39 Reviews
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Country at Heart (2020 TV Movie)
Mixed Feelings
10 November 2023
This is second time around with this movie. I liked it better the first time. This time I am reminded of some very annoying things in the writing. Jessie Schram's character is just too flaky. Is she supposed to be writing a song or what? She is so starstruck by Duke, it's cringe worthy. How old is she supposed to be? Time is of the essence supposedly but she continues to casually waste time with casual distractions. The music and Niall Matter are the best parts. Looking back, it is pretty much a lot of disconnected scenes. I suppose I am just in a bad mood because I see here that I previously reviewed this movie. Probably taken away by the music first time around.
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Please cancel!
8 August 2023
I keep hoping HGTV would stop ruining my week ends plus more with this ridiculously annoying show. Forget whether it's realistic, David is totally intolerable. Do they pay people to go on this show to constantly compliment David who has done absolutely nothing for them but meet local realtor for 15minutes to pick up listings. He seems to be very needy. I feel sorry for him but I absolutely canno stand him. Tattoos too much but his over the top personality is what really gets me. I hate to be unkind but keeping this show on the air has forced me to lose my temper a bit today. I don't know who all you people are who are singing his praises but suspect you are either paid or friends. For real entertainment on HGTV, Bargain Block is The Best! Love those guys.
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The Wedding Cottage (2023 TV Movie)
Cute and funny
21 May 2023
This has been on Hallmark Channel recently. Have watched x3. I have actually laughed out loud each time. Worth watching just to see the expressions on Brendan Penney's face while Erin Krakow was being a klutz or making a passionate argument. Totally believable. Also worth noting his expressions as he grows fond of her.

As usual for Hallmark, the misunderstanding/conflict is pretty annoying but par for the course.

Overall, very enjoyable. Flows along well.

All supporting characters believable.

Must say though, what were they thinking when they dressed ErinKrakow in that ugly and matronly gown at the wedding.
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Christmas Wedding Planner (2017 TV Movie)
Quirky Fun
27 October 2022
Bad reviews are overboard. When I first started watching, the low budget stood out too much and I wasn't in the mood for the silly girl lead. I came back to it much later and found every scene to be enjoyable and original. I like all of the characters especially the aunt. I laughed at several scenes. There was an element of mystery too. I do not feel like writing 600 characters but this movie deserves better than a 4.4 rating.

I really like Canadian movies. There is a certain feel that is different from American movies. This feels very impromptu and tongue in cheek. Everyone who gave one star must have had some unrealistic expectations and also in bad mood.
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End of the Road (II) (2022)
14 September 2022
Could not get past one hour, even that. Are there NO good writers out there? Why would Queen Latina do this. Even with her, the characters are too annoying to care about. Emotionally manipulative with creepy white boys. And no one else on the road. Tired story. Annoying family that will come around in the end. We aren't homeless as long as we are together. Give me a break from all of this Netflix Trash! Can't they label the trash. How many characters have I written? What a waste of time and emotional energy. Would rather watch Supernatural reruns on TNT all day rather than taking any Netflix chances.
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Fix My Flip (2022– )
Interesting but annoying
5 May 2022
I enjoyed the first two episodes airing today, but as the would be flippers seemed to get more clueless, it became difficult to watch. Her team is good but Page Turner is annoying. Most interesting thing is the real estate market.
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My Perfect Romance (2018 TV Movie)
Sickening set decoration
21 March 2022
Who could possibly watch the whole movie. I could tell it was bad from the beginning but a little bit into the office scenes, the Awful "artwork" just grabbed all of my attention. Who is responsible for set decoration?
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Don't Go Breaking My Heart (2021 TV Movie)
8 for Hallmark
20 February 2022
Of course it' predictable as to ending but the journey that the two leads took together to facing their problems was really well done. The dialogue was believable and as another reviewer pointed out, I was invested in the characters.
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Hallmark Fresh Air
24 January 2022
Have seen this before. They should run it more often. Completely different mood. Allison Sweeney does great job taking her character out of character. Great chemistry with Marc Blucas. Big and great supporting cast. Writing funny. Refreshing.
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Too Close For Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Jessica Lowndes getting better
15 November 2021
OR this script and JMM make her seem better. Typical storyline but not annoying. Dialogue very believable. CMM made the romance work. Supporting characters entertaining.
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It's Christmas, Eve (2018 TV Movie)
Nothing wrong with this
10 November 2021
Loved the music and Leanne Rhime's voice. Special treat when she sang. I thought Tyler Hynes perfect for his role. Have seen this before and when it came on just now, I was not even tempted to change channel. Nice, relaxing entertainment.
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The Angel Tree (2020 TV Movie)
27 October 2021
Good cast. No way could Jill Wagner's character be so clueless about how wrong her intention was. Also, everyone supported her. Waste of money to make. Didn't anyone pay attention to the plot?
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A Valentine's Date (2011 TV Movie)
5 June 2021
Although I have learned to enjoy hallmark movies to escape everyday bad news and conflict, this one really annoys me.

Female lead is wayyy too made up! Distracting.

And she is too clueless! Hard to like her.
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Love in Store (2020 TV Movie)
Best of Halmark
15 February 2021
Makes me smile. Those that didn't like it need to lighten up. The dialogue was clever and believable. Reminds me of another favorite, think it's called Surprised by Love. Just fun and up lifting. Good even for non Hallmark
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The Christmas Temp (2019 TV Movie)
13 November 2020
Can't believe negative reviews. Light hearted but with very relatable message. Well written, excellent casting for even minor characters. Good dialogue. Robin Dunne was awesome. Most hallmark movies have the straight clueless man leaving us wondering why the female lead would fall for him. In this both leads developed together. Robin Dunne reminds me so much of Robert Walker! So cute and earnest. Enjoyed second viewing even better than first. They need to air this more often. Pure entertainment.
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A Christmas Duet (2019 TV Movie)
The right movie for me tonight
30 October 2020
There is something about a Chaley Rose's voice that is so soothing. Just saw her in my Best Friends Bouquet the other day. She can pull off the silliest dialogue with that calm voice. I liked her sidekick too. Calmed down an anxious mood for me. My rating very generous, but need to offset some of those really low ones. Not that bad guys
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Ms. Matched (2016 TV Movie)
Absolutely Awful
10 September 2020
Who approves this crap and who are idiots giving it good reviews? Makes me angry!
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A Summer to Remember (2018 TV Movie)
Ruined by Cameron Mathison
10 September 2020
Why is Cameron Mathison,given leading man roles. He is much better suited for the guy who doesn't get the girl. He comes off as insincere and would do better as sleazy characters. Who decided he deserves all these roles? The second fiddle in this movie way more charming. He has ruined every movie I've seen him in.
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Yes, I Do (2018 TV Movie)
Liked it
25 August 2020
Yes it was silly but that's what made it easy to watch.
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Love at First Dance (2018 TV Movie)
Loved it
25 August 2020
First time seeing Niall Matter in real romance. I think the chemistry was great, enhanced by the dance scenes which were excellent. Friendship believable and meaningful. Nothing new except, this one hit the formulas perfectly.
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Love in Paradise (2016 TV Movie)
Totally enjoyable
14 August 2020
Cast and script way above hallmark standard. Notice that Luke Perry credited eith writing. Maybe that's why there are some seriously funny moments. Dialogue clever. Story moved along nicely. Credit to Director. Loved the dad. Luke Perry perfect and female lead personal favorite of mine. I've seen her over the years in Charmed, NCIS, Supernatural and more. Although beautiful, I think she pulled off the cowgirl thing just fine.
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Straight from the Heart (2003 TV Movie)
Best of Hallmark
8 August 2020
Good movie Hallmark or not. Good story, excellent cast. Beautifully filmed. Love the leads. Real treat. Very romantic.
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Just Add Romance (2019 TV Movie)
Could have been ok
6 August 2020
Leads and cast good but manufactured and unrealistic conflict presented last 15 minutes really made me mad. All that gossip and lounging around during cooking show too stupid.
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Sharing Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Big Snoose
27 July 2020
Watching while I write. Fifteen minutes in, I like that the Big Conflict between the leads is out in the open,already instead of building tension about it throughout whole movie. An hour in, losing interest. No strong supporting characters or secondary stories. Parents irrelevant. The leads both "know some people".Pretty slow going. Only20 minutes to go. Will stick it out. Just got through the awkward "first kiss avoidance" scene. God Forbid they kiss! This needs to hurry up and resolve. Here comes stupid drama by female lead. Seeming soooo surprised her guy couldn't pull rabbit out of a hat. Christmas carols while they think. Something about to happen, I Hope. Female lead is an idiot. Everything better with a parental hug. Last commercial break. Final scene coming up. Will wait to change channel. Ok, it's finally over. Joy to the World. Good movie for napping.
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A Cheerful Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
NOT worse than other Hallmark
26 July 2020
I understand negative comments and was ready to jump on bandwagon in the beginning. I realize I've seen this before. Yes the female seems silly but she is after all, in the Christmas coaching business. The male decided he liked her right off the bat and allowed her to bring out the best in him. The WORST thing is the HAIR! Apparently the only tool available to hairdressers was a curling iron. No blow dryer? AWFUL.
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