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Barney Miller: Wojo's Girl: Part 2 (1979)
Season 5, Episode 17
Worst rated episode of the series - IMDB
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And I can see why (it is so badly rated).

There is no chemistry between these two.

Wojo's previous, moral problems with escorts gets put on display here. And though I always found it annoying during the series. It ruins this episode. As he makes one weird statement or movement/gesture after another.

She is trying to make the relationship work. And Wojo seems to alternate between helping it along and trying to ignore it. Like he wants the gal. But his morals want him to not date an ex-call girl.

However, this is not handled in a charming way. But rather in an adolescent fashion. And Wojo's normal 'sweetness/innocence' just gets drowned out by this immature behavior.

The female character is rather charming. The actress (Darlene Parks) reminds me of a poor man's Michelle Pfeiffer (in her youth). With a very, expressive face. And that combination made her compelling to watch. Surprising that she was not more successful as an actress.

Basically, the way Wojo treats her/the relationship just ruins the entire episode (for me).

Later in the series. When Wojo was more mature/open-minded...this might have worked.

But not now.
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Red Dwarf (1988– )
Series 1-6...9+ stars. Afterwards 8 descending.
19 May 2023
For those who do not know. The series was created and initially, exclusively written by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor.

This lasted until Series 6.

And each series - to me - just got better and better. To where 5 and 6 were just outstanding overall.

Then - after Series 6 - Rob Grant left the show.

And Doug Naylor brought other writers onboard to help him create further series.

And, sadly, the show dropped noticeably in quality.

It's heart was still in the right place. Even a bit 'nicer' and 'warmer' than the other series.

But the pacing and the humor went noticeably down.

The former made the show seem almost cartoonish.

The latter was just dumbed down a bit. And physical gags (though some were very funny) became the main source of humor. As opposed to verbal ones.

It just felt like the show had gone from originally written by seasoned, very-talented sci-fi writers/creators.

To - later - a series created by intelligent college students who were sci-fi fans.

So... Series 1-6 - some of the most outstanding, science fiction entertainment that I have ever seen.

Series 7+ - a very good series with only moments of brilliance.
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Very good film. Pales to the TV Series though.
27 April 2023
I have not read the book. But I had seen the TV Series recently...before I watched this film.

So, there is a bias there as most people who watched the film have not seen the series.

Though, I imagine it helped me to understand the film much better than I would have otherwise.

Very good film.

But the TV series is INFINITELY better. In every way I can think of.

As I watched the film? I was wondering why they bothered to make it in the first place ('profit' is the obvious answer).

The TV series was universally acclaimed. It is available on the net for free. And seemed almost perfect.

There seems no creative purpose to this film.

Finally, not only did the film lack compared to the TV series. It added nothing of interest/logic to the characters. The writers could have fleshed out some things had they chose to. But they did not.

And the few changes they did make seemed silly/illogical.

Still a very good film on it's own.

But be sure to watch the TV series as well.

It is simply a masterpiece.
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Newzoids (2015–2016)
Series 1 - 8/10. Series 2 - 6/10
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am from 'across the pond'. So, many of the Brit politicians/celebrities? I knew little/nothing about (especially the latter). Plus, I saw this in 2022.

For instance?

They kept mentioning 'bacon sandwich' in regards to Ed Miliband. Which went RIGHT over my head. I had not a clue what they were talking about.

But once I learned what that (and all the other) jokes were about? The series became much, more fun to watch (for me). I now enjoy the first series, greatly. And it's still funny to re-watch. And - bonus - I have learned a lot more about British politics.

Why the first series preference? Because it focused far more on politics (which interests me). Rather than celebrities (which don't - no matter their nationality).

The obvious comparison is with 'Spitting Image'. And I find them largely similar. With Newzoids looking a little, lower budget.

But the difference means little to me. They both look fine. The writing and the voice overs are what matters. And both series seem very similar, that way.

I think SI is more on character focus. Less 'sketches'...but often, a bit more detailed. Also, SI uses their imagination a little more (it seems). Goes more out on the ledge (like when both PM Johnson and POTUS Trump - apparently - make 'love' to the coronavirus.).

But if you like one. I seriously doubt that you will dislike the other.

Overall, Newzoids? A great, VERY refreshing series. Especially today (2022) with the sad, hyper-PC state of the world. It maybe started to run out of gas towards the end. Though, apparently, the first series was during/about a national election. So, there would obviously be political material to write about then.

Either way - I am sorry it did not last longer.

Again...First series? 8/10.

Second series? 6/10.
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Spitting Image (2020–2021)
Pleasant, good for a smirk or two...but the bite is not there.
22 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen many reviews and I think giving this updated series 1 or 2 out of ten is just being dramatic. No way it is that bad.

After seeing much of the original and much of this one?

I would say this one is more accessible to North Americans (like me). The original often had British characters I knew literally nothing the jokes meant little to me.

But the world has changed since then and a LOT smaller. Pretty much everyone they mentioned this time - I knew of. Or could easily find out about.

So is it as biting as it was? Not even close.

But with PC drowning out every, original thought these days. It's still nice to see someone poking fun at things/people most people would never dare.

Like Greta Thunberg (whom I actually rather admire). They just tore her up and they were probably the funniest bits for me. Trump was okay...not bad. Though I would have liked a harsher ripping of the Royals.

Okay - it's not as vicious (or as hilarious) as the original could be.

But if you forget that and just enjoy a little un-PC comedy in a MEGA-PC world?

It's pleasant.
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The West Wing: In This White House (2000)
Season 2, Episode 4
This almost had a movie feel to a good way.
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Imo, a sheer, brilliant job of writing this episode. First, we have the new, wonderful Ainslie character skewer Sam in a funny way. And, amongst other things, we have this plot about AIDS-drugs to Africa...which I assumed was going to be a sub-plot to Ainslie and CJ's fears. But no.

Slowly, I am caring more and more about this AIDS plot. I am starting to like this African leader more and more. Then they come up with a decent - if flawed (best under the situation) - solution to help the African country.

Then I assume we are going to deal with Ainslie coming on board...but no...they switch to this other, military thing.

And my first thought was: 'not another military crisis, already'. But I was wrong...the African leader has been deposed. And suddenly, this African leader is the character I care most about.

I have spoiled enough - I will skip the ending...but it was wonderfully written, IMO.

The writer(s) (I assume it was just Sorkin - not sure) could have done what I assumed they would do...leave the AIDS thing as a compromise, wish the African leader well and welcome Ainslie to the West Wing. And it would have been a very, good episode. But no.

He pushes it.

And it REALLY got me thinking...about AIDS, about Africa, about judging people without getting to know them first...and about how utterly horrible it must be to live in much of Africa if you are poor. You try to fix one HUGE problem and something even bigger falls on your head.

And when the ending came...I had a tear in my eye and I felt like I had watched 90 minutes of TV...when I had only watched about 45 (I watch the episodes for the first time on iTunes - in order.).

I thoroughly enjoyed it, I was surprised by it, I think the writer took a chance and he balanced it well and it got me thinking and it moved me.

That is what I hope to get from drama - and VERY rarely do.

But this episode gave it to me.

Thank you Mr. Sorkin.

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