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Harley Quinn: New Gotham (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Lazy writing, gore for the sake of gore
8 April 2020
I really hope this is a fluke.

The first season was mostly entertaining, though clearly meant for an adults only audience.

This first episode doubles down on the gore and shock value deaths, but none of it really makes sense, and it has none of the charm of the first season.

There's no character development, no interpersonal connections, and no reason to actually care about any of the characters.

Harley's motivations are nonsensical (though One might argue that she is unhinged, so logic doesn't have to be part of it), and she seems to think that a world where innocent people are brutally murdered for fun, there's no food or shelter, and buildings full of people just collapse into the earth randomly, is a paradise.

Then she herself proceeds to commit several brutal murders and laugh about the fact that people are dying all around her.

In short, she's become worse than the Joker, and any of the redeeming qualities that we see for Harley in season one, or the comics, or the movies is no where to be found.

She's just a Choatic Evil psychopath that, in any other show, we'd be rooting for the protagonist to put down/jail/toss into the Phantom Zone.

Hopefully this is a fluke, but the fact that it's a first episode in a new season scares me.

A return to form would be this best thing that could happen now. If this was just a one off to get people talking, great. Let's see some more of what made Season 1 fun.

However, if each episode this season is just Harley becoming more evil and killing off characters from the DC Universe for shock value, I'm out.
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