
52 Reviews
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Emerald City (2016–2017)
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The sets in this series were extremely well done. The horses were beautiful. The dog was awesome and the wishes were pretty good except I did not like Glinda, for the part she played. The costumes we're perfect for the settings. The acting was so so as far as the wizard went. This was an elaborate production. It's too bad the story wasn't more developed. I can't believe I sat through this entire series. It was dark, gruesome and gory. They could have thrown in a few comic reliefs scenes once in a while. The story did not make sense to me. It was a typical epic fantasy except it had a lot of gore and fighting. No ruby slippers here. No good witch or bad witch everybody was bad. The nasty witch appeared to be the good witch at times. And the good wish was never a good witch. It was fascinating enough that I did watch the entire series but I was very disappointed the way it ended. I think they left the ending open thinking and hoping they might have a second season. Thank God there wasn't.
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Nonsense Low Budget Silly Horror Story
20 December 2023
I think this is the stupidest movie I've ever seen. It made no sense and just did a lot of scary little tricks and was not really enjoyable. I can't believe I stuck it out. I thought it was a series. Thank God it wasn't. I can't believe these stars would even take the role they took. They must be desperate. Good talents wasted. I'm not sure what they were trying to tell us but it absolutely made no sense. What was the ending supposed to mean the little kid was controlling the world. It just made no sense. I'm very disappointed that these actors took this role they took. I'm not sure what genre this wrote this movie was supposed to have taken, but it sure miss the mark.
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A Heartfelt Soulful Movie
30 May 2023
Soul touching movie that is a beautiful and aesthetic movie that touches the human spirit beyond all boundaries. It is a coming of age story about a little boy, his family and his grandmother and an owl and the beautiful Mexican culture and the hardship of life after World War II. It is a story of good versus evil and the story of life. It is a movie beyond our current time although set in the 1940s the year I was born 1944 and that's when this movie starts. I found this to be a beautiful time piece about the true nature of life and living in a torn world after a world ripped apart from the savages of war.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Strange Morose Irish Tale
13 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Weird and often cruel, morose, depressing and I totally do not understand how people can so blindly trust in religious or so called medical leaders . But this is how people are that let themselves get indoctrinated into deep faith in strange belief systems.

Sad but true that's how things were back then and also with cults today. Blind, ignorant faith with no trust in their individual power. They are looking for someone to save them or someone to look up to. Such as the human race.

Although It does redeem itself at the end as most moralistic plays do. I know there are deeper moral issues going on here; I don't feel like going into it. It is a deep thought-provoking movie if you feel like thinking about it. I do not.

The nurse fulfilled her own loss in the end. And I guess this is a spoiler, it's a happy ever after ending.
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Will Trent (2023– )
Bicker Bicker Bicker
8 January 2023
First of all I'm not sure what agency is working with what agency. Will Trent is an FBI agent and then all these other people are there, the police and who knows who else. There may be lawyers I'm not sure. Not able to tell. The characters are not well defined and they're constantly disagreeing and bickering with each other. All the time they're bickering and nobody gets along with anybody. It's s wonder, they can't even seem to solve a crime. Just seems to be no defined storyline and mismatched characters. There's no camaraderie and there's no humor, no laughter. I know it's a crime show but you need a comic relief once in awhile. It just doesn't work. At least it doesn't work for me. If you enjoy people bickering and fighting with each other and blaming each other All the time it's a good show for you. Personally I don't enjoy this type of a show. The characters are boring and none of them get along or have any harmony together. There are no good matched going detectives, police or agents, they are hard and not likeable. The main character is very likable but the rest of the staff or whoever they are just don't seem to fit with each other. It seems to me the show was quickly put together to get ratings. Well my rating is low and so it's low you probably won't publish this. I do not like this show. Your competition is better than this.
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Elvis (2022)
Heartbreaking Beautiful Partial Biography of Elvis
6 September 2022
People born after 1970 are probably too young to appreciate the beauty and love this movie portrayed and the sad times of the era. You have to have been there. Elvis was 9 years older than me and he was a god and still is King. He was in the Army not the Air Force. (which is curious) They did change many things as is said beforehand in the movie. People of later generations most likely will not appreciate the full aspect of the late 50's and 60's excitement and turmoil and freedom achieved not having lived it, but can truly appreciate the turmoil of the times today. They are/were both dramatic and upheaval times for our Country. I found the movie dynamic and profound in memory of a troubled and loving human being who loved his music and was controlled by his fame and manager and sadly drugs. I think Tom Hanks and Austin Bulter should get hightest awards for their performances in bringing to life the two people - Elvis and Tom Parker. I think it's amazing how they can make a skinny person look heavy at the end and Unchained Melody did me in. Elvis was also a pawn of the doctors and managers who gave him drugs to perform they were much to fault. They would not let him rest. Elvis wanted to fulful his dream and he did somewhat but got very lost along the way. A sad movie and sad life. People either loved him or were afraid of him. Heartbreaking movie with wonderful Elvis songs!
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The Mulligan (2022)
Mumbo Jumbo Evangelist Oreaching
27 August 2022
I'm sorry I paid for this silly movie. I didn't realize it would be a bunch of mumbo jumbo religious nonsense. If you're an agnostic you will not enjoy this movie at all. However it was good to see Pat Boone looking so good at 94. That's actually why I watched it. But he's still the same old preachy guy, but I do have to say he looks terrific. I actually thought he was dead. He did very good in this movie and if you're into religion and idealistic unrealistic uplifting patronizing movies this is for you. I absolutely hate religious preachy movies. What makes one person better than another with their religious views?
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The Shack (I) (2017)
Bittersweet Mythical Fairytale
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A very bittersweet story about a man whose daughter was killed by a lunatic. Then he gets a note from supposedly God in his mailbox (Pappa) to go to the Shack and then he goes through a lot of mythical experiences there that reminded me of the original Jason and the Argonauts in some ways. I did not find this inspiring I found it extremely sad and sometimes silly. Out of billions of people who have had sad experiences Sam was picked, an ordinary guy. It was very well done however and Sam Worthington is always great as is Olivia Spencer. They did a wonderful job acting in this fairy tale. It's a story about accepting yourself, forgiving yourself and not blaming the God/gods for everything. There were five different gods there giving advice and loving him and showing him beauty and incessantly preaching. I guess it's all in perception, being I'm an agnostic. It was a nice story. But totally unbelievable and unrealistic. Sam goes and finds his daughter's body ( in a dream or who knows what or where ) and they bury it in the mythical fairy land. Then the tree life grows on her grave in fairyland. He does not even bring the body home for his family to have closure. He finally goes home to his family and decides not to stay in the mythical land and all the world is right again everybody forgives everybody and they live happily ever after.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Absurdly Strange - Ludicrous
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of weird Hatfield and McCoys type cowboys who have gotten stuck in the Twilight zone.

Trying to get the other guys land because there is a mysterious hole in the land.

A concoction of today's mythologies or realities of how crazy our world really is and everybody in it is crazy in one way or another. DON'T BELIEVE ALL YOU'VE BEEN TAUGHT OR READ OR SEE ON THE NEWS OR TV is what I see it's saying.

I don't think it's supposed to make sense, it's utterly crazy. And 85% of the scenes are so dark, it's hard to see what's happening. Buffalo? Not a series that makes sense and all logic went down the mysterious hole. I think, I just don't get it. (Laughing)
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Alien Gods (2019 Video)
Propaganda for Snake Worship
6 February 2022
This is all that I got from this. Propaganda for snake worship; he's saying that human beings all were created by reptile god beings or snake gods (reptilian). Ancient Aliens has much more information and is more fun to watch than this. This is just downright creepy with all the snakes and the single minded narrow mind of the narrator. He has a very vivid imagination who's ancient artifacts; many of the things in the beginning made a little sense but once he got into the reptilians he stayed with it and dhut his mind to other optins. I think he's just rooting for the snake people. I could do nothing but chuckle at this. Very poorly put together by the guy who's convinced that we come from snakes or a reptiles. Perhaps some do but I think there's many other beings that created the human race not just one. Just ask the Peiladians. :D kidding :)
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Life is But a Dream (or nightmare)
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In the beginning it feels like this is propaganda for the Catholic Church. Although it's kind of strange and weird at times it's kind of good; I'm having a hard time determining whether I really like it or hate it. All the preaching about God and Jesus saving us just has me shaking my head. I'm Agnostic and I just don't honestly get what's going on for the first 3 episodes. I dislike organized religion and I find this a bit of fantasy with all the words Father Paul is preaching. But I'm only on episode 3 and I have four more episodes to go. Something to watch on a Saturday night when there's nothing to watch.

Very comedic in many place (the dead risin, people getting younger). The preposterousness of it all. Move over Jim Jones drinking devilish bloody wine. Eeeew.

At times it's really hard to watch especially with the dog scene and then with the priest seeming dead. It's pretty disgusting in parts; yet compelling but not believable. And still I watched it all. SciFi horrible (literally). Not horror but horrible happenings. I guess it doesn't qualify as sci-fi however but horror. I don't know for sure. Compelling at those times and yucky; I simply can't watch parts of it (closing one eye and keeping the other open). A vampire angel and a bunch of dysfunctional people wanting to be saved???

Great acting however! All in all I'm not sure what this was all about if there was a message in it I sure didn't get it. Be good boys and girls, there might be something after death. Or we disintegrate snd unite as one.

The moral of the story is about your ego; let go of yourself and recognize that you are an energy being, and we are all one in energy and that one energy is God for God is all things. Life is but an eternal dream. Compelling and dramatic, realistic no. Adam and Eve survived with mana falling from heaven drifting away in a boat. I Am that I Am. And LIFE IS BUT A DREAM, or maybe a nightmare, you choose.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
Bad Acting and Too Many Characters
21 September 2021
A lot of pretty faces, but poorly written and no story line. Introduced too many main characters at once and left the beautiful dog with only a cameo at the end. Bad first episode, not sure if I'll watch the 2nd yet. What a shame and disappointment.
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Alienated (II) (2021)
Comedic Amatuer Aliens Among Us
7 September 2021
Nice try but...Probably one of the silliest sci fi/fantasy movies I've ever watched. Amateurish, idealistic, as I'm watching it, it's really a comedy/love story. It's an Indie film and the acting is childish, like a couple of college kids put it together. It's supposed to be something about somebody seeing a UFO and then some dorky scientist young guy who's doing who knows what who can't figure out his equation and he meets a strange girl who's probably an alien but she looks a lot like Mandy from Last Man Standing and his kooky father who's not quite all with it, grief stricken amd a mess.

Terrible acting yet it's fascinating to see what these youngsters did with it. If you can stick through the acting you might like it but it's kind of silly. It might have been better if they had a good director and real actors but the story itself is far fetched or maybe not. Who knows for sure.

The only good moment is when the alien mother said "this world just isn't ready". The two pretty women in it are aliens, by the way they're beautiful aliens; beautiful women.

Different locations exits in every object??? Very comedic movie about aliens among us., Yet who knows?
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Good If You're a New Yorker
31 August 2021
I love Steve Martin but this is so lame and contrived for wealthy New Yorkers. I feel like I'm watching an old peoples version of Nancy Drew in an rccentric hotel. I started watching for great actors, but not so great in this seies.
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Colewell (2019)
Sad and Depressing, but Honest
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What year was it? Why didn't she have a TV or a radio or a car? She was poor but she could afford something to ease her loneliness. This is a sad movie about an old lady who is forced to retire as a rural postal service person who has her post office in her own home, which is a gathering place for the town. Everyone is upset when they have to close the post office down to have post boxes installed but yet when Nora has to retire nobody seems to come around and console her. Why aren't they there after she's retired. A small country town being upgraded is painful to watch. Then they bring in this young hitchhiking girl out of nowhere who was a very similar lost person like Nora (postal worker) was but they never really connect except for a few hours. I didn't get why she was in the movie at all. All I know, I thought this was a sad movie (being an older than the postal woman in it and having being pushed out my job as I got older, I can relate). If you like sad slow movies you'll like this. It was nicely done albeit bleak and Karen Allen's (Nora) acting was really good. I like her a lot but I really did not care for her part in it. It was too depressing. It seems they do not make happy movies today; could it be the world is just an unhappy place. Then again it is what we make it. Try the movie you might like it. Being old and retired doesn't need to be sad. Losing a lifetime heartfelt job is sad.
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Left Wing Propaganda, Totally
24 July 2021
Need I say more. Some is bent truth but trying to make liberals the ones NOT creating an idealust society, hiding truths from American citizens. We are a divided country and maybe will one day be a free country again but will more than likely be split into two Historty repeats, its the civil war all over again.
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Illuminated (I) (2019)
22 May 2021
Beware of the word "true". Truth is very elastic and in the mind of the beholder. Interesting documentary however very very incomplete. More of a biography of Adam Weishaup. The world is filled with secret societies and conspiracies some of them are true and some of them are false have fun trying to figure it out. Personally who cares.

It's the myth of the Illuminati that is fun and the Freemasons which are very alive and well today.
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Q Pure Evil
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OMG people are so crazy. Goobelygok nonsense taking gaming too far, manipulating humanity.

I'm trying very hard to stay with this I'm on an episode 6 it's so ludicrous, screwed up and a bit scary. That's the thing, the internet controls so much and people are so gullible and vulnerable, and don't want to think for themselves, so they find it easier to believe whatever the internet says or the dark web I should say.

I'm sick of the invisible Q. It's just a gimmick. A young guy who is too smart for his own good, playing games with government. And "they" thought Snowden was bad? Ha!

This series is messing with those watching - screwing with their minds

Who is John Qalt (John Galt) not.

Pretentious. This is cultish, reminds me of Scientology in a way I can't describe. I guess the snoopiness of it.

That Jim guy (Watkins?) and his son seem to be a can short of a six-pack especially the dad Jim. Goofy folks.

"THEY" SAY THEY WALK AMONG US, PERHAPS, "THEY" DO. As these are creepy beings whatever they may be.

Disrupting society is a game to them. Ridiculous people pretending to be important. If you are a fan of the dark web and enjoy being manipulated by ludicrous people, overly techie people who have nothing better to do than to show off, you'll like the series. It's conspiracy theory propaganda in my view..

They are so intelligent, they're stupid. Yes people are easily led, but they are starting to wake up too. I find the people that are associated with this so-called Q, pompous and pretending to have a big secret. Who cares?

Eccentric silly people. It gets very boring after a while. If I thought that President Trump was he dumb enough to listen to some of this stuff it would be disarming. I think Trump has more sense than believing in evil conspiracy theories and revolutionaries. He would not have time for this nonsense. It's a shame what it has caused. It's pure evil. You're fired!
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Stupid is as Stupid as Does
24 March 2021
Very discombobulated and silly. Jeremy Irons and Diane Keaton, (basically the only old people it) and Maggie Grace make the show if you can call it a show. I'm really sorry I wasted $5.99 on this movie as there's no story whatsoever, just a bunch of silly people. I don't even think it's funny. I say this is for the people in their 20s or 30s, I guess this could be a lifetime movie. Too many scenes that make no sense but just a lot of people getting together and making a lot of noise and goofy motions.
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The Family (2019)
Scary and Creepy and Fundamentally Interesting
20 February 2021
Downright creepy. Fundamentalist indoctrination of an all male controlled fellowship fraternity, using Jesus as their foundation. Are there no women Christians or Jesus followers? And why must everyone believe their self rewritten indoctrination ideas? Where's the proof? This fellowship used President Trump and then dumped him. Beware of fundamentalist contol. Hitler in the name of Jesus. Scary stuff. These fundamentalist want world conrol. This was well done and interesting but leaves you thinking what the heck is going on and how many other secret societies are hiding in plain sight.
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Seven Pounds (2008)
27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is extremely hard to follow for me. It just keeps you guessing about what the heck's going on and I guess this is a spoiler but the ending sucked. All the 10 stars I just don't get it, people seeing death as happily ever after I guess and self sacrifice. Definitely not a happily ever after story. The guy was a do-gooder and a saint I guess but that's about it. I love Will Smith and he seems to be that kind of kind man, but I found the movie a downer. And I still don't totally understand what really happened with the car crash.
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24 September 2020
Predictable from the getgo. If you love Hallmark movies you will love this. It was so predictable I found it very boring. And I paid $5.99 when I could just watch the silly Hallmark predictable movies.
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It's All Been Said Before
27 June 2020
Same ole same ole.with different people re-presenting old old information, reinforcing disinformation. It's always fascinating revisiting the old speculations, but so much more has been revealed on other TV shows. The narrator sounds so sing song like a robot. This is UFO 101 for those just looking into the subject. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - it's interesting in parts and the scenery is pretty, but a bit disappointing as it's just same old material being reinvented supposedly.. At this point in time, I'm starting to believe we are being played with by powers that be. :)
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Invasion Better Clean Up
22 April 2020
I don't see how they got away with even using the title The Day the Earth Stood Still. I know this is an old movie and this is the first time I've watched it, it is nothing whatsoever like the original. A waste of good actors time and viewers watching. It did have a few good moments in it but they didn't last for long. What a shame; it could have been a really good movie with Keneau Reeves and Kathy Bates and Jennifer Connelly and many other fine actors.
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Beautiful Hearfelt
9 February 2020
A beautiful portrayal of the life and hardships of the Irish Traveler/Tinkers and the life and kinship of the clan. The love is real. This touched my soul and heart. If you have no Irish in you, you will probably not feel it. Great and beautiful film. The photography and beautiful Ireland I was never able to get to in my lifetime
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