
4 Reviews
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Home Invasion (2016 Video)
Pleasantly Surprised
8 June 2022
Definitely worth a watch but it was hard to root for any of the main characters. My jaw dropped several times at the stupid decisions they made along with the criminals. The end very disappointing and anticlimactic. Pretty cliche premise but I think the execution was good enough to still be enjoyable.
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6 June 2022
One of the worst movies I've ever scene. The acting of the main character was cringeworthy and awkward but not in an endearing way. Instead of coming off as home grown and domestic, the set just looks cheap. The direction is awful. The absolute lack of emotional range any of the characters had made it so disjointed. I remember we had this on DVD from a dollar store and my mom used to play for background noise. Sometimes the nasally echo of the characters saying "panache" way too many times; rings in my ears at random times. Just the most boring and bland movie I've seen yet. Apparently, theater buffs love it.
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Disturbing and Thought Provoking
6 June 2022
One of my absolute favorite movies. I've always questioned how people who do terrible things grow up? Not all of them can blame a terrible childhood. Usually there are warning signs and it's interest how their community unknowingly enabled or ignored those behaviors. How parents deal with the shame and aftermath and the guilt. It isn't something commonly reflected on. The pain the actress showed was so tangible. She portrayed defeat at it's purest but also a strength as well. There were so many scenes that hinted at some hidden camaraderie between son and mother; some link between them that allowed him to feel safe being himself around her. Even when "himself" was objectively horrible and selfish. For me it explored the depth of a mother's love, the capability of a born sociopath to make connections and manipulate, the odd way they express themselves and ultimately their confusion in understanding their own behavior. Could watch over and over.
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Cats (2019)
Bad for your health
14 August 2020
I'm currently in the hospital and decided to watch a free movie. Big mistake. Pretty sure this movie took years off my lifespan. Never seen anything so awful and I seek bad films. Almost asked for a cyanide pill wheh I couldn't reach the remote. On a serious note, with that budget my dog could have genetically engineered singing and dancing cats more entertaining. The songs were soul crushing. How many times can you fit Jellicle in a freaking minute? I was looking so hard for a plot I think I just imagined my own. Why close up on terrible CGI.? Why?? They all look like they put their heads in a slice of bread, shrieked their lines then created the CGI and set AROUND IT - with the worst resources ever. The main cat had this dumb bewildered look on her face the whole time I wanted to smack off like...get a clue. Vocal talent was where? If anyone wants to join me for a Class Action against this film let me know. I'll be sending them my medical bill.
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