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Person of Interest: Proteus (2013)
Season 2, Episode 17
Like a Video Game
3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I very much enjoyed this episode. It reminds me of a murder mystery video game. You have all of these characters, these suspects on this isolated island during a storm and you have to figure out which one is a murderer. You have three main characters that you could switch back and forth between to control their actions. You can interrogate suspects. You can look for clues. I suppose it'd have to start off the island at first. Come to think of it, POI itself would make a very interesting game. Like L. A. Noire, you could have different cases/levels (not desks) you go through that each are a story. You can even have an overarching narrative in the game. Cases/levels could come from the show itself, this episode included. Other characters not in this particular episode such as Zoe, Fusco, Shaw and Root can make appearances (even as playable characters)
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Dollhouse: Echo (2009)
Season 1, Episode 0
A Good Introduction to the Series
20 August 2020
A lot of scenes in this first pilot were repurposed for other episodes. Most of which were in the first half of the first season. I personally like the scenes being spread out more, but I do also think this is a really good introduction to the show. The second pilot that was actually used tried to do a story and an introduction at the same time, which may be a little confusing. If you possess the Season 1 DVD set, I would recommend watching this episode first even though some scenes are reused in other episodes.
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One of the Best
7 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have always loved this episode. I find it both sad and beautiful that a culture used this specific method of preservation. Yes, it incapacitates a person for a bit, but Picard was fine in the end. What I find particularly sad and beautiful is that an individual lives many years as a part of this culture and then is returned to their people. Not only did Picard love Eline, but he also had children with her and also learned about what happened to the culture. I also liked that Picard found the flute and kept it. I think the experience Picard had in this episode stayed with him for the rest of his life the same way becoming Locutus did. Only this had a more positive effect on him.
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