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Uhm, yeah......NO
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The only draw to this was Annette Bening and Sam Neill. Never read the book, maybe it was better. First episode laid out so much: residence in rich part of F!orida, tennis instructors se!ling their business entering retirement. Then, introduction to their 4 adult children, who, characteristically, are unbelievable. The whole premise of this family is so fake. I'm all for diversity, but the producers just tried to sprinkle it in just for appearance. I went from Episode 3 to the final episode because I didn't want to continue watching, just wanted it to be over. And they want to do a second season to focus on the crazy girl? There are so many other series that are SO MUCH BETTER than this and get cancelled after the first season. Please add this to the cancel list. PLEASE.
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Still get choked up...
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think I read a magnificent review of Ryan Gosling after the movie came out. But having barely watched for the 1st time a few years ago, this has become one of my most watched numerous times movies! This movie is sad, funny, heartwarming, and makes you think about how lives are affected when there is no open communication, as you can tell by Lars' brother. This shows so much love and compassion when dealing with mental illness, and there is not one hint of hate or criticism. Well, maybe a tiny bit from the old guy. I can't say how many times I've watched, but you always discover more things each time. Not surprised there are others here reviewing in 2023. I would definitely suggest people watch it.
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Wild Oats (2016)
7 years later.....
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Scrolling through streaming channels, thought I'd give this one a watch since I'd never heard of it and stars 2 of my favorites! Good premise of a story, they tried their best, gave it a chance. Totally predicted scam artist and love young interest for Matty. Jessica Lange looked really good! Didn't think Demi Moore's character did anything for the story, and, yeah, she's gonna have a husband like that. Funniest part was the phone call to the insurance co. Liked the blooper ending (were they bloopers?) Didn't fast forward through any parts and watched the entire movie. Always love seeing these two, no matter what.
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The Whale (2022)
Thought I'd rate it higher
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Had higher hopes for this movie, thought I'd be a sobbing mess by the end. Have always liked Brendan Fraser, he deserves all the accolades, his performance was great, as was Hong Chau's and, since I absolutely hated Sadie Sink's character, she did a good job, too. Guess they needed the religious kid to meld into the story of Charlie's lover and why he died. Didn't care for his part. Nor the ex-wife, who is permanently burned into my brain as Alpha the head Whisperer from The Walking Dead. The suit worn by Brendan Fraser to show his obesity didn't seem as realistic as it could have; have watched many episodes of My 600-lb Life, they show their bodies and how misshapen they become with lipomas on various areas of the body and discoloration of the skin as well. Like Charlie, there is always some sort of trauma that causes them to eat to ease or help them to forget their pain. Since it was Liz's brother that died, she is the enabler to Charlie, though she tries in vain to get him to seek medical attention. Anyways, any emotional involvement with this movie never came, there was only distractions from the angry daughter and ex wife, the annoying religious kid, and the over eating scenes weren't as impactful, having watched real obese people. Still glad I was able to see this movie.
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A bunch of crybaby reviewers
26 June 2023
While I was a fan of all SATC seasons, including the 1st movie, not so much the 2nd, I'm not gonna wah wah about how the writers assassinated the characters, because it's just a TV show. It's not supposed to be real life, hello, all those seasons were not real either. So, while skimming through these whiner reviews, and, I'll admit, took me a while to get my interest back in S1 of AJLT, yeah, so Miranda is pretty pitiful, Charlotte continues to be annoying, and Carrie is just Carrie, I welcome the new characters and all they have to offer. Because it's just TV. Use your clicker if you don't like something. Jeez.
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Poker Face: Dead Man's Hand (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Thought I'd take a chance...
30 March 2023
And was pleasantly surprised at how this episode held my attention both with the characters, the actors who played them and the story! Also, I had to rewind a few times because the location looked so familiar. Recognized so much of the area, as we stop over in Laughlin and Bullhead City every winter on our way towards Yuma, AZ. Love Natasha's quirkiness, both comedic and semi-serious. Always liked Benjamin Bratt and Adrian Brody. Scrolled through the cast list and there are alot of well known actors to be featured in coming episodes. So glad I took a chance on this show, hope the coming episodes don't disappoint!
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The Visitor (2022)
Gawd what a disappointment
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, Ser Lorace Tyrell! Let's see how he does after GoT....... Blumhouse Production, should be good.....but, what started out as interesting only ending up as a big dud of an ending. Couple of decent scares, buy that was it. When he was being shown evidence of his lookalike being present at all the world's worst historical events, reminded me of Pennywise in IT. Also thought it would go the Rosemary's Baby route, with the satanic cult vibe. The creepiest part was the main characters being siblings. Didn't quite get the blind mama part. The final scene leaves you with "Is that it?" Yup, thank goodness for fast foward.
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End of a great series!
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was thrilled to see this was streaming for free! Have binged all the seasons and the 1st movie quite a few times.

Loved the opening scenes which show you all the characters that have returned with the exception of Henry Talbot and Rose. Too bad!

This movie was a great conclusion to the Downton Abbey series (just assuming there won't be another movie, albeit without the Dowager), everyone settled and doing well, though, not too sure about Mary and Henry.

And how about Moseley and Baxter! Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason contemplating living in sin at the end?

Enjoyed this movie more than the 1st one.
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The Girl Most Likely to... (1973 TV Movie)
From what I can remember...
20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie when it originally aired in 1973, and as a teenager, it made such an impression, that is why I love Stockard Channing! Maybe because of how she was judged on her looks then how everything changed after her looks were altered. Stockard Channing, herself, has a inique look, and the wit she brings to her other characters is enjoyable. Would love to see this movie again only to see if it has the same effect.
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Blackbird (I) (2019)
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What does Blackbird have to do with the story? While this has some of my fave actors, turned out to be another BS "only for the rich" movie. And I thought Kate Winslet and Jack Black were an odd couple, but Rainn Wilson? Don't think so. The grandson and Anna's partner were the only believable characters, IMO. The best friend and the husband? Old premise. And readily accepted by the family? Don't think so. BS rated.
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Flu (2013)
Recommended watch
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a build up to the end movie! From the visual spread of the virus by coughing to burning people alive to military shooting of civilians, all to end with a child's plea and a guy finally gets the girl! Even with this movie dated 9 years ago, it depicts how possible this could happen with the wrong people in charge..... ..
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Beautiful and talented
3 March 2022
Have always loved Salma Hayek! She has come a long way from being a star on Mexican TV, and now a shining star here! So happy she is the first recipient of this award. IMDB is also my go-to site for movie trailers or trivia or actor info.
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Big Sonia (2016)
Good choice
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
AMC+ promotion for 1 week. Surfing through choices, decided on this doc. What a brilliant story! No one can fathom the trauma of the Holocaust, even some survivors, but Sonia prevailed. She wanted to educate others because skinheads said it never happened. Powerful.
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Dark River (2017)
Yet another family trauma drama
12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this one out of curiosity because of several Game of Thrones alumni. Disappointed of Sean Bean's role as "that kind of father". Depiction of family farmers plight of survival, with family trauma included. Father having sex with daughter where she ends.up enjoying it, brother fully aware what's happening. Years later, father dies, daughter under the impression that dad left family farm to her, returns home to find brother has let farm go. All the while she is haunted by childhood memories of dad entering her room. Brother pissed that she would try and take over farm so they argue. A conversation ensues where he asks her why she didn't refuse the father. She tells him "I were only a child. Why didn't you stop him?" Then a fatal accident occurs where brother takes the fall out of guilt for not protecting her from father. At the end she visits him in prison, where they don't speak, yet know they love each other and want to try to fix their relationship. Had a hard time with the audio and their heavy accents, but still got the gist of the story.
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Fatale (II) (2020)
Gawd awful
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unrealistic, far-fetched story. First off, he acts way too nervous when he finds out his lover is the detective in his house break-in/set up to kill him. Phony. This woman kills 4 people, for what? Just to set up her lover and have him kill her ex so she can get custody of her daughter? Don't think so. Why not kill him herself? She obviously got away with killing 4 others, or so we guess as it never comes up. Then the good ol' "I got you on recording" confession at the end, as he drives off. Just terrible.
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They better have a S2 !!!
25 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why did Amazon cancel Utopia? We wanted S2. There better be one for this show! Had I known it would end with a cliffhanger, I wouldn't have got involved! Good story, never thought I'd ever hate Amy Brenneman! Some plot hole, though. Better cover the loose ends in S2! And John Boy is a bad man! Just watched Hugh Grant to bad in a different mini series.
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Why'd I wait so long to view this
19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had this on my Watchlist for some time. My God, what a brilliantly done disturbing film! Like The Bad Seed, only there is no reason given for why Kevin is like this. You could actually experience her frustration from his birth to toddler to adolescent, trying to connect with this child, while her husband was totally clueless and unsupportive. And how the townspeople hated her afterwords. How alone she was. Shocker what she found in her backyard after the school incident. Wasn't expecting that. Scary to think there are probably people out there just like him. Would recommend this movie, even if it's 10 yrs old.
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Wonder Wheel (2017)
19 June 2021
Watched this forgetting about Woody Allen; was more interested in Kate. And maybe would've liked it better without Justin T as the lover and narrator, he just didn't seem like the right actor. Jim B is good in comedies, it just didn't seem believable paired with Kate. The ending, oh, brother, I hated the ending. I would only recommend this movie to someone who wants to study Kate's acting, forget the story.
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The Rental (2020)
What's the point
16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Predictable that the coworkers would hook up after drinking and drugs. So what's the point of this movie? Beware of rentals? Bad choice Dan Steven's. I felt more sorry for Taylor. Movie not recommended. 👎
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Russell crap
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why did he do this movie? He's a freaking Oscar winner! Stopped watching at 49 minutes, couldn't take it anymore. Too phony of a premise. I'm guessing they're gonna use the strategy from whatever the game her son plays didn't even have to watch the rest.
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Intersection (1994)
This has the wrong trailer!!!!!!
21 November 2020
How dumb to have the trailer for a different movie also titled "Intersection" .
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Swallow (I) (2019)
Free yourself
10 October 2020
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Another movie where past events take control and affect your life. I thought it was okay, totally predicted the bodyguard would help her. She was able to free herself in the end.
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Downton Abbey (2019)
I'm a big fan!
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I must've watched all the seasons over and over 100 times! I love this show and was excited to see the movie. As I watched, I thought that if a viewer hadn't seen the series, they would just be lost and not like the movie. Fans are invested in each character and want to see them with a happy ending, even Mr Barrow. I miss Lady Rose, Mr Mason and Spratt, but I guess they could only have a story surrounding so many characters. It was surprising that we didn't see much of Henry, and they didn't add more story about him and Mary's daughter, just a mention of her name. Can't have it all, I guess.
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The Walking Dead: What We Become (2020)
Season 10, Episode 13
Unexpectedly good episode!
23 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Guess I didn't realize this would be Michonne's last episode! So sad to see her go, this was a really good one. I didn't know what was going on in the "flashback" with Andrea, and she turned and walked away! Then this guy Virgil tricking her into going with him just to put down his family because he didn't know how, that's so sad, soft of reminds me of Morgan in S1/Ep1. What made this episode so good was the intro of new people, Michonne grappling with loss; I though for sure she was going to swing away at Carl in her "trip", and the fact that Rick might still be out there and Judith wants her to keep searching. Mind you, I'm so glad Alpha met her end, but I needed some new territory, even if just 1 episode. And Michonne's/Danai's send off was perfect. Wonder how they'll bring back Maggie.
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One all time favorite
23 February 2020
I love this movie! I immediately fell in love with Toni Collette's Muriel and her shenanigans with pal Rachel Griffiths.
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