
30 Reviews
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Thomas & Friends (1984–2021)
A childhood favorite of mine, even if it had its lows.
16 June 2024
I'll summarize my thoughts in each era of the show:

Classic Era (Seasons 1-5, 1984-1998): 10/10, the peak of the show, best characters, sets, lore, storytelling, and music.

Gullane Era (Seasons 6-7, 2002-2003): 6/10, being post-Magic Railroad, it was a major step down. It's not bad, but it's not good either. There's inconsistency in the character, more simplistic sets, and formulaic storytelling.

HiT Era (Seasons 8-11, 2004-2007): 4/10, the story and characters become less interesting. It's also dumbed-down by these learning segments on PBS.

Side note: Season 12 is its own category. 0/10, the CGI faces and humans don't fit the model universe at all, and the episodes are worse than ever.

Nitrogen Era (Seasons 13-16, 2009-2012): 3/10, the switch to full CGI was NOT a smooth landing. The stories are all the exact same. A character has to collect something or do a random task, they mess up, then try to fix their mistake, then mess up two more times, then learn their lesson. It's not good.

Arc Era (Seasons 17-21, 2013-2017): 8/10, a phenomenal return to good storytelling after Mattel purchased the franchise. There are some episodes that aren't good, but this era has more good than bad.

BWBA Era (Seasons 22-24, 2018-2021): 0/10, factually killed the show. Awful storytelling, bad characters, and even the CGI got worse. Mattel went from saving the franchise to killing it.
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I liked it better than the first one.
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers

  • Way better character design than from the first one. The characters look like they're from a movie rather than a 60's TV show.

  • The music is phenomenal. Requiem and the epilogue theme are my two favorite music pieces from this film.

  • The lighter tone fits the comic book nature. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and you see it with the dialogue and interactions between the characters.


  • The story doesn't follow the predecessor well. Being a sequel, it should've explained to us how Arcane is alive and back in human form.

  • The acting isn't the best. It's not bad, and leans into the campy tone well, but some characters feel a little flat in delivery sometimes.

Overall, I like this movie, and it doesn't disappoint. It's not the best film ever made, but it's nowhere near as bad as many say. I personally think it's above a 4.6 out of 10.

Final score: 7 out of 10. B- tier.
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Aquaman 2... Late
19 January 2024
Of all the DCEU films that released in 2023, this film is surprisingly better than two of the three films it's released after. I liked the Flash, despite having grievances with the effects, I didn't mind Blue Beetle, but never really remembered much of it, and I absolutely despised Shazam 2, and have it within my bottom 10 DC films.

So, with that in mind, where does Aquaman 2 go? I'd say it's above Blue Beetle, but below the Flash. A2 looked better in terms of effect and fight choreography than the other 2023 films, and it had a faster pace as well, so the film was easy to stay with in its runtime.

If I had to point out negatives, there's only one con, but it's a big one: Not a lot happens in this movie.

The action and spectacle are nice. And that's about it. Not a lot of story, nothing it stands out from, and doesn't feel like a finale. For being the last film in the first phase of the DCEU, it felt like it ended not with a bang, but with a "Okay then".

Even still, it's a film I can tolerate, and it doesn't offend. If this film was a food, it would be a bowl of unsalted crackers with a bottle of room temperature Gatorade. Consumable, but not perfect. 6/10. C Tier.
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Holy Actually Pretty Good, Batman!
12 December 2023
Well, here we are. The Batfilm that started it all. Batman: The Movie, compared to every other Batfilm that followed it, is a way different approach to Batman. It's not dark, gritty, grimy, or serious. Rather, it's a colorful, campy, cartoony joyride for an hour and a half.

This was an entirely different Batman than what I saw as a kid. Comparing this to the others films is almost unfair because the story here isn't as serious or gripping as the others that would release from 1989 onwards. Despite that, with the mindset of it being more of a "For Fun" movie rather than "For Glory", it's surprisingly more entertaining than what I expected.

The story's well-paced and goes by swiftly, that villains are all funny and fill the roles well, the Bat-jokes (Bat-helicopter, Bat-shark repellent, Bat-teries, Bat-boat, Bat-cycle) are all actually funny, unlike the Bat-credit card in Batman and Robin, and while it really doesn't hold up as much as later installments, it's still a good film to look back on and revisit once in a while. It has some boring parts, but even then, the film still delivers. I give it a Bat-thumbs up!

8/10, B+.
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Josstice League Who?
14 November 2023
After the cataclysmic abomination that was Justice League in 2017, it was revealed that an extended version and alternate scenes exist in WB's archives. In 2021, after a widespread online campaign that took the internet by storm, WB gave Snyder the greenlight, and thus, Zack Snyder's Justice League was released from a four-year limbo. And in every conceivable way, it's a gigantic improvement over what was excreted four years prior.

The story is intriguing and feels memorable, the special effects are way more polished and blend in very well, the action and fight choreography are well-paced and enjoyable, and the characters are all fleshed out. Cyborg is actually a character, Steppenwolf is a believable and compelling villain, and the Justice League heroes all feel more like established characters rather than just being one-trick.

If I were to point out any nitpicks at all, the runtime is, in my opinion, a bit too long, and a lot of that is because of how many slow-motion scenes are added, but even still it can be forgiven by what the film can make use from those shots. It gives the audience time to take in what's being shown and what it can lead up to.

Overall, Zack Snyder absolutely got it right, and it's a shame that this wasn't the version that was first released. Easily my favorite DCEU movie, a satisfying end to the Snyder DC trilogy, and love letter to DC as a whole. 10/10. S Tier.
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Simultaneously the best and worst film of 2023
7 November 2023
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Five Nights at Freddy's is a film that takes a franchise known for its horror and suspense, and bogs it down into a slow-paced, uneventful film that's there to appeal to the fans of the games.

The story centers around Mike Schmidt, as we see him take up a job of a security guard at a pizzeria overtaken by haunted animatronics. In the first half, it's followable and somewhat intriguing, however the second half drags on, and becomes less interesting. Had the slower dialogue scenes been cut down, and focused more on the FNAF side of the film, it would've remained consistent in pacing.

The set design, acting, and casting was really good. It followed the game well, and I loved when the animatronics were on screen. They don't talk or have goofy voices, they're silent and a sense of unease enters the room when they're around. Also, having CoryXKenshin in the movie was a plus.

Overall, FNAF has a good cast and design, but they story is very uneven and unfocused. It's not good, but it's certainly not terrible. Hey, better than Barbie. 5/10.
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Kipper (1997–2004)
A show that doesn't overdo itself.
15 February 2023
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It's a shame no one really talks about this show. I used to watch the VHS's all the time at my grandmother's house whenever I was over there. The characters were relatable, the story was concise and understandable, and it's down to Earth.

I don't think there's anything really wrong with the show, nut if there's one thing I'll nitpick, it's a lack of action. There isn't much going on other than simple activity being planned, a minor inconvenience occurring, the dilemma getting resolved, and a happy ending. But even still, I see the appeal and get satisfaction out of every story.

My personal favorite IKipper story is where Kipper finds a Rainbow Puddle, a magic frog jumps out, an elephant drinks up the puddle, and out of empathy, Kipper wishes for the puddle back. This one stuck out to me because 1. Kipper's the only main character in the episode. There's no mention or sight of Tiger, Pig, Arnold, or Jake. It's a good example of a tunnel episode. 2. The music is more somber and expressive, and it sticks to your emotion. And 3. It portrays humanity in our characters aside from just being constantly happy. It shows some depth.

A great show, very underrated, and gets a thumbs up from me.
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Even with an Ultimate Edition, it still sucks.
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I kid you not, this movie actively disappointed me as it progressed. There are good things about it, such as the imagery, and the fight scene, and... that's it. Everything else sucks.

Ben Affleck's fine, Henry Cavill's fine, but they're very underused for a Batman vs. Superman film. Rather, we focus on the rip-off Jim Carrey Riddler, aka Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. He's not the worst villain, he actually is decently condescending at times, but the campiness was on display, and it showed. And also, his plan to make Batman and Superman fight made zero sense, and did way too much, and achieved nothing.

And the infamous "Martha" scene. I'll just say it, I do NOT hate this scene. Actually, it's one of the better scenes of the movie. The sympathy that's gained by their mothers having the same first name isn't where suspension of disbelief doesn't break off. It humanizes Superman in Wayne's eyes, and it really could've been great. But it's not.

I used to love this movie when I first saw it half a year ago, and were it June, I'd rank it 8/10, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Current day, it's now my least favorite Batman-centric movie. 1/10.
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DC's Worst Movie
13 December 2022
There's pretty much nothing for this movie. There's not even a frame of it that's good. It's so cheesy and cheaply made, that it looks less intimidating than scenes from The Office.

The characters are very one-ply and underwhelming. I felt nothing but sorrow for every actor that partook in this. Every character was so wasted, namely Cyborg, who was just edgy for half the movie and then "booyah" in the other half, and also Flash, who was so annoying throughout his scenes. Oh, and Steppenwolf? Basic villain. Seriously, there's nothing that makes him stand out from any other DC villains.

Overall, overprocessed and artificial movie that underdelivered and disappointed me in every way possible.

Music, awful. Visuals, awful. Acting a dialogue, awful. Existence, awful. Everything, awful. Hotel, Trivago. If I could rank it a 0/10, I would.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
If I could rate it 20/10, I would.
11 October 2022
Where do I even begin? The writing is near perfect, the actors and characters are all amazing, the over-arching story just gets only better and better. This show is just a bullet train, this just goes and refuses to stop. It pulls no punches, everything that happens has all the impact. And honestly, there isn't a single bad episode. Every episode, yes even "Fly", serves a purpose, and honestly, shouldn't be skipped over upon first viewing. And for a show that ended in 2013, it's still relatively popular and beloved among people. Everyone I know still loves the show and loves it to death.

There isn't much else to say, other than that this show is perfect. 10/10.
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If I could rank it a 0/10, I would.
11 October 2022
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If there's one thing Star Wars (and every movie series in general) should stop making, it's prequels.

Initially, I liked the idea of this, since the prequels refused to elaborate on Obi-Wan's character, so this is good to have. Too bad the writing is still terrible.

The writing is so awful. Obi-Wan is such a clumsy, incompetent oaf that gets gets bossed around by Leia. Speaking of, Leia is so annoying and unlikeable. The Sith Inquisitors are the dumbest villains in this series. They're worse villains than those of the sequel trilogy. Also, sure, let's retcon episode 4, and have Luke know about the Sith and get chased by one when he's a kid.

Seriously, none of this is necessary to the canon. That's the main issue. Nothing makes any sense or has any purpose. The fights between Obi-Wan and Vader are just so awful and over-stylized. The last fight is the worst of it all. Obi-Wan could've just ended Vader then and there, but nooo, he's too sad, and can't do it.

This just isn't a proper Obi-Wan interpretation. It's overdone, while accomplishing nothing. No wonder they're making a show about Cassian Andor.

Do not watch this. At all. Like, it's that terrible.
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Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993)
23 September 2022
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So, after the first two movies, we see the introduction of Batman: The Animated Series. And it's actually pretty good. It's dark, tough, gritty, and the voice acting is amazing (you gotta love the Mark Hamill Joker). Within that, they made Mask of the Phantasm. And while it didn't do that great at the box office, it's still such a good movie.

The characters are amazing. Kevin Conroy's Batman feels genuine, and this time around, Batman's more somber side is shown, as opposed to the strong or detective-esque natures, as opposed to the Burton/Keaton films. Andrea's an amazing character, and I actually really love the twist where she's Phantasm, and seeing her die is equally saddening.

Honestly, very underrated Batman film. 10/10.
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The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
15 September 2022
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Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were such stellar movies, and there's little to no differing opinions on that. Dark Knight Rises, however, has a lot of criticism its way. So how good is it?

We're re-introduced to Bane (played by Tom Hardy), and I'm just going to say it. THIS is Bane done right. Bane is known for being a wise, threatening squadron leader that's a force to be reckoned with, and this movie's Bane checks all those marks. Yeah, his voice may come off as goofy initially, but Bane in action is the exact opposite, especially when he beats Batman brutally and locks him away. That iconic scene where Bane breaks Batman's back really stuck with me.

Once again, Christian Bale's Batman is at his peak. This Batman isn't as aggressive as the predecessor, but he still retains the character, and has a lot more emotion as Bruce Wayne. Alfred leaving for good almost made me tear up, and Bale's portrayal solidifies the scene's importance.

Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) doesn't have a lot in this movie to do, but her dynamic with Batman is actually decent. I don't have much to say, but I like this performance of Catwoman.

The action is just stellar, the character chemistry is amazing, and the ending was great. The ending made me tear up, even though Wayne lived. I know, people had issue with that, but that doesn't symbolize Wayne dying. It symbolizes Batman dying. That alone makes the ending hit hard.

People hate this movie because they're wrong. 9/10.
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The Dark Knight (2008)
15 September 2022
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If you thought Batman Begins was amazing, then you'll definitely love The Dark Knight.

We see a return of the Joker (played amazingly by Heath Ledger), and its such an iconic character, and is better than the Joaquin Phoenix's or Jared Leto's Joker (but that's for another review). This Joker, however, is what really makes this movie stand out, and also what makes him easily the best Joker by far. His insanity and condescending nature is not to be taken lightly, as both the audience and in-movie characters come to understand.

Christian Bale returns as Batman, and once again, gives an iconic performance. We see a more aggressive side of Batman this time around. His presence already may strike fear into those on the opposing end, but in this movie, breathe incorrectly and that's a done deal.

And also, we see a more serious Harvey Dent (played by Aaron Eckhart), and it's easily better than Tommy Lee Jones's Two-Face. I know it sounds like sacrilege, given how I praised TLJ's Two-Face in my Batman Forever review, but here, Eckhart's Two-Face is for more threatening and malicious, and it really solidifies his legacy as the perfect Two-Face.

I can't even think of anything wrong with this movie. This movie just nails the Batman setting we've all come to know and love. It just starts, and just snowballs into action after action, and it shows no sign of giving up until someone or something makes it.

I love this movie. This is Batman at its best. 10/10.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman Begins (2005)
15 September 2022
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So, after the cataclysmic failure that was Batman & Robin, the third Schumacher Batman movie was cancelled. Movies based on comic book heroes had such a terrible look to them.

Enter Christopher Nolan. He is given the reigns to Batman, and thus, we get one of the best movie reboots of all time. And nothing explains this further than this film, Batman Begins.

I'm just gonna say it: Christian Bale's Batman is my favorite Batman. His performance is stellar, and his Batman has a proper arc. Honestly, the first hour of this movie is just bliss. The Bruce Wayne Arc and training with Raa's Al Ghul (played brilliantly by Liam Neeson) is honestly what kept the beginning rolling, am I'm there for it.

The action is stellar, the story is amazing, and the tone works for being a more serious take on Batman. My only real negative is that Scarecrow (played by Cillian Murphy) isn't in the movie enough, but even still, I like the portrayal.

Great movie that led the revitalization of Batman as a whole. 9/10.
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Batman & Robin (1997)
14 September 2022
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I liked Batman Forever. I liked the depth, the characters, and the setting. And what happened? They went in the wrong direction.

Batman, this time played by George Clooney, isn't terrible. His Batman is actually in line with Adam West's Batman, but it's in the wrong movie. West's Batman at least HAD a script to work with, Clooney's is just Clooney in a Batsuit.

Chris O'Donnell's Robin really took a hit. He was already under-written in the predecessor, but here, he's just whining and complaining 90% of the time. There's no chemistry or arc with him.

The villains, like last movie, are the best actors. Arnold Schwarzanegger as Dr. Freeze, while notorious for ice puns out the wazoo, is actually not that bad in the role. I also liked Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy. Again, there isn't a lot to her, but her portrayal is actually good, and she hams it up, fittingly for the film. Bane's portrayal is very out of character. He could be cut out, and you'd miss nothing.

Story was one-note, acting was painfully average, and its legacy is being a giant Bat-bomb. 3/10.
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Batman Forever (1995)
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, when I first saw Batman Forever, I didn't think much of it. In fact, I thought it was pretty bad. However, it stuck with me, despite me at the time not liking it so much. Then, upon rewatching the film, I found some kind of pseudo-fascination for it.

The cinematography and design are my favorite aspects of this movie. Gotham City looks great, despite not being very gothic (hence the name), the colors are beautiful and euphoric, and they actually blend well into its setting (unlike Batman & Robin). I like the Batmobile design a lot as well. It's not above Burton's Batmobile, not by a long shot, but the ribcage design is well-executed, and gives it uniqueness. Also, the music is stellar. As much of a fan I am of Danny Elfman's theme, the score by Elliot Goldenthal deserves recognition, because it's too good to overlook. As is Seal's "Kiss From A Rose" and U2's "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me". And the rest of the CD soundtrack, it's so good.

The story's decent, albeit flawed. The depth in Bruce Wayne is what sells it for me, because it's first Batman film that tackles "Why Am I Batman?" with other answers than "My Parents Are Dead". The villains are 50/50, Jim Carrey's Riddler is easily the one that carries, and Tommy Lee Jones's Two-Face is more Joker than Two-Face, and doesn't fit the character. Robin's inclusion is passable, but not that good. He doesn't excel, and feels haphazardly placed into the movie, but nonetheless, I'm glad there's at least an on-screen Robin that does more than "Holy Macaroni, Batman!" (Other than that one line, but that's about it). Robin's okay, but could've been a stronger character in this film, and his vendetta with Two-Face could've been stronger.

Overall, I've come around on this film since 2022. Last year, I wasn't too big a fan of it, and would've given it a 3/10, but after giving it a chance, it was kinda worth it, even if it's not that great. 6/10, give it a watch.
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Batman Returns (1992)
14 September 2022
This was okay. It's not as good as its predecessor, but I'd still give it a watch of it were on.

My biggest gripe is that there isn't enough of Batman in this movie. Yeah, a Batman movie doesn't have much of Batman himself in it.

The Penguin, whose performance is decent by Danny DeVito, isn't really the one we know as the wise genius. Instead they decide to literally make him a penguin. He eats raw fish, he bites peoples' noses, and he wheezes whenever he walks. Granted, this is due to the creative freedom of Tim Burton, and there are funny moments with Penguin, but overall, he felt out of character.

Catwoman, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, is actually decent. Yeah, her story seems a bit rushed, but honestly, she seems like a good foil to Batman here. I know, there isn't a lot to her, but for what Catwoman is, she's alright.

Overall, the movie is good, but not as much as the original. It's better than a lot of other movies, but comparatively to the series, it's not as great. 6/10.

Also, this is definitely a Christmas movie.
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Batman (1989)
Batman (1989)
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story was good, characters were actually really good, especially Jack Nicholson as the Joker (whom I think is underrated), and the setting was gothic and had good stylization, I like the action, albeit I wish Batman was able to turn his head in the suit.

My gripes are that it gets mundane and slow at times, and again, Keaton's Wayne isn't exactly charming, but his Batman was good. Also, I don't exactly know how Joker didn't die when he fell into those chemicals. What did he even fall into?

This serves as a good base for the series. Everything that comes after it wouldn't have happened without it, so I'm glad we have this movie. Good job, Tim Burton. 7/10.
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Ah, Despair Arc. About as intimidating as a diarrhea sundae.
19 August 2022
Seriously, this anime loves taking all your favorite characters and screwing them up horribly, both in writing and screenplay. Really wish they just tied it to the second game better than what we got.
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Such a rehash.
9 August 2022
If I wanted to see the first Danganronpa game, I would just play the game. I don't need the same thing, but with no control and terrible voice acting.

Don't watch this, it sucks.
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The only good prequel.
9 August 2022
So, Episode I was mediocre, Episode II was cringeworthy, and this one... was actually good.

FINALLY, acting that isn't 100% bad. FINALLY, a memorable story. FINALLY, the answers to the questions we needed. FINALLY, balanced choreography. And FINALLY, a competent story pace.

This one they finally got right. Now, it's still not all great, but it's 100x better than the other two prequels.

7/10. B Tier.
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Nostalgic doesn't mean good
9 August 2022
Yeah, make no mistake. This movie sucks.

Yeah, the Geonosis battle was good. That's about it. Overuse of CGI, grating dialogue, wooden acting, awful romance plothole, and Anakin being a whiny manchild all really bring this movie down from being any good.

Easily the worst prequel. Episode I was very forgettable, but this one was cringeworthy.
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What does this series and Star Wars have in common? Prequels are not its forte.
9 August 2022
It's just kinda uninteresting. Yeah, we get an introduction to the character, and all these other characters as well, but it really doesn't have much of an impact since we know we're never gonna see them again.
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As nostalgic as this is, it's not that great.
28 June 2022
This movie does have the lightsaber duel and the Pod race... and Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor are good, even though they're very underused in this film... aaaand that's about it.

The acting so robotic and unimpactful throughout several scenes, namely Jake Lloyd as Jedi Anakin Skywalker. The fact that this is who becomes future Darth Vader is very hard to believe, and it ruined his career entirely.

The story also drags on, namely with several dialogue scenes that impact nothing in the story.

Not much else to say. Several great actors go underutilized, story's mostly unimpactful, dialogue and acting suck. 2/10. F Tier.
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