
43 Reviews
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The Devil comes in all shapes and forms
29 January 2023
This Movie is a Masterpiece, it's great all through, but the last 30min of Al Pacino's speech and Performance as Devil himself is one of the best in Movie History , I still got goosebumps from that, what an act. All Actors are great but Al Pacinos Performance knocks it out of the Park. This Film reflects today's Society, and no change in sight. Movie also aged well the small amount of cgi doesn't look to bad for a movie that is 25 years old. What else can I say, other then watch it if you still don't have. It's a all time Classic for me.

-- I still have 54 characters left so just ignore this --
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i remember this
9 June 2022
When i was a little kid living in Germany this event took place i didnt understand it all back in the day, crazy to come back after the years and see it as a adult , its all real Footage and its straight forward , r.i.p to the innocent people who lost thier lives on that day. But maybe something Positive at the end , so much changed since then in term of Police/Special units what is a good thing,this Documentary shows.a early failure in german Police work in how not to deal with gangsters type of guys, Tragic but from there they learn , this Documentary was very good, but no happy ending and a tragic event.
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Black Crab (2022)
Operation : Black Crab 8/10
21 March 2022
I liked it very much. Almost till the very end you don't know what's going on ate they fighting with soldiers or aliens or something else. And why? Alone the name " Operation Black Crab " is nice.

The Set Pieces are awesome there a not many but they all cool ( abounded ship ) The cinematography at parts are unbelievable, like when they skate to the camera and in the background the explosions. The colors absoloute in love. The music is insane, since a very long time im gonna check out the music after a movie the futuristic sounds/songs are ( soundtrack 10/10)

Loved it how they were moving like real soldiers checking every corner, communicating with each other, splitting the shooting, like one realoads while other shoots etc very realstic, or when they on the ice with the skates and the surface gets cracky , they use a sail , and when they hear a cranking they immediately lay down again ,very realistic, you can see that they had a survival /Soldier Advisor on set ,some movies that are primarily about war are not even that good advised.

It Suprised me ,the details.

Maybe some of the characters were not that detailed but who cares its not a drama,and almost all of them dont make it.

It has even some gory stuff. And it doesn't look cheep. I liked it. Will definitely watch it at some point again.
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A little Suprise, But Forgotten Tomorrow
20 February 2022
Not Bad Not Great, like always in Horror Movies people make stupid decisions thats my BIG Bad Point , other then that the Special Effects are great , great amout of Gore too, the cast is "cool" and acts great i like the background story some of them have , but if you have the chance to shoot that MF then DO IT!!!!! DO IT!!! Shut up and DO ITTT!! If not you DESERVE to DIE the WORST Possible WAY! , but Leatherface has Plot Armor thats the second bigger Bad Ponit, but movie is short and i was entertain'd the whole time , so it was way better then expected , but not a Masterpiece.

Yes you will Faceplant yourself a few times , because of stupid decisions but times goes by quickly and People die in a Gory way, so get your Popcorn and Enjoy.
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Man in Love (2021)
What a Surprise!
30 January 2022
Holy smokes this suprised me out nowhere, what a unique love story, it's sad,but also hopeful, beautiful filmed, damn good!!! Acted from all, the interactions between then all seem real and genuine , the music very fiting and beautiful, it has high and lows, even some good action, its funny at times,this movie is what many movies try to be without being cheesy ,or Pushing to hard, absolutely a fine movie that surprised me!
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This will be my Classic when times goes by
21 January 2022
SOLID 8!!(almost a 9!!) Why? Read about this below: This movie is really well made , filmed, dosent look at any moment cheap or " just made " because of it , the creators put alot thought in this and you can see it.

Acting very good from all actors ( Main actor has a new Fan in me , gonna check out his other work for sure ) Camera work/different/changing(that warehouse camera work excellent !!) angles and capturing moments/pictures excelent Capturing feelings, moods and showing it through video is fantastic like when he takes the first time cocaine etc When he opens the door at the Gala, and then stands there in front of his wife and his old apartment as his younger himself, I felt that! Been through a lot in a 3 hours long film , I felt that nostalgic moment 'what a different life it was back then' Loved the symbolic usage in this movie like that the last window is fake/only decoration ( a peaceful night with a moon and a endless lake / the end for him ) and it's on a brick wall , so he can't escape anymore like previously before , it's the end of the road. And there is many of sympolic scenes in this.

You couldn't end the movie better , it ends on a positive feeling despite showing him dead ( real footage ) I think the creators did the family justice with this . What I didn't like that much: first and only that's why it isn't a straight 9 on my list!!

-Why do the native Germans don't speak Fluent German? ( me as polish/German ) bothered this so much!! , and this mistake could be so easy to be avoid ( especially when it's a big part of the story what is based on real life ) only the Police Defective guy was speaking German Okey'ish. ( wish I would understand German for that time , big no go )

-The Downfall came a little quick

Other then that 3 hours or not if you like crime/gangster movies this is a TREAT!!

( ah yes before I forget THE music, freakinggggg great fits in every scene, perfect symbiosis between picture and music )

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The Wall (2019)
A Masterpiece, activate your brain and think while watching along
9 December 2021
The acting, the camera work,the visual work, the "twists" - other outcome then you thougt , the smart dialogues ,the confusion/nes, this is defenitly a thinkers movie, if you need everything layed out on a silver plate then this is nothing for you, I'm polish myself I don't know if the movie works the same or has the same impact if you reading subtitles tgey not always correct and the right understanding is kinda important in this, yet you can watch this movie five times and still find new stuff ,or understand some scenes in a different way, don't let the rating 6 ( age ) scare you there is swearing drinking etc overall this is a thinkers movie the subjects/s are adult stuff I would say Till late 16+ you will don't understand one thing in this movie , this. Movie mood/tone made me feel at home,I can highly recommend it, but some may say it's boring or don't fully work/confuses with only subtitles.
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One of The best Western Dramas i ever seen
8 December 2021
The Acting is suberb specially Benedict Cumberbatch brings a outstanding performance, Kodi Smit-McPhee is fantastic too,Jesse Plemons is a little bit flat for my taste, but overall everybody did a great job.

Fantastic design of that time,the landscapes, the story,costumes,the time period,the acting,the music everything works so well together.

Everybody who says this film is boring or bad or there is nothing happening in this film, has no taste period , and is used to explosions every couple of min or jokes ( Marvel ) or seen a different film than I did , this right here is a Fantastic almost a Psychological wstern drama, about many things love,trauma,progression etc and I didn't feel bored from the start to finish i enjoyed every minute of this film,film is suspense till the very end and comes full circle from the beginning dialogue to the ending, there is not a minute that felt like drag or boredom , all the small details, the fantastic use if music always fits right for the moment,I have nothing more to say other then this is a Fantastic drama , this is the quality of movies I pay for Netflix!!!More of this please. And in name of god watch this in the original synchronisation ( with subtitles ) alone for Benedict Cumberbatch , you have to watch it like that too see and hear the full potential and expressions of this fantastic film.
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Dhamaka (2021)
Great Thriller with a Real life topic
29 November 2021
Great story,great acting,loved the ending, music is nice too , i have to search for it on spotify not that big Fan of hindi music but this melody and the Lyrics fit so well to the ending. All that be said, i liked it very much.
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Four Hands (2017)
The Waaaaayyyy better Split
27 November 2021
Wow im impressed.

Cinematography/visual imagery 10/10 Acting from both Sisters 10/10 when she turns into the other one is some realy creepy and disturbing stuff.

Loved the genre too its Thriller,Psycho-thriller,horror at times, Crime,Drama just to name a few. This movie gave me everything "Split" couldn't, hat's off to you germans this one is a gem.
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Red Notice (2021)
Red Notice a Fun Ride
13 November 2021
I found this movie funny,cool,loved that they were in so many locations around the Globe reminded me of the uncharted games ( i bet this movie is better then the actual uncharted movie that is coming out ) it was a fun ride till the end, and after this im excited for Red Notice 2.
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Blew my Mind
8 November 2021
This is disturbing and sick on so many levels that i lost counting but god damn this is a masterpiece as a movie, writing this right here is difficult because my head is still procesing what i just seen,i think this will hold on for some days. Watch it!
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Maid (2021)
The Aim For Better Life
15 October 2021
This Show is why i pay for netflix, thank you for producing something like this, absolutley brilliant mini series. This will help a Lot of people myself included , if you have a hard Time, watch this!

Brilliant acting Brillant story.
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Amar (2017)
Right Person Wrong Time
13 October 2021
This movie is brilliant in so many ways, i remember so many situations in this from my Teenage years myself, 20 years later u still from time to time remember that one person u loved deeply but life and situations separated you two apart.

And i could go from scene to scene in detail,and whats special about it and how real they are ,but watch it for yourself and maybe you will recognize yourself in this . It shocks me that low rating on here.
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The Guilty (2021)
We all have Snakes in us
2 October 2021
I didn't see the Orginal one but i liked this one very much , its incredible that you can Build so much tension in one/two rooms and a toilet , loved the camera work too so many cool angles.

Defenitly gonna watch the Orginal one in the near Future for sure after this, when people are saying its even better , and i think people are a little bit harsh here giving it a 6.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Himiko Tomb
31 August 2021
Never gonna win a Oscar but if you are in the Mood to watch a Adventure Go for it, and if you played the first Tomb Raider game of the new trilogy then even better you will feel at home in many places. Its the same story of the game too ( almost ) so i kinda liked it. 7/10.
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Sand Castle (2017)
Great Cast , Bad Effects
27 July 2021
Great cast wasted , this movie has not that much to offer , soldiers not pulling the triger still shootin, gun shots and gun fights look fake as hell ,everybody is a bad shot. Story : i get that he wanted to stay but you knew it already from the first couple of min. How this plays out , i wasnt bored but with this cast,this was a let down. More like a C-Movie.
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The Spy (2019)
Spy Thriller but so much more
3 July 2021
I only wish there were like 3-4 episodes more at times it feels a little but rushed thats why not a 9, but god how much i liked Kamel i wanna be friends with him definitely gonna miss him now that i finished it, this mini series has it all suspense spy action, good characters, good story, good visiuals , good suits ,action as slow moments and a tragic end it realy hit me you kinda know its coming but seeing the real footage and everything ,sacha cohen at potraying this Person is the best i seen him do it. R. I. P the Spy i never knew about and hats off to you sasha cohen or may i say Eli.
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Prime Time (2021)
3 July 2021
Do you self a favor and watch " The Hater " 9/10

This movie starts good but goes nowhere ( storyweise too ) , you wait all the time him to say something but then the movie ends and all that ( nothing ) for nothing , this movie could be something realy great but turns out its a waste of time. The title "Prime Time" and the premise that you imagine in your head its 100x better then this movie i should let it stay it that way, bad movie.
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A Tragic but Beautiful story
25 June 2021
A tragic but Beautiful story told about a yakuza member, at the end of the movie i had tears in my eyes. Definitely worth watching.
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By Winter the War is Over and we meet here again
9 June 2021
Very well made mini series , showing the Germans perspective in WW2 following 5 friends , showing the good and the bad but showing Humans acting good or bad , not like hollywood who makes every german soldier in every movie that is about WW a killing monster who hasnt a heart a family children love ones and so on , this mini series potrayls it very realistic and in the right way , it looks not cheap made and the actors do a very good job,there will be tears at the end. All fallen Soldiers deserve Respect.
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Viva Las Vegas 1 time Watch
6 June 2021
I expected more, i also was missing the fun ( not saying its not funny at all ) but it could be so much more in every aspect , the us army acting very stupid hello? You are transporting something very important top class secret WHY are you not paying attention to you surroundings? Not only them two drivers in front, the whole TEAM they were all sleeping i guess , and there is a lot of blurry scenes i dont know why this is,it was a high budget movie so why? You have the money to look it nice even in the backround i wish i could turn it off like in video games, the characters are ok, some to forget, i liked the gore scenes they were cool made (and the White Tiger) but everything else was very medicore. That obvious bad guy was awful , why are people trusting him anyway? Better watch Dawn Of The Dead 2004

I go back to Dawn of The Dead 2004.
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Sunshine (2007)
On the journey to save the earth
4 June 2021
2/3 of the movie is absolutley stunning , when the new passanger appears it's a little bit weird but after all i enjoyed it. The visuals are crazy for 2007 98% of the time everything looks fine even in 2021.
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Black Swan (2010)
Becoming the Black Swan ( Dark Side )
28 May 2021
After all those years this movie lost nothing, Natalie plays it brilliant, movie is excellent shot, the ending is perfect. 9/10.
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It (I) (2017)
Penny is cool the kids are stupid movie is medicore
24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Kids arent the brightest and i'm not expecting them to be it all the time , but when you say that staying together is giving you the best chances , but you are the one that breaks that rule to run after your brother , then why say it at all? Everybody does what they want , and trap themself , me watching : you idiot , now its on you,shaking the head, happend way to often to be a 7 , and there is more of this or different non sense , like she kicks her father in the balls he is dying of pain litterly the next scene he(dad) is walking after her like nothing happend , that kid that got scrached by penny , there is no plaster on this planet to keep your guts in your stomach after this , but nothing happens he even goes play in the poop with that wound , like what is happening right now , and why all the kids make SO MANY SEX JOKES? Like 85% of the conversatuons is about di*cks , would understand it more when they were 13-15 or so but all of them look like 9-11 old very weird to hear it all the time of them young kids , was hoping to give it a 8 but after the first hour i was already giving it a 7 but afterall 6 this was a huge let down for me , i heard that chapter two is worse oh boy.
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