
4 Reviews
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Pretty good.
14 April 2020
This was a pretty good movie. I liked how the plot lines came together, but I found some of the acting stilted. Even so, it was enjoyable and worth watching.
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The Chosen (2017– )
Wowza! Where have you been all my life?
14 April 2020
I've seen every Jesus show/movie out there, but when I watched The Chosen, it was like, "Wowza! Where have you been all my life?" I fell in love. With the show's loyalty to scripture and commitment to good storytelling. With the development of the characters and their unique personalities. With the Jewishness of Jesus. The humour of Jesus. The emotional intelligence of Jesus. The Jesus I know and love finally portrayed authentically. The Chosen is simply...insert glowing adjective here. If I seem twitter-pated, it's because I am. Watch it, and you'll be too.
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War Room (2015)
Made my filmmaker son laugh.
14 April 2020
I liked this movie a lot, but the best thing about it is that it made my filmmaker son laugh . He's pretty critical of Christian movies, but he liked the older woman ("the yoda character" he called her) mentoring the younger. It's well worth watching.
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Still Powerful
14 April 2020
I watched this movie years ago, but it still hits my heart because of Bruce Marchiano's portrayal of Jesus which is great. Some of the production value is dated, but it's still well worth watching especially after reading Bruce's book about his experience of making the movie. ("In The Footsteps of Jesus")
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