32 Reviews
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Bigger than life entertainment
12 March 2024
This was real entertainment stuffed with lots of action. Great casting from end to end. Harrison Ford played the aging action hero perfectly. Toby Jones makes a great appearance as the dedicated scienctist. The premise has been copied /imitated numerous times but the action here gets your blood pumping and feels like an authentic action film. Never a dull moment. No time to sit back and contemplate, its just go go go. It has a scifi feel to it as well. Your keep cheering for the old guy as to whether he can still do it and keep up to the various younger characters. A bit of a history lesson along the way as it flys along the plot.
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The Marvels (2023)
Confusing and a waste of talent
12 March 2024
This film is a terrible. I had no idea what was going on in the first 20 minutes and rewatched the beginning to try and figure it out to no avail. The cast was good, the special effects were especially great but the directing was a disaster. The plot was all over the map. I liked the first installment alot. I'm a scifi/avengers fan. Too bad as this definately puts into question a possible third installment. If you didn't catch the first installment then the plot made no sense at all. The casting was not perfect either for the secondary characters who really didn't seem to fit their rolls well. Too bad.
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You People (2023)
The bar could not be lowered any lower
22 February 2023
This could be the biggest disappointment of the year. It was a mockery of the original Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. It squandered the comic geniuses of Eddie Murphy and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and had zero character development for the supporting cast of Rhea Perlman, Elliott Gould, Anthony Anderson, Richard Benjamin , Hal Linden and so many others. What a cast to gather together but they were effectively back ground scenery/wall paper in most of the movie. They could of used paper cutouts. Anybody that actually spoke in the movie (David Duchovny, Taco) was an insulting stereotype. The script could have been written by a ten year old and I knew the ending 15 minutes into the movie. No surprises here folks. Terrible directing particularily the ending which seemed rushed and I have seen the exact ending a hundred times. This movies lacks any sense of creativity. Why this every got the green light is way beyond me, it was a dud out the door. The sound track was beyond crude and inappropriate for this rating of movie and audience. I made the mistake of having CC on and shook my head, not at the lyrics, but the stupidity of including it. Were they trying alienate everyone watching? What were they thinking? If I was Jona Hill (he should stick to acting and not screen writing) , Lauren London, David Duchovny, Taco, I would distance myself from this let down.
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Strange World (2022)
Nothing Strange Here, just bad
30 January 2023
First the good points, I gave it a one star in that animation was okay. Now the minus 9 points. The plot was boring and dull. The action scenes were wimpy. Most of the characters are unlikeable - which if they were supposed to be bad guys/vilans would of been great. I couldn't relate to any the characters and had no one to root for. The script was disjointed as to where is this going and who cares. I thought it was my perception but I spoke to several other friends and two noted they got 20 minutes into it and turned it off. I'd like to know what Disney was thinking when they first green lighted this project. Nothing strange here folks, it's a big disappointment all around.
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Marketplace (1972– )
A once relevant informative show with teeth
19 July 2022
This was once a relevant show which found issues in the marketplace, chased down the story and often solved problems through corporate or government intervention. They had teeth and were not afraid to use them. Viewers watched because they got results. Now they are just another CBC Woke inspired production who are no longer respected and don't really solve anything of relevance and avoid any controversy at all costs. Today issues get government/corporate responses of "No Comment" or "Not our problem". As a show they have changed from Guard Dogs of the marketplace to defanged pussy cats with blindfolds.
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Soul (2020)
Great Animated Movie that feels real
19 July 2022
I really enjoyed this movie. Creative, well written script, and fun. The voices and actors behind them were all very good. The animation felt like New York City. It's got a lot of emotion and life lessons incorporated without being preachy like so many movies today. It felt like adults and children alike could really like it (eg. It wasn't dumbed down for the kiddies).
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Spectacular Animation with feel good script
19 July 2022
It's a feel good movie with heroes and villains throughout. The animation is excellent. The script was complicated enough to make it interesting but easy to follow for the younger audience. Adults will get a kick of the music genres represented. The low point was the country genre could of used a little more energy and creativity but was funny enough ( I don't think the writers like country music). Good family movie.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Brilliant political/main stream media satire which is funny, scary and all too real
19 July 2022
This movie nails the current political/main stream media reality with a very funny eye opening script. The cast is brilliant and engaging throughout. I loved it and recommended to friends and family as a must see. If (when) the human race is eventually wiped out this movie will be a great record (although fictional) of what went wrong and those types behind it to any future beings that stumble across the earth.
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Good Smart Sci Fi Comedy with Heart
19 July 2022
This is a nice feel good comedy with heart and a good Sci Fi script. Ryan Reynolds is perfectly cast and brings the best out in the main character. The whole cast hit the nail on the head.
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Back to Life (2019–2021)
All acting should be this good
19 July 2022
It took me a few episodes to get into the plot but once I did it had me hooked. The actors (especially Daisy Haggard) are exceptionally good. It felt real and even uncomfortable as you root for the main characters. Well done.
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Not one new creative idea in the whole movie
19 July 2022
We enjoyed The Addams Family movie as it followed in the same theme as the original series with a refreshing plot. As to Addams Family 2 it did not have one new creative idea in the whole movie. It felt like a low budget Saturday morning cartoon with stupid gags. My daughter never heard of the film and said it was a straight to video movie (which it wasn't). You could of interjected the Flintstones, Jetsons, or Archies into the film's plot as main characters and it wouldn't of made a difference. It was Addams family in name only. The animation was good (not spectacular) so I gave it a two vs. A zero.
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Something was a little off
8 November 2021
This could of been a great movie but somethings (directing, plot, story line, editing...) were a little off making it a scratch your head feeling at the end of the movie. It was a let down as the beginning was so promising, but it kept losing steam until it ended up a dud.
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Boss Level (2020)
Creative Plot and Fun to Watch
8 November 2021
This to me was Ground Hog Day meets Star Gate meets Lethal Weapon. It was a fun action packed movie with an interesting smart plot. Script timing was perfect. The directing was very good. Actors well cast. I really enjoyed this movie. Violence but not overkill.
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Colossal (2016)
8 November 2021
I wanted to like this movie and finally did in the last 15 minutes, but it was a long journey as to why I was wasting time watching it in the first hour. The actors are all excellent but the casting may have been off. Jason Sudeikis is usually a good guy in films (as in Ted Lasso) and to see him as a real creep was a stretch for me. The script was also uneven and just weird.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
A warm comedy with fun characters and story lines
8 November 2021
It never goes for the cheap shots to get a laugh. The plots are simple and fun. It doesn't have that Hollywood assembly line feel to it that so many sit coms have to day. The actors go from the experience icons (Eugene Levy/Catherine O'Hara) to new fresh faces and the chemistry works perfectly. Nicely done.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
Doesn't get any better
8 November 2021
I've re recently watched all the episodes on Netflix and the journey has been fun. William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy really drive the show along with a superb cast. The episodes are somewhat uneven, going from brilliant to just good, but always fun. Given the technology at the time and low budget they were allocated the production was a work of genius.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Fun all round show
8 November 2021
As usual with Star Wars everything is top notch from the actors to the special effects. The only fault I find with the series is that it has a tendency to get repetitive. It's like the writers have lost their ability to come up with new ideas and repeat story lines over and over again. There are not a lot of "wow" moments or "I didn't see that coming" moments. Getting a little vanilla in plots.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Great all around
8 November 2021
Excellent smart scripts, actors, special effects. I've watched the first season and it was totally enjoyable. Quirky but not over the top. The cast are top notch and has been well selected for their roles and work very well together. Great character development.
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The Widow (I) (2019)
Great suspense and plot twists
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent scripts. The actors were perfectly cast. Kept up my interest throughout the series. Quality throughout. Highly recommended if your looking for a good series.
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Black Widow (2021)
I was expecting better
8 November 2021
After all the hype around the movie and really enjoying the character in previous movies I was expecting more. A could chunk of the scenes were a direct rip off of James Bond car chases and Kung Foo Movies leaving little for character development. I don't think this movie had an original thought in the plot as the plot seems to be ripped off from other movies. The acting was good given what they had to work with.
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Hellboy (2019)
This could of been an excellent movie
8 November 2021
The actors were top notch, the effects excellent, the story line good but the script and directing were awful. I wanted to turn it off after 15 minutes but expecting it to get better stuck with it to the end (big waste of time). The attempts at humor (written by a 6th grader?) were lame. The directing was awful, uneven and disjointed. Such a stupid move.
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You'll love it or hate it
3 April 2021
I loved the movie and thought it was very funny, well acted and the story line was funny. I recommended to other family members and my daughter and wife hated it with a passion. For me light comedy with some laugh out loud moments. Take a chance in my opinion.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Great feel good series - Its a gem
3 April 2021
Well written and acted. Very creative when many new series are just rehashes of old series and plots . It's a gem. You really do feel connected to the characters.
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A really bad movie
3 April 2021
The directing is a mess. The plot is totally confusing and yet very predictable and in the end you really don't care. The acting is uninspiring and the characters simply don't connect. Straight to the bargain bin if it wasn't for Netflix.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Well acted with a decent script
3 April 2021
It's similar to the other 100 or so revenge movies which have been done, but the acting and story line are a little better. You know where it is going early on and it keep me watching to the end. Not great but not bad either.
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