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Go See This Movie
1 December 2023
After the brain cell killing abomination known as Godzilla vs. Kong, the monsterverse was ruined for me. I also found the movie Shin Godzilla to be kind of boring. I have yet to watch that movie and not fall asleep through it. So when I seen Godzilla Minus One, it blew me away. It is easily one of the best Godzilla movies out there. At least in the top 5. I'd honestly recommend this movie even if you're not a Godzilla fan. It is seriously that good. The humans were great in this movie. You really felt for them and can see how they got to their mindset. The effects were really good. It really looks like a guy is in a rubber suit, just like the good old days, but it is entirely CGI and with it being done on just a budget of 15 million dollars. There is no excuse for a 250 million dollar movie to look terrible when this movie made everything work with 15 times less of a budget. I am in no way interested in seeing Godzilla x Kong 2, but I would gladly see what Toho has in store for THEIR upcoming monster movie projects.
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a bunch of butthurt Star Wars "fans" complain about great movies
26 September 2020
The title pretty much sums up the entire movie. a bunch of guys complain about a movie that was made for children. they don't explain why the film is bad, but it's just bad apparently.
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Joker (I) (2019)
I wasn't expecting to like this movie, but somehow it gets better whenever I think about it.
10 February 2020
I didn't want to like this movie. I thought that a Joker movie without Batman in it just wouldn't work and that it was a dumb idea. I have never been more wrong. The Joker was a very well made movie with great drama and a great story. The thing that really gets me are the messages of the movie. The story is about a guy who was beaten by society and treated like garbage until one day he snaps and shakes the system. I love how the Joker's jokes are something that nobody else can get because they don't understand. When I first seen the movie I would've given it a score of 7 or 8, but the movie really grown on me, so I have to give it a 10.
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Shazam! (2019)
The true Captain Marvel
10 February 2020
Shazam! is a great movie. Everyone in the movie played their parts really well. The movie is really funny. The way this movie balanced humor and drama was amazing. The villain's motivation for doing the things he did were completely understandable. As funny as the movie is, there is drama in it that will give you the feels whenever you watch it.
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Aquaman (2018)
The Best DCEU movie
10 February 2020
Aquaman is a movie that looks and feels like a comic book and a great one at that. The movie has two villains, but it juggles between them perfectly. Ocean Master and Black Manta are some of the better villains in the DCEU. Aquaman and Mera were great characters with great chemistry together. The Visuals of the movie were fantastic. The city of Atlantis and this underwater world looks amazing, I'd go as far and say it looks way better than anything Avatar gave us. Aquaman is truly one of the great superhero movies, go see it, especially if you want a good DC movie.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Finally a great female superhero movie
10 February 2020
Wonder Woman is filled with great action, great story, great visuals, great characters, and a great message.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Worse than Batman v Superman
10 February 2020
Suicide Squad is with out a doubt the worst DCEU movie I've ever seen. The film is ugly and lifeless. The only redeeming thing about this movie is Harley Quinn, Deadshot, and Amanda Waller. The Enchantress looked cool in the beginning of the movie, but her design got a downgrade half way through the movie. The action is bland and unmemorable. The movie has a lot of characters in it, but I felt like they didn't know what to do with most of them. The Joker in this movie is by far the worst interpretation of the Joker in any media I have ever seen. I don't recommend watching this movie, especially since if you skip this one, you'll literally miss nothing.
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Man of Steel (2013)
The best Superman movie ever
9 February 2020
I know that a lot of people don't like this movie, but I think that this movie is amazing. The action is spectacular, the story is great, the special effects are great, and the characters were great. People like to think of Henry Cavil's Superman as a depressing take on the character, but to be honest, that's not the kind of character he is in THIS movie, he didn't become depressing until BVS. Zod is one of the all-time great DC villains. you don't want Zod to succeed because it means the end of the human race, but at the same time you can understand why he's doing what he's doing. to me this movie isn't so much as a Superman movie as it is a Superman origin movie. This Superman makes mistakes because he's new to the job. I wish that we could've gotten more great Superman movies instead of that BVS movie that we got. but this is still a great movie.
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Easily the worst Superman movie.
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like this movie. It's boring, the characters are unlikable, the story makes no sense, the special effects have aged horribly, and the cast are too young to be believable as the same people from the Christopher Reeve movies. The reason I hate this movie is because Superman is a horrible person. he knocked up Lois Lane then abandoned her, then comes back 5 years later, spies on her, and gets jealous because she got married. speaking of Lois's husband, I felt so bad for the guy. not only does he have to deal with the fact that his wife dated freaking Superman, but also for the past 5 years, he's been raising somebody else's son and he doesn't even know it. Superman is a monster in this movie and to be honest I couldn't care if this version of Superman lived or died.
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Definately more entertaining than Superman 3
9 February 2020
Superman 3 is a better made movie than Superman 4, but at the same time, Superman 4 is way more enjoyable to watch. it's a terrible movie, but every time I seen it, I enjoy making fun of it. it's definitely not as boring as 3 because Superman is actually in the movie this time. nothing in this movie makes sense. Ordinary people can breath in space, Superman has wall building vision, You can see the black curtain that's supposed to be space, and whenever there's wires, you can easily see them. If you decide to watch this movie, do NOT take it seriously and maybe you'll have a fun time.
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Superman III (1983)
Where is Superman?
9 February 2020
This movie claims to be called Superman 3, but Superman is hardly in the movie. the main character is Gus, not Superman. Superman has been reduced to a side character in his own movie and the worst part is that the guy who's the real main character is trying to be funny in the movie, but is sadly giving one of the most unfunny performances I've seen in a movie. The movie isn't just painfully unfunny, but it's also boring a lot of the time and a lot of the movie doesn't make any sense. The best part of the movie isn't even explained, so the audience has no idea what's going on.
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They should've kept Richard Donner
9 February 2020
The Richard Donnor Cut is definitely the superior version of Superman 2. A lot of the silly moments from the theatrical version have been left out and scenes that were vital to the story have been put back in. The Best thing about this movie is the fact that they put Marlon Brando back in as Jor-El and it was wonderful to see new footage of him. Also if you own the theatrical version of Superman 2, you can still get this cut because so many scenes were reshot that it's almost a completely different movie, the only thing that's the same is the story. The only problems with the movie is the fact that it's unfinished and they had to put scenes from the theatrical version in the place of scenes that were never filmed. unfortunately since these 2 movies are different, putting in scenes from the theatrical cut made some pretty big plot holes. nevertheless the Donner cut is way better than the theatrical version.
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Superman II (1980)
The first movie was better
9 February 2020
Superman 2 is a good movie, but it doesn't have the same charm to it that the first one had. Most of the cast from the first movie are back in this one and give as good of a performance as they did in the last movie. Unfortunately they couldn't get Marlon Brando back as Jor-El because he was too expensive. that really hurts the movie because of what they had to cut out and what they had to put in its place. for example, in the first movie, Jor-El tried to warn to other kryptonians of Krypton's destruction, but non of them believed him. now because they couldn't shoot scenes with Jor-El those same kryptonians that didn't believe him, transferred their consciousness into the crystals. Another problem with the movie are all the silly scenes that were added in and the weird powers that were given to Superman. The movie is enjoyable though, especially any scenes with General Zod or Lex Luthor.
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Superman (1978)
You'll believe a man can fly
9 February 2020
Superman is one of the first, if not the first big budget superhero movie. There isn't much action in the movie, but somehow you never feel bored. The characters are all memorable and likable. The chemistry between Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane is great and probably the best thing in this movie. With the lighthearted tone, you can expect some jokes in the movie and they're actually really well done. there are some problems with the movie. I have no idea how Lex Luthor found out that Kryptonite hurts Superman or how Superman saved the day at the end. I'm sure if the studio didn't interfere the movie would be even better, but as it stands, Superman is a really good movie.
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A little better than Batman v Superman
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First I'll start with the good about this movie. Some of the action scenes were well done. I never felt bored during the movie. The characters actually smile. Some jokes were funny. Now the bad. The Villain was one dimensional. The CGI was terrible. Batman is no longer the great fighter he was in the last movie, now he struggles to take on simple henchmen. The Justice League members that weren't Superman felt like they didn't need to be there once Superman was brought back. The worst thing of all is the fact that the Flash was a complete idiot in this movie.
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The not so great classic
9 February 2020
I'm going to start off by saying that I respect the fact that this movie and TV show was made because if it weren't for the 66' Batman, then the character might not have been around to this day, but you have to admit that this movie is really silly. The silliness does have its charm of course, but I kind of felt like the movie ran for too long and I got kind of boring in parts. I wish I could give this movie a higher score, but unfortunately I can't get into this movie.
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Writters of Batman & Robin, take a note. This is how you make a Batman commercial.
9 February 2020
I enjoyed the Lego Movie quite a lot and was excited to see this movie. The Lego Batman movie is a fun movie to watch and hilarious at times. There is so many Batman references throughout the film that it feels like a love letter to Batman fans. watching this movie, not only did I find it to be the best Batman movie in the post-Nolan era of Batman, but it's also better than the Lego Movie. My only problem with the movie is Batman having a crush on Barbara Gordon. I don't know why these to get shipped together, but at least in this version Batman didn't know her since she was little.
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A waste of potential.
9 February 2020
When I went to see this movie, I was really hyped for it. I absolutely loved Man of Steel and Batman is my favorite superhero of all time. so you can imagine how disappointing this movie was for me. I think Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons played a great Batman and Alfred, but Henry Cavil's performance wasn't as good as it was in Man of Steel, he was too depressing in this movie. speaking of depressing, Lex Luthor was an absolute joke of a character in this movie. I hated every moment he was on screen. the best thing about the movie are the visuals, cinematography, and the fight scenes, but they don't change the fact that the movie is really long and boring at times. The extended cut of the movie fixes a lot of problems with the theatrical release, but unfortunately it couldn't save the film.
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The end of a legend.
5 February 2020
The Dark Knight Rises may not only be my favorite Batman movie of all time (yes I like it more than The Dark Knight), but it may also be my favorite movie of all time. There are no words to describe how much I love this movie. The Dark Knight Rises has one of the best endings in the history of film. Bane is one of the best villains of all time and I wish that he got more attention. 10/10
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The movie not that we deserved, but the one that we needed.
5 February 2020
Do I even need to say anything about this movie? everyone has talked about how great it is. It is one of the greatest movies of all time. Christian Bale was fantastic as Batman and Heath Ledger was so good as the Joker that there is nothing left that can be said about how awesome he was at that role. If you haven't seen the movie yet, come out of your Batcave and watch the movie.
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Batman Begins (2005)
The start of a beautiful trilogy.
5 February 2020
One of the best Batman movies of all time, if not one of the best movies of all time. The characters, story, cinematography, visuals, music, sound design, were great. Whenever you see the Batmobile smashing through things, it was actually smashing through those things in real life. 10/10
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A really bad experience.
5 February 2020
If you decide to watch this movie, I recommend that you don't take this movie seriously at all because you will be disappointed. Batman & Robin is twice as bad as Batman Forever was and that wasn't even top quality, so you know your in for a bad movie. The story is so bad that someone could legitimately think that it was written by children. Batman & Robin is just a high budget toy commercial and not even a good one. I have seen worse movies out there, but it is by far the worst theatrically released Batman movie if not the worst Batman movie.
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The best Schumacher Batman movie.
5 February 2020
Batman Forever is a huge downgrade from the previous Batman movies. Everything about this movie, from the acting, visuals, and costumes are all hit or miss. It doesn't help that the best part of the movie was cut from all releases of the film. If the scene wasn't scrapped, I would probably give the movie a higher score. One positive thing I can say is that the music is decent.
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Proof that adults can watch cartoons.
5 February 2020
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is a movie that is perfect in every way. The story, visuals, music, characters, and action are all fantastic. Even though the movie is based off of the animated series of the 90's, it's not a requirement to watch any previous material. if this was your introduction to the character of Batman, you can follow along just fine. I can't recommend this movie enough. If you're a Batman fan or looking to get into Batman, this is a must watch.
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almost as good as the previous movie.
5 February 2020
In the 3 years since the last movie, Tim Burton still has yet to read a comic book, but once again he makes a movie that is pretty entertaining.
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