, even though I know it could have been made really emotional. It was an attempt, but it didn't turn out the best. I don't know... I didn't have enough time to like him/her. But the thing that totally dropped me was how Scott found Eli behind the tree. That's when I said to myself that this is really not what I expected from Teen wolf: The movie. About an hour before the end, I commented on the film like this: "It will get better when the end credits roll."
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Young Royals (2021–2024)
Royal performance of crown prince was totally great
19 November 2022
Season 2: Despite the fact, I got to watch second season of Young Royals relatively late, it was not spoiled to me, so that means I had nothing to be excited or disappointed about. The only thing I had known before I started to watch, was that many people consider the end as disappointment. Well, yeah, I understand this statement, but for me it was not, because I king of expected it since there was said something about speech. It was too obvious, but that does not mean it was bad. The actors have really amazing performances and I hope that after the end of this show, I will see both of them in some another great projects. I think that everyone is praising the acting of Edvin Ryding, whose role of crown prince is not easy, because Wilhelm is going through hard times in his life and it is just too much responsibility for one young boy. I will not be an exception, because this person is proving that body language is very essential for every single actor. The other ones are not standing behind. All of them, from the other main protagonist, Omar Rudberg up to side characters performed by Frida Argento, Malte Gardinger or Nikita Uggla were great and believable. The story is not only about two boys whose different social statuses get in the way of their love, but also about another aspects of their environs. Two characters says that love can be blind and dangerous. With the other ones, we can see what can be done by dishonesty and distrust. Another ones are showing that even the best friend can stab you to the back.
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I Told Sunset About You (2020–2022)
I told sunset about this great BL
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1:

At the beginning, I just want to say that I was worried about what I am going to watch. It is said, the story contains two rivals who falls for each other because of Chinese class. It seemed to be too much cliché, but I was really surprised about how good it actually was. Two main actors did they work perfectly and in some moments I totally forgot it was only a drama and I did not watch real friends and their life. Can I say they were friends? Because I kind of feel like they just jumped across this stage of their relationship. I mean... well, if I do not count the beginning, they were not really friends, right?

Their chemistry was totally amazing. I could believe everything they were saying and doing. Their actions were so much believable, so I felt like it was real. Oh-aew got my attention really quickly. I fell not for his pretty face, but also his actions and behaviour. I cannot speak Chinese and to be honest I do not even want to, because it seems to be too hard, but if I had a tutor like Teh... Hm... I would go for it.

Poor Bas. I felt sorry for him. He was cool and did not deserve that heartbreak from Oh-aew. I saw only first season, so I do not know if there is his reaction or something like that, but I hope it is. I am not really sure if I watch the second season, because the end was perfect to me and since I know what is the second season about and that it is not set in Phuket, but Bangkok, I think I am going to cancel it. I did not decide yet, but there is a big chance. I do not want to say goodbye to Oh-aew and Teh, but I am afraid the second season will not be that great as the first one.

I really liked the part when they confessed their feelings. It was so sweet and I love that part. It is repeating in my mind even now and I cannot get rid of it. My head is full of that dialogue and body language and everything which was happening by the beach. I am glad I could see this drama, but now I cannot wait for the other one.
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It made me not dance
30 October 2022
I've heard a lot of praise about kdramas, but I feel like I haven't come across one yet where all that wonderful talk is applied. You make me dance had something in it, I have to admit. A beautiful winter setting, a beautiful dance choreography, a beautifully slowly developing relationship. But... there's a but. The chemistry between the main characters was unmistakable and despite the snow and winter we could see how things sparkled between them. The boys played their roles brilliantly, they have to be given that, but something about the whole thing bothered me. I felt like they were stretching it too much. I know that something like this is completely natural for kdramas and I don't think that was the problem. I'm sorry I can't give a higher rating, but it wouldn't be honest if I did.
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The Eclipse (2022)
BL Eclipse
29 October 2022
I'm speechless... I have to admit that I wasn't too impressed at the beginning, but later it started to pick up and I couldn't wait for the next episode. Recently, GMM TV has been surprising with really high-quality BLs that carry a much bigger mission than just the love of two boys. The chemistry between Akk and Ayan was amazing. You can see that the boys really got into their roles, which was absolutely brilliant. I really liked the plots and denouements. Hell, who would have thought it would turn out like this? All the time we are convinced of one thing and suddenly we find out the other? Perfection. The story was also flawless. Full of twists and turns that would never occur to me personally. At many revelations, I stared at the screen with my mouth open because I simply refused to believe it. I definitely recommend it to all ten.
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Manner of Death (2020–2021)
Can krimi and BL go together?
21 October 2022
Only a small point is really missing from complete perfection. Otherwise, Manner of death is a perfect drama worth watching. As already mentioned in one of the reviews, crime fiction and BL don't usually go together, but that's not the case with this work. The relationship, or whatever the characters had between them, fit perfectly into the plot and without it, it might not have worked, since the situations were specially adapted to the two main characters. Unfortunately, I did not understand the chemistry between them. There were moments, or maybe rather specific scenes, where it sparkled beautifully, but then there were those where I felt like Bun was keeping the distance and actually didn't want them to continue with the relationship. Maybe that was the goal, who knows, and maybe I just missed something, that's why I don't want to deduct a too many stars since that's really probably the only thing that bothered me about the series. The rest, the story, the plot, the interweaving, the development of the whole case... Everything fit together beautifully.
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Not big expectaions, but pleasantly surprised
21 October 2022
I am one of those, who had read the book. That I had seen a very first trailer, well... it was more likely just a first look, I was dissapointed. SGE constants of big storyline and couple of events which can not be all settled in two and half hour movie. Then, the real trailer came out and I founf it pretty good. In the end, I was not disapointed at all.

Honestly, I do not understand, why does is have such a low rating. Yeah, it was not perfect, but it was still amazing. Plot was not totally out of the origina storyline and I must say, I was expecting something much much worse. In the book, the are only few things different and everything else is the same. I can not believe those numbers, so I hope SGE will find a larger amount of fans soon.

Even the cast was great and that was a thing I was worried about the most. Well, Tedros was supposed to be super charming blode prince and Agi ugly witch, but their acting was so good, I did not even care how they look like.

I just hope this movie serie will not be canceled, because I really need another part right now! If Netflix is able to finish couple of not so good movied and TV-shows, I hope this will not be canceled before the story ends, because as we know, the story of Sophie a Agatha has just began.
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