
3 Reviews
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W T F!!!!!!
26 August 2021
For the love of the god,please KILL ME!

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too hurry.
29 November 2020
I don't know what's wrong with the screenwriter. The whole episode has a lot of problems. The front part is very good, and the second half breaks down directly. It's full of the appearance of making in a hurry to finish work and go home. Almost broke the woman into a white lotus.

So for this episode, the screenwriter has to recite the pot.

The audience is not afraid of the speed of the plot, but afraid of being too hasty and too procrastinating.

It can be said that this is the second masterpiece after Charlotte to be destroyed by the number of episodes.
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I Love Chinese Animation Movie.
10 May 2020
At the beginning, I always thought that the rise of Guoman meant the picture rather than the plot, but now I know what the real rise of Guoman is. Just this plot, picture, clip and soundtrack have reached the world level. Unexpectedly, douban'er fell from 9.0 to 8.2! It's a pity that the film didn't show in America, otherwise it would have won the Oscar.
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