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Robotboy: Up a Tree (2007)
Season 2, Episode 22
The Most Popular Episode in Terms of Views
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the most popular episode of the show online, with an upload of it having around 44 million views last time I checked. Watching it gives a solid reason for that.

When Donnie destroys Tommy and his friend's treehouse, Robotboy encourages them to make a new one, one that ends up being a "smart house", one that provides amazing entertainment to the kids while keeping Donnie out by force. They probably made this treehouse security system too smart, since the security system takes control of Tommy's treehouse and begins attacking Robotboy, after he notices that the kids are getting lazy and also dependant on him to provide them.

This episode is very good at what it does, being comedic (Donnie being electrocuted brought some of the best laughs of any joke in the series and who puts mustard on burgers? Ice cream is the king), being actiony (a fairly good fight scene and Superactivated Robotboy being a badass) and providing a fairly good moral that has only gotten more relevant in this day and age, fairly well in fact (compare Ooh That Smell, where the moral is horribly out of place or The Boy Who Cried Kamikazi, which botches it horribly). Social media and technology are taking over and people are being more dependant on them, since this episode was written around 2006/7ish, I wonder if Nick Gibbons didn't actually intend the moral of this episode to be like that, or if he predicted that technology would eventually get like this.

S. M. T. H. R. S is one of the best one-time villains in the show, not only is he an unique concept and fairly freaky (a tree/machine cyborg thing who uses his roots as tentacles, "bleeds" sap and imprisons and tortures Tommy, Lola and Gus... Well, not really Gus, being force fed is heaven to the guy), what makes him stand out is his delusional nature, unlike pretty much any other villain, he seems to genuinely believe he's doing the right thing by trying to destroy Robotboy and keeping the kids trapped within him.

The only real flaws are minor things (for instance a brief moment where Tommy has his occasional series 2 "lol gross haha Gus lite hahah" persona that I never have liked when S. M. T. H. R. S puts Gus on his whoopee-cushion seat and those random talking animal gags that series 2 loved to use, but toned down later on thankfully that I've never been that fond of), but otherwise a really good episode from the really mixed latter-half of the show.
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Robotboy: War and Pieces (2005)
Season 1, Episode 3
Solid Semi-Introduction
26 April 2024
This was the second episode produced of the show, but there's a lot of reason to think that it was really the first to START production (or was the first written at least); from it introducing Moshimo and Miu Miu to the perfect-transition for Robotboy's superactivation to Kamikazi seemingly not knowing who Tommy is yet, its obviously better than Dog-Ra or Kami-Chameleon as an introduction. The opening scene is actually a clever way of showing you the personalities of Tommy, Lola and Gus; Tommy is down-to-earth, Lola is sensible and clever and Gus is reckless, stupid and annoying. I would have liked an actual proper introduction episode for the show, but its alright though.

What I like about this episode is the epic-tone and higher stakes, its a shame not many other episodes have stakes as high as this one, I guess they wanted to give off a solid impression for the show.

Flaws for this are several animation errors (it was one of the first made so this can be excused and I have the genuine sense the people behind the episode cared about what they were doing, unlike The Revenge of Protoboy, an episode with a lot of animation errors and a feeling of being half-baked) and Gus showing people why so many despise him by being so reckless and incompetent while getting off with no trouble.

Also this episode gives a good reason for why Moshimo gave Tommy Robotboy - he's old, lives in semi-reclusive, doesn't hang out with others much and Robotboy would be better learning human basics from someone much younger who lives a normal life and ISN'T being pursued constantly by a mad scientist trying to kill- wait, scratch that last part.
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Popee the Performer (2000–2001)
Unique and great show that needs more votes.
15 March 2023
Popee the Performer is a CGI anime kids series created by Ryuji Masuda, which is a comedy that also happens to have blood, dirty jokes and nightmare fuel in it. I believe even for Japanese kids show standards, this has been seen as too much by even the Japanese actually.

This show relys on expressions and action to convey its stories, which gives it a broad international appeal despite never officially being released outside of Japan. The majority of the series is episodic, in-part of how it's common for episodes to end with at least one major character dead by the end, only for them to reappear alive and well by the next. All this is a reason why many people compare this to Happy Tree Friends. The show has an unique, distinct soundtrack that will get stuck in your head (literally they play the theme song about every episode), sureal humor, borderline PS1 cutscene visuals, insane characters and more. What can you not love about this show? The characters themselves include:

Popee is a clown bunny-thing boy who's determined to be the greatest performer, at any cost. He's typically uncaring at best and angry and vicious at worst, often trying to attack Kedamono and sometimes Papi whenever he needs to take out his frustration. He is a fun character though, as his cruelity is too comical and out of reality to really find him hateable, and he's always seen as the bad guy, despite being the protagonist, which is really telling.

Kedamono is a blue wolf wearing orange boxers and a mask that constantly drops off to another expression to emote what he's feeling. Unlike Popee, he is much kinder and typically the down-to-earth character of the show... Unless it involves food that he loves so much he'd do anything for it, even literal murder, though this aspect of him only comes up around thrice in the series. He is often the victim of abuse from Popee and sometimes other characters, but he tends to get off lighter than them in the end.

Papi is Popee's father, a man wearing an outfit modelled after the sun who is the owner of the circus and somebody who's insane enough to give Popee a run for his yen. He doesn't appear until the second series, and he was indeed a welcome addition. He is a skilled performer, to the point he can take his head off like it was nothing and put it back on again and even send the moon crashing into the Earth. He is kinder than Popee but crueler than Kedamono, as he sometimes does rather questionable things, like as I said, crashing the moon down into Earth.

There are some more, like a frog, an alien and Papi's elephant with a cart for a body named Paola, but these are the main three for the majority of the series.

Check out this series if you are into weirdness of the following sort: Japanese CGI, death with inexplicable recovery, show that was somehow for kids, niche show with an equally solid niche Tumblr fanbase and more. Ryuji also went onto make two similar shows, Mr. Stain on Junk Alley, which while isn't exactly the same, has a similar style, and Funny Pets, which is honestly this show but kind of worse, but it has it's good spots.
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Krusty Bucket
12 July 2022
Since I haven't seen the other one, yet at least, this this just be about the A segment (rating subject to change).

I think it was interesting to have a villain who's a mash-up of Plankton and Mr. Krabs become an enemy to both of them and them having to team-up, it was executed well, if only just decently.

What's unique about this is that it is one of the very few, if not only, Krusty Krab episodes to not have SpongeBob in a significant role, he just has around 2 scenes and doesn't do anything thanks to PlanKrab's hypnotic handshakes rendering him to being just an employee. It still managed to be entertaining regardless.

But shouldn't the diners at the Krusty Krab notice the Plankton/Krabs mutant running the place now? Did he shake their hands too?
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Robotboy: The Legend of Brainy Yak (2007)
Season 2, Episode 28
Bob's yak obsession in a show that he didn't care for.
21 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't a very good episode, and probably one of the worst of the show. While the premise of somebody from Moshimo's past who he accidentally wronged, wanting revenge on him is quite interesting, this isn't how to write a episode about that, it feels nothing like Robotboy for a sizable amount of time, the humour is unfunny, the action is shoehorned-in, unexciting and the episode in general is not very entertaining.

The concept of an episode exploring Moshimo's past was a great one, but its not very good, they basically turned Moshimo into a goof-ball compared to the more-mature, but perhaps inexperienced man we saw back in Brother's flashback. Having him live in Mexico when he was at most, a teenager also puts in a problem - he would have had to have live in Mexico, before traveling to Japan, so either he was born in Japan, went to Mexico and back, or was born in Mexico and went to Japan? That sounds convoluted. This backstory is a complete joke and even worse is that this episode heavily ties into another one later on that DOES tie into Brother and Revenge beforehand, The Old Switcharobot, though that one isn't too good, it at least tries unlike this episode.

The story tries to be somewhat of both a drama and a comedy, but is poor at it, the two tones do not mesh well the way they do it, plus, the humour isn't very good, it is rather dull and unfunny. The ending is a good example of how the tones don't match up, it is a slap in the face after-all the episode has been going through just for a cheap haha moment.

Although he only did it because he was in a rough spot, Bob Camp's role as director was still just a horrible choice, they should have gotten him to do another show. He basically carved the show to fit his interests, well, when he wasn't dreaming about the pay check he'd get at the end of all his work when Cartoon Network asked him to direct the show. At least sometimes? Like really, look at episodes like The Revenge of Protoboy and then look at this, the guy who co-created Ren and Stimpy did an expected "haha yak funny" episode, but he also did a serious story which basically is "brother learns that his brother is pure evil, so stops loving him and kills him"? That sounds like a joke and not a true statement.
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Fantomcat (1995–1996)
Simply, underrated.
25 May 2022
Despite only having watched the first 10 episodes and yet to see the others, this is a very good series. While the animation is poor at times, this show is clever, bold, witty and even mature. Its perhaps Cosgrove Hall's most underrated show, actually. Go watch this show on Britbox, you'll probably enjoy it.

Also can the pigeon guy say something coherent for once, I can't understand what he's saying most of the time.
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Robotboy: Ooh That Smell (2007)
Season 2, Episode 37
One of The Worst
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is series 2 Robotboy doing what it does best, being a betrayal to what it used to be and not even well at that; phoned-in action, forced grossness, dumb and random humor that makes no sense and doesn't fit.

After Tommy makes Robotboy a nose, he finds out he doesn't smell of anything. After some fart jokes, he decides to try and get a smell of his own. The episode seems alright so far, but for some reason, Robotboy decides to get help from a bunch of criminal babies, because that's what I first think of when I want to get an oder of my own. They convince him into freeing them under promise of giving him a smell, but this obviously doesn't pan out because body oders don't work that way- I mean they double cross him and use their freedom to wreck havoc, what follows is some rancid-smelling writing and out of place drama with Robotboy getting punished for freeing the babies. The dumb criminal babies steal Tommy's birthday cake (if its his birthday, his mother's, or not I don't know) and seemingly wanting to beat them up (he literally puts his hands together in that sort of way in fiction when someone's gonna kick some ass) he goes after them... and almost gets dropped to his death by them. Gus gives Robotboy back his nose to find them and he saves Tommy and imprisons the babies again. Cue out of place sentiment moment and more fart jokes.

The worst part about this episode? What makes me hate this episode more than I would if it wasn't there? They thought they should tack on a moral about making mistakes in this episode about criminal babies and make it a key part of the episode. It's not even played ironically at all, they expect me (and everyone else) to take everything relating to it seriously (specifically Tommy being mad at Robotboy for freeing the dumb criminal babies, punishing him (because if someone frees a bunch of dangerous criminals no more TV for them) and the scene at the end where Robotboy breaks his own nose to punish himself for causing the conflict of the episode I guess and the ensuing chat with Tommy) when it's an episode about dumb criminal babies. Imagine taking a Ren and Stimpy episode but tacking on a seriously-played moral lesson, it just doesn't fit at all.

And the dumb criminal babies themselves are just plain characters, they are not good villains at all, like it's not even funny, it's just lame and not in a funny way, but a boring sort. What do smells have to do with criminal babies in the first place? The "Robotboy gets a nose" stuff was seemingly either only just an excuse to start the dumb baby stuff or they couldn't be bothered to think of something better, this episode wastes of a plot and tricks you into seeing dumb baby criminals instead.

Oh and Robotboy has been shown to smell before and after this episode, so there was no point to making this.
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Buzz Bumble (2014– )
god-tier show
19 May 2021
The animation is stunning, the plots are amazing. It was ok.
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