
2 Reviews
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Star Tours (1987)
Fun experience, in dire need of upgrade.
9 February 2002
It's a great ride, I'll give you that. It truly invokes the trench-run from "Star Wars: Episode IV" very vividly, and it causes the old feelings of nostalgia to rise up. But seriously Mr. Lucas, the technology is coming into it's 15th year. Being in how everything in Disneyland is evolving so rapidly, would it be so hard just to sink a million bucks into a new 15 minute real with updated special FX?
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To Male and female, young and old alike, this is a masterpiece.
19 December 2001
When I first entered the theater, I was somewhat skeptical as to how the movie would turn out. The reviews were A+'s across the board, the critics were wowing at the mere mention of the film. But without a doubt those reviewers were readers of the original novels. I, myself, have never read any of the books my Tolkien. I felt that I had no grasp as to the story line, and probably wouldn't be in the loop for all three hours. But you know what? I never blinked! I was completely, utterly, and totally engrossed in the sites before me. The images were breathtaking, the acting superb, and the sounds were astounding. Some of the images actually brought tears to my eyes, it was that great! And as I peered across the theater, I saw the same reaction on the faces of everyone. This is a beautiful film, and I recommend you to see it at all costs.
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