
106 Reviews
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Um. This exists, I guess.
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching through all of the star wars movies and TV shows and I thought I saw the worst of the franchise in The Last Jedi. Oh, how wrong I was. This was the first star wars tv special I've seen, and it was God awful. The star wars holiday special got worse as it went on and it ended with a musical scene. God, I hate this movie.

The wookies only speak in wookiee language the entire time and it gets tiresome immediately. Some scenes in this movie don't at all fit the age rating. I hate this movie.

I'd rather watch one of the ewok movies or the movie tusk.

Anyways, my review apparently isn't long enough, so I'm just saying random stuff now.

In conclusion, this movie sucks.
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The Prowler (1981)
The prowler
17 January 2022
Awesome make up effects from Tom Savini aside, this movie is a badly written mess, with wooden characters and bad acting. The kills are the only good thing about this movie.
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Oh, come on! You have good puppets, good cgi, good kills... why the heck did you shoot the entire film in the dark?
19 May 2021
I honestly thought that this could've been a great movie, but all of it was shot in the dark! I want to enjoy the kills and the alien and predator costumes, but I couldn't see crap, so I had to Lower the rating. If I could see what was happening, this movie would get a 9.
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Interesting... but also kinda slow.
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The cast was great. The action was great. The cinematography was great. The dialog was pretty good. The plot is ok so far. The music is fantastic.

Those were the good things about this episode, now for the bad things. Between the action scenes, some parts were a bit slow. The ending reveal didn't really impact me that much.

A good opening episode, but nothing amazing.
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Doctor Who: Paradise Towers: Part Four (1987)
Season 24, Episode 8
I liked this episode
24 January 2021
A lot of people hate this season. I think most of this season is bad, but this episode is good. Part 1: 9/10 Part 2: 9/10 Part 3: 8/10 Part 4: 8/10
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Doctor Who: Paradise Towers: Part One (1987)
Season 24, Episode 5
Not gonna lie, this is my favorite episode of the season
24 January 2021
The sets are ok. The music is bad. But I actually like this episode. Don't get me wrong, it's bad, but it's so bad that it's good. Best episode of the season.
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Doctor Who: Time and the Rani: Part Four (1987)
Season 24, Episode 4
What did I just watch?
24 January 2021
Not good, not good at all. My ratings for each part: Part 1: 5/10 Part 2: 5/10 Part 3: 3/10 Part 4: 4/10 Overall rating for the episode: 4.25/10 Not good, not good at all.
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Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead: Part Four (1983)
Season 20, Episode 12
Good ending to the episode
24 January 2021
I really liked this episode! I'm looking forward to the rest of the season now!
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Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead: Part Three (1983)
Season 20, Episode 11
Good part 3
24 January 2021
It's getting a bit confusing, but it's still a great episode. Well, this is the second best episode of the 5th doctors era. Good.
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Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead: Part Two (1983)
Season 20, Episode 10
24 January 2021
This is good. The 1st part was great. The 2nd part was great. An old friend returns, this is so great. The music... was jarring at times.
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Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead: Part One (1983)
Season 20, Episode 9
Now this is good!
24 January 2021
After an ok first 2 episodes, this was a breath of fresh air. A great part 1. I'm looking forward to the next parts!
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Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity: Part Four (1983)
Season 20, Episode 4
24 January 2021
It wasn't bad, it wasn't great. It was good. Part 1: 7/10 Part 2: 7/10 Part 3: 7/10 Part 4: 8/10
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Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity: Part One (1983)
Season 20, Episode 1
Well, it's starting off ok...
24 January 2021
It's good enough. I don't know what to think right now. My brains are still fried from the finale of season 19.
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Doctor Who: Time-Flight: Part Four (1982)
Season 19, Episode 26
Ok, I want to stop watching. This was bad
24 January 2021
Part 1 was interesting. Part 2 was confusing. Parts 3 and 4 and confused shambles. A very disappointing and confusing finale. Did chibnall write this finale? If this episode had much better effects, it could fit in with the episodes in season 11!
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Doctor Who: Time-Flight: Part Three (1982)
Season 19, Episode 25
Wait, this is the finale??
24 January 2021
This doesn't feel like a finale! This feels like a confusing filler episode, not a finale! I thought the first part was good, but it crumbles to bits in part 2 and part 3. This is a very disappointing finale to a mediocre season. The only good episodes were Kinda, The Visitation, Black Orchid, and Earthshock. Hopefully next season is better.
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Doctor Who: Time-Flight: Part Two (1982)
Season 19, Episode 24
It's not getting better
24 January 2021
I was hoping this part would be better than part 1, but it's not that good. This episode is kinda slow. Hopefully the next episode will be better.
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Doctor Who: Time-Flight: Part One (1982)
Season 19, Episode 23
24 January 2021
Interesting start, hopefully it gets better because it isn't amazing. Good, but not great.
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Doctor Who: Fear Her (2006)
Season 2, Episode 11
3rd worst episode of all new doctor who
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is the second bad episode in a row. Again, it had an interesting concept, a girl who draws pictures, but when she draws a picture of a person, that person gets trapped in the drawing. It is a very interesting concept, but it crumbles to bits when the alien appears. Not the best episode.
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Doctor Who: Love & Monsters (2006)
Season 2, Episode 10
Interesting concept that was done better in "blink"
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The doctor isn't there, what happens then? That's the premise of this episode, blink, and revolution of the daleks. Blink did it the best. I thought this episode was interesting, but it wasn't amazing.
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Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion (2005)
Season 2, Episode 0
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
David Tennant is great as the doctor. The Sycorax were interesting. The doctor sword fighting against the Sycorax was amazing. The doctor is back!
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Doctor Who: The Parting of the Ways (2005)
Season 1, Episode 13
Bad wolf, an old enamy of the doctor, and an ending
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That was amazing. The daleks, Rose, the doctor, Captain Jack, emperor dalek, a regeneration. Wow. So many emotions. David Tennant...
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Doctor Who: Bad Wolf (2005)
Season 1, Episode 12
A game show?
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Satellite 5 returns from that 1 bad episode. This episode is a bunch of game shows. The ending was very good. This episode was ok, I'm looking forward to the next episode.
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Doctor Who: Boom Town (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
A bit disappointing
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A slitheen? Really? These are the worst doctor who monsters. Just don't watch this episode, it's bad.
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Doctor Who: The Doctor Dances (2005)
Season 1, Episode 10
I'm speechless
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was amazing. "Mommy" the gas mask zombies were interesting and terrifying. The doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack were amazing. Wow, this was good.
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Doctor Who: The Empty Child (2005)
Season 1, Episode 9
Captain Jack!!!
18 January 2021
Introducing my favorite doctor who character, captain Jack. Also, some great monsters. Doctor who at its best.
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