
17 Reviews
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Where Was the Falling in Love?
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sex and concerts. That was predominantly what this movie consisted of...

I didn't mind how the movie began with them accidentally meeting at Coachella in his trailer. I actually thought that, that was a very cute moment. But, the way the movie proceeded from there was extremely rushed. Hayes goes to see Solem at her gallery, calls her hot, and then they start hooking up.

And, there's nothing wrong with two people just wanting to have some fun and hook up. However, what I found hard was that we were only shown these sexual moments rather than moments where their relationship builds...emotionally. Thus, making the time they finally say they love each other completely inconsequential. Because as it was, there was nothing that led up to that, that would make that moment feel significant.

Truthfully, I was hoping this movie was going to end with them not getting back together, because I think that not only would have been unexpected, but also realistic. In my opinion, these two characters didn't belong together, and in reality, they probably wouldn't have worked. So, I think they could have given us a nice bittersweet ending similarly to the movie, The Breakup. I just feel that it would have been a fresh and unique move to make.

Him waiting five years for basically an f-buddy didn't seem genuine.

Overall this movie was okay, I did like that they showed the consequences of dating someone in the industry as opposed to glorifying it, and how it affected everyone, not just Solem. But the long, drawn out concert scenes were cringey and unnecessary, and took away time they could have used to incorporate meaningful instances between the love interests.
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Wonka (2023)
As A Prelude to Willy Wonka...No
1 April 2024
If this was a separate, original movie about a young chocolatier, I believe I would have enjoyed this. However, as an origin story for Willy Wonka's character, it just does not hold up.

Firstly, in my opinion, the music was mediocre at best. None of the songs were emotional, uplifting, memorable...they all felt very empty to me. On top of that, which didn't help, the vocals were average at best. I've said this before in other reviews, but I'm tired of people who aren't strong singers being cast in musicals. Especially, when there are so many people who have theater backgrounds that could play these roles 10x as well! But of course they want someone with the fame rather than someone with talent.

As for the talent, Timothee's Willy Wonka does not capture the mad scientist essence of Gene Wilder's. Timothee portrayed a kooky/eccentric Wonka who was, however, still very adored by all those around him. Whereas Gene Wilder's Wonka was often not wholeheartedly trusted nor liked by people, nearly everyone was unsure about him. And the more time they spent with him the less likable he became.

Beyond that, there were a lot of continuity issues.

For one, the chocolate capabilities in this movie were far beyond where OG Wonka is. And because of that, it felt as if Wonka had magic as opposed to being an inventor of sweet treats. The OG story, while Wonka had his factory, the chocolate sold in stores was still normal chocolate. And as for his lab, his experiments are on flavor... making gum that changes to different dinners and so. While this version was making people fly, feel "as tall as a giraffe" or having them be able to think more complexly than they naturally could. How does that possibly make sense? And pulling stuff out of his hat... again... they made him a magician instead of a flavor scientist if you will. By doing this, it took away the part of him that makes him a genius!

Personally, I really wanted this movie to delve into Willy Wonka's character and show us how he becomes a cynic, a recluse, a villain. What happened that made him become so unhinged? This origin was far too lighthearted and wholesome for how Wonka inevitably ends up.
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Damsel (2024)
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What was this movie wanting to tell us? What did it want it's viewers to understand by the end of it's tale?

I would love to know.

There are a lot of things I would love to know about this movie. And after watching it, sadly nothing is answered.

Supposedly, the dragon solely inhabited the island for a long time prior to the royal family finding it and occupying it. Well, why did they come in the first place? Was there something they were running from? How did they find out there was a dragon? What made them enter (unprovoked as the dragon mentioned) into her cave, and kill the babies. Why did she bother sparing the King's life after killing everyone else?

And...when she spares his life and makes a deal that three lives for three lives...HOW COME THEY SEND HUNDREDS OF GIRLS TO THE CAVE? It was only supposed to be particular, the king's three daughters. How come they continued to send more girls?

Also, how did they figure out that they could "mix blood" to disguise those girls as their royal bloodline? And, why bother having an actual marriage ceremony? They could just tell the girls it's a pre-marital ritual so they don't have to have all the damn weddings.


This story tells us nothing, it is so boring. The majority of this movie is watching Elodie hide and get chased by the dragon, and try to escape the cave. It's tiresome.

They could have, AND SHOULD HAVE, flashed back to what was going on at the castle concurrently. I want know what made her father change his mind and come after her? I want to know if the Prince got mad at his mother for forcing him into this situation over and over again. I want to know SO MUCH. SO MUCH.

Also, redeeming the dragon after all of it's merciless killing - not even to the girls - but to all those that entered the cave wasn't all that satisfying. They could have handled that differently.

Everything felt soulless. No one was likable, no one had character development, no one did anything that made me root for them. I couldn't have cared less.

I could go on, genuinely, but I'm getting irritated. No thanks.
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019)
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How can anyone enjoy this?

Rebecca is ill, mentally ill, and it's not funny watching her irrational behavior. She's not cute, she's selfish, irresponsible, a compulsive liar, and knows she needs help yet continues to do the opposite.

Throughout the show, she seeks men to make her happy, but even then, she never is truly happy. And worse, she does impulsive and chaotic things while in these relationships that shows she's not a good partner to have. And not to mention, incredibly hypocritical. I have no idea how any of her love interests love her back.

I read that the "crazy ex" in the title was intentional. But if the point was to show that it's bad to use that term because it's not fair to call people crazy "when they're in love..." Then why'd they make the protagonist so damn unhinged?

She moved across the country to be with her ex from over ten years ago, not even a first love, a random summer fling! Then, she stalks him, she stalks his girlfriends(plural because she does it two of his gfs in the show), stalks his family, and his friends. Wait, there's more! She hooks up with his best friend, she finds a way to be a part of everything he's doing like volunteering at camp, and joining his family's thanksgiving, and the list literally goes on and on!! It's really hard to watch!

She's the worst protagonist I've seen in a LONG time. I genuinely hate her.

I got halfway through season three because I kept thinking, there must be some character growth? This must get better? No and no.

Don't watch.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Time Wasted
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With all the indifference toward live-action movies that Disney keeps pushing out, one wonders why they keep producing them.

Now, I will say I loved the Cinderella one, and I loved the Beauty and the Beast one (minus Emma Watson's singing). And the reason for that is that they added to the original stories intriguingly and uniquely. They built upon the plot and gave new insight and character development that made them feel refreshed.

The latest live-action movies feel thoughtless, especially this one, where the changes they made weren't for the betterment of the plot.

To start, why change that Ariel has never been to the surface before saving Eric? Instead, the bird goes into the water and converses with them there. Also, I'm not upset about the diversity of this movie, but why couldn't they at least make Ariel's family have the same accents? Triton has one accent, some of her sisters have others, like...couldn't they at least try to keep that the same? And why couldn't they keep Ariel's signature green tail and purple bra? Why couldn't they make her hair more red?

None of these changes made any sense to me. They had no justification. They just were.

More questions, why did they make Atlantica a bunch of rocks? Why did they make Triton so stiff? Yes, there were moments where in the original he was stern, but there were also moments where he was very affectionate toward his family, and we got none of that here. Also, why did they change Ariel's sisters' names?

And another round of questions...why did they change how Eric and Ariel reunite? I love when the dog is leading Eric down the beach, and Eric is brought to a stranded Ariel. And more so, he even looks at her and says, "It's you!" He recognizes her to some extent, and it's only until she can't sing that he is discouraged, but he still brings her to the castle and takes care of her. This moment was so cute and was entirely ruined in the live-action.

More so, why is Eric now adopted? Why have the bird sing? Why change the wedding to an engagement party? A wedding holds far more weight as a conflict - if Eric gets married, that's it. And it also gave a chance for Eric to kiss the wrong woman. Where an engagement can be called off with no repercussions, and there was no moment at the party where Eric or Vanessa had to or were going to kiss.

And don't even get me started on the entire ending. The last ten minutes were just terrible.

I love in the original when Eric and Ariel are on the boat, and his family is there on the ship, and her family is in the water, and then Triton lifts himself up to give them his blessing before painting a rainbow over the sky for them!

I understand not wanting to repeat the wedding part because, yes, they hardly know each other. But why couldn't they just take out the wedding and have Eric and Ariel ready to sail off in the ship, and as before, have her family do the same thing regarding saying their goodbyes?

The way they were bobbing heads in the shallow water looked so strange to me that I actually burst out laughing. It looked bizarre, and once again, stiff Tritan made it worse. Does he actually love his daughter?

I don't know who thought Javier Bardem was a good choice for this role, but he genuinely was horrible. Entirely unemotive.

It's sad. There was so much potential to make this great.

I would have loved to see... a young Ariel with her mom, showing that her mother also didn't fear humans and would take her up to the surface, which showed that there was more freedom when her mother was alive-starkly contrasting with her father's parenting after she passed.

And then, showing a young Eric trying to have fun and do kid things but constantly being forced into prince duties and lessons. Setting him up for seeking freedom as he's older. Maybe also having a moment of being unafraid and showing that he was always courageous, too.

I would have liked to see a better relationship with Ariel and her sisters and perhaps have them help during Ursula's fight.

I would have liked to see what happened to Ursula and how she became the sea witch.

There was so much honestly that they could have developed on and made things better. Instead, they gave us a whole bunch of nothing.
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The Other Two (2019–2023)
Declining Quickly
29 June 2023
The first season was hysterical. The satire was great, and this show did an excellent job of making fun of itself. The characters were likable enough, and at least with me, I wanted to see "the other two" succeed.

Then season two started with these characters' careers taking off, and as with all shows, they want drama. So, their actions became more problematic, they started to venture into more experimental and less character-like avenues, and it was not as enjoyable to watch. While it still had some funny moments, the show no longer withheld the satirical atmosphere from season one, and suddenly, it began to take itself seriously. And this became the show's problem.

By season three, though not finished, I had to stop watching. Not only are the characters unlikeable...they are unwatchable. Typically characters emotionally develop as shows continue, they mature, but these have all done the opposite. Even more so, it's clear that none of them really love or care about one another, which is a far cry from their relationships in season one.

I know shows typically like to get worse before they get better, Love Victor, I am looking at you, but this is too much. You normally have one or two characters doing poorly, some doing well, and some veering on the edge of both. For me, by season three, they all have made the characters so terrible there isn't anything or anyone worth watching.

It's disappointing because this had a tremendous amount of potential. I hope that for the viewers sticking it out, it does redeem some of itself as the show continues, but sadly, I can no longer sit and wait for it.
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Predictable and Pitiful
30 December 2022
Wow, I mean a lot of recently remade or sequel-ed movies have not been great, let's be honest. Hocus Pocus I'm looking at you. But, I personally think this one is the worst, at least of the ones I've seen.

I feel like the sake of this movie was literally just to get the original cast together regardless of how well the plot/movie actually was.

I think the biggest problem I had with it was having a bunch of older adults acting like kids, and making this feel incredibly PG. And now, I know the first movie is for families, I understand. But, the first movie centers around actual children doing children things. Whereas this was adults doing those same children things, and it was just weird.

I like the idea of a bunch of childhood friends getting together and recreating their youth, but to an extent.

I wish these secondary movies/shows would try to be original. That's what made the first ones SO GREAT, because they weren't like anything else. Having them reuse plotlines is boring. Having them reuse taglines is funny the first time, but not any time after that. Come up with something better. That's all I ask.
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New Girl (2011– )
Over Hyped
29 December 2022
This show centers around Jess, who moves in with three strange males - and from there the plot begins.

Now, I have had a LARGE amount of people rave about New Girl, stating it's their favorite and so on. While I will say it's entertaining enough, it's certainly not the laugh-out-loud humor I was expecting.

I will say I like the premise. Though, I definitely had to suspend my belief that a single woman would move in with three men without vetting them first. Nevertheless, it sets up for funny shenanigans, I'll give it that...but again, it didn't have me laughing as much or as hard as I anticipated.

Also, while I like the main five characters, I don't love them. I know it's more realistic this way, but they all are problematic. And for me, the things they are flawed about aren't things I can overlook easily. It does take away from their appeal.

Further, regarding the plot, the way it ensues relies heavily on the characters hooking up with other people. Which, gets incredibly boring after the first couple episodes. And because of the way the main five are rushed from one love interest to the next, it makes any of those people and relationships seem insignificant. No one really matters, no one is being rooted for, or mourned over when things end. It feels emotionless honestly.

That aside, I think it's worth giving it a try. But, I would not have high expectations.
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My Policeman (2022)
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story revolves around three individuals - Marion, Tom, and Patrick - entangled in a love triangle.

The conflict of the plot, the resolution of the plot, and the plot itself do not divert from this point. There is nothing else this story tells us about but their relationships with one another. It is simple.

Now, that's not to say that simple stories are not beautiful stories. There are plenty that are terrifically told, that pull at your emotions, and make you feel human again.

This, is not that.

The biggest reason this didn't get me emotionally invested is that none of the characters were likable. They all made decisions I don't believe rational people would have made. Honestly, I didn't want any of them to end up with one another in the end.

Further, I had a hard time believing in the relationships. I didn't sense any natural chemistry with any of the love interests. Not between Tom and Patrick, and certainly not between Marion and Tom. At least when Patrick and Tom were sexually together, their scenes were passionate, but it didn't translate outside of those moments. I didn't have a scene where they were talking or looking at one another, and I truly felt they were infatuated with each other beyond sexual desires.

Another hardship for me was the resolution of this story. Why did Patrick and Tom wait so long to be reunited? What kept them in this scenario for so long? Why did Marion stay as long as she did in a loveless marriage? Why did Tom beg her to stay in the end? What's the chance that Patrick was sitting around waiting for Tom all these years? Why didn't he move on?

I had so many questions, and I felt nothing was answered.

Another question that bothered me was that Tom kept telling Patrick he needed to marry Marion because a man should be married...and have kids. In fact, he brings up the children comment a few times. However, in the later scenes, it's unclear whether they had those kids. So...if they did, where are they? If not, why not?

To reiterate, it needed to be clearer, it was stagnant, and it could have been more enjoyable. I would recommend it if someone were genuinely interested, but otherwise, I wouldn't.
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The Lost City (2022)
It served it's purpose
27 July 2022
For being an Action - Rom/Com, it served its purpose with regard to being entertaining. There were parts that I laughed at, so I will give it credit where it's due.

That said, the whole romance side of things fell pretty flat. I thought that Channing and Sandra had good banter - as friends. Even when Channing's character, Alan, was somewhat confessing his feelings, I couldn't buy into it. No sexual chemistry between them, no tension, nothing that made me feel like they were genuinely physically attracted to each other. Especially with Sandra's character, Loretta. In fact, she was pretty condescending to him for most of the movie.

For the five seconds Brad Pitt's character was there, I actually felt like she had better chemistry with him than Channing.

That said, I don't think I will rush to watch this again, but I would recommend it to someone curious to watch.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
It's a... We'll See
27 January 2022
The first episode was bad. I mean the writing, the jokes, the response to jokes... it was all so bad. A lot of the jokes were a, "heard that one before," and for the slightly better one, the timing was off that they missed their landing.

More so, there were moments where that guy (I can't remember his name but the proposal fail guy) said something that the writers probably thought would be funny, but came out horribly rude. I was thinking, really? She's going to be interested in this jerk?

A lot of cringe carried throughout the second and third episode too.

The only reason I kept watching it was that I was painfully bored.

I think the casting is fine, and I don't mind that they're trying to make this it's own thing and not a replica of the original. But, the writing, the choice in dialogue, the person directing these actors to act like that, is all a mess.

I have to say, Young and Hungry, did a much better job with the comedic aspect of a sitcom, and feels very reminiscent to this show for some reason. I encourage you to watch that one if you get a chance!
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Encanto (2021)
Unprecedentedly Disappointing
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Story-tellers must abide by three foundational questions:

1. Who is your protagonist?

2. What is their goal?

3. What is keeping them from achieving that goal?

Sadly, Encanto failed to answer these adequately, thus suffering the consequences.

Before I dive into my review, I want to state that I am a Disney fan through and through, and seldom do I stumble upon a movie produced by them that I don't like. This is a rarity, one I am genuinely perplexed by.

Now, for my opinion.

The first question - who is the protagonist? Mirabel is a young girl, born into a family of magic users, yet not having a power of her own. I will say that I enjoy the fact that she never is given a power at the end of the movie, and instead, the lesson is for her to learn to see the importance of herself without a special skill. However, we learn nothing about her aside from that. That is her ONLY character trait, that, and that she loves her family.

Does she have any hobbies that she loves? Does she suffer any hardships outside of not having the gift? We know nothing, leaving her as a one-dimensional character, which, is maintained similarly throughout her entire family. The Abuela is the only one they attempted to somewhat develop as a character, but her fears that they utilize as the justification for actions are inconsequential.

"Oh no! We may lose the house." So build a new one?

"Oh no! We may lose our powers." So you'll learn to live like the rest of us?

Coming from someone who actually lived without powers and the house before, it seemed so odd how terrified Abuela was to be without it again. Why did it honestly matter?

The second and third questions I am combining here. I'm truly unsure what the goal was? Mirabell first seemed to want her own power, then sees the walls cracking and "just wants to save her family." But that seemed so superficial as a means of creating character development. I wanted a more substantial goal than that-a goal beyond her family and something for herself. I could understand if she wanted to be accepted by her family, but she never outright displays a desire for that, though it is inevitably what she gets in the end.

Also, the resolution was insanely anticlimactic! Though it makes sense, seeing as the problem wasn't severe enough as an obstacle to overcome. It would have been more entertaining if they raised the stakes, and the candle was actually a life source for the family, meaning that the candle dimming and losing their powers would synonymously mean the literal end to them all, except for Mirabel. And because Mirabel is the only one without a gift, that is precisely why she is the only one that can save them.

Another miss was the soundtrack. I am a huge fan of Lin-Manuel, and I loved every song he wrote for both Hamilton and Moana. I thought this would be a sure-fire success, and yet, no. The music did not feel distinctly Columbian or even loosely inspired by Latin music to me, for starters. Even more so, none of the songs were songs that I couldn't wait to listen to again, or had the chills, or fell instantly in love with. Music is meant to make you feel, and I didn't feel anything with any of them.

I know this is long, so I'm compiling the remainder of my thoughts!

*Too much exposition at the beginning resulting in a lackluster start *Superficial relationships throughout the characters *Many unanswered explanations of why things are the way they are. Like why do they all get doors when they get their magic? Why do they have to be a certain age? Why are the powers not automatically given when born?

*Why is it only the Madrigal family who gets powers out of everyone in the community?

Needless to say, I did not enjoy this as much as I wanted to. And stated with dismay, I will not be watching again.
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Encanto (2021)
Unprecedentedly Disappointing
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Story-tellers must abide by three foundational questions:

1. Who is your protagonist?

2. What is their goal?

3. What is keeping them from achieving that goal?

Sadly, Encanto failed to answer these adequately, thus suffering the consequences.

Before I dive into my review, I want to state that I am a Disney fan through and through, and seldom do I stumble upon a movie produced by them that I don't like. This is a rarity, one I am genuinely perplexed by.

Now, for my opinion.

The first question - who is the protagonist? Mirabel is a young girl, born into a family of magic users, yet not having a power of her own. I will say that I enjoy the fact that she never is given a power at the end of the movie, and instead, the lesson is for her to learn to see the importance of herself without a special skill. However, we learn nothing about her aside from that. That is her ONLY character trait, that, and that she loves her family.

Does she have any hobbies that she loves? Does she suffer any hardships outside of not having the gift? We know nothing, leaving her as a one-dimensional character, which, is maintained similarly throughout her entire family. The Abuela is the only one they attempted to somewhat develop as a character, but her fears that they utilize as the justification for actions are inconsequential.

"Oh no! We may lose the house." So build a new one?

"Oh no! We may lose our powers." So you'll learn to live like the rest of us?

Coming from someone who actually lived without powers and the house before, it seemed so odd how terrified Abuela was to be without it again. Why did it honestly matter?

The second and third questions I am combining here. I'm truly unsure what the goal was? Mirabel first seemed to want her own power, then sees the walls cracking and "just wants to save her family." But that seemed so superficial as a means of creating character development. I wanted a more substantial goal than that-a goal beyond her family and something for herself. I could understand if she wanted to be accepted by her family, but she never outright displays a desire for that, though it is inevitably what she gets in the end.

Also, the resolution was insanely anticlimactic! Though it makes sense, seeing as the problem wasn't severe enough as an obstacle to overcome. It would have been more entertaining if they raised the stakes, and the candle was actually a life source for the family, meaning that the candle dimming and losing their powers would synonymously mean the literal end to them all, except for Mirabel. And because Mirabel is the only one without a gift, that is precisely why she is the only one that can save them.

Another miss was the soundtrack. I am a huge fan of Lin-Manuel, and I loved every song he wrote for both Hamilton and Moana. I thought this would be a sure-fire success, and yet, no. The music did not feel distinctly Columbian or even loosely inspired by Latin music to me, for starters. Even more so, none of the songs were songs that I couldn't wait to listen to again, or had the chills, or fell instantly in love with. Music is meant to make you feel, and I didn't feel anything with any of them.

I know this is long, so I'm compiling the remainder of my thoughts!

*Too much exposition at the beginning resulting in a lackluster start *Superficial relationships throughout the characters *Many unanswered explanations of why things are the way they are. Like why do they all get doors when they get their magic? Why do they have to be a certain age? Why are the powers not automatically given when born?

*Why is it only the Madrigal family who gets powers out of everyone in the community?

Needless to say, I did not enjoy this as much as I wanted to. And stated with dismay, I will not be watching again.
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This Movies Wants To Be Better Than It Is
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What happened with this movie, happens so often, where authors/screenwriters try to write a main character who is an aspiring writer (same for aspiring musician)... and they make everything so pretentious, the writing, the characters, the storyline. This movie did it so much that when you actually peel back the "poetic" dialogue, you realize that the characters aren't even really saying anything at all, and are wasting beautiful words or phrases on truly meaningless statements.

"Chaos has rules."

"I am the king, prove to me your worth."

None of this had any significance because the plot was entirely lacking.

And just to add, I love prose. I love fluffy, flowery writing. So, it's not because I don't like this type of style that I am being so critical. It's because I love it so much, that I am.

It always is my favorite part when there's something substantial happening in the plot, and a character says something that just defines the moment, the story, or themselves. And it's even more perfect, when what's said is clever or witty or poetic. For example, "And in that moment, I swear we were infinite," from The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

This movie tried so hard to create those moments, to be the next great indie thing, but what was the story really telling us? What character development did Daniel go through from the beginning to the end? What underlying message did us viewers take away that may be familiar in it's understanding but unique in how it was told?

I am left wondering.

It's unfortunate too, because I do think the actors all played their roles well. Even more so, I think there were a lot of wonderful cinematic shots that helped create this indie LA aesthetic. But, the dialogue, the story, the unanswered questions about nearly everything that happened - ruined what could have made this a pretty good film.
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Notting Hill (1999)
Not As Great As Anticipated
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Today was the first time I ever watched this film (I'm 27) and it was pretty underwhelming to say the least. Did it serve it's purpose as entertainment? Yes, yes it did. But was it as good as I had heard? No, not really.

Maybe I'm being nit-picky, and spoilers ahead if you haven't watched this film, but the love interest really irked me. First off, Anna Scott presumptuously kisses Will without asking if he's single or much less interested. All she's going off of is 20 minutes of chemistry they shared before she very clearly pursues him, leads him on and so on, just for him to find out she has had a boyfriend all along. I mean, really? How unfair of her to do that to both of those men regardless of how bad her relationship may be?

To further my point on her carelessness, she then goes back to Will and sleeps with him without mentioning if she broke up with her boyfriend at this point. And of all their conversations and arguments, Will never calls her out for her actions or for making him an unwilling participant in an affair.

If this movie was switched, and Anna's character was portrayed as a man who had a girlfriend that was going around kissing another girl, it would not be nearly as liked. And in order for his character to be even slightly redeemable, he'd have to be held accountable. But since Anna is such a pretty girl, it's all apparently fine...

I mean her behavior really left me wondering why Will wanted her at all? She didn't do anything that was worthy of his feelings.
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La La Land (2016)
Not Worth The Hype
16 June 2020
I finally got around to watching this movie and wow - what a let down. While there were things that were nice about it, there was so much more that wasn't.

First off, I wasn't convinced by the love story. Sebastian and Mia meet, go on a few dates, and then suddenly are together. There isn't much of the 'falling in love,' and in fact, they never even say they love each other until the scene where they're breaking up. I think for me to be emotionally invested in them as a couple, I needed to hear or see more things that showed why or how much they really cared about one another.

Second, I am so sick and tired of professional singers and dancers not being cast in movie musicals. There are TONS of people who even perform on Broadway that have the ability to sing, dance, act, etc and they are rarely hired over mainstream actors and actresses. It's very frustrating listening to people who aren't really singers, try to sing these songs that are beyond their vocal capabilities. Emma Stone wasn't horrible, but she wasn't great either. No one in this movie, other than John Legend, could sing better than average.

Third, aside from not hiring true dancers, I didn't think the dancing in this movie was all that great. In my opinion, the choreography just didn't have the same wow factor that a lot of the old Hollywood movies had.

Last, I didn't care for the songs. There were two that were likable but nothing that I wanted to immediately listen to over again. Maybe this could have been fixed by having better singers who could have made the songs into something special - who knows? But otherwise, they were all passable.

Overall, I'm honestly really surprised by how highly this is liked.
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Mediocre at Best
6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Despite having a love for fantasy, I just watched this movie for the first time at 26. To be fair, I had attempted to watch this on two other occasions, but couldn't make it past thirty minutes both times. Today, I committed myself to this movie with the hope to finally understand what the hype about it was, and to say I'm disappointed is an understatement.

There is no way to comprehend the events of this movie without having read the book. I had to turn to the person who I was watching it with, and even their answers didn't help clarify any of my confusion.

Who were these people? What did they want? Why were they doing what they were doing?

You shouldn't have to ask that of a movie whether it's based off a book or not.

Additionally, the actors dialogue was not loud or clear enough for me to hear most of what they were saying - which certainly added to my confusion. This was something that also really annoyed me with the show, The Witcher, and eventually led me to giving up on it. And it has nothing to do with the "historical dialect," because I loved Pride and Prejudice, but some of the scenes were just so soft spoken and it was very frustrating.

It's also too long, even for someone like me who can handle sitting through lengthy movies like Avengers: End Game and The Wolf of Wall Street. Part of the problem for Lord of the Rings, at least to me, was that many of the scenes, especially dying or near death scenes were soooo drawn out and could have been shortened greatly. I just felt like I did a lot of waiting around throughout this film.

Anyway to sum it up, this movie, the characters, the plot sadly offered me nothing.
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